def rMap_full(f_in, f_out): # Database connection parameters dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gHandler = GeneralHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) seqHandler = SequenceHandler(db, cursor) infile = open(f_in, 'r') outfile = open(f_out, 'w') for line in infile.readlines(): reagentID = line.strip() # e.g. V123 rID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(reagentID) seqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) if seqID: mySeq = seqHandler.findSequenceByID(seqID) # Construct a Seq object readable by BioPython: bioSeq = Seq(mySeq) fSeq = FormattedSeq(bioSeq) # default linear = TRUE analysis = Analysis(AllEnzymes, fSeq) # linear = true result = analysis.full() header = "==============================================\nRestriction analysis for " + reagentID + "\n==============================================\n" analysis.print_that(title=header + '\n\n')
def rMap_full(f_in, f_out): # Database connection parameters dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gHandler = GeneralHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) seqHandler = SequenceHandler(db, cursor) infile = open(f_in, 'r') outfile = open(f_out, 'w') for line in infile.readlines(): reagentID = line.strip() # e.g. V123 rID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(reagentID) seqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) if seqID: mySeq = seqHandler.findSequenceByID(seqID) # Construct a Seq object readable by BioPython: bioSeq = Seq(mySeq) fSeq = FormattedSeq(bioSeq) # default linear = TRUE analysis = Analysis(AllEnzymes, fSeq) # linear = true result = analysis.full() header = "==============================================\nRestriction analysis for " + reagentID + "\n==============================================\n" analysis.print_that(title=header+'\n\n')
def __init__(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() self.__db = db self.__cursor = cursor self.__hostname = hostname
def add_members(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") pHandler = PacketHandler(db, cursor) #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` # Get form values projectID = form.getvalue("packets") projectMembers = form.getlist("projectMembers") pHandler.insertProjectMembers(projectID, projectMembers) redirect(hostname)
def preview(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) propMapper = ReagentPropertyMapper(db, cursor) prop_Alias_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropAliasID() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" # REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `form` propVal = "" if form.has_key("PV"): pvVal = form.getvalue("PV") pvID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(pvVal) if form.has_key("propAlias"): propAlias = form.getvalue("propAlias") if prop_Alias_ID_Map.has_key(propAlias): propID = prop_Alias_ID_Map[propAlias] propVal = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(pvID, propID) print "Content-type:text/html" # REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! print # DITTO print propVal
def __init__(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() clone_request = dbConn.getMailCloneRequest() mail_programmer = dbConn.getProgrammerEmail() mail_biologist = dbConn.getBiologistEmail() mail_admin = dbConn.getAdminEmail() # August 19, 2011 mail_server = dbConn.getMailServer() # August 19, 2011 self.__db = db self.__cursor = cursor self.__hostname = hostname self.__clone_request = clone_request self.__mail_programmer = mail_programmer # July 30, 2010 self.__mail_biologist = mail_biologist # July 30, 2010 self.__mail_admin = mail_admin # August 19, 2011 self.__mail_server = mail_server # August 19, 2011
def printProjectInfo(self, cmd, project): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) gOut = GeneralOutputClass() currUser = Session.getUser() if cmd == 'view': projectID = project.getNumber() projectOwner = project.getOwner() ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName() ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID() projectName = project.getName() projectDescr = project.getDescription() # private or public isPrivate = project.isPrivate() if isPrivate: accessType = 'Private' else: accessType = 'Public' # Only allow modification by owner or admin AND disallow project deletion if there are reagents in it!!! modify_disabled = True delete_disabled = True if (currUser.getUserID() == ownerID) or (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'): modify_disabled = False if project.isEmpty(): delete_disabled = False # Aug. 18/08: Changed b/c of new format #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE height="100%%"> <TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl"> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_heading" style="white-space:nowrap;"> PROJECT DETAILS PAGE </TD> <TD class="detailedView_heading" style="text-align:right"> ''' content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" name=\"modify_project\" value=\"Modify Project\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_project\" value=\"Delete Project\" onClick=\"return confirmDeleteProject();\"" if modify_disabled or delete_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project # </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" width="87%%"> %d <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Owner: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetOwner" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetDescription" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access type: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="private_or_public" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> <HR/> </TD> </TR> ''' # Now here, show or hide members section depending on the user's access level # Condition is the same as for determining whether modification is allowed - so use 'modify_disabled' variable if not modify_disabled: content += ''' <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Members: </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <TABLE width="100%%"> <TR> <TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px" width="30%%"> Readers: </TD> <TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px"> Writers: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="vertical-align:top"> <UL> ''' if not isPrivate: content += "All OpenFreezer Users" else: # maintain the indent readers = project.getReaders() # sort by labs labs = [] rdrLabs = {} # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs for rdr in readers: lab = rdr.getLab().getID() if lab not in labs: labs.append(lab) # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it for lab in labs: tmpRdrs = [] # list of members in one lab for rdr in readers: tmpLab = rdr.getLab().getID() if tmpLab == lab: # append reader to list of members of this lab if rdrLabs.has_key(lab): tmpRdrs = rdrLabs[lab] tmpRdrs.append(rdr) rdrLabs[lab] = tmpRdrs #for rdr in readers: for lab_id in rdrLabs.keys(): rdrs = rdrLabs[lab_id] # list of objects!! tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id) # print out the lab name if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + `lab_id` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" else: content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" # print reader names for rdr in rdrs: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectReaders\" value=\"" + `rdr.getUserID()` + "\"></INPUT>" # Only show hyperlinks if the viewer is an Admin; otherwise just output plain names if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- <span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + `rdr.getUserID()` + ");\">" + rdr.getFullName() + "</span></LI>" else: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- " + rdr.getFullName() + "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:250px; vertical-align:top"> <UL> ''' writers = project.getWriters() # sort them by lab too, same as for readers labs = [] wrtrLabs = {} # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs for wrtr in writers: lab = wrtr.getLab().getID() if lab not in labs: labs.append(lab) # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it for lab in labs: tmpWrtrs = [] # list of members in one lab for wrtr in writers: tmpLab = wrtr.getLab().getID() if tmpLab == lab: # append reader to list of members of this lab if wrtrLabs.has_key(lab): tmpWrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab] tmpWrtrs.append(wrtr) wrtrLabs[lab] = tmpWrtrs for lab_id in wrtrLabs.keys(): wrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab_id] # list of objects!! tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id) # print out the lab name if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + `lab_id` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" else: content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\" " + `lab_id` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" for wrtr in wrtrs: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectWriters\" value=\"" + `wrtr.getUserID()` + "\">" if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- <span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + `wrtr.getUserID()` + ");\">" + wrtr.getFullName() + "</span></LI>" else: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- " + wrtr.getFullName() + "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <FORM id="viewUserForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_user_hidden" name="view_user"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> </FORM> <FORM id="viewLabForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab"> </FORM> </TABLE> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() else: content += ''' </TABLE> </FORM> </TABLE> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() # and here, depending on what sections of the project view were printed, the number of arguments would vary if not modify_disabled: page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", projectID, projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName, projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType, hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID(), hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID()) else: page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", projectID, projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName, projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'edit': projectID = project.getNumber() projectOwner = project.getOwner() ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName() ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID() projectName = project.getName() projectDescr = project.getDescription() isPrivate = project.isPrivate() content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">MODIFY PROJECT </span> <span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">%d</span> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:200px;" name="save_project" value="Save" onClick=\"alert('Please note: If your project writers list contains names of users who have read-only access to OpenFreezer, their names will be removed from the list during saving.'); addProjectOwnerToWritersList(); selectAllElements('readers_target_list'); selectAllElements('writers_target_list'); return verifyProjectOwner('projectOwnersList') && verifyProjectName('packet_name') && verifyProjectDescr('packet_descr') && verifyMembers('readers_target_list') && verifyMembers('writers_target_list');\"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_project" value="Cancel"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Owner: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <SELECT ID="projectOwnersList" name="packetOwner"> ''' # Get list of all potential project owners - users with 'CREATOR' or higher privileges # Returns list of User **objects** creators = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory('Creator', False, '<=') creatorsDict = {} # name, uid for creator in creators: uid = creator.getUserID() name = creator.getFullName() creatorsDict[name] = uid names = creatorsDict.keys() names.sort() #print "Content-type:text/html" #print for name in names: #print name uid = creatorsDict[name] #print uid #print ownerID if uid == ownerID: content += "<OPTION SELECTED value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <DIV ID="projectOwnerWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please select a name from the list above. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_name" name="packetName" value="%s"> <DIV ID="projectNameWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please provide a project name. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_descr" name="packetDescription" value="%s"> <DIV ID="projectDescrWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please provide a project description. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access type: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> ''' if not isPrivate: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\" checked>Public " content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\">Private" else: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\">Public " content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\" checked>Private" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Members: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Edit existing project members lists: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="width:100px"> <SELECT multiple size="10" id="readers_target_list" name="readersList"> ''' # Readers and writers associated with this project currReaders = project.getReaders() currWriters = project.getWriters() # Since object comparison is done by reference, cannot check if a User object returned by findAllMembers is a member of this project by using 'in array'. Need to compare user IDs explicitly currReaderIDs = [] currWriterIDs = [] currReaderNames = [] currWriterNames = [] currReadersDict = {} # name, id currWritersDict = {} # need lab IDs too - to match members to their labs when moved between lists, but having a 'memberID, labID' dictionary is too clumsy. Easiest approach: have 'memberID, Member Object' dictionary currReaderObjDict = {} # id, User object currWriterObjDict = {} for r in currReaders: rID = r.getUserID() rName = r.getFullName() # associate rID with its containing object currReaderObjDict[rID] = r currReaderIDs.append(rID) currReaderNames.append(rName) currReadersDict[rName] = rID for w in currWriters: wID = w.getUserID() wName = w.getFullName() currWriterObjDict[wID] = w currWriterIDs.append(wID) currWriterNames.append(wName) currWritersDict[wName] = wID currReaderNames.sort() currWriterNames.sort() for rName in currReaderNames: rID = currReadersDict[rName] rdr = currReaderObjDict[rID] rdrLabID = rdr.getLab().getID() #content += "<OPTION id=" + `rID` + " value=" + `rID` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>" # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + `rID` + "_lab_" + `rdrLabID` + "\" value=" + `rID` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px" onClick="selectAll(, 'readers_target_list')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD width="30px"> <input onclick="addMembers('readers_target_list', 'write')" value=" Make Writer >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="addMembers('writers_target_list', 'read')" value="<< Make Reader" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="removeProjectMembers()" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> <TD> <SELECT multiple size="10" id="writers_target_list" name="writersList"> ''' for wName in currWriterNames: wID = currWritersDict[wName] wrtr = currWriterObjDict[wID] wrtrLabID = wrtr.getLab().getID() #content += "<OPTION id=" + `wID` + " value=" + `wID` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>" # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + `wID` + "_lab_" + `wrtrLabID` + "\" value=" + `wID` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'writers_target_list')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Add new members to this