def on_import_button(self): """ Method called when the import button in the toolbar is pressed. """ filenames = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[("Word List", ".tldr")]) for filename in filenames: try: with open(filename, "r") as f: list_Id = database.add_list(filename) data = list(parse_tldr(f)) for word in data: try: word_Id = database.add_word(word.word, word.definition, word.example, word.difficulty) except Exception: pass else: database.add_wordlist_mappings(list_Id, word_Id) except IOError as e: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Import Error", "Could not open {0}".format(filename) ) logging.warn(e) else: self.view.left_list.model[os.path.relpath(filename)] = data self.populate()
def on_create_button(self): """ Method called when the create new word button in the toolbar is pressed. """ word = new_word_prompt() if word is not None: try: word_Id = database.add_word(word.word, word.definition, word.example, word.difficulty) except Exception: pass else: database.add_wordlist_mappings(1, word_Id) self.populate() self.on_left_list_select()
def add_word(): db.add_word(f.request.get_json()["word"]) return ""