def train_model(x_data, y_data):
        "Training the SVM classifier ... this may take a while, go grab another coffee."
    with Timer(verbose=False) as t:
        model = SVC(kernel='linear')
        model.fit(x_data, y_data)

    print(f"Saving the model as {config.saved_model}")
    pickle.dump(model, open(config.saved_model, 'wb'))

    print("Training took {} mins".format(t.mins))
    return model
def main(argv):

    print('Finding data ...'),
    with Timer():
        image_filenames = glob(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'disc*/OAS1_*_MR1/PROCESSED/MPRAGE/T88_111/OAS1_*_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_gfc.hdr'))
        label_filenames = glob(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'disc*/OAS1_*_MR1/FSL_SEG/OAS1_*_MR1_mpr_n4_anon_111_t88_masked_gfc_fseg.hdr'))
        assert(len(image_filenames) == len(label_filenames))
        print('Found %i images.' % len(image_filenames))

    print('Loading images ...'),
    with Timer():
        images = [ReadImage(image_filename) for image_filename in image_filenames]
        labels = [ReadImage(label_filename) for label_filename in label_filenames]
        images_train, images_test, labels_train, labels_test = train_test_split(images, labels, train_size=0.66)

    tensor_board = TensorBoard(log_dir='./TensorBoard')
    early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='acc', patience=2, verbose=1)

    model = create_inception_resnet_v2(nb_classes=nb_classes)
    model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=0.045, rho=0.94, epsilon=1., decay=0.9), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])
    model.fit_generator(generator(images_train, labels_train, input_shape, nb_classes, FLAGS.patch_size, FLAGS.batch_size),
                        samples_per_epoch=FLAGS.samples_per_epoch, nb_epoch=FLAGS.nb_epochs, callbacks=[tensor_board, early_stopping],
def get_features(train=True):
    if train:
        # Load cifar10 train data and labels
        print("Reading training data...")
        x_data, y_data = cifar10(config.path_to_cifar, "train")
        print("Reading testing data...")
        x_data, y_data = cifar10(config.path_to_cifar, "test")

    N_data = len(x_data)

    assert x_data.shape[0] == len(
        y_data) and "Both data and labels should be the same set size"

    print("Num of training samples: ", N_data)
    x_data = np.array([cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) for x in x_data],
    x_data /= 255.

    # Extract features
    print("Extracting HOG Features, go grab a coffee...", end=" ")
    with Timer(verbose=False) as t:
        x_data = hog(x_data)
    print("HoG extraction for train set took {} mins".format(t.mins))

    if config.min_max_norm:
        #Normalize the HOG feature vectors by rescaling the value range to [-1, 1]
            "Normalize the HOG features by rescaling the value range to [-1, 1]"
        scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1)).fit(x_data)
        x_data = scaler.fit_transform(x_data)
    elif config.unit_vector_norm:
        #Normalize the HOG feature vectors by converting them to unit vectors (vector has length of 1)
        print("Normalize the HOG features by converting them to unit vectors")
        x_data = x_data / np.linalg.norm(x_data)

    if train:
        #Randomly shuffle the data if training.
        rand_idx = np.arange(N_data)
        x_data = x_data[rand_idx]
        y_data = y_data[rand_idx]

    return x_data, y_data
jobs = []
for size in [500, 5000, 10000]:
    for mean1 in [(-1, 0), (1, 1)]:
        for mean2 in [(0, -1), (1, -1)]:
            jobs.append(generate_data(size, mean1, mean2))

def worker(model, args):
    X, Y = args
    model.compute_coefficients(X, Y)

# Profile the python implementation
model = LogisticRegressionPy()
timer = Timer()
for i, job in enumerate(jobs):
    worker(model, job)
py_time = timer.split()

# Profile the C++ implementation
model = LogisticRegressionCpp()
timer = Timer()
for job in jobs:
    worker(model, job)
cpp_time = timer.split()

# Build a nice graph
labels = ["Python", "C++"]
times = [py_time, cpp_time]
index = range(len(labels))
        for mean2 in [(0, -1), (1, -1)]:
            jobs.append(generate_data(size, mean1, mean2))

# Profile with differing numbers of python threads with a model that is
# single-threaded.
model = LogisticRegressionCpp()

def worker(args):
    X, Y = args
    model.compute_coefficients(X, Y)

times = []
for num_threads in range(1, 9):
    pool = ThreadPool(num_threads)
    timer = Timer()
    pool.map(worker, jobs)
    times.append((num_threads, timer.split()))

# Build a nice graph
labels = [n for n, _ in times]
times = [t for _, t in times]
index = range(len(labels))
plt.bar(index, times)
plt.xlabel('Number of threads')
plt.xticks(index, labels)
plt.title("C++ speed with varying numbers of python(!) threads")
def profiler(payload_size, num_calls):
    payload = [float(i) for i in range(payload_size)]
    timer = Timer()
    for _ in range(num_calls):
    return timer.split()
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from data import Timer
from module import noop

payload = [float(i) for i in range(1000000)]

def worker(arg):

jobs = range(200)

print("Threads", "Runtime", sep="\t")
for num_threads in range(1, 9):
    pool = ThreadPool(num_threads)
    timer = Timer()
    pool.map(worker, jobs)
    elapsed_time = timer.split()
    print(num_threads, elapsed_time, sep="\t")