def create_session(self, session_key, state):
        :type session_key: str
        :type state: str

        :rtype: WatchSession or None

        log.debug('Creating a WatchSession for the current media')

        item = Plex['status'].sessions().get(session_key)
        if not item:
            log.warn('Unable to find session with key "%s"', session_key)
            return None

        # Metadata
        metadata = Metadata.get(item.rating_key)

        # Guid
        guid = Guid.parse(metadata.guid) if metadata else None

        # Create WatchSession
        ws = WatchSession.from_session(item.session, metadata, guid, item.rating_key, state)
        ws.skip = not metadata

        # Fetch client by `machineIdentifier`
        ws.client = Plex.clients().get(item.session.player.machine_identifier)

        log.debug('created session: %s', ws)
        return ws