def sveIspisi(a):
    finalSTep_1 = 0;
    finalSTep_2 = 0;
    finalSTep_3 = 0;
    dobro = 0;
    xr = Data_Manager()
    print("Welcome to Trip to Germany!")
    print("Trip consists of of these cities all together")
    print("Rostock ")
    print("Lubeck (home of the best marzipan) ")
    print("Hamburg (Oma/Opa want to drive under the river - a taxi can do this as well)")
    print("Bremen ")
    print("Hannover (Consumer Electronics haven - purchase each a new iPad at 180 Euros each)  ")
    print("Kassel ")
    print("Dusseldorf  ")
    print("Koln (taxi will be needed to visit the castle 10km away from the hauptbahnhof)  ")
    print("St. Augustine ")
    print("Bonn ")
    print("Wiesbaden ")
    print("** Frankfurt ")
    print("Mannheim ")
    print("Karlsruhe ")
    print("Baden Baden (Oma wants to visit a Spa here, therefore, you will need to spend the day) ")
    print("** Stuttgart ")
    print("** Munchen (Munich)")
    print("Dresden ")
    print("Leipzig ")
    print("** Berlin")
    print("Basel, Switzerland (Opa and Dad want to purchase a nice watch and this is the best place for such a purchase - you will be spending $6k/watch) ")

    print("Here is the way using Petrol, Diesel or Train for every city")
    print("Cities of this trip:", xr.dajmigradpoGrad(a[0][0]))
    for sastavi in a:
        dobro = dobro + 1
        b = sastavi[0]
        f = sastavi[1]
        city = xr.dajmigradpoGrad(b)
        ovajSPoj = xr.nadjiSpojeve(b, f)

        if ovajSPoj == None:
            index = 0
            a = sastavi[2]
            b = sveGorivo(a)
            c = sveUP(a)
            d = sveVrijeme(a)
            xrx = sastavi[0]
            xrd = sastavi[1]
            ovajSPoj = Connection(xrx, xrd, 0, b, c, 0, d, a)
        putic, vrsta, cena, vrim = ovajSPoj.sveTezine()
        way_1 = finalSTep_1 + putic
        finalSTep_1 = way_1
        way_2 = finalSTep_2 + cena
        finalSTep_2 = way_2
        way_3 = finalSTep_3 + vrim
        finalSTep_3 = way_3
        putit = sastavi[1]
        print("Distance Number:", dobro, "", city, putit)
        atm = float(putic)
        tip = vrsta
        fl = float(cena)
        vm = float(vrim)
        print(str.format("So know we know that traveling distance is: {0:.4} km, by {1}, traveling cost is: ${2:.5}, and traveling time is: {3:.4} minutes", atm, tip, fl, vm))
    print("Here are the alternating methods:")
    tour = finalSTep_2
    tourtwo = finalSTep_3 / 60
    tourthree = finalSTep_1
    tourfour = finalSTep_1 * .621371
    print(str.format("       and all together the Cost is : ${0:.6}, Time is: {1:.4} hours, Distance is: {2:.6} km ({3:.6} miles)", tour, tourtwo, tourthree, tourfour))