import comet_ml                            # can log training metrics, parameters, do version control and parameter optimization
import os                                  # os handles directory/workspace changes
import pandas as pd                        # Pandas to load the data initially
# import modin.pandas as pd                  # Optimized distributed version of Pandas
import numpy as np                         # Mathematical operations package, allowing also for missing values representation
import torch                               # PyTorch for tensor and deep learning operations
import plotly.graph_objs as go             # Plotly for interactive and pretty plots
import data_utils as du                    # Data science and machine learning relevant methods
from model_interpreter.model_interpreter import ModelInterpreter  # Model interpretability class
import shap                                # Model-agnostic interpretability package inspired on Shapley values
from datetime import datetime              # datetime to use proper date and time formats
import pickle                              # Save and load Python objects





import pixiedust                           # Debugging in Jupyter Notebook cells

# Change to scripts directory

import Models                              # Script with all the machine learning model classes

# Change to parent directory (presumably "eICU-mortality-prediction")
import sys

# Parse the terminal arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--comet_ml_api_key', type=str, help=' API key')
parser.add_argument('--comet_ml_workspace', type=str, help=' workspace where data the experiment will be uploaded')
parser.add_argument('--comet_ml_project_name', type=str, help=' project name where data the experiment will be uploaded')
parser.add_argument('--comet_ml_save_model', type=bool, help='Boolean to decide whether the trained models are uploaded to')
parser.add_argument('--config_file_name', type=str, help='Name of the configuration file.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load the configuration dictionary
stream_config = open(args.config_file_name, 'r')
config = yaml.load(stream_config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
print(f'DEBUG: config={config}')
# Set the random seed for reproducibility
du.set_random_seed(config.get('random_seed', 42))
# Add the Comet ML credentials to the configuration dictionary
config['comet_ml_api_key'] = args.comet_ml_api_key
config['comet_ml_workspace'] = args.comet_ml_workspace
config['comet_ml_project_name'] = args.comet_ml_project_name
config['comet_ml_save_model'] = args.comet_ml_save_model
# Make sure that all None configuration are correctly formated as None, not a string
for key, val in config.items():
    if str(val).lower() == 'none':
        config[key] = None
# Start ray
# ray.init(address='auto', resources=dict(CPU=120, GPU=120))
print('DEBUG: Started Ray.')
# NOTE: These could actually just be the current VM's resources. If it's the head node,
# we might need some extra resources just to add new nodes.