def learn_mag_circuit_neural(learning_trials): # make the E nodes. Enode1 = dataTypes.reg_E_Node('E1', [], [], []) Enode2 = dataTypes.reg_E_Node('E2', [], [], []) Enode3 = dataTypes.gaussian_E_Node('EG', [], [], []) Enodes = [Enode1, Enode2, Enode3] # make the A nodes. Anodes = [] for i in range(3): Anode = dataTypes.reg_A_Node(str(i), [], [], []) Anodes.append(Anode) # make the semantics. semantics = [] for i in range(10): new_sem = dataTypes.MLS_sem(str(i), [], []) semantics.append(new_sem) # make stand-in POs. PO1 = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('PO1', [], [], []) PO2 = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('PO2', [], [], []) POs = [PO1, PO2] # connect stand-in POs to E nodes. Links = [] for PO in POs: for Enode in Enodes: new_link = dataTypes.basicLink(PO, Enode, 1.0) Enode.higher_connections.append(new_link) # connect E nodes to A nodes. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.lateral_connections = Enodes for Anode in Anodes: new_link = dataTypes.basicLink(Enode, Anode, random.uniform(.1, 1.0)) Enode.lower_connections.append(new_link) Anode.higher_connections.append(new_link) Links.append(new_link) # connect the A nodes to semantics. for Anode in Anodes: Anode.lateral_connections = Anodes for semantic in semantics: new_link = dataTypes.basicLink(Anode, semantic, random.random()) Anode.lower_connections.append(new_link) semantic.higher_connections.append(new_link) Links.append(new_link) learning_trials = 10 for i in range(learning_trials): # set activation of POs. same_trial = random.random() if same_trial > .5: PO1.act = 1.0 same_trial = False else: PO1.act, PO2.act = 0.5, 0.5 same_trial = True # until the local inhibitor fires (i.e., while the first PO is active), update inputs, activations, and weights. for i in range(110): # update inputs to all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_input() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.update_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_input() #pdb.set_trace() # get max_sem_input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then update max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) # update activation and clear the input of all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_act() Enode.clear_input() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.update_act() Anode.clear_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_act() semantic.clear_input() # learning. if i >= 20: for Enode in Enodes: Enode.adjust_links() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.adjust_links() # after n iterations, if same_trial is False, then fire the local inhibitor, which inhibits all units, and start time since last fired of the most active A unit. if not same_trial: active_unit = None max_act = 0.0 for Anode in Anodes: if Anode.act > max_act: active_unit = Anode active_unit.time_since_fired = 1 for Enode in Enodes: Enode.clear_input_and_act() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.clear_input_and_act for semantic in semantics: semantic.clear_all() # until the global inhibitor fires (i.e., while second PO is active), update inputs, activations, and weights. for i in range(110): # update inputs to all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_input() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.update_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_input() # get max_sem_input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then update max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) # update activation of all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_act() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.update_act() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_act() # learning. if i >= 20: for Enode in Enodes: Enode.adjust_links() for Anode in Anodes: Anode.adjust_links()
def ent_magnitudeMoreLessSame(extent1, extent2): # take two representations of extent, and have them compete. # first build a simple entropyNet with the extents as lower-level nodes. entropyNet = dataTypes.entropyNet() for i in range(max(extent1,extent2)): new_sem = dataTypes.basicEntNode(False, True, []) entropyNet.inputs.append(new_sem) # and now make an object attached to each extent as a higher-level (output) node. # first make the nodes. extent_node1 = dataTypes.basicEntNode(True, False, []) extent_node2 = dataTypes.basicEntNode(True, False, []) entropyNet.outputs = [extent_node1, extent_node2] # connect each node to the correct extent semantics. for i in range(extent1): # create a link between the ith input unit and extent_node1. new_connection = dataTypes.basicLink(extent_node1, entropyNet.inputs[i], 1.0) entropyNet.connections.append(new_connection) # add