def process_bursts_from_database( packet_db, pairs, max_lookback_time=datetime.timedelta(hours=2)): ''' Decode bursts from the packet database, between a list of status packet tuples defined by pairs. pairs is generated by get_burst_pairs(). ''' logger = logging.getLogger('process_bursts_from_database') completed_bursts = [] # Process packets between each set of headers: for index, (IA, IB) in enumerate(pairs): # logger.debug(f'doing {index}') tb = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(round(IB['header_timestamp']) + 1, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) if not IA: ta = tb - max_lookback_time else: ta = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( round(IA['header_timestamp']) - 1, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) # Load the rest of the packets within the time interval statcheck = get_packets_within_range(packet_db, dtype='I', t1=ta, t2=tb) E_packets = get_packets_within_range(packet_db, dtype='E', t1=ta, t2=tb) B_packets = get_packets_within_range(packet_db, dtype='B', t1=ta, t2=tb) G_packets = get_packets_within_range(packet_db, dtype='G', t1=ta, t2=tb) # Skip if there's no data to process if not E_packets and not B_packets and not G_packets: logger.debug('No data found!') continue'burst between {ta} and {tb} (dt = {tb - ta})') f'loaded {len(E_packets)} E packets, {len(B_packets)} B packets, {len(G_packets)} GPS packets, and {len(statcheck)} status packets' ) avail_exp_nums = np.unique( [x['exp_num'] for x in (E_packets + B_packets + G_packets)]) logger.debug(f'Available experiment nums: {avail_exp_nums}') for e_num in avail_exp_nums: try: # Check echo'd command in the GPS packet for gg in filter(lambda p: p['exp_num'] == e_num, G_packets): if gg['start_ind'] == 0: cmd_gps = np.flip(gg['data'][0:3]) logger.debug(f'gps command: {cmd_gps}') if (IB['prev_burst_command'] != cmd_gps).any(): logger.warning( "GPS and status command echo mismatch") # Get burst configuration parameters: burst_config = decode_burst_command(IB['prev_burst_command']) burst_config['burst_pulses'] = IB['burst_pulses'] logger.debug(f'burst configuration: {burst_config}') packets_to_process = list( filter(lambda p: p['exp_num'] == e_num, E_packets + B_packets + G_packets)) processed = process_burst(packets_to_process, burst_config) processed['bbr_config'] = decode_uBBR_command( IB['prev_bbr_command']) processed['footer_timestamp'] = IB['header_timestamp'] if IA: processed['status'] = [IA, IB] processed['header_timestamp'] = IA['header_timestamp'] else: processed['status'] = [IB] processed['header_timestamp'] = min([ x['header_timestamp'] for x in (E_packets + B_packets + G_packets) ]) processed['experiment_number'] = e_num completed_bursts.append(processed) except: logger.warning( f'Problem decoding burst {index}, exp_num {e_num}') return completed_bursts
def plot_burst_FD(fig, burst, cal_data=None): logger = logging.getLogger('plot_burst_FD') logger.debug(burst['config']) cfg = burst['config']'burst configuration: {cfg}') system_delay_samps_TD = 73 system_delay_samps_FD = 200 fs = 80000 # cm = cm = parula() # This is a mockup of the current Matlab colormap (which is proprietary) # Check if we have any status packets included -- we'll get # the uBBR configuration from these. if 'bbr_config' in burst: bbr_config = burst['bbr_config'] elif 'I' in burst: logger.debug(f"Found {len(burst['I'])} status packets") # Get uBBR config command: if 'prev_bbr_command' in burst['I'][0]: bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(burst['I'][0]['prev_bbr_command']) else: ps = decode_status([burst['I'][0]]) bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(ps[0]['prev_bbr_command']) logger.debug(f'bbr config is: {bbr_config}') else: logger.warning(f'No bbr configuration found') bbr_config = None # ---------- Calibration coefficients ------ ADC_max_value = 32768. # 16 bits, twos comp ADC_max_volts = 1.0 # ADC saturates at +- 1 volt E_coef = ADC_max_volts / ADC_max_value # [Volts at ADC / ADC bin] B_coef = ADC_max_volts / ADC_max_value if cal_file and bbr_config: td_lims = [-1, 1] E_cal_curve = cal_data[('E', bool(bbr_config['E_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['E_GAIN']))] B_cal_curve = cal_data[('B', bool(bbr_config['B_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['B_GAIN']))] E_coef *= 1000.0 / max(E_cal_curve) # [(mV/m) / Vadc] B_coef *= 1.0 / max(B_cal_curve) # [(nT) / Vadc] E_unit_string = 'mV/m @ Antenna' B_unit_string = 'nT' logger.debug(f'E calibration coefficient is {E_coef} mV/m per bit') logger.debug(f'B calibration coefficient is {B_coef} nT per bit') else: E_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' B_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' # Scale the spectrograms -- A perfect sine wave will have ~-3dB amplitude. # Scaling covers 14 bits of dynamic range, with a maximum at each channel's theoretical peak clims = np.array([-6 * 14, -3]) #[-96, -20] e_clims = clims + 20 * np.log10(E_coef * ADC_max_value / ADC_max_volts) b_clims = clims + 20 * np.log10(B_coef * ADC_max_value / ADC_max_volts) if cfg['TD_FD_SELECT'] == 0: # --------- Frequency domain plots ----------- # fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[20, 1], wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) E_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) B_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=E_FD, sharey=E_FD) cb1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) cb2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) nfft = 1024 # Frequency axis f_axis = [] seg_length = nfft / 2 / 16 for i, v in enumerate(cfg['BINS'][::-1]): if v == '1': f_axis.append([np.arange(seg_length) + seg_length * i]) freq_inds = np.array(f_axis).ravel().astype( 'int') # stash the row indices here f_axis = (40000 / (nfft / 2)) * np.array(f_axis).ravel() f_axis_full = np.arange(512) * 40000 / 512 logger.debug(f"f axis: {len(f_axis)}") # E and B are flattened vectors; we need to reshape them into 2d arrays (spectrograms) max_E = len(burst['E']) - np.mod(len(burst['E']), len(f_axis)) E = burst['E'][0:max_E].reshape(int(max_E / len(f_axis)), len(f_axis)) * E_coef E = E.T max_B = len(burst['B']) - np.mod(len(burst['B']), len(f_axis)) B = burst['B'][0:max_B].reshape(int(max_B / len(f_axis)), len(f_axis)) * B_coef B = B.T logger.debug(f"E dims: {np.shape(E)}, B dims: {np.shape(B)}") # Generate time axis scale_factor = nfft / 2. / 80000. sec_on = np.round(cfg['FFTS_ON'] * scale_factor) sec_off = np.round(cfg['FFTS_OFF'] * scale_factor) if cfg['FFTS_OFF'] == 0: # GPS packets are taken when stopping data capture -- e.g., at the end of the burst, # or transitioning to a "samples off" section. If we're doing back-to-back bursts # with no windowing, we'll only have one GPS timestamp instead of burst_pulses. max_t_ind = np.shape(E)[1] t_inds = np.arange(max_t_ind) t_axis_seconds = t_inds * scale_factor start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['G'][0]['timestamp']) - datetime.timedelta( seconds=np.round(t_axis_seconds[-1])) t_axis_full_seconds = np.arange( max_t_ind) * scale_factor + system_delay_samps_FD / fs t_axis_full_timestamps = burst['G'][0][ 'timestamp'] - max_t_ind * scale_factor + t_axis_full_seconds else: t_inds = np.array([(np.arange(cfg['FFTS_ON'])) + (k * (cfg['FFTS_ON'] + cfg['FFTS_OFF'])) for k in range(cfg['burst_pulses'])]).ravel() max_t_ind = (cfg['FFTS_ON'] + cfg['FFTS_OFF']) * cfg['burst_pulses'] start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['G'][0]['timestamp']) - datetime.timedelta( seconds=np.round(cfg['FFTS_ON'] * scale_factor)) t_axis_full_seconds = np.arange( max_t_ind) * scale_factor + system_delay_samps_FD / fs t_axis_full_timestamps = burst['G'][0]['timestamp'] - cfg[ 'FFTS_ON'] * scale_factor + t_axis_full_seconds # Spectrogram color limits clims = [-96, 0] # Log-scaled magnitudes Emag = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(E)) Emag[np.isinf(Emag)] = -100 Bmag = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(B)) Bmag[np.isinf(Bmag)] = -100 # print(np.max(Emag), np.max(Bmag)) # Spaced spectrogram -- insert nans (or -120 for a blue background) in the empty spaces E_spec_full = -120 * np.ones([max_t_ind, 512]) B_spec_full = -120 * np.ones([max_t_ind, 512]) a, b = np.meshgrid(t_inds, freq_inds) E_spec_full[a, b] = Emag B_spec_full[a, b] = Bmag E_spec_full = E_spec_full.T B_spec_full = B_spec_full.T # Plots! pe = E_FD.pcolormesh(t_axis_full_timestamps, f_axis_full / 1000, E_spec_full, cmap=cm, vmin=e_clims[0], vmax=e_clims[1]) pb = B_FD.pcolormesh(t_axis_full_timestamps, f_axis_full / 1000, B_spec_full, cmap=cm, vmin=b_clims[0], vmax=b_clims[1]) # Axis labels and ticks. Label the burst start time, and the GPS timestamps. xtix = [t_axis_full_timestamps[0]] xtix.extend([x['timestamp'] for x in burst['G']]) minorticks = np.arange(np.ceil(t_axis_full_timestamps[0]), t_axis_full_timestamps[-1], 5) # minor tick marks -- 5 seconds E_FD.set_xticks(xtix) E_FD.set_xticks(minorticks, minor=True) B_FD.set_xticks(xtix) B_FD.set_xticks(minorticks, minor=True) E_FD.set_xticklabels([]) B_FD.set_xticklabels([ datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x).strftime("%H:%M:%S") for x in xtix ]) fig.autofmt_xdate() ce = fig.colorbar(pe, cax=cb1) cb = fig.colorbar(pb, cax=cb2) E_FD.set_ylim([0, 40]) B_FD.set_ylim([0, 40]) E_FD.set_ylabel('E\n Frequency [kHz]') B_FD.set_ylabel('B\n Frequency [kHz]') # ce.set_label('dBFS') # cb.set_label('dBFS') ce.set_label(f'dB[{E_unit_string}]') cb.set_label(f'dB[{B_unit_string}]') # B_FD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') B_FD.set_xlabel("Time (H:M:S) on \n%s" % start_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # fig.suptitle(f'Burst {ind}\n{start_timestamp}') if bbr_config: fig.suptitle( 'Frequency-Domain Burst\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off\nE gain = %s, E filter = %s, B gain = %s, B filter = %s' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off, bbr_config['E_GAIN'], bbr_config['E_FILT'], bbr_config['B_GAIN'], bbr_config['B_FILT'])) else: fig.suptitle( 'Frequency-Domain Burst\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off))
def plot_burst_TD(fig, burst, cal_data=None): logger = logging.getLogger("plot_burst_TD") # # --------------- Latex Plot Beautification -------------------------- # fig_width = 10 # fig_height = 8 # fig_size = [fig_width+1,fig_height+1] # params = {'backend': 'ps', # 'axes.labelsize': 12, # 'font.size': 12, # 'legend.fontsize': 10, # 'xtick.labelsize': 10, # 'ytick.labelsize': 10, # 'text.usetex': False, # 'figure.figsize': fig_size} # plt.rcParams.update(params) # # --------------- Latex Plot Beautification -------------------------- # if cal_file: # try: # with open(cal_file,'rb') as file: # logger.debug(f'loading calibration file {cal_file}') # cal_data = pickle.load(file) # except: # logger.warning(f'Failed to load calibration file {cal_file}') # cal_file = None # A list of bursts! # for ind, burst in enumerate(B_data): # for burst in [B_data[1]]: cfg = burst['config']'burst configuration: {cfg}') system_delay_samps_TD = 73 system_delay_samps_FD = 200 fs = 80000 # cm = cm = parula() # This is a mockup of the current Matlab colormap (which is proprietary) # Check if we have any status packets included -- we'll get # the uBBR configuration from these. if 'bbr_config' in burst: bbr_config = burst['bbr_config'] elif 'I' in burst: logger.debug(f"Found {len(burst['I'])} status packets") # Get uBBR config command: if 'prev_bbr_command' in burst['I'][0]: bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(burst['I'][0]['prev_bbr_command']) else: ps = decode_status([burst['I'][0]]) bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(ps[0]['prev_bbr_command']) logger.debug(f'bbr config is: {bbr_config}') else: logger.warning(f'No bbr configuration found') bbr_config = None # ---------- Calibration coefficients ------ """ ADC_max_value = 32768. # 16 bits, twos comp ADC_max_volts = 1.0 # ADC saturates at +- 1 volt E_coef = ADC_max_volts/ADC_max_value # [Volts at ADC / ADC bin] B_coef = ADC_max_volts/ADC_max_value if cal_data and bbr_config: td_lims = [-1, 1] E_cal_curve = cal_data[('E',bool(bbr_config['E_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['E_GAIN']))] B_cal_curve = cal_data[('B',bool(bbr_config['B_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['B_GAIN']))] E_coef *= 1000.0/max(E_cal_curve) # [(mV/m) / Vadc] B_coef *= 1.0/max(B_cal_curve) # [(nT) / Vadc] E_unit_string = 'mV/m @ Antenna' B_unit_string = 'nT' logger.debug(f'E calibration coefficient is {E_coef} mV/m per bit') logger.debug(f'B calibration coefficient is {B_coef} nT