def __init__(self, expression_in_infix_notation: str): """ :param expression_in_infix_notation: string with expression in infix notation """ self.expression_in_infix_notation = Queue_(expression_in_infix_notation) self.expression_in_postfix_notation = ReversePolishNotation() self.stack = Stack()
def test_pop(): stack = Stack() stack.push("a") stack.push("b") assert stack.pop() == "b" assert len(stack) == 1
class ReversePolishNotationConverterState: """ Class to store the state of RPN convert process """ def __init__(self, expression_in_infix_notation: str): """ :param expression_in_infix_notation: string with expression in infix notation """ self.expression_in_infix_notation = Queue_( expression_in_infix_notation) self.expression_in_postfix_notation = ReversePolishNotation() self.stack = Stack() def pop_from_stack_until_opening_bracket(self): """ Help function помогает вытащить все из стека :return: """ el = while not isinstance(el, OpenBracket): self.expression_in_postfix_notation.put(el) # выкнуть откр скобку из стека self.stack.pop()
def test_push_to_empty_stack(self): """Push a value to an empty stack.""" s = Stack() self.assertTrue(s.head is None) s.push(self.single_value) self.assertEqual(s.head.value, self.single_value) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.head.value, type(self.single_value)))
class QueueOutOfStack: """Implements queue of two stacks. Idea: 1st stack for input, 2nd for output. While enqueue is called, data is stored in the input stack Once dequeue is called it gets data from the output stack until it's empty. If dequeue is called on empty output stack, all data from input stack is flush to the output stack. """ def __init__(self): self.input_stack = Stack() self.output_stack = Stack() def is_empty(self): return self.input_stack.is_empty() and self.output_stack.is_empty() def enqueue(self, item): self.input_stack.push(item) def dequeue(self): if self.output_stack.is_empty(): while not self.input_stack.is_empty(): self.output_stack.push(self.input_stack.pop()) return self.output_stack.pop()
def test_pop_from_populated_stack(self): """Pop a value from a populated stack.""" s = Stack() s.push(self.single_value) popped = s.pop() self.assertEqual(popped, self.single_value) self.assertTrue(isinstance(popped, type(self.single_value)))
def test_pop_empty_stack(): stack = Stack() with pytest.raises(IndexError) as exc: stack.pop() assert str(exc.value) == "pop from empty list"
def rev_string(test_str): string_stack = Stack() for ch in test_str: string_stack.push(ch) reverse_string = '' while not string_stack.isEmpty(): reverse_string = reverse_string + string_stack.pop() return reverse_string
def test_push_to_populated_stack(self): """Push a value to a populated stack.""" s = Stack() self.assertTrue(s.head is None) for val in self.values: s.push(val) self.assertEqual(s.head.value, self.values[-1]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.head.value, type(self.values[-1])))
def _topological_sort(graph: Graph, vertex: Any, visited: Set, stack: Stack) -> None: visited.add(vertex) for neighbor in graph.adjacency_list[vertex]: if neighbor[0] not in visited: _topological_sort(graph, neighbor[0], visited, stack) stack.push(vertex)
def tower_of_hanoi(height=3, verbose=0): """ Принцип работы: Задача разбивается на 3 этапа: 1) Передвинуть все диски, кроме последнего с начального стержня на временный 2) Передвинуть последний диск с начального стержня на конечный 3) Передвинуть все диски с временного стержня на конечный Этап №1 - первый рекурсивный вызов Этап №2 - перемещение нижнего диска Этап №3 - второй рекурсивный вызов Таким образом, мы делаем ряд рекурсивных вызовов, до тех пор, пока нам не остается передвинуть всего один диск с from_pole на with_pole (base case). Так же хорошее пояснение можно почитать здесь >>> tower_of_hanoi() >>> tower_of_hanoi(1) >>> tower_of_hanoi(0) :type height: int :type verbose: int """ if verbose > 1: counter = Counter() initial_pole = Stack() for x in range(height, 0, -1): initial_pole.push(x) def print_poles_state(*poles): counter.increase() poles = sorted(poles, key=lambda pole: print 'Poles after {0} move(s): {1}, {2}, {3}'.format(counter, *poles) def move_tower(height, from_pole, to_pole=Stack(), with_pole=Stack()): """ :type height: int :type from_pole: Stack :type to_pole: Stack :type with_pole: Stack """ if height > 0: move_tower(height-1, from_pole=from_pole, to_pole=with_pole, with_pole=to_pole) if verbose == 1: print "Moving disk from", from_pole, "to", to_pole to_pole.push(from_pole.pop()) if verbose == 2: print_poles_state(from_pole, to_pole, with_pole) move_tower(height-1, from_pole=with_pole, to_pole=to_pole, with_pole=from_pole) move_tower(height, initial_pole)
def push(self, item): cur_stack = self.get_last_stack() if cur_stack and cur_stack.size < self.threshold: cur_stack.push(item) else: cur_stack = Stack() cur_stack.push(item) self.stack_set.append(cur_stack)
