def _render(self, team_number):
        self.response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"'
        user = self.request.get('user')
        if user:
            user_str = '@{}, '.format(user)
            user_str = ''

        team_event_or_error = validate_team(user_str, team_number)
        if type(team_event_or_error) == str:
            return team_event_or_error

        _, event = team_event_or_error
        event_code_upper = event.event_short.upper()

        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery('frc{}'.format(team_number),
        matches = MatchHelper.play_order_sort_matches(matches_future.get_result())

        # No match schedule yet
        if not matches:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no scheduled matches yet.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        next_match = None
        for match in matches:
            if not match.has_been_played:
                next_match = match

        if next_match is None:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no more scheduled matches.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        return "{}[{}] Team {} will be playing in match {}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, match.short_name)
    def _render(self, team_number, tz_str=None):
        import pytz
        from pytz.exceptions import UnknownTimeZoneError

        user = self.request.get('user')
        if user:
            user_str = '@{}, '.format(user)
            user_str = ''

            arg_tz = pytz.timezone(tz_str) if tz_str else None
        except UnknownTimeZoneError:
            arg_tz = None

        team_event_or_error = validate_team(user_str, team_number)
        if type(team_event_or_error) == str:
            return team_event_or_error

        _, event = team_event_or_error
        event_code_upper = event.event_short.upper()

        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery('frc{}'.format(team_number),
        matches = MatchHelper.play_order_sort_matches(

        # No match schedule yet
        if not matches:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no scheduled matches yet.".format(
                user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        next_match = None
        for match in matches:
            if not match.has_been_played:
                next_match = match

        if next_match is None:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no more scheduled matches.".format(
                user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        predicted_str = "predicted" if next_match.predicted_time else "scheduled"
        match_time = next_match.predicted_time if next_match.predicted_time else next_match.time
        timezone = arg_tz if arg_tz else pytz.timezone(event.timezone_id)
        predicted_time_local = pytz.utc.localize(match_time).astimezone(
            timezone) if timezone else match_time
        time_string = ", {} to start at {}".format(
            predicted_time_local.strftime("%a %H:%M %Z")) if match_time else ""
        return "{}[{}] Team {} will be playing in match {}{}".format(
            user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, next_match.short_name,
    def _render(self, team_number, tz_str=None):
        import pytz
        from pytz.exceptions import UnknownTimeZoneError

        user = self.request.get('user')
        if user:
            user_str = '@{}, '.format(user)
            user_str = ''

            arg_tz = pytz.timezone(tz_str) if tz_str else None
        except UnknownTimeZoneError:
            arg_tz = None

        team_event_or_error = validate_team(user_str, team_number)
        if type(team_event_or_error) == str:
            return team_event_or_error

        _, event = team_event_or_error
        event_code_upper = event.event_short.upper()

        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery('frc{}'.format(team_number),
        matches = MatchHelper.play_order_sort_matches(matches_future.get_result())

        # No match schedule yet
        if not matches:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no scheduled matches yet.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        next_match = None
        for match in matches:
            if not match.has_been_played:
                next_match = match

        if next_match is None:
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has no more scheduled matches.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        predicted_str = "predicted" if next_match.predicted_time else "scheduled"
        match_time = next_match.predicted_time if next_match.predicted_time else next_match.time
        timezone = arg_tz if arg_tz else pytz.timezone(event.timezone_id)
        predicted_time_local = pytz.utc.localize(match_time).astimezone(timezone) if timezone else match_time
        time_string = ", {} to start at {}".format(predicted_str, predicted_time_local.strftime("%a %H:%M %Z")) if match_time else ""
        return "{}[{}] Team {} will be playing in match {}{}".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, next_match.short_name, time_string)
    def generateTeamAtEventStatus(cls, team_key, event):
        Generate Team@Event status items
        :return: a tuple <long summary string, qual record, qual ranking, playoff status>
        team_number = team_key[3:]
        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery(team_key,
        matches = MatchHelper.organizeMatches(matches_future.get_result())

        # Compute alliances
        alliance_number = cls._get_alliance_number(team_key, event)

        # Playoff Status
        status, short_playoff_status = cls._get_playoff_status(team_key, matches, alliance_number)

        # Still in quals or team did not make it to elims
        # Compute qual W-L-T
        wins, losses, ties, unplayed_qual = cls._get_qual_wlt(team_key, matches)
        if wins == 0 and losses == 0 and ties == 0:
            # No matches played yet
            status = "Team {} has not played any matches yet.".format(team_number) if not status else status

        # Compute rank & num_teams
        # Gets record from ranking data to account for surrogate matches
        rank, ranking_points, record, num_teams = cls._get_rank(team_number, event)
        rank_str = "Rank {} with {} RP".format(rank, ranking_points)

        # Compute final long status for nightbot, if one isn't already there
        if unplayed_qual > 0 and not status:
            if rank is not None:
                status = "Team {} is currently rank {}/{} with a record of {} and {} ranking points.".format(team_number, rank, num_teams, record, ranking_points)
                status = "Team {} currently has a record of {}.".format(team_number, record)
        elif not status:
            if alliance_number is None:
                status = "Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {}.".format(team_number, rank, num_teams, record)
            elif alliance_number == 0:
                status = "Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {} and was not picked for playoff matches.".format(team_number, rank, num_teams, record)
                status = "Team {} will be competing in the playoff matches on alliance #{}.".format(team_number, alliance_number)

        return status, record, rank_str, short_playoff_status
    def _render(self, team_number):
        self.response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"'

        team_event_or_error = validate_team(team_number)
        if type(team_event_or_error) == str:
            return team_event_or_error