per bit') else: E_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' B_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' """ E_unit_string = 'uV/m' # now calibrated to uV/m # Scale the spectrograms -- A perfect sine wave will have ~-3dB amplitude. # Scaling covers 14 bits of dynamic range, with a maximum at each channel's theoretical peak #clims = np.array([-6*14, -3]) #[-96, -20] #e_clims = clims + 20*np.log10(E_coef*ADC_max_value/ADC_max_volts) #b_clims = clims + 20*np.log10(B_coef*ADC_max_value/ADC_max_volts) e_clims = np.array([-40, 10]) # for newly calibrated data E_coef = burst['CAL'] # calibrate into uV/m units #print(E_coef) B_coef = 1 # just so we don't have to comment a bunch of stuff out # Generate time axis if cfg['TD_FD_SELECT'] == 1: # --------- Time domain plots ----------- # fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(10, 8) #gs = GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[1.25,1], wspace = 0.2, hspace = 0.25) gs = GridSpec(1, 1) #E_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) # B_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0], sharex=E_TD) E_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) # B_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1], sharex=E_FD) # cb1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,2]) # cb2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,2]) # add in burst map to plot -- werid workaround but it fixed it #map_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0:2]) #box = map_ax.get_position() #box.x0 = box.x0 - 0.13 #box.x1 = box.x1 - 0.13 #map_ax.set_position(box) #gstr = plot_burst_map(map_ax, burst['G'], burst) #fig.text(0.68, 0.12, gstr, fontsize='9') # ha='center', va='bottom') # Construct the appropriate time and frequency axes # Get the equivalent sample rate, if decimated if cfg['DECIMATE_ON'] == 1: fs_equiv = 80000. / cfg['DECIMATION_FACTOR'] else: fs_equiv = 80000. if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: max_ind = max(len(burst['E']), len(burst['B'])) t_axis = np.arange(max_ind) / fs_equiv else: # Seconds from the start of the burst t_axis = np.array([(np.arange(cfg['SAMPLES_ON']))/fs_equiv +\ (k*(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] + cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']))/fs_equiv for k in range(cfg['burst_pulses'])]).ravel() #print(len(burst['E'])) # Add in system delay t_axis += system_delay_samps_TD / fs_equiv # Get the timestamp at the beginning of the burst. # GPS timestamps are taken at the end of each contiguous recording. # (I think "samples on" is still undecimated, regardless if decimation is being used...) try: start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['G'][0]['timestamp']) - datetime.timedelta( seconds=float(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs)) #print(start_timestamp) except: start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['header_timestamp']) #if start_timestamp.year == 1980: # # error in GPS? # start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(burst['header_timestamp']) # the "samples on" and "samples off" values are counting at the full rate, not the decimated rate. sec_on = cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs sec_off = cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] / fs # add in a signal - 20 uV/m extra_signal = 0.3 * np.sin(np.array(t_axis) * 2 * np.pi * 3e3) #E_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['E'])], (E_coef*burst['E'])+extra_signal) #E_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['E'])], E_coef*burst['E'][0:len(t_axis)]) # B_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['B'])], B_coef*burst['B']) # E_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) # B_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) nfft = 1024 overlap = 0.5 window = 'hanning' if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: E_td_spaced = E_coef * burst['E'] B_td_spaced = B_coef * burst['B'] else: # Insert nans into vector to account for "off" time sections E_td_spaced = [] B_td_spaced = [] for k in np.arange(cfg['burst_pulses']): #if k ==2: the_data = E_coef * burst['E'] + extra_signal[:len(burst['E'])] E_td_spaced.append(the_data[k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) E_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) B_td_spaced.append(B_coef * burst['B'][k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) B_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) E_td_spaced = np.concatenate(E_td_spaced).ravel() B_td_spaced = np.concatenate(B_td_spaced).ravel() # E spectrogram -- "spectrum" scaling -> V^2; "density" scaling -> V^2/Hz ff, tt, FE = scipy.signal.spectrogram( E_td_spaced, fs=fs_equiv, window=window, nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft * overlap, mode='psd', scaling='density') # changed to density E_S_mag = 20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(FE)) E_S_mag[np.isinf(E_S_mag)] = -100 logger.debug(f'E data min/max: {np.min(E_S_mag)}, {np.max(E_S_mag)}') # what does pe do? pe = E_FD.pcolorfast(tt, ff / 1000, E_S_mag, cmap=cm, vmin=e_clims[0], vmax=e_clims[1]) cax_divider = make_axes_locatable(E_FD) ce_ax = cax_divider.append_axes('right', size='7%', pad='5%') ce = fig.colorbar(pe, cax=ce_ax) # save output #print('FE', np.shape(FE)) #print('tt', np.shape(tt)) #print('ff', np.shape(ff)) #np.savetxt('burstE.txt', FE, delimiter=",") #np.savetxt('burstT.txt', tt, delimiter=",") #np.savetxt('burstF.txt', ff, delimiter=",") #print('E', np.shape(Eoutput)) # B spectrogram ff, tt, FB = scipy.signal.spectrogram(B_td_spaced, fs=fs_equiv, window=window, nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft * overlap, mode='psd', scaling='spectrum') B_S_mag = 20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(FB)) B_S_mag[np.isinf(B_S_mag)] = -100 logger.debug(f'B data min/max: {np.min(B_S_mag)}, {np.max(B_S_mag)}') # pb = B_FD.pcolorfast(tt,ff/1000, B_S_mag, cmap = cm, vmin=b_clims[0], vmax=b_clims[1]) # cb = fig.colorbar(pb, cax=cb2) #E_TD.set_ylabel(f'E Amplitude\n[{E_unit_string}]') # B_TD.set_ylabel(f'B Amplitude\n[{B_unit_string}]') E_FD.set_ylabel('Frequency [kHz]') # B_FD.set_ylabel('Frequency [kHz]') #E_TD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') E_FD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') #E_TD.set_xlim([0,20]) ce.set_label(f'dB[(uV/m)^2/Hz]') # cb.set_label(f'dB[{B_unit_string}]') #f start_timestamp.year == 1980: # start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(burst['header_timestamp']) start_timestamp = start_timestamp.replace(microsecond=0) if bbr_config: fig.suptitle( 'VPM Burst Data\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off\nE gain = %s, E filter = %s' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off, burst['GAIN'], burst['FILT'])) else: fig.suptitle( 'VPM Burst Data\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off)) #E_FD.set_xlim([0,6]) fig.savefig('burst.svg', format='svg')
def plot_burst_TD(fig, burst, cal_data=None): logger = logging.getLogger("plot_burst_TD") # # --------------- Latex Plot Beautification -------------------------- # fig_width = 10 # fig_height = 8 # fig_size = [fig_width+1,fig_height+1] # params = {'backend': 'ps', # 'axes.labelsize': 12, # 'font.size': 12, # 'legend.fontsize': 10, # 'xtick.labelsize': 10, # 'ytick.labelsize': 10, # 'text.usetex': False, # 'figure.figsize': fig_size} # plt.rcParams.update(params) # # --------------- Latex Plot Beautification -------------------------- # if cal_file: # try: # with open(cal_file,'rb') as file: # logger.debug(f'loading calibration file {cal_file}') # cal_data = pickle.load(file) # except: # logger.warning(f'Failed to load calibration file {cal_file}') # cal_file = None # A list of bursts! # for ind, burst in enumerate(B_data): # for burst in [B_data[1]]: cfg = burst['config']'burst configuration: {cfg}') system_delay_samps_TD = 73 system_delay_samps_FD = 200 fs = 80000 # cm = cm = parula() # This is a mockup of the current Matlab colormap (which is proprietary) # Check if we have any status packets included -- we'll get # the uBBR configuration from these. if 'bbr_config' in burst: bbr_config = burst['bbr_config'] elif 'I' in burst: logger.debug(f"Found {len(burst['I'])} status packets") # Get uBBR config command: if 'prev_bbr_command' in burst['I'][0]: bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(burst['I'][0]['prev_bbr_command']) else: ps = decode_status([burst['I'][0]]) bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(ps[0]['prev_bbr_command']) logger.debug(f'bbr config is: {bbr_config}') else: logger.warning(f'No bbr configuration found') bbr_config = None # ---------- Calibration coefficients ------ ADC_max_value = 32768. # 16 bits, twos comp ADC_max_volts = 1.0 # ADC saturates at +- 1 volt E_coef = ADC_max_volts / ADC_max_value # [Volts at ADC / ADC bin] B_coef = ADC_max_volts / ADC_max_value if cal_data and bbr_config: td_lims = [-1, 1] E_cal_curve = cal_data[('E', bool(bbr_config['E_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['E_GAIN']))] B_cal_curve = cal_data[('B', bool(bbr_config['B_FILT']), bool(bbr_config['B_GAIN']))] E_coef *= 1000.0 / max(E_cal_curve) # [(mV/m) / Vadc] B_coef *= 1.0 / max(B_cal_curve) # [(nT) / Vadc] E_unit_string = 'mV/m @ Antenna' B_unit_string = 'nT' logger.debug(f'E calibration coefficient is {E_coef} mV/m per bit') logger.debug(f'B calibration coefficient is {B_coef} nT per bit') else: E_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' B_unit_string = 'V @ ADC' # Scale the spectrograms -- A perfect sine wave will have ~-3dB amplitude. # Scaling covers 14 bits of dynamic range, with a maximum at each channel's theoretical peak clims = np.array([-6 * 14, -3]) #[-96, -20] e_clims = clims + 20 * np.log10(E_coef * ADC_max_value / ADC_max_volts) b_clims = clims + 20 * np.log10(B_coef * ADC_max_value / ADC_max_volts) # Generate time axis if cfg['TD_FD_SELECT'] == 1: # --------- Time domain plots ----------- # fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[20, 20, 1], wspace=0.2, hspace=0.1) E_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) B_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=E_TD) E_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=E_TD) B_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=E_FD) cb1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) cb2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2]) # Construct the appropriate time and frequency axes # Get the equivalent sample rate, if decimated if cfg['DECIMATE_ON'] == 1: fs_equiv = 80000. / cfg['DECIMATION_FACTOR'] else: fs_equiv = 80000. if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: max_ind = max(len(burst['E']), len(burst['B'])) t_axis = np.arange(max_ind) / fs_equiv else: # Seconds from the start of the burst t_axis = np.array([(np.arange(cfg['SAMPLES_ON']))/fs_equiv +\ (k*(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] + cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']))/fs_equiv for k in range(cfg['burst_pulses'])]).ravel() # Add in system delay t_axis += system_delay_samps_TD / fs_equiv # Get the timestamp at the beginning of the burst. # GPS timestamps are taken at the end of each contiguous recording. # (I think "samples on" is still undecimated, regardless if decimation is being used...) start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['G'][0]['timestamp']) - datetime.timedelta( seconds=float(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs)) # the "samples on" and "samples off" values are counting at the full rate, not the decimated rate. sec_on = cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs sec_off = cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] / fs E_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['E'])], E_coef * burst['E']) B_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['B'])], B_coef * burst['B']) # E_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) # B_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) nfft = 1024 overlap = 0.5 window = 'hanning' if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: E_td_spaced = E_coef * burst['E'] B_td_spaced = B_coef * burst['B'] else: # Insert nans into vector to account for "off" time sections E_td_spaced = [] B_td_spaced = [] for k in np.arange(cfg['burst_pulses']): E_td_spaced.append(E_coef * burst['E'][k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) E_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) B_td_spaced.append(B_coef * burst['B'][k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) B_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) E_td_spaced = np.concatenate(E_td_spaced).ravel() B_td_spaced = np.concatenate(B_td_spaced).ravel() # E spectrogram -- "spectrum" scaling -> V^2; "density" scaling -> V^2/Hz ff, tt, FE = scipy.signal.spectrogram(E_td_spaced, fs=fs_equiv, window=window, nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft * overlap, mode='psd', scaling='spectrum') E_S_mag = 20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(FE)) E_S_mag[np.isinf(E_S_mag)] = -100 logger.debug(f'E data min/max: {np.min(E_S_mag)}, {np.max(E_S_mag)}') pe = E_FD.pcolorfast(tt, ff / 1000, E_S_mag, cmap=cm, vmin=e_clims[0], vmax=e_clims[1]) ce = fig.colorbar(pe, cax=cb1) # B spectrogram ff, tt, FB = scipy.signal.spectrogram(B_td_spaced, fs=fs_equiv, window=window, nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft * overlap, mode='psd', scaling='spectrum') B_S_mag = 20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(FB)) B_S_mag[np.isinf(B_S_mag)] = -100 logger.debug(f'B data min/max: {np.min(B_S_mag)}, {np.max(B_S_mag)}') pb = B_FD.pcolorfast(tt, ff / 1000, B_S_mag, cmap=cm, vmin=b_clims[0], vmax=b_clims[1]) cb = fig.colorbar(pb, cax=cb2) E_TD.set_ylabel(f'E Amplitude\n[{E_unit_string}]') B_TD.set_ylabel(f'B Amplitude\n[{B_unit_string}]') E_FD.set_ylabel('Frequency [kHz]') B_FD.set_ylabel('Frequency [kHz]') B_TD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') B_FD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') ce.set_label(f'dB[{E_unit_string}]') cb.set_label(f'dB[{B_unit_string}]') if bbr_config: fig.suptitle( 'Time-Domain Burst\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off\nE gain = %s, E filter = %s, B gain = %s, B filter = %s' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off, bbr_config['E_GAIN'], bbr_config['E_FILT'], bbr_config['B_GAIN'], bbr_config['B_FILT'])) else: fig.suptitle( 'Time-Domain Burst\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off))
def plot_burst_incomplete(fig, burst, cal_data=None): logger = logging.getLogger("plot_burst_TD") cfg = burst['config']'burst configuration: {cfg}') system_delay_samps_TD = 73 system_delay_samps_FD = 200 fs = 80000 # cm = cm = parula() # This is a mockup of the current Matlab colormap (which is proprietary) # Check if we have any status packets included -- we'll get # the uBBR configuration from these. if 'bbr_config' in burst: bbr_config = burst['bbr_config'] elif 'I' in burst: logger.debug(f"Found {len(burst['I'])} status packets") # Get uBBR config command: if 'prev_bbr_command' in burst['I'][0]: bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(burst['I'][0]['prev_bbr_command']) else: ps = decode_status([burst['I'][0]]) bbr_config = decode_uBBR_command(ps[0]['prev_bbr_command']) logger.debug(f'bbr config is: {bbr_config}') else: logger.warning(f'No bbr configuration found') bbr_config = None E_unit_string = 'uV/m' # now calibrated to uV/m # Scale the spectrograms -- A perfect sine wave will have ~-3dB amplitude. # Scaling covers 14 bits of dynamic range, with a maximum at each channel's theoretical peak #clims = np.array([-6*14, -3]) #[-96, -20] #e_clims = clims + 20*np.log10(E_coef*ADC_max_value/ADC_max_volts) #b_clims = clims + 20*np.log10(B_coef*ADC_max_value/ADC_max_volts) e_clims = np.array([-40, 10]) # for newly calibrated data E_coef = burst['CAL'] # calibrate into uV/m units #print(E_coef) B_coef = 1 # just so we don't have to comment a bunch of stuff out # Generate time axis if cfg['TD_FD_SELECT'] == 1: # --------- Time domain plots ----------- # fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(10, 8) gs = GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[1.25, 1], wspace=0.2, hspace=0.25) E_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) # B_TD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0], sharex=E_TD) E_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=E_TD) # B_FD = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1], sharex=E_FD) # cb1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,2]) # cb2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,2]) # add in burst map to plot -- werid workaround but it fixed it map_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:2]) box = map_ax.get_position() box.x0 = box.x0 - 0.13 box.x1 = box.x1 - 0.13 map_ax.set_position(box) gstr = plot_burst_map(map_ax, burst['G'], burst) fig.text(0.68, 0.25, gstr, fontsize='9') # ha='center', va='bottom') # Construct the appropriate time and frequency axes # Get the equivalent sample rate, if decimated if cfg['DECIMATE_ON'] == 1: fs_equiv = 80000. / cfg['DECIMATION_FACTOR'] else: fs_equiv = 80000. if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: max_ind = max(len(burst['E']), len(burst['B'])) t_axis = np.arange(max_ind) / fs_equiv else: # Seconds from the start of the burst t_axis = np.array([(np.arange(cfg['SAMPLES_ON']))/fs_equiv +\ (k*(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] + cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']))/fs_equiv for k in range(cfg['burst_pulses'])]).ravel() #print(len(burst['E'])) # Add in system delay t_axis += system_delay_samps_TD / fs_equiv # Get the timestamp at the beginning of the burst. # GPS timestamps are taken at the end of each contiguous recording. # (I think "samples on" is still undecimated, regardless if decimation is being used...) try: start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['G'][0]['timestamp']) - datetime.timedelta( seconds=float(cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs)) #print(start_timestamp) except: start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( burst['header_timestamp']) #if start_timestamp.year == 1980: # # error in GPS? # start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(burst['header_timestamp']) # the "samples on" and "samples off" values are counting at the full rate, not the decimated rate. sec_on = cfg['SAMPLES_ON'] / fs sec_off = cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] / fs #E_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['E'])], E_coef*burst['E']) E_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['E'])], E_coef * burst['E'][0:len(t_axis)]) # B_TD.plot(t_axis[0:len(burst['B'])], B_coef*burst['B']) # E_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) # B_TD.set_ylim(td_lims) nfft = 1024 overlap = 0.5 window = 'hanning' if cfg['SAMPLES_OFF'] == 0: E_td_spaced = E_coef * burst['E'] B_td_spaced = B_coef * burst['B'] else: # Insert nans into vector to account for "off" time sections E_td_spaced = [] B_td_spaced = [] for k in np.arange(cfg['burst_pulses']): E_td_spaced.append(E_coef * burst['E'][k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) E_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) B_td_spaced.append(B_coef * burst['B'][k * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']:(k + 1) * cfg['SAMPLES_ON']]) B_td_spaced.append(np.ones(cfg['SAMPLES_OFF']) * np.nan) E_td_spaced = np.concatenate(E_td_spaced).ravel() B_td_spaced = np.concatenate(B_td_spaced).ravel() # E spectrogram -- "spectrum" scaling -> V^2; "density" scaling -> V^2/Hz ff, tt, FE = scipy.signal.spectrogram( E_td_spaced, fs=fs_equiv, window=window, nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft * overlap, mode='psd', scaling='density') # changed to density E_S_mag = 20 * np.log10(np.sqrt(FE)) E_S_mag[np.isinf(E_S_mag)] = -100 logger.debug(f'E data min/max: {np.min(E_S_mag)}, {np.max(E_S_mag)}') E_FD.plot(ff / 1000, E_S_mag) # what does pe do? #pe = E_FD.pcolorfast(tt,ff/1000,E_S_mag, cmap = cm, vmin=e_clims[0], vmax=e_clims[1]) #cax_divider = make_axes_locatable(E_FD) #ce_ax = cax_divider.append_axes('right', size='7%', pad='5%') #ce = fig.colorbar(pe, cax=ce_ax) E_TD.set_ylabel(f'E Amplitude\n[{E_unit_string}]') E_FD.set_ylabel(f'E Amplitude\n[{E_unit_string}]') E_TD.set_xlabel('Time [sec from start]') E_FD.set_xlabel('Frequency [kHz]') #ce.set_label(f'dB[(uV/m)^2/Hz]') #f start_timestamp.year == 1980: # start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(burst['header_timestamp']) start_timestamp = start_timestamp.replace(microsecond=0) if bbr_config: fig.suptitle( 'VPM Burst Data\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off\nE gain = %s, E filter = %s' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off, burst['GAIN'], burst['FILT'])) else: fig.suptitle( 'VPM Burst Data\n%s - n = %d, %d on / %d off' % (start_timestamp, cfg['burst_pulses'], sec_on, sec_off))