project: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Laboratory: <SELECT id="labList" name="labs" onChange="showLabMembersList()"> ''' # fetch lab list - Updated August 90/7: Fetch ALL labs, with any access - then if a read-only lab has members with higher access, would show these members in list #labs = lHandler.findAllLabs('Writer', '<=') labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() # sort lab names alphabetically labNames = [] labsDict = {} # name, id for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labsDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() currLab = projectOwner.getLab() currLabID = currLab.getID() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: #labName = labs[labID] labID = labsDict[labName] if labID == currLabID: content += "<OPTION SELECTED id='" + `labID` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + `labName` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION id='" + `labID` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + `labName` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="100px"> ''' # For each lab, print a list of its members for labID in labs.keys(): # First, fetch a list of users # These are **User instances** - need to get their names and IDs for comparison # August 9/07: Don't fetch only writers, fetch readers too - it's up to the project owner to grant them access to the project #writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory('Writer', True, '<=', labID) writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory('Reader', True, '<=', labID) writersDict = {} # name, uid writersObjDict = {} # id, User object # Fetch user IDs and sort their names alphabetically for writer in writers: name = writer.getFullName() uid = writer.getUserID() labID = (writer.getLab()).getID() writersDict[name] = uid writersObjDict[uid] = writer names = writersDict.keys() names.sort() # Show members for one lab at a time if labID == currLabID: display = "inline" else: display = "none" content += "<SELECT MULTIPLE id=\"lab_source_list_" + `labID` + "\" name=\"labSourceMembers_" + `labID` + "\" SIZE=\"10\" style=\"display:" + display + "\">" for name in names: uid = writersDict[name] labID = writersObjDict[uid].getLab().getID() if uid not in currReaderIDs and uid not in currWriterIDs: #content += "<OPTION value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + `uid` + "_lab_" + `labID` + "\" value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += "</SELECT>" content += ''' <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:8px" onClick="selectAll(, 'lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab())" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All Members</INPUT> </TD> <TD colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top"> Add selected members to: <P style="font-size:9pt; margin-top:5px;"> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" checked>Readers list</INPUT><BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write">Writers list</INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addMembers('lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab(), getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT> <BR/> </P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", project.getNumber(), project.getNumber(), project.getName(), project.getDescription()) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def printSubmenuHeader(self, submenu_type): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) current_selection_names = [] # plain list of section names current_selection_links = {} # dictionary, where section names are keys and their URLs are values if submenu_type == "Location": location_submenu_names = [] location_submenu_links = {} location_submenu_names.append("Add container types") location_submenu_links["Add container types"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Add container sizes") location_submenu_links["Add container sizes"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" location_submenu_names.append("Add containers") location_submenu_links["Add containers"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Search containers") location_submenu_links["Search containers"] = "../Location.php?View=2" current_selection_names = location_submenu_names current_selection_links = location_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Reagent": reagent_submenu_names = [] reagent_submenu_links = {} reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagents"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagents"] = "../search.php?View=1" # June 3/09 reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" current_selection_names = reagent_submenu_names current_selection_links = reagent_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Chemical": chemical_submenu_names = [] chemical_submenu_links = {} chemical_submenu_names.append("Add Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Add Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" chemical_submenu_names.append("Search Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Search Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" current_selection_names = chemical_submenu_names current_selection_links = chemical_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Prediction": prediction_submenu_names = [] prediction_submenu_links = {} prediction_submenu_names.append("Search predictions") prediction_submenu_links["Search predictions"] = "../Prediction.php?View=1" current_selection_names = prediction_submenu_names current_selection_links = prediction_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Project": project_submenu_names = [] project_submenu_links = {} project_submenu_names.append("Add projects") project_submenu_links["Add projects"] = "../Project.php?View=1" project_submenu_names.append("Search projects") project_submenu_links["Search projects"] = "../Project.php?View=2" current_selection_names = project_submenu_names current_selection_links = project_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "User": user_submenu_names = [] user_submenu_links = {} user_submenu_names.append("Add users") user_submenu_links["Add users"] = "../User.php?View=1" user_submenu_names.append("Search users") user_submenu_links["Search users"] = "../User.php?View=2" user_submenu_names.append("Change your password") user_submenu_links["Change your password"] = "******" user_submenu_names.append("Personal page") user_submenu_links["Personal page"] = "User.php?View=7" user_submenu_names.append("View your orders") user_submenu_links["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" current_selection_names = user_submenu_names current_selection_links = user_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Lab": lab_submenu_names = [] lab_submenu_links = {} lab_submenu_names.append("Add laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Add laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=3" lab_submenu_names.append("Search laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Search laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=4" current_selection_names = lab_submenu_names current_selection_links = lab_submenu_links # There can be permission differentiations within a menu section as well (e.g. Projects - only Creators can create, buit Writers can view) currUser = Session.getUser() ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) # print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! # print # DITTO # print `allowedSections` content = "" for name in current_selection_names: if name in allowedSections: if name == "Personal page": content += '<LI class="submenu">' content += '<IMG SRC="../pictures/star_bullet.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="10" BORDER="0" ALT="plus" class="menu-leaf">' content += ( '<span class="linkShow" style="font-size:9pt" onClick="redirectToCurrentUserDetailedView(' + ` currUser.getUserID() ` + ');">' + name + "</span>" ) content += "</LI>" content += '<form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">' content += ( '<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username" VALUE="' + currUser.getFullName() + '">' ) content += '<INPUT type="hidden" id="curr_user_hidden" name="view_user">' content += "</FORM>" else: content += '<LI class="submenu">' content += '<IMG SRC="../pictures/star_bullet.gif" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="10" BORDER="0" ALT="plus" class="menu-leaf">' content += '<a class="submenu" href="' + current_selection_links[name] + '">' + name + "</a>" content += "</LI>" return content
def drawMap(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() root_path = dbConn.getRootDir() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `form` if form.has_key("rID"): rID = form.getvalue("rID") else: #rID = 148913 # V4550 rID = 29125 #rID = 72 #rID = 309 #rID = 1901 # small feature labels @ start of seq. overlap #rID = 36415 #print rID reagentID = rHandler.convertDatabaseToReagentID(rID) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print reagentID namePropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID( prop_Name_ID_Map["name"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["General Properties"]) rName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(rID, namePropID) #rName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(rID, prop_Name_ID_Map["name"]) rTypeID = rHandler.findReagentTypeID(rID) try: os.remove(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_map.pdf") except OSError: pass #print root_path c = Canvas(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_map.pdf") c.setPageSize((1000, 1000)) c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) c.saveState() # Draw circle origin = 0 origin_x = 500 origin_y = 470 radius = 200, origin_y, radius) c.restoreState() # Divide circle into 100-unit sectors rSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) rSeq = sHandler.findSequenceByID(rSeqID) seqLen = len(rSeq) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `rID` unit_angle_measure = float(360) / float(seqLen) #print unit_angle_measure # Mark 1 on the circle - KEEP, Karen said! c.setLineWidth(1) c.setStrokeColor(black) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() path = c.beginPath() path.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y + radius + 7) path.lineTo(origin_x - 5, origin_y + radius + 14) path.lineTo(origin_x + 5, origin_y + radius + 14) path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y + radius + 7) c.drawPath(path, True, True) # label 1 t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 16) t.setTextOrigin(origin_x - 5, origin_y + radius + 19) t.textOut("1") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState() # Calculate feature segment sizes sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findReagentSequenceFeatures(rID) #print `sequenceFeatures` # Draw legend ox_legend = 800 oy_legend = 985 prev_legend = oy_legend # draw frame c.setStrokeColor(darkgray) #c.setStrokeColor(white) #c.setFillColor(lightgrey) c.setFillColor(white) c.saveState() # Output the rest of the features in alphabetical order - Moved here Jan. 26/10 #featureNames = featureNameColorMap.keys() #print `featureNameColorMap.keys()` #print len(featureNameColorMap.keys()) #fnames = rtPropHandler.findReagentTypeAttributeNamesByCategory(rTypeID, prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence Features"]) #fnames.remove('expression system') #fnames.remove('tag position') #print `fnames` #print len(fnames) featureNames = rtPropHandler.findReagentTypeAttributeNamesByCategory( rTypeID, prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence Features"]) featureNames.sort() #print `featureNames` #print prev_legend-240 #print prev_legend-15-len(featureNames)*15 #c.rect(ox_legend-25, prev_legend-240, 215, 235, 1, 1) #c.rect(ox_legend-25, prev_legend-15-len(featureNames)*15, 215, 10+len(featureNames)*15, 1, 1) # good for list of all db features if len(featureNames) > 15: origin_spacer = -19 coeff = 12 else: origin_spacer = 65 coeff = 15 #origin_legend = prev_legend+65-len(featureNames)*15 origin_legend = prev_legend + origin_spacer - len(featureNames) * coeff x = (990 - origin_legend) / len(featureNames) #print x if x < 12: x = 12 legend_height = len(featureNames) * x + 15 #print legend_height c.rect(ox_legend - 25, origin_legend - 17, 215, legend_height, 1, 1) # good for specific rtype attributes c.restoreState() # Order: 5' site, 3' site, 5' linker, 3' linker, then the rest sites_color = featureNameColorMap["5' cloning site"] # same for 3' site # 5' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend - 15, prev_legend - 20, 25, 8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend + 12, prev_legend - 20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 # 3' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend - 15, prev_legend - 20, 25, 8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend + 12, prev_legend - 20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 # Show legend for linkers linkers_color = featureNameColorMap["5' linker"] # 5' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend - 15, prev_legend - 20, 25, 8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend + 12, prev_legend - 20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 # 3' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend - 15, prev_legend - 20, 25, 8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend + 12, prev_legend - 20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 ## Output the rest of the features in alphabetical order #featureNames = featureNameColorMap.keys() #featureNames.sort() #print `featureNames` for featureName in featureNames: if featureNameColorMap.has_key(featureName): color = featureNameColorMap[featureName] #else: #continue if featureName != "5' cloning site" and featureName != "3' cloning site" and featureName != "5' linker" and featureName != "3' linker" and color != None: #print featureName c.setStrokeColor(color) c.setFillColor(color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend - 15, prev_legend - 20, 25, 8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(color) t.setFillColor(color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend + 12, prev_legend - 20) t.textOut(" - " + featureName.upper()) c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 #print prev_legend # Print reagent ID and size at the centre of the circle and print name at the top of the page c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 32) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y + 35, reagentID) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y + 10, "nt 1 - " + ` seqLen `) if rName: c.setFillColor(blue) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, 935, rName) c.restoreState() # SORT features by size, so that short features are not hidden behind the long ones fSizes = [] sortedFeatures = [] for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = int(feature.getFeatureSize()) if fSize > 0: fSizes.append(fSize) fSizes.sort(reverse=True) #print `fSizes` for fs in fSizes: for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() # added existence check July 17/08 - different features may have same sizes so end up with duplicate features in list (e.g. cloning sizes appeared twice on the map) if fs == fSize and feature not in sortedFeatures: sortedFeatures.append(feature) #print `sortedFeatures` ox_labels = 40 oy_labels = 910 prev_legend = oy_labels t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels, prev_legend - 15) t.textOut("Features shorter than 150 nt:") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 18 #for feature in sequenceFeatures: for feature in sortedFeatures: fType = feature.getFeatureType() fValue = feature.getFeatureName() fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() #print fType #print fValue #print fSize fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] if fType == 'cdna insert': fValue = "cDNA Insert" elif fType == 'promoter': fValue = fValue + " " + fType fStart = feature.getFeatureStartPos() fEnd = feature.getFeatureEndPos() fDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() if fSize > 0: f_start = fStart * unit_angle_measure #print "Start " + `fStart` #print "End " + `fEnd` startAngle = 90 - f_start #print "Start angle " + `startAngle` f_end = fEnd * unit_angle_measure endAngle = 90 - f_end #print "End angle " + `endAngle` extAngle = -1 * (f_end - f_start) #print "Ext angle " + `extAngle` x1 = origin_x - radius y1 = origin_y - radius x2 = origin_x + radius y2 = origin_y + radius p = c.beginPath() #t = c.beginText() c.setLineWidth(10) c.setLineJoin(1) fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.saveState() p.arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extAngle) c.drawPath(p) c.restoreState() ## jan. 27/10: this makes a contour for each arc #p = c.beginPath() #c.setLineWidth(1) ##fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(fColor) #c.saveState() #p.arc(x1+5, y1+5, x2-5, y2-5, startAngle, extAngle) #c.drawPath(p) ##c.restoreState() ##c.setLineWidth(1) ##fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] ##c.setStrokeColor(black) ##c.setFillColor(fColor) ##c.saveState() #p.arc(x1-5, y1-5, x2+5, y2+5, startAngle, extAngle) #c.drawPath(p) #c.restoreState() # jan. 27/10 modification ends here # common to all startAngle_rad = (startAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 endAngle_rad = (endAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 9) c.saveState() arc_x_start = origin_x + (radius + 5) * math.cos(startAngle_rad) arc_y_start = origin_y + (radius + 5) * math.sin(startAngle_rad) arc_x_end = origin_x + (radius + 5) * math.cos(endAngle_rad) arc_y_end = origin_y + (radius + 5) * math.sin(endAngle_rad) # draw label c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 1) c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 1) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 12) c.saveState() # draw line delta = 45 # Rotate labels only for SMALL features (they can be crammed together) #if fSize > 100: #delta = 45 #else: #delta = 32 if fStart < seqLen / 2: if arc_y_start > origin_y: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() #if fSize <= 100: #c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) #else: # July 17/08: Show labels for long features only if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start + 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start + 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # July 17/08: Show labels for long features only if fSize > 150: # draw label #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawString( arc_x_start + 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start + 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels + 5, prev_legend - 15, 15, 6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels + 25, prev_legend - 15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 c.restoreState() else: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start + 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start - 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawString( arc_x_start + 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start - 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels + 5, prev_legend - 15, 15, 6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels + 25, prev_legend - 15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 c.restoreState() else: if arc_y_start > origin_y: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start - 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start + 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) #c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+10*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-10*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawRightString( arc_x_start - 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start + 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels + 5, prev_legend - 15, 15, 6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels + 25, prev_legend - 15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 c.restoreState() else: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start - 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start - 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawRightString( arc_x_start - 50 * math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start - 55 * math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") c.restoreState() else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels + 5, prev_legend - 15, 15, 6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels + 25, prev_legend - 15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + ` fStart ` + "-" + ` fEnd ` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend - 15 c.showPage()
def drawMap2(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `form` if form.has_key("rID"): rID = form.getvalue("rID") else: #rID = 791 #print rID rID = 154659 reagentID = rHandler.convertDatabaseToReagentID(rID) d = Drawing(1000, 1000) origin = 0 origin_x = 500 origin_y = 500 radius = 350 c = Circle(origin_x, origin_y, radius) c.strokeColor = blue c.fillColor = white d.add(c) c.line(origin_x, origin_y + radius - 7, origin_x - 7, origin_y + radius) c.line(origin_x - 7, origin_y + radius, origin_x, origin_y + radius + 7) c.line(origin_x, origin_y + radius + 7, origin_x + 7, origin_y + radius) c.line(origin_x + 7, origin_y + radius, origin_x, origin_y + radius - 7) p = c.beginPath() c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() p.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y + radius - 7) p.lineTo(origin_x - 7, origin_y + radius) p.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y + radius + 7) p.lineTo(origin_x + 7, origin_y + radius) p.close() c.drawPath(p) c.restoreState() # Divide circle into 100-unit sectors rSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) rSeq = sHandler.findSequenceByID(rSeqID) seqLen = len(rSeq) #print seqLen unit_angle_measure = float(360) / float(seqLen) # Calculate feature segment sizes sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findReagentSequenceFeatures(rID) for feature in sequenceFeatures: fType = feature.getFeatureType() fValue = feature.getFeatureName() fStart = feature.getFeatureStartPos() fEnd = feature.getFeatureEndPos() fDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() f_start = fStart * unit_angle_measure f_end = fEnd * unit_angle_measure if fStart > 0 and fEnd > 0: print "Start " + ` fStart ` print "End " + ` fEnd ` startAngle = 90 - f_start extAngle = -1 * (f_end - f_start) print "Angle " + ` extAngle ` x1 = origin_x - radius y1 = origin_y - radius x2 = origin_x + radius y2 = origin_y + radius p = ArcPath() #p.dumpProperties() p.strokeWidth = 15 p.strokeColor = black p.fillColor = red #p.addArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extAngle) # NO d.add(p) d.add(String(origin_x + fStart, origin_y + fStart, fValue)) renderPDF.drawToFile(d, "V7066_map.png")
#!/usr/local/bin/python import cgi import utils from sequence_handler import DNAHandler from database_conn import DatabaseConn import Bio from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Restriction import * dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() dnaHandler = DNAHandler(db, cursor) form = cgi.FieldStorage() lims_id = form.getvalue("limsID") # always exists print "Content-type: application/octet-stream" print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" + lims_id + ".txt" print "Pragma: no-cache" print "Expires: 0" #print "Content-type:text/html" print # sequence may be empty if form.has_key("vector_sequence"):
def printUserInfo(self, cmd, user, errCode=""): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_ID_Name_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryIDToName() category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUser = Session.getUser() gOut = GeneralOutputClass() if cmd =='create': username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() passwd = user.getPassword() lab = user.getLab() uLabID = lab.getID() uLabName = lab.getName() labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() # changed Aug. 18/08 - new format #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM NAME="create_user_form" METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s" onSubmit="return verifyAddUser();"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <TH colspan="4" style="color:#0000FF; border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom: 1px groove black; padding-top: 10px; padding-top:5px;"> ADD NEW USER <P style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt; margin-top:5px;">Fields in red marked with an asterisk (<span style="font-size:9pt; color:#FF0000;">*</span>) are mandatory</P> </TH> <TR> <TD style="width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; color:#FF0000;"> Laboratory: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px"> <SELECT id="labList" name="labs"> <OPTION>Select Lab</OPTION> ''' # sort labs by name labSortedDict = {} # will store (labName, labID) tuples labNames = [] # just hold lab names for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labSortedDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: labID = labSortedDict[labName] labName = labs[labID] content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\"" if labID == uLabID: content += " SELECTED>" + labName else: content += ">" + labName content += "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <P id="lab_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:none">Please select a laboratory name from the dropdown list above.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Username: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="user_name" NAME="username" VALUE="%s"/> <BR/> <!-- Warning anchor --> <a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt"> <P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:inline">This username already exists. Please specify a different username.</P> </a> </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt"> Alphanumeric string up to 10 characters used to log into the system. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Password: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" SIZE="35px" id="passwd" NAME="password" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> First name: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="first_name" NAME="firstName" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName" style="color:#FF0000;"> Last name: <sup style="font-size:10pt; color:#FF0000;">*</sup> </TD> <TD class="createViewColName"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="last_name" NAME="lastName" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="createViewColName"> Email: </TD> <TD class="createViewColValue"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="35px" id="e_mail" NAME="email" VALUE="%s"/> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="createViewColName" colspan="3"> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Reader" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Reader<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Writer" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Writer<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Creator" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Creator<BR/> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" name="system_access_level" value="Admin" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt">Admin<BR/> </TD> </TR> <TR id="project_access"> <TD colspan="4"> <TABLE width="100%%"> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; padding-top:8px; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold"> Grant project access permissions to this user: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="width:210px"> <SELECT id="packetList" name="packets" multiple size="15"> ''' # PRINT PROJECT LIST projects = pHandler.findAllProjects() for project in projects: projectNumber = project.getNumber() projectName = project.getName() tmpProject = `projectNumber` + ": " + projectName content += "<OPTION value=\"" + `projectNumber` + "\">" + tmpProject + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top" colspan="3"> <span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only <BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write <BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT> <P style="font-size:8pt; border-top:1px groove black; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:5px; margin-top:10px"> Access levels: <BR/> <span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold; ">- Read-Only:</span> May view reagents in a project but may NOT modify them or add new reagents<BR/> <span style="font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 9px; font-weight:bold;">- Write:</span> May create and modify reagents in a project but may NOT change project details or add/remove members to/from the project<BR/> </P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold"> User's current project access privileges: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="border-right:1px solid black; font-size:8pt"> <B>Read-Only</B><BR/> <SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' # August 10/07: Default reader access to all on public projects publicProjects = pHandler.findAllProjects('FALSE') for proj in publicProjects: pID = proj.getNumber() pName = proj.getName(); # concatenate project ID and name in the form '1:parent' tmpDescr = `pID` + ": " + pName content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + tmpDescr + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD style="text-align:center; width:100px; border-right: 1px solid black; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px;"> <input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value=" Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write'); addProjects('user_projects_readonly')" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> <TD style="padding-left:50px; font-size:8pt"> <B>Write</B><BR/> <SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"></SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="4" style="border-top:1px groove black; border-bottom:1px groove black"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" id="addUser" NAME="add_user" VALUE="Add User" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, passwd, firstname, lastname, email) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'view': userID = user.getUserID() username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() userCat = user.getCategory() lab = user.getLab() labID = lab.getID() labName = lab.getName() # Only allow modification by admin modify_disabled = True if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'): modify_disabled = False content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="767px" style="margin-left:2px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl" border="1" frame="box" rules="none"> <TR> <TD colspan="6" class="detailedView_heading" style="padding-left:265px"> USER DETAILS PAGE ''' content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:50px;\" name=\"modify_user\" value=\"Change User Details\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_user\" value=\"Delete User\" onClick=\"return verifyDeleteUser();\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Username: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="username" value="%s"> <!