from database.mysql import MySQLDatabase
from settings import db_config

db = MySQLDatabase(db_config.get('db_name'), db_config.get('user'),
                   db_config.get('pass'), db_config.get('host'))

tables = db.get_available_tables()
print tables
columns = db.get_columns_for_tables('articles')
print columns

#Get all the records from the people table
all_records = db.select('people')
print "All recordsL %s" % str(all_records)

#Get all the records from the people table but only the 'id' and 'first_name' columns
column_specific_records = db.select('people', ['id', 'first_name'])
print "Column specific records: %s" % str(column_specific_records)

#Select data using the WHERE clause
where_expression_records = db.select('people', ['first_name'],
                                     where="first_name = 'John'")
print "Where Records: %s" % str(where_expression_records)

#Select data using the WHERE clause and the JOIN clause
joined_records = db.select('people', ['first_name'],
                           where="people.id = 3",
                           join="orders ON people.id  = orders.person_id")
print "Joined records: %s" % str(joined_records)

#Select data using the LIMIT clause