        _, event = team_event_or_error
        event_code_upper = event.event_short.upper()

        team_key = 'frc{}'.format(team_number)
        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery(team_key,
        matches = MatchHelper.organizeMatches(matches_future.get_result())

        # Compute alliances
        alliance_number = None
        if event.alliance_selections:
            for i, alliance in enumerate(event.alliance_selections):
                if team_key in alliance['picks']:
                    alliance_number = i + 1
                alliance_number = 0  # Team didn't make it to elims

        level_map = {
            'qf': 'quarters',
            'sf': 'semis',
            'f': 'the finals',
        for comp_level in ['f', 'sf', 'qf']:  # playoffs
            level_str = level_map[comp_level]
            if matches[comp_level]:
                wins = 0
                losses = 0
                for match in matches[comp_level]:
                    if match.has_been_played:
                        if team_key in match.alliances[match.winning_alliance]['teams']:
                            wins += 1
                            losses += 1
                if wins == 2:
                    if comp_level == 'f':
                        return "[{}]: Team {} won the event on alliance #{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, alliance_number)
                        return "[{}]: Team {} won {} on alliance #{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, level_str, alliance_number)
                elif losses == 2:
                    return "[{}]: Team {} got knocked out in {} on alliance #{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, level_str, alliance_number)
                    return "[{}]: Team {} is currently {}-{} in {} on alliance #{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, wins, losses, level_str, alliance_number)

        # Still in quals or team did not make it to elims
        # Compute qual W-L-T
        wins = 0
        losses = 0
        ties = 0
        unplayed_qual = 0
        for match in matches['qm']:
            if match.has_been_played:
                if match.winning_alliance == '':
                    ties += 1
                elif team_key in match.alliances[match.winning_alliance]['teams']:
                    wins += 1
                    losses += 1
                unplayed_qual += 1

        # Compute rank & num_teams
        rank = None
        if event.rankings:
            num_teams = len(event.rankings) - 1
            for i, row in enumerate(event.rankings):
                if row[1] == team_number:
                    rank = i

        if unplayed_qual > 0:
            if rank is not None:
                return "[{}]: Team {} is currently rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties)
                return "[{}]: Team {} currently has a record of {}-{}-{} at [{}].".format(event_code_upper, team_number, wins, losses, ties)
            if alliance_number is None:
                return "[{}]: Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties)
            elif alliance_number == 0:
                return "[{}]: Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{} and was not picked for playoff matches.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties)
                return "[{}]: Team {} will be competing in the playoff matches on alliance #{}.".format(event_code_upper, team_number, alliance_number)
    def _render(self, team_number):
        self.response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"'
        user = self.request.get('user')
        if user:
            user_str = '@{}, '.format(user)
            user_str = ''

        team_event_or_error = validate_team(user_str, team_number)
        if type(team_event_or_error) == str:
            return team_event_or_error

        _, event = team_event_or_error
        event_code_upper = event.event_short.upper()

        team_key = 'frc{}'.format(team_number)
        matches_future = TeamEventMatchesQuery(team_key,
        matches = MatchHelper.organizeMatches(matches_future.get_result())

        # Compute alliances
        alliance_number = None
        if event.alliance_selections:
            for i, alliance in enumerate(event.alliance_selections):
                if team_key in alliance['picks']:
                    alliance_number = i + 1
                alliance_number = 0  # Team didn't make it to elims

        level_map = {
            'qf': 'quarters',
            'sf': 'semis',
            'f': 'the finals',
        for comp_level in ['f', 'sf', 'qf']:  # playoffs
            level_str = level_map[comp_level]
            if matches[comp_level]:
                wins = 0
                losses = 0
                for match in matches[comp_level]:
                    if match.has_been_played:
                        if team_key in match.alliances[match.winning_alliance]['teams']:
                            wins += 1
                            losses += 1
                if wins == 2:
                    if comp_level == 'f':
                        return "{}[{}] Team {} won the event on alliance #{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, alliance_number)
                        return "{}[{}] Team {} won {} on alliance #{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, level_str, alliance_number)
                elif losses == 2:
                    return "{}[{}] Team {} got knocked out in {} on alliance #{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, level_str, alliance_number)
                    return "{}[{}] Team {} is currently {}-{} in {} on alliance #{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, wins, losses, level_str, alliance_number)

        # Still in quals or team did not make it to elims
        # Compute qual W-L-T
        wins = 0
        losses = 0
        ties = 0
        unplayed_qual = 0
        for match in matches['qm']:
            if match.has_been_played:
                if match.winning_alliance == '':
                    ties += 1
                elif team_key in match.alliances[match.winning_alliance]['teams']:
                    wins += 1
                    losses += 1
                unplayed_qual += 1

        if wins == 0 and losses == 0 and ties == 0:
            # No matches played yet
            return "{}[{}] Team {} has not played any matches yet.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number)

        # Compute rank & num_teams
        rank = None
        ranking_points = None
        if event.rankings:
            num_teams = len(event.rankings) - 1
            for i, row in enumerate(event.rankings):
                if row[1] == team_number:
                    rank = i
                    ranking_points = int(float(row[2]))

        if unplayed_qual > 0:
            if rank is not None:
                return "{}[{}] Team {} is currently rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{} and {} ranking points.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties, ranking_points)
                return "{}[{}] Team {} currently has a record of {}-{}-{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, wins, losses, ties)
            if alliance_number is None:
                return "{}[{}] Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties)
            elif alliance_number == 0:
                return "{}[{}] Team {} ended qualification matches at rank {}/{} with a record of {}-{}-{} and was not picked for playoff matches.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, rank, num_teams, wins, losses, ties)
                return "{}[{}] Team {} will be competing in the playoff matches on alliance #{}.".format(user_str, event_code_upper, team_number, alliance_number)