def convolution_3d(picture: CachingDataStructure, kernel: np.ndarray,
                   cval: float = 0.0) -> CachingDataStructure:
    """Performs convolution for a 3D image. Pads borders with cval"""
    assert picture.dim == 3
    ret_data = picture.empty_of_same_shape()
    kernel_dim = kernel.shape[0]
    pad = kernel_dim // 2
    for (x, y, z) in picture.iter_keys():
        ret_data[x, y, z] = convolve_voxel(picture, kernel, kernel_dim,
                                           pad, x, y, z, cval)
    return ret_data
def bit_rev_inplace(arr: CachingDataStructure, axis: int) \
                    -> CachingDataStructure:
    Swaps the values along a given axis according to the reversed bit value
    of that index
    N = arr.shape[0]
    bitlen = int(np.log2(N))
    for key in arr.iter_keys():
        rev_bit_idx = rev_bit_str(key[axis], bitlen)
        if key[axis] >= rev_bit_idx:  # Make sure to only swap elements once
        new_key = tuple_gen(rev_bit_idx, key, axis)
        arr[key], arr[new_key] = arr[new_key], arr[key]
    return arr