def __init__(self, expression_in_infix_notation: str): self.expression_in_infix_notation = Queue_(expression_in_infix_notation) self.expression_in_postfix_notation = ReversePolishNotation() self.stack = Stack() while not ReversePolishNotationConverter.is_open_bracket( self.expression_in_postfix_notation.put( self.stack.pop() self.stack.pop()
def test_stack_length(self): #arrange my_stack = Stack() my_stack.push(1) my_stack.push(2) #assert self.assertEqual(2, len(my_stack), "stack length does not return the correct length")
def test_pop(create_nodes, create_stack): n1, n2, n3 = create_nodes s = Stack() for ele in (n1, n2, n3): s.push(ele) assert is n2 assert s.pop() == n3.value assert s.head is n2 assert is n1 assert is None
class QueueStack: def __init__(self): self._stack1 = Stack() self._stack2 = Stack() def enqueue(self, item): """Add item to the enqueue stack. Parameters: item: item to add to the queue """ while len(self._stack1) > 0: self._stack2.push(self._stack1.pop()) self._stack2.push(item) def dequeue(self): """Remove item from the queue. Returns: item: First item in queue """ while len(self._stack2) > 0: self._stack1.push(self._stack2.pop()) return self._stack1.pop()
def test_push_peek(self): #Arrange my_stack = Stack() my_stack.push(1) my_stack.push(2) #Act peek = my_stack.peek() #Assert self.assertEqual(2, peek, "peek did not return expected value")
def test_stack_push_overflows(): stack = Stack(5) stack.push(1) stack.push(1) stack.push(1) stack.push(1) stack.push(1) with pytest.raises(StackOverflowError): assert stack.push(1)
def divide_by_2(dec_num): remstack = Stack() while dec_num > 0: rem = dec_num % 2 remstack.push(rem) dec_num = dec_num // 2 bin_string = "" while not remstack.isEmpty(): bin_string = bin_string + str(remstack.pop()) return bin_string
def depth_first_list(self): """returns a list created by traversing the tree in depth first manner""" li = [] stack = Stack("bst") stack.push(self.root) while not stack.is_empty(): node = stack.pop() li.append( if node.left: stack.push(node.left) if node.right: stack.push(node.right) return li
def all_nearest_smaller_values_v2(a): """Compute all nearest smaller values of array a using a Stack.""" r = [] s = Stack() for ix, x in enumerate(a): while not s.is_empty() and s.peek()[1] >= x: s.pop() if s.is_empty(): r.append((None, None)) # (-1, None) else: r.append(s.peek()) s.push((ix, x)) return r
def is_palindrome(head: LinkedList) -> bool: current_node = head stack = Stack() while current_node: stack.push(current_node) current_node = while head: if head.value != stack.pop().value: return False head = return True
def test_push_pop(self): # Arrange my_stack = Stack() my_stack.push(1) my_stack.push(2) # Act pop1 = my_stack.pop() pop2 = my_stack.pop() # Assert self.assertEqual(2, pop1, "first pop did not have the expected value") self.assertEqual(1, pop2, "second pop did not have the expected value")
def toStr(n, base): """ Convert given number to number in different base Instead of concatenating the result of the recursive call to toStr with the string from stringMap, Push the strings onto a stack instead of making the recursive call INPUT ------- n : Input number eg 1453 base : base to convert the number to eg. 16 or Hexadecimal RETURN ------- newStr = (1453,16) => 5AD """ tempStack = Stack() stringMap = '0123456789ABCDEF' newStr = '' while (n > 0): quotient = n // base remainder = n % base if remainder > 9: tempStack.push(stringMap[remainder]) else: tempStack.push(remainder) n = n // base while not tempStack.isEmpty(): newStr += str(tempStack.pop()) return newStr
def is_parentheses_balanced(input_string: str) -> bool: """Checks a string for balanced brackets of 3 different kinds: (),{},[]. Args: input_string: a string to be checked Returns: True if parenthesis are balanced, False in other case """ if input_string is None or not isinstance(input_string, str): raise ValueError('Incorrect input parameter! Shall be string') brackets_stack = Stack() par_dict = {'}': '{', ')': '(', ']': '['} for char in input_string: if char in par_dict.values(): brackets_stack.push(char) elif char in par_dict.keys(): last_element = brackets_stack.peek() if last_element == par_dict[char]: brackets_stack.pop() else: return False else: continue return brackets_stack.is_empty()
def parenthesesChecker(string): """ Parentheses Checker validates the string using stack INPUT --------- string : '(()))' RETURN --------- Flag : False """ temp = Stack(); balanceFlag = False for i in string: if i == "(": temp.push('i') if i == ")": if temp.isEmpty(): balanceFlag = False else: temp.pop(); balanceFlag = True if balanceFlag and temp.isEmpty(): return True else: return False
def test_isEmpty(self): stack_empty = Stack() stack_full = Stack() stack_full.push('test') self.assertEqual(stack_empty.isEmpty(), True) self.assertEquals(stack_full.isEmpty(), False)
