def __init__(self): = CronJobReport('Mycoplasma - Genome Database Updater')
def __init__(self): = CronJobReport('Taxon - Genome Database Updater')
class GenomeDBUpdater: ''' Creates the GenomeUpdater object to allow for its methods to be used ''' def __init__(self): = CronJobReport('Mycoplasma - Genome Database Updater') ''' The function that should be run to check if an update on the local mirror of NCBI's database needs to be performed. If so, it will execute that update script and the database ''' def update(self): # connect to the location of the Mycoplasma genomes #self.__connectToNCBI() # get the new files list of this directory #newMycoDirs = self.__findMycoplasmaDirs() # download the new Mycoplasma files #self.__remoteSync(newMycoDirs) #self.ftp.quit() # perform a simple diff function to find files that have changed dbDiff = self.__findLocalDiffList() #self.__createGFFFiles(dbDiff.getNewOrganisms())'New organisms found: ' + str(dbDiff.getNewOrganisms())) # process the files that have changed for Blast results #self.__processFastaFilesNotNew(dbDiff.getUnchangedFastaFiles(), dbDiff.getChangedFastaFiles()) # process the files that have changed for GBrowse and Chado updates #self.__processGffFilesNotNew(dbDiff.getChangedGffFiles()) # process the files that a self.__processGffFilesNew(dbDiff.getNewOrganisms()) ''' Connects to NCBI's ftp connection ''' def __connectToNCBI(self): try: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(NCBI) self.ftp.login() self.ftp.cwd(MYCOPLASMA_DIR) except Exception as e:, 'There was a problem connecting to NCBI: Update aborted..') sys.exit(1) ''' Uses regex to find the dirs that start with Mycoplasma within the list given @param allDirs: a list of all the files in the directory searched ''' def __findMycoplasmaDirs(self): mycoFiles = [] try: allDirs = self.ftp.nlst() for curDir in allDirs: if ('^Mycoplasma', curDir)): mycoFiles.append(curDir) except Exception as e:, 'There was a problem getting the list of directories in ' + MYCOPLASMA_DIR + ': Update aborted..') sys.exit(1) return mycoFiles ''' Gets the Mycoplasma files and creates them locally on the server for server operations to find a diff between the new files and the old files @param newMycoDirs: The dirs that need to be searched on the remote server and created here ''' def __remoteSync(self, newMycoDirs): for (counter, mycoDir) in enumerate(newMycoDirs): fileList = [] try: # change directory to next mycoplasma organism if (counter != 0): self.ftp.cwd('..') self.ftp.cwd(mycoDir) # find the gff and genbank files for this organism fileList = self.ftp.nlst() except Exception as e:, 'Problem with remote directory: ' + str(mycoDir) + ', ignoring..') continue try: gbkGffFiles = [] # get all files with gff or gbk extensions for filename in fileList: extensionPlace = filename.rfind(".") extension = filename[extensionPlace + 1:] if (extension in ACCEPTED_FILE_FORMATS): gbkGffFiles.append(filename) os.mkdir(NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + mycoDir) # download all the files over ftp for this directory for filename in gbkGffFiles: self.__download(filename, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + mycoDir) except Exception as e:, 'Problem with local directory: ' + mycoDir + ', ignoring..') continue ''' Downloads a file from the NCBI stores and saves it in the directory given locally @param filename: The remote filename to download (we assume that we have already changed into its directory) @param localFileLoc: The place locally to save the file being downloaded ''' def __download(self, filename, localFileLoc): try: outFile = open(localFileLoc + '/' + filename, 'w+b') self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, outFile.write)'Downloaded remote file ' + filename + ' to the new directory successfully...') except Exception as e:, 'Problem downloading file ' + filename + ' from NCBI, ignoring..') ''' Finds a list of files that have changed since the last update of the database, which require this program's attention ''' def __findLocalDiffList(self): return GenomeDBDiff(NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, CUR_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, ''' Moves the old directories that should not be deleted in the new @param unchanged: The list of files that have been unchanged since the last update @param changed: The list of files that have been changed since the last update ''' def __processFastaFilesNotNew(self, unchanged, changed): for fasta in changed: extension = os.path.splitext(fasta)[1] fileDir = os.path.dirname(fasta) if (extension == 'ffn'): GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(fasta), fileDir, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, protein=False)'Created BLASTn database for ' + fasta + '(replaced old file)...') elif (extension == 'faa'): GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(fasta), fileDir, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, protein=True)'Created BLASTp database for ' + fasta + ' (replaced old file)...') for fasta in unchanged: fileDir = os.path.dirname(fasta) prefix = CUR_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + fileDir extension = os.path.splitext(fasta)[1] if (extension == 'ffn'): # check to see if the nucleotideDB directory exists # for this organism already nucleotideDB = os.path.join(prefix, 'nucleotideDB') nucleotideExists = os.path.isdir(nucleotideDB) # since these are unchanged files we wish to simply move the old directories over # to save cpu time, if they do not exist previously then we will make them in the # new directory if (nucleotideExists): shutil.copytree(nucleotideDB, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + