def make_curves_for_unique_config(config_id): start_pos, start_lm = None, None for env_id in range(config_id, config_id + NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N, 1): config = load_env_config(env_id) curve_path = get_curve_path(env_id) plot_path = get_curve_plot_path(env_id) start_pos, start_lm = make_new_curve(config, curve_path, plot_path, start_pos, start_lm)
def make_annotations(end_i): P.initialize_experiment() annotations = {"train": [], "test": [], "dev": []} train_range, dev_range, test_range = get_split_ranges(end_i) assert ( train_range[1] - train_range[0] ) % NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N == 0, "training set size must be a multiple of NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N" for config_id in range(end_i): config_path = paths.get_env_config_path(config_id) path_path = paths.get_curve_path(config_id) instruction_path = paths.get_instructions_path(config_id) with open(config_path) as fp: config = json.load(fp) with open(path_path) as fp: curve = json.load(fp) with open(instruction_path) as fp: instruction = fp.readline() token_list = clean_instruction(instruction) curve_np = np.asarray(list(zip(curve["x_array"], curve["z_array"]))) split = "train" if train_range[0] <= config_id < train_range[1] else \ "dev" if dev_range[0] <= config_id < dev_range[1] else \ "test" if test_range[0] <= config_id < test_range[1] else None #start_dir = np.asarray(config["startHeading"]) - np.asarray(config["startPos"]) start_dir = curve_np[1] - curve_np[0] start_yaw = vec_to_yaw(start_dir) start_yaw_cfg = np.rad2deg(-start_yaw + np.pi / 2) dataset = { "id": str(config_id), "start_z": [curve["z_array"][0]], "start_x": [curve["x_array"][0]], "end_z": [curve["z_array"][-1]], "end_x": [curve["x_array"][-1]], "start_rot": [start_yaw_cfg], "config_file": "configs/random_config_%d.json" % config_id, "instructions_file": "instructions/instructions_%d.txt" % config_id, "path_file": "paths/random_curve_%d.json" % config_id, "moves": [], "valid": True, "num_tokens": [len(token_list)], "instructions": [instruction] } annotations[split].append(dataset) print("Added annotations for env: " + str(config_id)) with open(paths.get_instruction_annotations_path(), "w") as fp: json.dump(annotations, fp)
def load_path(env_id, anno=True): anno_curve_path = paths.get_anno_curve_path(env_id) if os.path.isfile(anno_curve_path) and anno: path = load_json(anno_curve_path) else: path = load_json(paths.get_curve_path(env_id)) if path is None: print("Ground truth path not found for env: " + str(env_id)) return path x_arr = path['x_array'] y_arr = path['z_array'] path = np.asarray(list(zip(x_arr, y_arr))) return path
def make_annotations(start_i, end_i): P.initialize_experiment() annotations = { "train": [], "test": [], "dev": [] } for config_id in range(start_i, end_i): config_path = paths.get_env_config_path(config_id) path_path = paths.get_curve_path(config_id) instruction_path = paths.get_instructions_path(config_id) with open(config_path) as fp: config = json.load(fp) with open(path_path) as fp: curve = json.load(fp) with open(instruction_path) as fp: instruction = fp.readline() token_list = clean_instruction(instruction) split = get_split((config_id % 100) / 100.0) start_dir = np.asarray(config["startHeading"]) - np.asarray(config["startPos"]) start_yaw = vec_to_yaw(start_dir) start_yaw_cfg = np.rad2deg(-start_yaw + np.pi/2) dataset = { "id": str(config_id), "start_z": [curve["z_array"][0]], "start_x": [curve["x_array"][0]], "end_z": [curve["z_array"][-1]], "end_x": [curve["x_array"][-1]], "start_rot": [start_yaw_cfg], "config_file": "configs/random_config_%d.json" % config_id, "instructions_file": "instructions/instructions_%d.txt" % config_id, "path_file": "paths/random_curve_%d.json" % config_id, "moves": [], "valid": True, "num_tokens": [len(token_list)], "instructions": [instruction] } annotations[split].append(dataset) print ("Added annotations for env: " + str(config_id)) with open(paths.get_instruction_annotations_path(), "w") as fp: json.dump(annotations, fp)
def make_template_curve(config, config_id): # try making curve until it succeeds (doesn't go out of bounds) print("making curve for config id " + str(config_id)) cnt = 0 while True: if PERMUTATION_TEST: num_objects = len(config["landmarkName"]) permutation, landmark_idx, side_idx = get_permutation_side_selection( config_id, num_objects) landmark_choices = [config["landmarkName"][landmark_idx]] side_choices = ["left"] if side_idx == 0 else ["right"] template = generate_template(template_types, landmark_choices, sampling="consistent", side_choices=side_choices) else: # Create a template for one of the template types that we can choose from template = generate_template(template_types, config["landmarkName"], sampling=SAMPLING_MODE) pos_array = try_make_template_curve(config, template) cnt += 1 if pos_array is not None: break elif cnt > 500: print(f"FAILED GENERATING CURVES FOR ENV: {config_id}") assert isinstance(pos_array, list) # write pos array to file pos_lists = { "x_array": [x for x, _ in pos_array], "z_array": [y for _, y in pos_array] } curve_path = paths.get_curve_path(config_id) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(curve_path), exist_ok=True) with open(curve_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(pos_lists, fp) # Write the template to file template_data = { "type": str(template.type), "landmark1": str(template.landmark1), "landmark2": str(template.landmark2), "side": str(template.side), "dir": str(template.dir), "instruction": str(template.instruction) } template_path = paths.get_template_path(config_id) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(template_path), exist_ok=True) with open(template_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(template_data, fp) instruction_path = paths.get_instructions_path(config_id) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(instruction_path), exist_ok=True) with open(instruction_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(template.instruction) landmark_pos = get_landmark_pos(config) lake_pos = get_lake_pos(config) plt.figure() axes = plt.axes() # plot landmarks axes.plot([x for x, _ in landmark_pos], [y for _, y in landmark_pos], "bo") # plot route starting point x_start, y_start = pos_array[0] axes.plot([x_start], [y_start], "ro", ms=10.0) axes.plot([x for x, _ in pos_array[1:]], [y for _, y in pos_array[1:]], "r.") # plot lake axes.plot([x for x, _ in lake_pos], [y for _, y in lake_pos], "b.") axes.set_xlim(list(X_RANGE)) axes.set_ylim(list(Y_RANGE)) plot_path = os.path.join(paths.get_plots_dir(), "generated_path_" + str(config_id) + ".png") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(plot_path), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(plot_path)