def test_exec_sql_error():
    db_dict = config()

    with patch("data.sql_exec.connect", return_value=ConnectionExceptionMock()) as connection, patch(
        "data.sql_exec.config", return_value=db_dict
        assert connection.commit.called is False
        exec_sql("SELECT abc FROM xyz", True)
        assert connection.commit.called is False
def _notify_external_ils(dwh_sql: str,
                         post_base_url: str,
                         optional_path_param=None) -> bool:
    """Potentially updates an external endpoint with the non-empty result of the passed SQL query
    as a path parameter and returns whether the notification was indeed executed.

    dwh_sql: str
        PostgreSQL query for the external DWH.
    post_base_url: str
        Base URL of the external service to be notified with the query result.
    optional_path_param: str or None, default=None
        Optional path parameter to append at the end.

    external_service_notified: bool
        Whether the notification was executed.
    external_service_notified = False
    result = exec_sql(dwh_sql, return_result=True)

    if isinstance(result, str):
        postfix = f"/{optional_path_param}" if optional_path_param is not None else ""
        external_service_notified = True

    return external_service_notified
def _get_city_name_for_training() -> Optional[str]:
    """Returns the city name needed for the next training process, None if no training is required.

    train_city: str or None
        Name of the city to train for, None if no training should take place.
    city_without_model_query = f"""
        SELECT DISTINCT(dim_cities.city_name) AS city_name
        FROM (
            SELECT fs_inner.city_id AS city_id
            FROM integration_layer.fact_sights AS fs_inner,
                 integration_layer.dim_sights_images AS di_inner
            WHERE fs_inner.image_id = di_inner.image_id AND di_inner.image_labels IS NOT NULL
            GROUP BY city_id
            HAVING count(*) > {int(environ['MIN_LABELLED_IMAGES_NEEDED_FOR_TRAINING'])}
        ) AS trainable_cities, integration_layer.dim_sights_cities AS dim_cities
        LEFT JOIN integration_layer.fact_models AS model_facts ON model_facts.city_id = dim_cities.city_id
        WHERE dim_cities.city_id = trainable_cities.city_id AND model_facts.trained_model_id IS NULL
        LIMIT 1
    train_city = exec_sql(city_without_model_query, return_result=True)

    return train_city
def test_exec_sql():
    db_dict = config()

    with patch("data.sql_exec.connect", return_value=ConnectionMock()) as connection_mock, patch(
        "data.sql_exec.config", return_value=db_dict
    ) as config_mock:
        assert (connection_mock.called or config_mock.called) is False
        result = exec_sql("SELECT abc FROM xyz", True)
        assert connection_mock.called and config_mock.called
        assert result == "Tokyo"
def trigger_data_marts_refresh() -> None:
    """Triggers an update of all data marts included in the DWH."""
    postgres_fct_call = "SELECT RefreshAllMaterializedViews('data_mart_layer')"