fileDir) else: GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(fasta), NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + fileDir, protein=False) elif(extension == 'faa'): # check to see if the proteinDB directory exists # for this organism already proteinDB = os.path.join(prefix, 'proteinDB') proteinExists = os.path.isdir(proteinDB) # since these are unchanged files we wish to simply move the old directories over # to save cpu time, if they do not exist previously then we will make them in the # new directory if (proteinExists): shutil.copytree(proteinDB, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR + fileDir) else: GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(fasta), fileDir, NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, protein=True) ''' Adds the GFF files information to the GBrowse instance and then to Chado for overarching queries later on ''' def __processGffFilesNotNew(self, changed): for gff in changed: loc = os.path.dirname(gff) dbName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gff))[0] + '.db' dbName = os.path.join(loc, dbName) gffRewriter = GFFRewriter(filename=gff, outfile=gff+".sorted.prepared" , accession=genbank_id) gffRewriter.addUnknownCvTerms({ 'user' : settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], 'password' : settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], 'db' : settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] }) gffRewriter.addColor({ 'user' : settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], 'password' : settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], 'db' : 'MyGO' }) error = gffRewriter.getError() # run the sqlite database loader to be able to add it to GBrowse # since the name should be preserved, no changes need to be made # to the GBrowse configuration file args = ['-a', 'DBI::SQLite', '-c', '-f', '-d', dbName, gff] runProgram('', args) parser = GenBank.RecordParser() gbk = os.path.join(os.path.splitext(gff)[0], '.gbk') record = parser.parse(open(gbk)) organismName = record.organism organismDir = os.path.basename(loc) GenomeDBUtil.editGBrowseEntry(gff, dbName, organismDir, organismName) # now edit the record in Chado args= ['--organism', organismName, "--gfffile", gff, "--dbname", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], "--dbuser", settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], "--dbpass", settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], "--random_tmp_dir"] runProgram('', args) ''' Adds new organisms to the Chado and GBrowse and creates the BLAST databases ''' def __processGffFilesNew(self, newOrganismDirs): for newOrganism in newOrganismDirs: # start by creating the BLAST database newOrganism = os.path.join(NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, newOrganism) print newOrganism organismFiles = os.walk(newOrganism).next()[2] faa = None ffn = None gff = None gbk = None for organismFile in organismFiles: extension = os.path.splitext(organismFile)[1] if (extension == '.ffn'): ffn = organismFile elif (extension == '.faa'): faa = organismFile elif (extension == '.gff'): gff = organismFile elif (extension == '.gbk'): gbk = organismFile if (faa and ffn and gff and gbk): break if (faa): GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(faa), newOrganism, protein=True)'Ran formatdb successully on ' + faa) if (ffn): GenomeDBUtil.runFormatDB(os.path.basename(ffn), newOrganism, protein=False)'Ran formatdb successully on ' + ffn) # process the gff and genbank files for creating the databases if (gff and gbk): # create the sqlite database for GBrowse and create the configuration file # for GBrowse hook up dbName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gff))[0] + '.db' dbName = os.path.join(newOrganism, dbName) gff = os.path.join(newOrganism, gff) parser = GenBank.RecordParser() gbk = os.path.join(newOrganism, gbk) record = parser.parse(open(gbk)) organismName = record.organism accession = record.accession[0]'Found organism name ' + organismName) # create a brand new GBrowse configuration file examiner = GFFExaminer() gffHandle = open(gff) landmark = examiner.available_limits(gffHandle)['gff_id'].keys()[0][0] gffRewriter = GFFRewriter(filename=gff, outfile=gff+".sorted.prepared" , accession=accession) '''gffRewriter.addUnknownCvTerms({ 'user' : settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], 'password' : settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], 'db' : settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] })''' gffRewriter.addColor({ 'user' : settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'], 'password' : settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'], 'db' : 'MyGO' }) error = gffRewriter.getError() print error gff = gff + ".sorted.prepared" args = ['-a', 'DBI::SQLite', '-c', '-f', '-d', dbName, gff] runProgram('', args)'Successfully created sqlite database for ' + str(gff)) organismDir = os.path.basename(newOrganism)'Added new GBrowse entry for ' + organismName) # now edit the record in Chado by first adding the organism and then adding # bulk loading the information from gff3 id = GenomeDBUtil.addOrganismToChado(gff, organismName) GenomeDBUtil.createNewGBrowseEntry(landmark, dbName, organismDir, organismName, id) def __createGFFFiles(self, newOrganisms): for newOrganism in newOrganisms: newOrganism = os.path.join(NEW_GENOMIC_DATA_DIR, newOrganism) organismFiles = os.walk(newOrganism).next()[2] gbk = None for organismFile in organismFiles: extension = os.path.splitext(organismFile)[1] if (extension == '.gbk'): gbk = organismFile break if (gbk): runProgram("", ["-noCDS", "-s", "-o", newOrganism, os.path.join(newOrganism, gbk)])