vect_z = array([2, 1, 3], float64)
r, theta, phi = cartesian_to_spherical(vect_z)

# Load the tensors.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='script', file=status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'system_tests'+sep+'scripts'+sep+'frame_order'+sep+'tensors'+sep+'free_rotor_axis2_1_3_rot_tensors.py')

# Data init.
cdp.ave_pos_beta = 0.5
cdp.ave_pos_gamma = 0.2
cdp.axis_theta  = theta
cdp.axis_phi = phi

# Select the Frame Order model.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='frame_order.select_model', model='free rotor')

# Set the reference domain.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='frame_order.ref_domain', ref='full')

# Calculate the chi2.
#cdp.chi2b = cdp.chi2
#self._execute_uf(uf_name='minimise', min_algor='simplex')
ds.chi2 = cdp.chi2

# Save the program state.
#self._execute_uf(uf_name='state.save', state="free_rotor", force=True)

# Chi2 printout.
print("Chi2: %s" % cdp.chi2)
            # The incremented angle.
            if val == 'var':
                val = get_angle(i, incs=INC, deg=False)

            # Set the parameter name, storing an original copy for optimisation comparison.
            setattr(cdp, params[j], val)
            setattr(cdp, 'orig_' + params[j], val)

        # Select the Frame Order model.
        self._execute_uf(uf_name='frame_order.select_model', model='pseudo-ellipse, free rotor')

        # Set the reference domain.
        self._execute_uf(uf_name='frame_order.ref_domain', ref='full')

        # Calculate the chi2.
        #cdp.chi2b = cdp.chi2
        #self._execute_uf(uf_name='minimise', min_algor='simplex')

    # Save the program state.
    #self._execute_uf(uf_name='state.save', state="pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor%s" % round, force=True)

# Chi2 printout.
ds.chi2 = chi2
for round in range(len(files)):
    print("\n\nFile: %s\n" % files[round])
    for i in range(INC):
        print("Cone %3i deg, chi2: %s" % (get_angle(i, incs=INC, deg=True), chi2[round][i]))
vect_x = vect_x / norm(vect_x)
vect_y = vect_y / norm(vect_y)
vect_z = vect_z / norm(vect_z)

# Build the frame.
EIG_FRAME = zeros((3, 3), float64)
EIG_FRAME[:, 0] = vect_x
EIG_FRAME[:, 1] = vect_y
EIG_FRAME[:, 2] = vect_z
a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(EIG_FRAME)

# Load the tensors.
self._execute_uf(uf_name='script', file=status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'system_tests'+sep+'scripts'+sep+'frame_order'+sep+'tensors'+sep+'iso_cone_free_rotor_axis2_1_3_tensors_beta78_75.py')

# Data stores.
ds.chi2 = []
ds.angles = []

# Loop over the cones.
for i in range(INC):
    # Switch data pipes.
    ds.angles.append(get_angle(i, incs=INC, deg=True))
    self._execute_uf(uf_name='pipe.switch', pipe_name='cone_%.1f_deg' % ds.angles[-1])

    # Data init.
    cdp.ave_pos_alpha  = cdp.ave_pos_alpha2  = 0.0
    cdp.ave_pos_beta   = cdp.ave_pos_beta2   = 78.75 / 360.0 * 2.0 * pi
    cdp.ave_pos_gamma  = cdp.ave_pos_gamma2  = 0.0
    cdp.eigen_alpha    = cdp.eigen_alpha2    = a
    cdp.eigen_beta     = cdp.eigen_beta2     = b
    cdp.eigen_gamma    = cdp.eigen_gamma2    = g