def launch(window,numberColumn,keepon,*i): """ To launch the movements of a Keepon Arguments: - window : for keeponMove --> "quiz" or other - numberColumn = 2 (left) or 3 (right) 4 or 5 (end question) - keepon: initialisation of the Keepon with serial (from the - i: question number (useless if window != "quiz") """ listeKeepon = d.robotData(window,numberColumn,"Keepon") listeKeeponInitialization = d.robotData("Position Initialisation",numberColumn,"Keepon") if window == "quiz":# i is a tuple, we have to transform it in int a = threading.Thread(None, keeponMove, None, (listeKeepon,listeKeeponInitialization,window,keepon,i[0]), {}) else: a = threading.Thread(None, keeponMove, None, (listeKeepon,listeKeeponInitialization,window,keepon), {}) return a
def initialize(numberColumn, robotIP, port): """ To initialize the Nao""" #time.sleep(0.5) managerProxy = ALProxy("ALBehaviorManager", robotIP, port) listeNao = d.robotData("Position Initialisation", numberColumn, "Nao") a = threading.Thread( None, naoMove, None, ([], listeNao, "Position Initialisation", managerProxy), {}) return a
def lengthTest(numberColumn): voice = d.robotData("End window", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") length = 0.0 for i in range(len(voice)): if type(voice[i]) != long and type(voice[i]) != float: a = 'Voices/' + voice[i] sound = length = sound.duration print(a + " :" + str(length)) print('\n')
def lengthQuizTest(numberColumn): voice = d.robotData("quiz", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") length = 0.0 for i in range(len(voice)): for j in range(len(voice[i][j])): if type(voice[i][j]) != long and type(voice[i][j]) != float: a = 'Voices/' + voice[i] sound = length = sound.duration print("Question " + str(i + 1) + " :" + str(length)) print('\n')
def otherVoicesTest(numberColumn, window): voice = d.robotData(window, numberColumn, "Nao Voices") length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice)): if type(voice[j]) == long or type(voice[j]) == float: time.sleep(voice[j] + length) else: player = a = 'Voices/' + voice[j] sound = length = sound.duration player.queue(sound)
def launch(window, numberColumn, robotIP, port, *i): """ To launch the movements of a Nao Arguments: - window : for keeponMovement --> "quiz" or other - numberColumn : 2 (left) or 3 (right) 4 or 5 (end question) - robotIP and port: initialisation of the Nao - i: question number (might be useless following the window) """ managerProxy = ALProxy("ALBehaviorManager", robotIP, port) listeNao = d.robotData(window, numberColumn, "Nao") listeNaoInitialization = d.robotData("Position Initialisation", numberColumn, "Nao") if window == "quiz": # i is a tuple, we have to transform it in int a = threading.Thread( None, naoMove, None, (listeNao, listeNaoInitialization, window, managerProxy, i[0]), {}) else: a = threading.Thread( None, naoMove, None, (listeNao, listeNaoInitialization, window, managerProxy), {}) return a
def getLength(numberColumn,i): """ To get the length of the audio files for the quiz Arguments: - numberColumn = 2 (main voices) 3 or 4 (voices for end question) - i --> number of the question """ voice = d.robotData("quiz",numberColumn,"Keepon Voices") length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: length = length + voice[i][j] else: a = 'Voices/' + voice[i][j] sound = length = length + sound.duration# to get length in second of the audio file return length
def otherVoices(window): """ To play the audio files for the welcome and end window Arguments: - window: Welcome window or End window """ voice = d.robotData(window,2,"Keepon Voices") length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice)): if type(voice[j]) == long or type(voice[j]) == float: time.sleep(voice[j]+length) else: player = a = 'Voices/' + voice[j] sound = length = sound.duration player.queue(sound)
def otherVoices(window, numberColumn, robotIP, port): """ To play the audio files for the welcome and end window Arguments: - window: Welcome window or End window - numberColumn: 2 (left) or 3 (right) (main voices) - robotIP - port """ aup = ALProxy("ALAudioPlayer", robotIP, port) voice = d.robotData(window, numberColumn, "Nao Voices") for j in range(len(voice)): if type(voice[j]) == long or type(voice[j]) == float: time.sleep(voice[j]) else: a = str("/home/nao/voices/" + voice[j]) # important!! fileId = aup.loadFile(a) # take only str (and not unicode!)
def quizVoices(numberColumn,i): """ To play the audio files for the quiz Arguments: - numberColumn = 2 (main voices) 3 or 4 (voices for end question) - i --> number of the question """ voice = d.robotData("quiz",numberColumn,"Keepon Voices") length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: time.sleep(voice[i][j] + length) else: player = a = 'Voices/' + voice[i][j] sound = length = sound.duration player.queue(sound)
def quizVoices(numberColumn, robotIP, port, i): """ To play the audio files for the quiz Arguments: - numberColumn = 2 (left) or 3 (right) (main voices) 4 or 5 (voices for end question) - robotIP - port - i: number of the question """ aup = ALProxy("ALAudioPlayer", robotIP, port) voice = d.robotData("quiz", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: time.sleep(voice[i][j]) else: a = str("/home/nao/voices/" + voice[i][j]) # important!! fileId = aup.loadFile(a) # take only str (and not unicode!)
def getLengthTest(numberColumn, i): """ To get the length of the audio files for the quiz window Arguments: - numberColumn: 2 (left) or 3 (right) (main voices) - robotIP - port - i: question number """ voice = d.robotData("quiz", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") #,numberColumn = 2 always length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: length = length + voice[i][j] else: a = 'Voices/' + voice[i][j] sound = length = length + sound.duration return length
def getLengthBis(numberColumn, i): """ To get the length of the audio files for the quiz Arguments: - numberColumn = 2 (main voices) 3 or 4 (voices for end question) - i --> number of the question WARNING: this function has been written to replace the function getLength and then trying to solve the problems with the audio files. It improves the system but didn't resolve completely the audio files issues """ voice = d.robotData("quiz", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: length = length + voice[i][j] else: a = 'Voices/' + voice[i][j] sound = length = length + sound.duration # to get length in second of the audio file return length
def getLength(numberColumn, robotIP, port, i): """ To get the length of the audio files for the quiz window Arguments: - numberColumn: 2 (left) or 3 (right) (main voices) - robotIP - port - i: question number WARNING: this function is not used yet because it seems causing troubles for the system (see next function: getLengthBis) """ aup = ALProxy("ALAudioPlayer", robotIP, port) voice = d.robotData("quiz", numberColumn, "Nao Voices") #,numberColumn = 2 always length = 0.0 for j in range(len(voice[i])): if type(voice[i][j]) == long or type(voice[i][j]) == float: length = length + voice[i][j] else: a = str("/home/nao/voices/" + voice[i][j]) # important!! fileId = aup.loadFile(a) # take only str (and not unicode!) time.sleep( 0.1) # to let the program load the file. If not, length = 0 length = length + aup.getFileLength(fileId) return length + 1
def initialize(numberColumn,keepon): listeKeepon = d.robotData("Position Initialisation",numberColumn,"Keepon") a = threading.Thread(None, keeponMove, None, (listeKeepon,"Position Initialisation",keepon), {}) return a