def test_push_onto_full(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") s.push("cucumber") actual = expected = "cucumber" assert actual == expected
def topological_sort(graph: Graph) -> None: visited = set() stack = Stack() for vertex in graph.adjacency_list: if vertex not in visited: _topological_sort(graph, vertex, visited, stack) print(stack)
class QueueOfStacks(object): """A Queue using only Stacks as its underlying data stucture.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Queue with two stacks holding data.""" self._out_stack = Stack() self._in_stack = Stack() self._size = 0 def enqueue(self, val): """Add an item to the Queue.""" self._in_stack.push(val) self._size += 1 def dequeue(self): """Remove the front item in the Queue and return it.""" try: item = self._pop() self._size -= 1 return item except IndexError: raise IndexError("Cannot dequeue from an empty Queue.") def peek(self): """Return the front item in the Queue without removing it.""" try: item = self._pop() self._out_stack.push(item) return item except IndexError: return None def size(self): """Return the length of the Queue.""" return self._size def _pop(self): """Pop item from out stack, transferring or raising error if needed.""" try: item = self._out_stack.pop() except IndexError: self._transfer() item = self._out_stack.pop() return item def _transfer(self): """Transfer all items from the from_stack to the to_stack.""" while True: try: self._out_stack.push(self._in_stack.pop()) except IndexError: break
def test_stack(): stack = Stack() stack.push("foo") stack.push("bar") stack.push("baz") assert "baz" == stack.pop() assert "bar" == stack.pop() assert "foo" == stack.pop()
def postfix_calculator(expression: str) -> int: stack = Stack() for char in expression.split(" "): if char.isdigit(): stack.push(int(char)) else: # I'm assuming that user input is valid. In "real world" project # it's necessary to check if is a valid operator. right = stack.pop() left = stack.pop() result = eval(f"{left}{char}{right}") stack.push(result) return stack.peek()
def test_peek(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") actual = s.peek() expected = "banana" assert actual == expected
def test_stack_push_pop(): el = 1 stack = Stack(5) stack.push(el) assert stack.size() == 1 assert stack.pop() == el assert stack.size() == 0
def test_clear_stack(self): stack = Stack() stack.push("item1") stack.push("item2") stack.push("item3") assert len(stack) > 0 assert len(stack) == 3 stack.clear() assert len(stack) == 0
def test_pop(self): stack = Stack() stack.push('win') stack.push('test') item = stack.pop() self.assertEqual(item, 'test') self.assertEqual(, 'win')
class testPop(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.stack = Stack() def testEmptyList(self): self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.stack.pop) def testListOfOne(self): self.stack = Stack(1) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 1) self.stack.push("Hello") self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, "Hello") def testLongList(self): self.stack = Stack(10, 11, 12, 13, 14) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 14) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 13) def tearDown(self): self.stack = None
class TestStack(unittest.TestCase): def test_push_to_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.my_stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(5, def test_push_to_non_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.my_stack.push(5) self.my_stack.push(4) self.assertEqual(4, def test_pop_from_non_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.my_stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(5, self.my_stack.pop()) def test_pop_from_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.failureException("Uh oh!! You're trying to pop from an empty \ stack", self.my_stack.pop())
def route_exists(self, node1, node2): """ Returns whether a route exists between two nodes in the graph. """ stack = Stack() for node in self.get_nodes(): node.visited = False stack.push(node1) while not stack.is_empty(): node = stack.pop() if node: for child in node.get_children(): if not child.visited: if child is node2: return True else: stack.push(child) node.visited = True return False
class testPush(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.stack = Stack(10, 11, 12, 13, 14) def testEmpyList(self): self.stack = Stack() self.stack.push(10) self.assertEqual(self.stack.head.val, 10) def testListOfOne(self): self.stack = Stack() self.stack.push(10) self.stack.push(11) self.assertEqual(self.stack.head.val, 11) def testLongList(self): self.stack.push(15) self.assertEqual(self.stack.head.val, 15)