the connection to the higher and lower nodes it links. extent_node1.connections.append(new_connection) entropyNet.inputs[i].connections.append(new_connection) for i in range(extent2): # create a link between the ith input unit and extent_node2. new_connection = dataTypes.basicLink(extent_node2, entropyNet.inputs[i], 1.0) entropyNet.connections.append(new_connection) # add the connection to the higher and lower nodes it links. extent_node2.connections.append(new_connection) entropyNet.inputs[i].connections.append(new_connection) # set activations of all extent nodes to 1.0. for node in entropyNet.inputs: node.act = 1.0 # until the network settles (i.e., only one output node is active for 3 iterations), keep running. unsettled = 0 iterations = 0 # set gamma and delta. gamma, delta = 0.3, 0.1 delta_outputs_previous = 0.0 settled = 0 while settled < 3: # update the inputs to the output units. for node in entropyNet.outputs: node.clear_input() node.update_input(entropyNet) # update the activations of the output units. for node in entropyNet.outputs: node.update_act(gamma, delta) # FOR DEBUGGING: print inputs and outputs of all nodes. #pdb.set_trace() print 'iteration = ', iterations print 'INPUTS' for node in entropyNet.inputs: print node.input, ', ', node.act print 'OUTPUTS' for node in entropyNet.outputs: print node.input, ', ', node.act # check for settling. if the delta_outputs has not changed, add 1 to settled, otherwise, clear unsettled. delta_outputs = entropyNet.outputs[0].act-entropyNet.outputs[1].act print delta_outputs == delta_outputs_previous print settled print '' if delta_outputs == delta_outputs_previous: settled += 1 else: settled = 0 delta_outputs_previous = delta_outputs iterations += 1 # the active output node is 'more', and the inactive output node is 'less', or the two extents are equal. if entropyNet.outputs[0].act > entropyNet.outputs[1].act: more = extent1 less = extent2 same_flag = False elif entropyNet.outputs[0].act < entropyNet.outputs[1].act: more = extent2 less = extent1 same_flag = False else: # the two extents are equal. more = 'NONE' less = 'NONE' same_flag = True # return more, less, a flag indicating whether the values are the same (called same_flag), and the number of iterations to settling. return more, less, same_flag, iterations
def learn_mag_circuit(learning_trials): # build the initial network. This network consists of a unit marking PO units settling, three time-in-comparison-cycle units (two connected to the unit makring PO settling, the other a gating unit connected to the PO units and active when both POs are active), and three MLS semantics (just semantic units randomly connected to the time-in-comparison-cycle units that will come to code invariant "more", "less", and "same" after learning). settling_unit = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('settling', [], [], []) time_unit1, time_unit2 = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('A', [], [], []), dataTypes.basicTimingNode('B', [], [], []) time_unit3 = dataTypes.basicGateNode('gate', [], []) Local_inhib = dataTypes.localInhibitor() semantic1, semantic2, semantic3 = dataTypes.MLS_sem('semantic1', [], []), dataTypes.MLS_sem('semantic2', [], []), dataTypes.MLS_sem('semantic3', [], []) # set a POs flag indicating whether both POs are active after settling (to be used in learning magnitude vs. sameness; 1.0==both POs active after settling, 0.0==only one PO is active after settling). POs = 0.0 # create links between settling unit and timing units. Weights are random values between .5 and 1. link1 = dataTypes.basicLink(settling_unit, time_unit1, 0.8) settling_unit.lower_connections.append(link1) time_unit1.higher_connections.append(link1) link2 = dataTypes.basicLink(settling_unit, time_unit2, 0.5) settling_unit.lower_connections.append(link2) time_unit2.higher_connections.append(link2) time_unit3.input_nodes.append(POs) # create links between timing units and semantics. link3, link4, link5 = dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit1, semantic1, .5), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit1, semantic2, .2), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit1, semantic3, .2) time_unit1.lower_connections.append(link3) time_unit1.lower_connections.append(link4) time_unit1.lower_connections.append(link5) semantic1.higher_connections.append(link3) semantic2.higher_connections.append(link4) semantic3.higher_connections.append(link5) link6, link7, link8 = dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit2, semantic1, .2), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit2, semantic2, .5), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit2, semantic3, .2) time_unit2.lower_connections.append(link6) time_unit2.lower_connections.append(link7) time_unit2.lower_connections.append(link8) semantic1.higher_connections.append(link6) semantic2.higher_connections.append(link7) semantic3.higher_connections.append(link8) link9, link10, link11 = dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit3, semantic1, .2), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit3, semantic2, .2), dataTypes.basicLink(time_unit3, semantic3, .5) time_unit3.output_nodes.append(link9) time_unit3.output_nodes.append(link10) time_unit3.output_nodes.append(link11) semantic1.higher_connections.append(link9) semantic2.higher_connections.append(link10) semantic3.higher_connections.append(link11) # finally, set up lateral connections. These are not established by links, but rather any nodes in the same layer are placed in one-another's .lateral_connections field. Timing units and MLS semantics are all laterally inhibitory. time_unit1.lateral_connections.append(time_unit2) time_unit1.lateral_connections.append(time_unit3) time_unit2.lateral_connections.append(time_unit1) time_unit2.lateral_connections.append(time_unit3) semantic1.lateral_connections.append(semantic2) semantic1.lateral_connections.append(semantic3) semantic2.lateral_connections.append(semantic1) semantic2.lateral_connections.append(semantic3) semantic3.lateral_connections.append(semantic1) semantic3.lateral_connections.append(semantic2) # put the units in arrays. time_units = [time_unit1, time_unit2] gate_units = [time_unit3] MLS_semantics = [semantic1, semantic2, semantic3] # set gamma and delta for leaky integrator activation function. gamma, delta = 0.3, 0.1 # start the training process. for train_instance in range(learning_trials): # is this a trial when both POs are active or not? rand_num = random.random() if rand_num > .5: same_flag = False gate_units[0].input_nodes[0] = 0.0 else: same_flag = True gate_units[0].input_nodes[0] = 1.0 # activate unit indicating settling. settling_unit.act = 1.0 # for n iterations, until the LI fires, run the network. for iteration in range(110): # three units (marking time-in-comparison-cycle) compete to become active. # update the input of time-in-cycle and semantic units. for unit in time_units: unit.update_input() for unit in gate_units: unit.update_input() for unit in MLS_semantics: unit.update_input() # get max_sem_input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in MLS_semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in MLS_semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then updat max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in MLS_semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) # update the activation and clear the input of time-in-cycle and semantic units. for unit in time_units: unit.update_act(gamma, delta) print 'input = ', str(unit.input), '\tact = ', str(unit.act), '\n' unit.clear_input() for unit in gate_units: unit.update_act() unit.clear_input() for unit in MLS_semantics: unit.update_act() print, ' ', str(unit.act) unit.clear_input() # update weights from time-in-comparison-cycle units to MLS semantics if iteration >= 3. if iteration >= 3: for unit in time_units: unit.adjust_links() for unit in gate_units: unit.adjust_links() # after n iterations, if same_flag is False, then fire the local inhibitor, which inhibits time-in-comparison-cycle units and MLS semantics. if not same_flag: active_unit = None max_act = 0.0 for unit in time_units: if unit.act > max_act: active_unit = unit active_unit.time_since_fired = 1 for unit in time_units: unit.clear_inputandact() for semantic in MLS_semantics: semantic.clear_all() # for n further iterations, run the network. for iteration in range(110): # three units (marking time-in-comparison-cycle) compete to become active. # update the input of time-in-cycle and semantic units. for unit in time_units: unit.update_input() for unit in gate_units: unit.update_input() for unit in MLS_semantics: unit.update_input() # get max sem input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in MLS_semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in MLS_semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then update max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in MLS_semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) # update the activation and clear the input of time-in-cycle and semantic units. for unit in time_units: unit.update_act(gamma, delta) print 'input = ', str(unit.input), '\tact = ', str(unit.act), '\n' unit.clear_input() for unit in gate_units: unit.update_act() unit.clear_input() for unit in MLS_semantics: unit.update_act() print, ' ', str(unit.act) unit.clear_input() # update weights from time-in-comparison-cycle units to MLS semantics if iteration >= 3. if iteration >= 3: for unit in time_units: unit.adjust_links() for unit in gate_units: unit.adjust_links() # after n iterations, end the learning cycle and clear all units. for unit in time_units: unit.clear_all() for unit in gate_units: unit.clear_all() for unit in MLS_semantics: unit.clear_all() # END. The semantic unit connected to the time-in-comparison-cycle unit that fires first with activation to the settling unit is the "more" semantic, the semantic unit connected to the time-in-comparison-cycle unit that fires second with activation to the settling unit is the "less" semantic, and the semantic unit connected to the gating time-in-comparison-cycle unit is the "same" semantic. # print settling unit's connections. for link in settling_unit.lower_connections: print 'Settling unit to ',, ' weight = ', str(link.weight), '\n' print '\n' # print timing units' connections. for unit in time_units: for link in unit.lower_connections: print, ' to ',, ' weight = ', str(link.weight), '\n' print '\n' # print gating unit's connections. for link in gate_units[0].output_nodes: print gate_units[0].name, ' to ',, ' weight = ', str(link.weight), '\n' print '\n'
def learn_energy_circuit(learning_trials): # architecture is 4 E nodes, 6 A nodes, and 10 semantics. # make the guassian E nodes. Enode1 = dataTypes.gaussian_E_Node('E1', [], [], [], 1, .3) Enode2 = dataTypes.gaussian_E_Node('E2', [], [], [], 1, .1) Enode3 = dataTypes.gaussian_E_Node('E1', [], [], [], 2, .3) Enode4 = dataTypes.gaussian_E_Node('E2', [], [], [], 2, .1) Enodes = [Enode1, Enode2, Enode3, Enode4] # make the semantics. semantics = [] for i in range(10): new_sem = dataTypes.MLS_sem(str(i), [], []) semantics.append(new_sem) # make proxy POs. PO1 = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('PO1', [], [], []) PO2 = dataTypes.basicTimingNode('PO2', [], [], []) POs = [PO1, PO2] # connect proxy POs to E nodes. for PO in POs: for Enode in Enodes: new_link = dataTypes.basicLink(PO, Enode, 1.0) Enode.higher_connections.append(new_link) # connect the E nodes to semantics and update lateral_connections for E nodes (for lateral inhibition). for Enode in Enodes: Enode.lateral_connections = Enodes for semantic in semantics: new_link = dataTypes.basicLink(Enode, semantic, random.random()) Enode.lower_connections.append(new_link) semantic.higher_connections.append(new_link) # leaning. for i in range(learning_trials): # set activation of PO proxys. same_trial = random.random() if same_trial > .5: PO1.act = 1.0 same_trial = False else: PO1.act, PO2.act = 1.0, 1.0 same_trial = True #pdb.set_trace() # until the local inhibitor fires (i.e., while the first PO is active), update inputs, activations, and weights. for i in range(110): # update inputs to all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_input() # get max_sem_input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then update max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) #pdb.set_trace() # update activation and clear the input of all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_act() Enode.clear_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_act() semantic.clear_input() #pdb.set_trace() # learning. if i >= 20: for Enode in Enodes: Enode.adjust_links() # after n iterations, if same_trial is False, then fire the local inhibitor, which inhibits all units, and start time since last fired of the most active A unit. if not same_trial: active_unit = None max_act = 0.0 for Enode in Enodes: if Enode.act > max_act: active_unit = Enode active_unit.time_since_fired = 1 for Enode in Enodes: Enode.clear_input_and_act() for semantic in semantics: semantic.clear_all() # until the global inhibitor fires (i.e., while second PO is active), update inputs, activations, and weights. for i in range(110): # update inputs to all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_input() # get max_sem_input. max_sem_input = 0.0 for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input > max_sem_input: max_sem_input = semantic.input # subtractive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: if semantic.input < max_sem_input: semantic.input -= max_sem_input # then update max_sem_input for divisive normalisation. for semantic in semantics: semantic.set_max_sem_input(max_sem_input) #pdb.set_trace() # update activation of all units. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.update_act() Enode.clear_input() for semantic in semantics: semantic.update_act() semantic.clear_input() #pdb.set_trace() # learning. if i >= 20: for Enode in Enodes: Enode.adjust_links() # now fire global inhibitor. for Enode in Enodes: Enode.clear_all() for semantic in semantics: semantic.clear_all() # returns. return [POs, Enodes, semantics]