def depth_first_traversal(self, start): if start not in self.nodes(): raise KeyError node = start stack = Stack() stack.push(node) traversed = [] while len(traversed) < len(self.nodes()): try: node = stack.pop() print node traversed.insert(0, node) children = self.neighbors(node) for child in children: if child not in traversed: stack.push(child) except LookupError: break traversed.reverse() return traversed
def testEmpyList(self): self.stack = Stack() self.stack.push(10) self.assertEqual(self.stack.head.val, 10)
"""Docstring.""" from data_structures.stack import Stack from data_structures.queue import Queue q = Queue() s = Stack() s.push(4) print(s)
class BTree(object): def __init__(self, degree=2): self.root = Node() self.stack = Stack() if degree < 2: raise InvalidDegreeError = degree def __repr__(self): """For printing out the tree and its nodes It's here to save me typing during debugging""" result = '' for i in self._bft(): result += i return result def _bft(self): import queue keeper = queue.Queue() keeper.enqueue(self.root) while keeper.size() > 0: temp = keeper.dequeue() yield str(temp) if temp is not '\n' and temp.children[0]: keeper.enqueue('\n') for nod in temp.children: if nod is not None: keeper.enqueue(nod) def search(self, key): """Returns the value of the searched-for key""" nod, idx = self._recursive_search(self.root, key) return nod.elems[idx][1] def _recursive_search(self, node, key): """Searches the subtree for a specific key and returns where to find it if it is found If it is not found, raises a custom error""" # The index of the node in which the key is found idx = 0 while idx <= node.count - 1 and key > node.elems[idx][0]: # Look to the next key in the node idx += 1 if idx <= node.count - 1 and key == node.elems[idx][0]: # Found the key in the node return node, idx if not node.children[0]: raise MissingError else: # Look to the appropriate child return self._recursive_search(node.children[idx], key) def insert(self, key, val): """Inserts a key-value pair into the tree""" self._recursive_insert(self.root, key, val) def _split_child(self, parent, child): new = Node() for i in xrange( new.add_to_node(*child.elems[]) child.del_from_node( parent.add_to_node(*child.elems[]) child.del_from_node( if child.children[0]: for i in xrange( new.children[i], child.children[] = \ child.children[], None child.sort_children parent.children[2*] = new parent.sort_children() if parent.count == 2 * - 1: self._split_child(self.stack.pop().val, parent) def _recursive_insert(self, node, key, val): if not node.children[0]: node.add_to_node(key, val) if node.count == 2 * - 1: if node is self.root: new = Node() new.children[0], self.root = self.root, new self.stack.push(new) self._split_child(self.stack.pop().val, node) else: self.stack.push(node) idx = node.count - 1 while idx >= 0 and key < node.elems[idx][0]: idx -= 1 self._recursive_insert(node.children[idx+1], key, val) def delete(self, key): self._recursive_delete(self.root, key) def _recursive_delete(self, node, key): pass def _move_key(self, key, src, dest): pass def _merge_nodes(self, node1, node2): pass
def __init__(self, degree=2): self.root = Node() self.stack = Stack() if degree < 2: raise InvalidDegreeError = degree
def testStack(self): stack = Stack() self.assertTrue(stack.isEmpty()) stack.push(5) self.assertFalse(stack.isEmpty()) stack.clear() self.assertTrue(stack.isEmpty()) stack.push(6) self.assertEqual(6, self.assertEqual(6, stack.pop()) self.assertTrue(stack.isEmpty()) stack.push(7) stack.push(6) stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(5, stack.pop()) self.assertEqual(6, stack.pop()) self.assertEqual(7,
def setUp(self): self.stack = Stack()
def setUp(self): self.stack = Stack(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
def test_pop_from_non_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.my_stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(5, self.my_stack.pop())
def testLongList(self): self.stack = Stack(10, 11, 12, 13, 14) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 14) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 13)
def test_pop_from_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.failureException("Uh oh!! You're trying to pop from an empty \ stack", self.my_stack.pop())
def test_push_to_empty(self): self.my_stack = Stack() self.my_stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(5,
def testListOfOne(self): self.stack = Stack() self.stack.push(10) self.stack.push(11) self.assertEqual(self.stack.head.val, 11)
def test_push(items): s = Stack() for item in items: s.push(item) for item in reversed(items): assert s.pop() == item
def test_pop(items): s = Stack(items) for item in reversed(items): assert s.pop() == item with pytest.raises(IndexError): s.pop()
def testListOfOne(self): self.stack = Stack(1) self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, 1) self.stack.push("Hello") self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop().val, "Hello")