-- user ID a hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> First Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="firstName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Last Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Laboratory: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> ''' if modify_disabled: content += labName else: content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToLabView(" + `labID` + ");\">" + labName + "</span>" content += ''' <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Email: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="email" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="system_access_level" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" width="50px"> Projects: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; width:250px" colspan="2"> Read-Only: </TD> <TD style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt"> Write: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="vertical-align:top;" colspan="2"> <UL> ''' # show projects for the user publicProj = pHandler.findAllProjects("FALSE") readOnlyProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') readProj = utils.merge(publicProj, readOnlyProj) writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') # sort read projects readKeys = [] readSorted = {} for r in readProj: rProjectID = r.getNumber() readKeys.append(rProjectID) readSorted[rProjectID] = r readKeys = utils.unique(readKeys) readKeys.sort() #for r in readProj: for rProjectID in readKeys: #rProjectID = r.getNumber() r = readSorted[rProjectID] rProjectName = r.getName() rProjectOwner = r.getOwner() try: rOwnerName = rProjectOwner.getLastName() except AttributeError: rOwnerName = "" #content += "<LI>" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName content += "<LI>" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `rProjectID` + ");\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rOwnerName + ": " + rProjectName + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top;"> <UL> ''' # sort write projects writeKeys = [] writeSorted = {} for w in writeProj: wProjectID = w.getNumber() writeKeys.append(wProjectID) writeSorted[wProjectID] = w writeKeys = utils.unique(writeKeys) writeKeys.sort() #for w in writeProj: for wProjectID in writeKeys: #wProjectID = w.getNumber() w = writeSorted[wProjectID] wProjectName = w.getName() wProjectOwner = w.getOwner() wOwnerName = wProjectOwner.getLastName() #content += "<LI>" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName content += "<LI>" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToProjectDetailedView(" + `wProjectID` + ");\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wOwnerName + ": " + wProjectName + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <FORM id="viewProjectForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_packet_hidden" name="view_packet"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, username, userID, firstname, firstname, lastname, lastname, labID, email, email, userCat, category_Name_ID_Map[userCat], hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID()) print "Content-type:text/html" # print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'edit': userID = user.getUserID() username = user.getUsername() firstname = user.getFirstName() lastname = user.getLastName() email = user.getEmail() passwd = user.getPassword() userCat = user.getCategory() lab = user.getLab() uLabID = lab.getID() labName = lab.getName() labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() if errCode == "Dup_un": un_warn_display = "inline" else: un_warn_display = "none" content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s" onSubmit="return verifyWriteProjects();"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">CHANGE USER INFORMATION</span> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:50px;" name="save_user" value="Save" onClick="selectAllElements('user_projects_readonly'); selectAllElements('user_projects_write');"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_user" value="Cancel"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Username: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="username" value="%s"> <BR/> <!-- Warning anchor --> <a name="w1" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; font-size:8pt"> <P id="dup_uname_warning" style="color:#FF0000; display:%s">This username already exists. Please specify a different username.</P> </a> <!-- user ID hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="userID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Laboratory: </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px"> <SELECT id="labList" name="labs"> ''' # sort labs by name labSortedDict = {} # will store (labName, labID) tuples labNames = [] # just hold lab names for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labSortedDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: labID = labSortedDict[labName] labName = labs[labID] content += "<OPTION ID=\"" + `labID` + "\" NAME=\"lab_optn\" VALUE=\"" + `labID` + "\"" if labID == uLabID: content += " SELECTED>" + labName else: content += ">" + labName content += "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> First Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="firstName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Last Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="lastName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Email: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" name="email" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access Level: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <SELECT ID="user_category" NAME="system_access_level"> ''' ucHandler = UserCategoryHandler(db, cursor) categories = ucHandler.findAllCategories() for cID in categories.keys(): if categories[cID] == userCat: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\" SELECTED>" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `cID` + "\">" + categories[cID] + "</OPTION>" # Don't allow addition of Writeable projects to Readers thru Modify view if userCat == 'Reader': write_disabled = True else: write_disabled = False content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Projects user has access to: </TD> </TR> <TR> <td colspan="3"> <table width="700px"> <tr> <TD colspan="2" style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top""> Read-Only </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top"> ''' if not write_disabled: content += "Write" else: content += " " content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style=""> <SELECT id="user_projects_readonly" name="userProjectsReadonly" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' # show projects for the user readProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Reader') writeProj = pHandler.findMemberProjects(userID, 'Writer') for r in readProj: rProjectID = r.getNumber() rProjectName = r.getName() content += "<OPTION name=\"project_read\" value=\"" + `rProjectID` + "\">" + `rProjectID` + ": " + rProjectName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px;" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_readonly')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' </TD> <TD style="text-align:center; padding-right:15px;"> <input onclick="addProjects('user_projects_readonly', 'write')" value=" Make Writeable >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:30px;" onclick="addProjects('user_projects_write', 'read')" value="<< Make Read-Only" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input type="button" style="margin-top:30px;" value="Remove" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT> </TD> ''' else: content += ''' <input type="button" value="Remove Selected" onclick="removeUserProjects();"></INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' <TD style="font-size:8pt"> <SELECT id="user_projects_write" name="userProjectsWrite" style="margin-top:5px" multiple size="12"> ''' for w in writeProj: wProjectID = w.getNumber() wProjectName = w.getName() content += "<OPTION name=\"project_write\" value=\"" + `wProjectID` + "\">" + `wProjectID` + ": " + wProjectName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT><BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'user_projects_write')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> ''' content += ''' </TR> </table> </td> </tr> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Add new projects: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <SELECT multiple ID="packetList"> ''' # Fetch the list of read and write projects for this user and extract their IDs readProjID = [] # list of numerical IDs of read projects for r in readProj: rNum = r.getNumber() readProjID.append(rNum) writeProjID = [] for w in writeProjID: wNum = w.getNumber() writeProjID.append(wNum) allPackets = pHandler.findAllProjects() for p in allPackets: pID = p.getNumber() pName = p.getName() pOwner = p.getOwner() #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `pOwner` # update March 11, 2011 try: lastName = pOwner.getLastName() except AttributeError: lastName = "" #pDesc = `pID` + " : " + pOwner + " : " + pName pDesc = `pID` + " : " + lastName + " : " + pName if not pID in readProjID and not pID in writeProjID: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `pID` + "\">" + pDesc content += ''' </SELECT> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px; font-size:8pt;" onClick="selectAll(, 'packetList')" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> ''' if not write_disabled: content += ''' </TD> <TD style="vertical-align:top"> <span style="font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold">User's access level to selected projects:<BR/></span> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" style="margin-top:8px; font-size:9pt" checked>Read-Only <BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write" style="margin-top:5px; font-size:9pt">Write <BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> ''' else: content += ''' <input style="margin-left:5px; margin-top:8px" onclick="addProjects('packetList', 'read')" value="Add project" type="button"></INPUT> ''' content += ''' </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", username, un_warn_display, userID, firstname, lastname, email) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def printProjectInfo(self, cmd, project): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) gOut = GeneralOutputClass() currUser = Session.getUser() if cmd == 'view': projectID = project.getNumber() projectOwner = project.getOwner() ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName() ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID() projectName = project.getName() projectDescr = project.getDescription() # private or public isPrivate = project.isPrivate() if isPrivate: accessType = 'Private' else: accessType = 'Public' # Only allow modification by owner or admin AND disallow project deletion if there are reagents in it!!! modify_disabled = True delete_disabled = True if (currUser.getUserID() == ownerID) or (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'): modify_disabled = False if project.isEmpty(): delete_disabled = False # Aug. 18/08: Changed b/c of new format #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE height="100%%"> <TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl"> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_heading" style="white-space:nowrap;"> PROJECT DETAILS PAGE </TD> <TD class="detailedView_heading" style="text-align:right"> ''' content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" name=\"modify_project\" value=\"Modify Project\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_project\" value=\"Delete Project\" onClick=\"return confirmDeleteProject();\"" if modify_disabled or delete_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project # </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" width="87%%"> %d <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Owner: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetOwner" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetName" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetDescription" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access type: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="private_or_public" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> <HR/> </TD> </TR> ''' # Now here, show or hide members section depending on the user's access level # Condition is the same as for determining whether modification is allowed - so use 'modify_disabled' variable if not modify_disabled: content += ''' <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Members: </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <TABLE width="100%%"> <TR> <TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px" width="30%%"> Readers: </TD> <TD style="font-weight:bold; padding-left:10px"> Writers: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="vertical-align:top"> <UL> ''' if not isPrivate: content += "All OpenFreezer Users" else: # maintain the indent readers = project.getReaders() # sort by labs labs = [] rdrLabs = {} # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs for rdr in readers: lab = rdr.getLab().getID() if lab not in labs: labs.append(lab) # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it for lab in labs: tmpRdrs = [] # list of members in one lab for rdr in readers: tmpLab = rdr.getLab().getID() if tmpLab == lab: # append reader to list of members of this lab if rdrLabs.has_key(lab): tmpRdrs = rdrLabs[lab] tmpRdrs.append(rdr) rdrLabs[lab] = tmpRdrs #for rdr in readers: for lab_id in rdrLabs.keys(): rdrs = rdrLabs[lab_id] # list of objects!! tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id) # print out the lab name if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" else: content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" # print reader names for rdr in rdrs: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectReaders\" value=\"" + ` rdr.getUserID( ) ` + "\"></INPUT>" # Only show hyperlinks if the viewer is an Admin; otherwise just output plain names if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- <span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + ` rdr.getUserID( ) ` + ");\">" + rdr.getFullName( ) + "</span></LI>" else: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- " + rdr.getFullName( ) + "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:250px; vertical-align:top"> <UL> ''' writers = project.getWriters() # sort them by lab too, same as for readers labs = [] wrtrLabs = {} # First, iterate over readers list to extract all the labs for wrtr in writers: lab = wrtr.getLab().getID() if lab not in labs: labs.append(lab) # Now iterate over the list of labs and link its readers to it for lab in labs: tmpWrtrs = [] # list of members in one lab for wrtr in writers: tmpLab = wrtr.getLab().getID() if tmpLab == lab: # append reader to list of members of this lab if wrtrLabs.has_key(lab): tmpWrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab] tmpWrtrs.append(wrtr) wrtrLabs[lab] = tmpWrtrs for lab_id in wrtrLabs.keys(): wrtrs = wrtrLabs[lab_id] # list of objects!! tmp_lab_name = lHandler.findLabName(lab_id) # print out the lab name if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"color:#2E8B57\" onClick=\"goToLabViewFromProject(" + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" else: content += "<span style=\"color:#2E8B57\" " + ` lab_id ` + ");\">" + tmp_lab_name + "</span><BR/>" for wrtr in wrtrs: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"projectWriters\" value=\"" + ` wrtr.getUserID( ) ` + "\">" if currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin': content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- <span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserFromProject(" + ` wrtr.getUserID( ) ` + ");\">" + wrtr.getFullName() + "</span></LI>" else: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none; padding-left:6px;\">-- " + wrtr.getFullName( ) + "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <FORM id="viewUserForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_user_hidden" name="view_user"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> </FORM> <FORM id="viewLabForm" method="POST" action="%s"> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_userid_hidden" NAME="curr_user_id" value="%d"> <INPUT type="hidden" id="view_lab_hidden" name="view_lab"> </FORM> </TABLE> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() else: content += ''' </TABLE> </FORM> </TABLE> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() # and here, depending on what sections of the project view were printed, the number of arguments would vary if not modify_disabled: page_content = content % ( hostname + "cgi/", projectID, projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName, projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType, hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID(), hostname + "cgi/", currUser.getUserID()) else: page_content = content % ( hostname + "cgi/", projectID, projectID, ownerName, ownerID, projectName, projectName, projectDescr, projectDescr, accessType, accessType) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'edit': projectID = project.getNumber() projectOwner = project.getOwner() ownerName = projectOwner.getFullName() ownerID = projectOwner.getUserID() projectName = project.getName() projectDescr = project.getDescription() isPrivate = project.isPrivate() content = gOut.printHeader() #content += gOut.printMainMenu() content += ''' <FORM name="project_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="username_hidden" NAME="username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="770px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:200px; text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">MODIFY PROJECT </span> <span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">%d</span> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="packetID" value="%d"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:200px;" name="save_project" value="Save" onClick=\"alert('Please note: If your project writers list contains names of users who have read-only access to OpenFreezer, their names will be removed from the list during saving.'); addProjectOwnerToWritersList(); selectAllElements('readers_target_list'); selectAllElements('writers_target_list'); return verifyProjectOwner('projectOwnersList') && verifyProjectName('packet_name') && verifyProjectDescr('packet_descr') && verifyMembers('readers_target_list') && verifyMembers('writers_target_list');\"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_project" value="Cancel"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Owner: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <SELECT ID="projectOwnersList" name="packetOwner"> ''' # Get list of all potential project owners - users with 'CREATOR' or higher privileges # Returns list of User **objects** creators = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory( 'Creator', False, '<=') creatorsDict = {} # name, uid for creator in creators: uid = creator.getUserID() name = creator.getFullName() creatorsDict[name] = uid names = creatorsDict.keys() names.sort() #print "Content-type:text/html" #print for name in names: #print name uid = creatorsDict[name] #print uid #print ownerID if uid == ownerID: content += "<OPTION SELECTED value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <DIV ID="projectOwnerWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please select a name from the list above. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_name" name="packetName" value="%s"> <DIV ID="projectNameWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please provide a project name. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" id="packet_descr" name="packetDescription" value="%s"> <DIV ID="projectDescrWarning" STYLE="display:none; color:#FF0000; font-weight:normal;"> <BR>Please provide a project description. </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Access type: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> ''' if not isPrivate: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\" checked>Public " content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\">Private" else: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"public\">Public " content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"private_or_public\" VALUE=\"private\" checked>Private" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Project Members: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Edit existing project members lists: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="width:100px"> <SELECT multiple size="10" id="readers_target_list" name="readersList"> ''' # Readers and writers associated with this project currReaders = project.getReaders() currWriters = project.getWriters() # Since object comparison is done by reference, cannot check if a User object returned by findAllMembers is a member of this project by using 'in array'. Need to compare user IDs explicitly currReaderIDs = [] currWriterIDs = [] currReaderNames = [] currWriterNames = [] currReadersDict = {} # name, id currWritersDict = {} # need lab IDs too - to match members to their labs when moved between lists, but having a 'memberID, labID' dictionary is too clumsy. Easiest approach: have 'memberID, Member Object' dictionary currReaderObjDict = {} # id, User object currWriterObjDict = {} for r in currReaders: rID = r.getUserID() rName = r.getFullName() # associate rID with its containing object currReaderObjDict[rID] = r currReaderIDs.append(rID) currReaderNames.append(rName) currReadersDict[rName] = rID for w in currWriters: wID = w.getUserID() wName = w.getFullName() currWriterObjDict[wID] = w currWriterIDs.append(wID) currWriterNames.append(wName) currWritersDict[wName] = wID currReaderNames.sort() currWriterNames.sort() for rName in currReaderNames: rID = currReadersDict[rName] rdr = currReaderObjDict[rID] rdrLabID = rdr.getLab().getID() #content += "<OPTION id=" + `rID` + " value=" + `rID` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>" # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` rID ` + "_lab_" + ` rdrLabID ` + "\" value=" + ` rID ` + ">" + rName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:10px" onClick="selectAll(, 'readers_target_list')" id="select_all_reader_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> <TD width="30px"> <input onclick="addMembers('readers_target_list', 'write')" value=" Make Writer >>" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="addMembers('writers_target_list', 'read')" value="<< Make Reader" type="button"></INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:10px;" onclick="removeProjectMembers()" value="Remove Selected" type="button"></INPUT> </TD> <TD> <SELECT multiple size="10" id="writers_target_list" name="writersList"> ''' for wName in currWriterNames: wID = currWritersDict[wName] wrtr = currWriterObjDict[wID] wrtrLabID = wrtr.getLab().getID() #content += "<OPTION id=" + `wID` + " value=" + `wID` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>" # June 28/07: Include labID in the option id content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` wID ` + "_lab_" + ` wrtrLabID ` + "\" value=" + ` wID ` + ">" + wName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> <BR/> <INPUT style="margin-top:10px;" TYPE="checkbox" onClick="selectAll(, 'writers_target_list')" id="select_all_writer_chkbx"> Select All</INPUT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Add new members to this project: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="3"> Laboratory: <SELECT id="labList" name="labs" onChange="showLabMembersList()"> ''' # fetch lab list - Updated August 90/7: Fetch ALL labs, with any access - then if a read-only lab has members with higher access, would show these members in list #labs = lHandler.findAllLabs('Writer', '<=') labs = lHandler.findAllLabs() # sort lab names alphabetically labNames = [] labsDict = {} # name, id for labID in labs.keys(): labName = labs[labID] labNames.append(labName) labsDict[labName] = labID labNames.sort() currLab = projectOwner.getLab() currLabID = currLab.getID() #for labID in labs.keys(): for labName in labNames: #labName = labs[labID] labID = labsDict[labName] if labID == currLabID: content += "<OPTION SELECTED id='" + ` labID ` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + ` labName ` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>" else: content += "<OPTION id='" + ` labID ` + "' NAME='lab_optn' value=" + ` labName ` + ">" + labName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="100px"> ''' # For each lab, print a list of its members for labID in labs.keys(): # First, fetch a list of users # These are **User instances** - need to get their names and IDs for comparison # August 9/07: Don't fetch only writers, fetch readers too - it's up to the project owner to grant them access to the project #writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory('Writer', True, '<=', labID) writers = uHandler.findAllMembersInCategory( 'Reader', True, '<=', labID) writersDict = {} # name, uid writersObjDict = {} # id, User object # Fetch user IDs and sort their names alphabetically for writer in writers: name = writer.getFullName() uid = writer.getUserID() labID = (writer.getLab()).getID() writersDict[name] = uid writersObjDict[uid] = writer names = writersDict.keys() names.sort() # Show members for one lab at a time if labID == currLabID: display = "inline" else: display = "none" content += "<SELECT MULTIPLE id=\"lab_source_list_" + ` labID ` + "\" name=\"labSourceMembers_" + ` labID ` + "\" SIZE=\"10\" style=\"display:" + display + "\">" for name in names: uid = writersDict[name] labID = writersObjDict[uid].getLab().getID() if uid not in currReaderIDs and uid not in currWriterIDs: #content += "<OPTION value=" + `uid` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += "<OPTION id=\"user_" + ` uid ` + "_lab_" + ` labID ` + "\" value=" + ` uid ` + ">" + name + "</OPTION>" content += "</SELECT>" content += ''' <BR/> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" style="margin-top:8px" onClick="selectAll(, 'lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab())" id="add_all_chkbx"> Select All Members</INPUT> </TD> <TD colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top"> Add selected members to: <P style="font-size:9pt; margin-top:5px;"> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_read" name="access_levels" value="read" checked>Readers list</INPUT><BR/> <input type="radio" id="access_level_radio_write" name="access_levels" value="write">Writers list</INPUT><BR/> <input style="margin-top:8px" onclick="addMembers('lab_source_list_' + getSelectedLab(), getSelectedRole('1'))" value="Go" type="button"></INPUT> <BR/> </P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % ( hostname + "cgi/", project.getNumber(), project.getNumber(), project.getName(), project.getDescription()) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def rMap_specific(f_in, f_out, enz_list): # Database connection parameters dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gHandler = GeneralHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) seqHandler = SequenceHandler(db, cursor) infile = open(f_in, 'r') outfile = open(f_out, 'w') for line in infile.readlines(): reagentID = line.strip() # e.g. V123 rID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(reagentID) seqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) if seqID: mySeq = seqHandler.findSequenceByID(seqID) # Construct a Seq object readable by BioPython: bioSeq = Seq(mySeq) fSeq = FormattedSeq( bioSeq, linear=False) # linear = FALSE, we're dealing w/ VECTORS analysis = Analysis( enz_list, fSeq, linear=False) # linear = FALSE again for VECTORS result = analysis.full() outfile.write(reagentID + ": " + '\n') # calculate bandwidths allSites = [] for enz in result.keys(): sites = result[enz] if len(allSites) == 0: allSites = sites else: # concatenate for s in sites: allSites.append(s) allSites.sort() if len(allSites) > 0: # calculate distances between sites bandSizes = [] i = 1 while i < len(allSites): tmpLen = allSites[i] - allSites[i - 1] bandSizes.append(tmpLen) i += 1 # last band tmpLen = len(mySeq) - allSites[i - 1] + allSites[0] bandSizes.append(tmpLen) bandSizes.sort() outfile.write( ` bandSizes ` + '\n') outfile.write('\n') infile.close() outfile.close() cursor.close() db.close()
def printReagentInfo(self, cmd, reagent, errMsg=""): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gOut = GeneralOutputClass() currUser = Session.getUser() currUserID = currUser.getUserID() sHandler = SystemSetHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) # print menu content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() # common to all reagent types projectList = utils.unique(pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Writer') + pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Owner')) # Differentiate other properties by reagent type if reagent.getType() == 'Insert': # Fetch dropdown list values to output on the form iTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("type of insert") statusList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("status") cloningMethodList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("insert cloning method") fpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("5' cloning site") tpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("3' cloning site") tagTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag") tagPositionList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag position") openClosedList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("open/closed") speciesList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("species") verificationList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("verification") # Initialize property values iType = "" iName = "" iStatus = "" cloningMethod = "" projectID = "" fpcs = "" tpcs = "" tagType = "" tagPosition = "" openClosed = "" species = "" accession = "" altID = "" geneID = "" ensemblID = "" geneSymbol = "" fp_start = "" tp_stop = "" fwd_linker = "" rev_linker = "" funcDescr = "" verification = "" expComm = "" verComm = "" sequence = "" # Fetch POST values if available: allProps = reagent.getProperties() if allProps.has_key("type of insert"): iType = allProps["type of insert"] if allProps.has_key("name"): iName = allProps["name"] if allProps.has_key("status"): iStatus = allProps["status"] if allProps.has_key("insert cloning method"): cloningMethod = allProps["insert cloning method"] if allProps.has_key("packet id"): projectID = int(allProps["packet id"]) if allProps.has_key("5' cloning site"): fpcs = allProps["5' cloning site"] if allProps.has_key("3' cloning site"): tpcs = allProps["3' cloning site"] if allProps.has_key("tag"): tagType = allProps["tag"] if allProps.has_key("tag position"): tagPosition = allProps["tag position"] if allProps.has_key("open/closed"): openClosed = allProps["open/closed"] if allProps.has_key("species"): species = allProps["species"] if allProps.has_key("accession number"): accession = allProps["accession number"] if allProps.has_key("alternate id"): altID = allProps["alternate id"] if allProps.has_key("entrez gene id"): geneID = allProps["entrez gene id"] if allProps.has_key("ensembl gene id"): ensemblID = allProps["ensembl gene id"] if allProps.has_key("official gene symbol"): geneSymbol = allProps["official gene symbol"] if allProps.has_key("5' start"): fp_start = allProps["5' start"] if allProps.has_key("3' stop"): tp_stop = allProps["3' stop"] if allProps.has_key("5' linker"): fwd_linker = allProps["5' linker"] if allProps.has_key("3' linker"): rev_linker = allProps["3' linker"] if allProps.has_key("description"): funcDescr = allProps["description"] if allProps.has_key("verification"): verification = allProps["verification"] if allProps.has_key("comments"): expComm = allProps["comments"] if allProps.has_key("verification comments"): verComm = allProps["verification comments"] if allProps.has_key("sequence"): sequence = allProps["sequence"] # associations ipvID = "" senseOligoID = "" antisenseOligoID = "" allAssoc = reagent.getAssociations() ''' if allAssoc.has_key("insert_parent_vector"): ipvID = allAssoc["insert_parent_vector"] if allAssoc.has_key("sense_oligo"): senseOligoID = allAssoc["sense_oligo"] if allAssoc.has_key("antisense_oligo"): antisenseOligoID = allAssoc["antisense_oligo"] ''' # Action: Output form with POST values if set if cmd == 'create': content += ''' <div class="main"> <form NAME="create_insert_form" ACTION="%s" METHOD="POST" onSubmit="return validateInsert() && verifyParents();"> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <input type="hidden" name="reagent_type_hidden" value="Insert"> <table id="vector_insertproperty_table_id" border="1" width="780px" cellpadding="4" frame="box" rules="all"> ''' if errMsg != "": content += "<th colspan=\"3\" style=\"color:#0000FF; text-align:left; font-weight:normal\">There was a problem:<br><P>" + errMsg + "<BR><BR></th>" content += ''' <tr> <td colspan="3" style="text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000CD; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold"> Insert Information </span> <br> <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000"> Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180px"> Type of Insert <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span> </td> <td width="275px"> <SELECT id="itype_list" size="1" NAME="INPUT_INSERT_info_insert_type_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(iType) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for it in iTypeList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + it + "\"" if it == iType: content += " SELECTED>" + it + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + it + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </td> <td> Describes the type of insert. Users select from a pre-defined list. Designed to make insert use more apparent and searches easier. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Name </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_name_prop\" value=\"" + iName + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Name that describes the reagent - free text field </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Status </td> <td> <SELECT id="status_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_status_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(iStatus) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for s in statusList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + s + "\"" if s == iStatus: content += " SELECTED>" + s + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + s + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates the status and availability of the reagent. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Insert Cloning Method </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="cm_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_cloning_method_prop" onChange="showCMText()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(cloningMethod) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for cm in cloningMethodList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + cm + "\"" if cm == cloningMethod: content += " SELECTED>" + cm + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + cm + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the method used to create the insert (e.g. PCR or RE (restriction enzyme)) and provides additional information for its cloning into a vector (eg. by RE, In Fusion or BP reaction) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Project ID <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span> </td> <td> <select id="packetList_insert" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_packet_id_prop"> ''' # need to sort projects pNums = [] projects = {} # (pID, Packet) for p in projectList: pID = p.getNumber() pNums.append(pID) projects[pID] = p pNums.sort() for pID in pNums: p = projects[pID] content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + `p.getNumber()` + "\"" if p.getNumber() == projectID: content += " SELECTED>" + `p.getNumber()` + ": " + p.getOwner().getLastName() + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + `p.getNumber()` + ": " + p.getOwner().getLastName() + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </select> <BR> <div id="packet_warning_insert" style="display:none; color:#FF0000">Please select a Project ID from the dropdown list</div> </td> <td> Indicates what person and project originally created the reagent. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Cloning Site on Insert </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="fpcs_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_cloning_site_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(fpcs) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for fps in fpcsList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + fps + "\"" if fps == fpcs: content += " SELECTED>" + fps + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + fps + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates what 5' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector. May not necessarily be the same as for the vector. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Cloning Site on Insert </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="tpcs_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_cloning_site_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tpcs) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tps in tpcsList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tps + "\"" if tps == tpcs: content += " SELECTED>" + tps + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tps + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates what 3' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector. May not necessarily be the same as for the vector. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Tag </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="tag_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_prop" onChange="showTagTypeBox()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tagType) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tt in tagTypeList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tt + "\"" if tt == tagType: content += " SELECTED>" + tt + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tt + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates if the insert itself has a tag associated with it (outside of the backbone vector). Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Tag Position </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_position_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tagPosition) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tp in tagPositionList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tp + "\"" if tp == tagPosition: content += " SELECTED>" + tp + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tp + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the position of the tag on the insert. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Open/Closed </td> <td> <SELECT id="oc_list" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_open_closed_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(openClosed) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for oc in openClosedList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + oc + "\"" if oc == openClosed: content += " SELECTED>" + oc + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + oc + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates for an Open Reading Frame if there is a start codon (ATG) or stop codon (open - no stop codon, closed - stop codon). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Species </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" style="color:000000" id = "species_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_species_prop" onChange="showSpeciesBox()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(species) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for sp in speciesList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + sp + "\"" if sp == species: content += " SELECTED>" + sp + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + sp + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates the species from which the Insert was derived. User selects species from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Accession Number </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_accession_number_prop\" value=\"" + accession + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The Accession Number from which the insert was cloned or to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Alternate ID </td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="IMAGE" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox')">IMAGE <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox" name="alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RIKEN" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox')">RIKEN <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox" name="alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Kazusa" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox', '_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox')">Kazusa <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox" name="alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="LIFESEQ" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox', '_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox')">LIFESEQ <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox" name="alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RZPD" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox')">RZPD <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox" name="alternate_id_RZPD_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="HIP" id="_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox', '_alternate_id_HIP_textbox')">HIP <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_HIP_textbox" name="alternate_id_HIP_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="ADDGENE" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox')">ADDGENE <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox" name="alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="PMID" id="_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox', '_alternate_id_PMID_textbox')">PMID <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_PMID_textbox" name="alternate_id_PMID_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" id="_other_Alt_ID_chkbx" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Other" onClick="showSpecificOtherCheckbox('_alternate_id_txt')">Other: <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_txt" name="alternate_id_name_txt" size="15"></INPUT> </td> <td> Indicates any other ID's that identify the insert, including but not limited to IMAGE, Kazusa, RIKEN, and other. <BR><BR><BR><BR>For 'Other', please enter the source name and ID separated by a semicolon (e.g. IMAGE:123456) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Entrez Gene ID </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + geneID + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The NCBI Gene ID to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Ensembl Gene ID </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_ensembl_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + ensemblID + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The Ensembl Gene ID to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Official Gene Symbol </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_symbol_prop\" value=\"" + geneSymbol + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The official gene symbol for this Insert. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Start </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_start_prop\" value=\"" + fp_start + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Users can map the start of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence starts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Stop </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_stop_prop\" value=\"" + tp_stop + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Users can map the stop of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence stops </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Linker </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + fwd_linker + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates any sequence added to the 5' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg kozak sequences, any nucleotides added to maintain frame. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Linker </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + rev_linker + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates any sequence added to the 3' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg any nucleotides added to maintain frame. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Functional Description </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_description_prop\" value=\"" + funcDescr + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the purpose of the reagent and any information that may be key to working with the reagent. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Verification </td> <td> <select size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(verification) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for v in verificationList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + v + "\"" if v == verification: content += " SELECTED>" + v + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + v + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </select> </td> <td> Indicates if the reagent has been verified and how. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Verification comments </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_comments_prop\" value=\"" + verComm + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Allows user to provide a description of the verification status - eg comments on sequence changes, expression levels. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Experimental comments </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_comments_prop\" value=\"" + expComm + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Used to describe any information that descrbes how the reagent works in the experimental context - eg low expression, difficult to grow, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Sequence </td> <td> </td> <td> The sequence of the insert that corresponds to a cDNA or fragment of interest. Does include artificial start and stop codons. Does not include linker sequences as described above. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <textarea rows="10" cols="93" id="dna_sequence" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_sequence_prop"> ''' content += sequence content += ''' </textarea> </td> </tr> ''' content += self.printParents('Insert', allAssoc) content += ''' <tr> <td colspan="3"> <hr><br> <input type="submit" name="create_reagent" value="Create" onclick="document.pressed = this.value"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> ''' # Common to all content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/") print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def printReagentInfo(self, cmd, reagent, errMsg=""): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gOut = GeneralOutputClass() currUser = Session.getUser() currUserID = currUser.getUserID() sHandler = SystemSetHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) # print menu content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() # common to all reagent types projectList = utils.unique( pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Writer') + pHandler.findMemberProjects(currUserID, 'Owner')) # Differentiate other properties by reagent type if reagent.getType() == 'Insert': # Fetch dropdown list values to output on the form iTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("type of insert") statusList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("status") cloningMethodList = sHandler.findAllSetValues( "insert cloning method") fpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("5' cloning site") tpcsList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("3' cloning site") tagTypeList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag") tagPositionList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("tag position") openClosedList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("open/closed") speciesList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("species") verificationList = sHandler.findAllSetValues("verification") # Initialize property values iType = "" iName = "" iStatus = "" cloningMethod = "" projectID = "" fpcs = "" tpcs = "" tagType = "" tagPosition = "" openClosed = "" species = "" accession = "" altID = "" geneID = "" ensemblID = "" geneSymbol = "" fp_start = "" tp_stop = "" fwd_linker = "" rev_linker = "" funcDescr = "" verification = "" expComm = "" verComm = "" sequence = "" # Fetch POST values if available: allProps = reagent.getProperties() if allProps.has_key("type of insert"): iType = allProps["type of insert"] if allProps.has_key("name"): iName = allProps["name"] if allProps.has_key("status"): iStatus = allProps["status"] if allProps.has_key("insert cloning method"): cloningMethod = allProps["insert cloning method"] if allProps.has_key("packet id"): projectID = int(allProps["packet id"]) if allProps.has_key("5' cloning site"): fpcs = allProps["5' cloning site"] if allProps.has_key("3' cloning site"): tpcs = allProps["3' cloning site"] if allProps.has_key("tag"): tagType = allProps["tag"] if allProps.has_key("tag position"): tagPosition = allProps["tag position"] if allProps.has_key("open/closed"): openClosed = allProps["open/closed"] if allProps.has_key("species"): species = allProps["species"] if allProps.has_key("accession number"): accession = allProps["accession number"] if allProps.has_key("alternate id"): altID = allProps["alternate id"] if allProps.has_key("entrez gene id"): geneID = allProps["entrez gene id"] if allProps.has_key("ensembl gene id"): ensemblID = allProps["ensembl gene id"] if allProps.has_key("official gene symbol"): geneSymbol = allProps["official gene symbol"] if allProps.has_key("5' start"): fp_start = allProps["5' start"] if allProps.has_key("3' stop"): tp_stop = allProps["3' stop"] if allProps.has_key("5' linker"): fwd_linker = allProps["5' linker"] if allProps.has_key("3' linker"): rev_linker = allProps["3' linker"] if allProps.has_key("description"): funcDescr = allProps["description"] if allProps.has_key("verification"): verification = allProps["verification"] if allProps.has_key("comments"): expComm = allProps["comments"] if allProps.has_key("verification comments"): verComm = allProps["verification comments"] if allProps.has_key("sequence"): sequence = allProps["sequence"] # associations ipvID = "" senseOligoID = "" antisenseOligoID = "" allAssoc = reagent.getAssociations() ''' if allAssoc.has_key("insert_parent_vector"): ipvID = allAssoc["insert_parent_vector"] if allAssoc.has_key("sense_oligo"): senseOligoID = allAssoc["sense_oligo"] if allAssoc.has_key("antisense_oligo"): antisenseOligoID = allAssoc["antisense_oligo"] ''' # Action: Output form with POST values if set if cmd == 'create': content += ''' <div class="main"> <form NAME="create_insert_form" ACTION="%s" METHOD="POST" onSubmit="return validateInsert() && verifyParents();"> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" value=\"" + currUser.getFullName( ) + "\">" content += ''' <input type="hidden" name="reagent_type_hidden" value="Insert"> <table id="vector_insertproperty_table_id" border="1" width="780px" cellpadding="4" frame="box" rules="all"> ''' if errMsg != "": content += "<th colspan=\"3\" style=\"color:#0000FF; text-align:left; font-weight:normal\">There was a problem:<br><P>" + errMsg + "<BR><BR></th>" content += ''' <tr> <td colspan="3" style="text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000CD; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold"> Insert Information </span> <br> <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000"> Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180px"> Type of Insert <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span> </td> <td width="275px"> <SELECT id="itype_list" size="1" NAME="INPUT_INSERT_info_insert_type_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(iType) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for it in iTypeList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + it + "\"" if it == iType: content += " SELECTED>" + it + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + it + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </td> <td> Describes the type of insert. Users select from a pre-defined list. Designed to make insert use more apparent and searches easier. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Name </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_name_prop\" value=\"" + iName + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Name that describes the reagent - free text field </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Status </td> <td> <SELECT id="status_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_status_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(iStatus) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for s in statusList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + s + "\"" if s == iStatus: content += " SELECTED>" + s + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + s + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates the status and availability of the reagent. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Insert Cloning Method </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="cm_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_cloning_method_prop" onChange="showCMText()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(cloningMethod) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for cm in cloningMethodList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + cm + "\"" if cm == cloningMethod: content += " SELECTED>" + cm + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + cm + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the method used to create the insert (e.g. PCR or RE (restriction enzyme)) and provides additional information for its cloning into a vector (eg. by RE, In Fusion or BP reaction) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Project ID <span style="font-size:8pt; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">*</span> </td> <td> <select id="packetList_insert" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_packet_id_prop"> ''' # need to sort projects pNums = [] projects = {} # (pID, Packet) for p in projectList: pID = p.getNumber() pNums.append(pID) projects[pID] = p pNums.sort() for pID in pNums: p = projects[pID] content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + ` p.getNumber() ` + "\"" if p.getNumber() == projectID: content += " SELECTED>" + ` p.getNumber( ) ` + ": " + p.getOwner().getLastName( ) + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + ` p.getNumber() ` + ": " + p.getOwner( ).getLastName() + ": " + p.getName() + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </select> <BR> <div id="packet_warning_insert" style="display:none; color:#FF0000">Please select a Project ID from the dropdown list</div> </td> <td> Indicates what person and project originally created the reagent. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Cloning Site on Insert </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="fpcs_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_cloning_site_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(fpcs) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for fps in fpcsList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + fps + "\"" if fps == fpcs: content += " SELECTED>" + fps + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + fps + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates what 5' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector. May not necessarily be the same as for the vector. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Cloning Site on Insert </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="tpcs_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_cloning_site_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tpcs) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tps in tpcsList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tps + "\"" if tps == tpcs: content += " SELECTED>" + tps + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tps + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates what 3' site on the insert was used to clone it into a vector. May not necessarily be the same as for the vector. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Tag </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" id="tag_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_prop" onChange="showTagTypeBox()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tagType) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tt in tagTypeList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tt + "\"" if tt == tagType: content += " SELECTED>" + tt + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tt + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates if the insert itself has a tag associated with it (outside of the backbone vector). Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Tag Position </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_tag_position_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(tagPosition) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for tp in tagPositionList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + tp + "\"" if tp == tagPosition: content += " SELECTED>" + tp + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + tp + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the position of the tag on the insert. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Open/Closed </td> <td> <SELECT id="oc_list" size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_open_closed_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(openClosed) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for oc in openClosedList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + oc + "\"" if oc == openClosed: content += " SELECTED>" + oc + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + oc + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates for an Open Reading Frame if there is a start codon (ATG) or stop codon (open - no stop codon, closed - stop codon). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Species </td> <td> <SELECT size="1" style="color:000000" id = "species_list" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_species_prop" onChange="showSpeciesBox()"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(species) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for sp in speciesList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + sp + "\"" if sp == species: content += " SELECTED>" + sp + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + sp + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates the species from which the Insert was derived. User selects species from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Accession Number </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_accession_number_prop\" value=\"" + accession + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The Accession Number from which the insert was cloned or to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Alternate ID </td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="IMAGE" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_IMAGE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox')">IMAGE <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox" name="alternate_id_IMAGE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RIKEN" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RIKEN_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox')">RIKEN <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox" name="alternate_id_RIKEN_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Kazusa" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_Kazusa_checkbox', '_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox')">Kazusa <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox" name="alternate_id_Kazusa_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="LIFESEQ" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_checkbox', '_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox')">LIFESEQ <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox" name="alternate_id_LIFESEQ_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="RZPD" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_RZPD_checkbox', '_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox')">RZPD <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_RZPD_textbox" name="alternate_id_RZPD_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="HIP" id="_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_HIP_checkbox', '_alternate_id_HIP_textbox')">HIP <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_HIP_textbox" name="alternate_id_HIP_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="ADDGENE" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_ADDGENE_checkbox', '_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox')">ADDGENE <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox" name="alternate_id_ADDGENE_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="PMID" id="_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox" onClick="showAltIDTextBox('_alternate_id_PMID_checkbox', '_alternate_id_PMID_textbox')">PMID <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_PMID_textbox" name="alternate_id_PMID_textbox_name" size="15"></INPUT><br> <input type="checkbox" id="_other_Alt_ID_chkbx" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_alternate_id_prop[]" value="Other" onClick="showSpecificOtherCheckbox('_alternate_id_txt')">Other: <INPUT style="display:none" id="_alternate_id_txt" name="alternate_id_name_txt" size="15"></INPUT> </td> <td> Indicates any other ID's that identify the insert, including but not limited to IMAGE, Kazusa, RIKEN, and other. <BR><BR><BR><BR>For 'Other', please enter the source name and ID separated by a semicolon (e.g. IMAGE:123456) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Entrez Gene ID </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + geneID + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The NCBI Gene ID to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Ensembl Gene ID </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_ensembl_gene_id_prop\" value=\"" + ensemblID + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The Ensembl Gene ID to which the sequence maps. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Official Gene Symbol </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_gene_symbol_prop\" value=\"" + geneSymbol + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> The official gene symbol for this Insert. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Start </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_start_prop\" value=\"" + fp_start + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Users can map the start of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence starts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Stop </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_stop_prop\" value=\"" + tp_stop + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Users can map the stop of the sequence onto its accession number by indicating at what nucleotide position on the accession number that the sequence stops </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 5' Linker </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_5_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + fwd_linker + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates any sequence added to the 5' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg kozak sequences, any nucleotides added to maintain frame. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 3' Linker </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_3_prime_linker_prop\" value=\"" + rev_linker + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Indicates any sequence added to the 3' end of an insert that does not map to a cDNA sequence but should be included as part of the insert - eg any nucleotides added to maintain frame. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Functional Description </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_description_prop\" value=\"" + funcDescr + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Describes the purpose of the reagent and any information that may be key to working with the reagent. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Verification </td> <td> <select size="1" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_prop"> ''' # default option content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"\" " if len(verification) == 0: content += "SELECTED></OPTION>" else: content += "></OPTION>" for v in verificationList: content += "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + v + "\"" if v == verification: content += " SELECTED>" + v + "</OPTION>" else: content += ">" + v + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </select> </td> <td> Indicates if the reagent has been verified and how. Users select from a pre-defined list. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Verification comments </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_verification_comments_prop\" value=\"" + verComm + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Allows user to provide a description of the verification status - eg comments on sequence changes, expression levels. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Experimental comments </td> <td> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"INPUT_INSERT_info_comments_prop\" value=\"" + expComm + "\">" content += ''' </td> <td> Used to describe any information that descrbes how the reagent works in the experimental context - eg low expression, difficult to grow, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Sequence </td> <td> </td> <td> The sequence of the insert that corresponds to a cDNA or fragment of interest. Does include artificial start and stop codons. Does not include linker sequences as described above. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <textarea rows="10" cols="93" id="dna_sequence" name="INPUT_INSERT_info_sequence_prop"> ''' content += sequence content += ''' </textarea> </td> </tr> ''' content += self.printParents('Insert', allAssoc) content += ''' <tr> <td colspan="3"> <hr><br> <input type="submit" name="create_reagent" value="Create" onclick="document.pressed = this.value"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> ''' # Common to all content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/") print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def printMainMenu(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) # Aug. 20, 2010 pageMapper = SystemModuleMapper(db, cursor) pageLinkMap = pageMapper.mapPageNameLink() # Array of section names currentSectionNames = [] # Dictionary of links to names, with names as dictionary keys and links as values currentSectionLinks = {} # Added Nov. 10/06 by Marina - Classify each header as to what OF section it belongs menuTypes = {} # June 04/07 - Differentiate between 'public' and 'private' pages publicSectionNames = [] publicSectionLinks = [] publicSections = {} # Feb. 2, 2010: change menu layout (reflect HeaderFunctions.php code changes Jan. 12/10) submenu_links = {} submenu_types = {} menuitems = {} # Home currentSectionNames.append("Home") currentSectionLinks["Home"] = "../index.php" publicSections["Home"] = "index.php" # Reagent currentSectionNames.append("Reagent Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" menuTypes["Reagent Tracker"] = "Reagent" publicSections["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Reagents") tmp_list.append("Reagent Types") submenu_types["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Statistics" submenu_order = {} submenu_order["Reagents"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../search.php?View=1" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "../Reagent.php?View=4" submenu_links["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagents" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagents" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "Statistics" menuitems["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Reagent Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" submenu_links["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagent types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagent types" menuitems["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list # Locations currentSectionNames.append("Location Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" menuTypes["Location Tracker"] = "Location" publicSections["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Containers") tmp_list.append("Container Sizes") tmp_list.append("Container Types") submenu_types["Location Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" #tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Sizes"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Containers"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=4" submenu_links["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container types" menuitems["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=5" submenu_links["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container sizes" #tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container sizes" menuitems["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=2" submenu_links["Containers"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add containers" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search containers" menuitems["Containers"] = tmp_list # Projects currentSectionNames.append("Project Management") currentSectionLinks["Project Management"] = "../Project.php?View=1" menuTypes["Project Management"] = "Project" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Projects") submenu_types["Project Management"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Projects"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Project.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Project.php?View=2" submenu_links["Projects"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add projects" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search projects" menuitems["Projects"] = tmp_list # Users and Labs currentSectionNames.append("User Management") currentSectionLinks["User Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["User Management"] = "User" currentSectionNames.append("Lab Management") currentSectionLinks["Lab Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["Lab Management"] = "Laboratories" tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list # Jan. 7/09: Chemicals currentSectionNames.append("Chemical Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Chemical Tracker"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" menuTypes["Chemical Tracker"] = "Chemical" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Chemicals") submenu_types["Chemical Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Chemicals"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" submenu_links["Chemicals"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add Chemicals" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search Chemicals" menuitems["Chemicals"] = tmp_list # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Users") submenu_types["User Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=2" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "../User.php?View=7" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" submenu_links["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Change your password" tmp_order_list[3] = "Personal page" tmp_order_list[4] = "View your orders" submenu_order["Users"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add users" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search users" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "Personal page" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "View your orders" menuitems["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Laboratories") submenu_types["Lab Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=4" submenu_links["Laboratories"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add laboratories" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search laboratories" menuitems["Laboratories"] = tmp_list currentSectionNames.append("Documentation") currentSectionLinks["Documentation"] = "../docs.php" publicSections["Documentation"] = "docs.php" currentSectionNames.append("Terms and Conditions") currentSectionLinks["Terms and Conditions"] = "../copyright.php" publicSections["Terms and Conditions"] = "copyright.php" currentSectionNames.append("Help and Support") currentSectionLinks["Help and Support"] = "../bugreport.php" publicSections["Help and Support"] = "bugreport.php" currentSectionNames.append("Contact Us") currentSectionLinks["Contact Us"] = "../contacts.php" publicSections["Contact Us"] = "contacts.php" # Aug. 20/10: Quick links tmp_ql = [] quickLinks = {} tmp_ql.append("Add reagents") tmp_ql.append("Search reagents") quickLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add containers") tmp_ql.append("Search containers") quickLinks["Location Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add projects") tmp_ql.append("Search projects") quickLinks["Project Management"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Change your password") tmp_ql.append("View your orders") quickLinks["User Management"] = tmp_ql content = ''' <div class="sidemenu" ID="mainMenu"> <div class="menu-content"> <ul class="menulist"> <!-- menu goes here --> ''' # Output the menu link IFF the user is authorized to access that page currUser = Session.getUser() if currUser: ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] #print "Content-type:text/html" #print allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) #print `allowedSections` for name in currentSectionNames: if name in allowedSections: # added Jan. 7/09 if name in menuTypes: #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print name content += "<DIV style=\"border-top:3px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; border-bottom:3px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; margin-top:2px; width:162px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:0;\">" content += "<DIV style=\"background-image:url('../pictures/small_bg.png'); width:166px; height:30px;\">" content += "<select style=\"cursor:pointer; width:150px; background:#FFF8DC; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; margin-top:3px; margin-left:2px; font-family:Helvetica; border:0;\" onChange=\"openPage(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex]);\">" content += "<option selected style=\"cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;\" value=\"\"> " + name + "</option>" for st_val in submenu_types[name]: numDisallowed = 0 # Jan. 13, 2010: Don't print category heading if user has no access to any of its subitems for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] if not menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: numDisallowed += 1 if numDisallowed == len(submenu_links[st_val]): continue #print st_val.upper() content += "<option style=\"cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; background:#EFEFEF; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;\" onclick\"\"> " + st_val.upper() + "</option>" # Now: since Python dictionaries are not ordered, arrays with > 2 items (e.g. Users - has more than 'add' and 'search') would appear scrambled. Use an 'order' array instead for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] #print st_val #print linkName if menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: content += "<option style=\"padding-left:15px; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:8pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica; cursor:pointer;\" value=\"" + linkURL + "\"> " + linkName + "</option>" content += "</SELECT>" content += "</DIV>" # Quick links if quickLinks.has_key(name): content += "<div id=\"quick_links_" + name + "\" style=\"font-family:Helvetica; width:166px; padding-bottom:0; margin-top:0; padding-top:0; padding-left:2px;\">" content += "<UL style=\"padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:2px; padding-left:10px; position:relative;\">" for qlName in quickLinks[name]: if qlName in allowedSections: content += "<LI style=\"list-style:none;\"><img src=\"../pictures/silvermenubullet.png\" width=\"7\" height=\"6\" style=\"padding-bottom:2px;\"> <a style=\"font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; color:#555; margin-left:2px;\" href=\"../" + pageLinkMap[qlName] + "\">" + qlName + "</a></LI>" content += "</UL>" content += "</DIV>" content += "</DIV>" else: if name == "Home": content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:0; width:162px; border-top:6px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" else: content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:2px; width:162px; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" content += "<img src=\"../pictures/silvermenubullet.png\" style=\"width:11px; height:9px; margin-left:5px;\">" content += "<a style=\"font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; padding-left:3px; text-decoration:none;\" href=\"" + currentSectionLinks[name] + "\">" + name + "</a>" content += "</DIV>" else: # WRITE THIS FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!! #content += self.printGeneralMenu(publicSections) print "Content-type:text/html" print print "Unknown user" content += ''' </UL> <!-- moved form down here on Aug. 20, 2010 --> <form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">" ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" VALUE=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" id=\"curr_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\" VALUE=\"" + `currUser.getUserID()` + "\">" content += ''' </FORM> <div class="login"> ''' content += self.printLoginBlock() content += ''' </div> </div> </div> ''' return content
def printSubmenuHeader(self, submenu_type): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) current_selection_names = [] # plain list of section names current_selection_links = {} # dictionary, where section names are keys and their URLs are values if submenu_type == "Location": location_submenu_names = [] location_submenu_links = {} location_submenu_names.append("Add container types") location_submenu_links["Add container types"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Add container sizes") location_submenu_links["Add container sizes"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" location_submenu_names.append("Add containers") location_submenu_links["Add containers"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" location_submenu_names.append("Search containers") location_submenu_links["Search containers"] = "../Location.php?View=2" current_selection_names = location_submenu_names current_selection_links = location_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Reagent": reagent_submenu_names = [] reagent_submenu_links = {} reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagents"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagents") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagents"] = "../search.php?View=1" # June 3/09 reagent_submenu_names.append("Add reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Add reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" reagent_submenu_names.append("Search reagent types") reagent_submenu_links["Search reagent types"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" current_selection_names = reagent_submenu_names current_selection_links = reagent_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Chemical": chemical_submenu_names = [] chemical_submenu_links = {} chemical_submenu_names.append("Add Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Add Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" chemical_submenu_names.append("Search Chemicals") chemical_submenu_links["Search Chemicals"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" current_selection_names = chemical_submenu_names current_selection_links = chemical_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Prediction": prediction_submenu_names = [] prediction_submenu_links = {} prediction_submenu_names.append("Search predictions") prediction_submenu_links["Search predictions"] = "../Prediction.php?View=1" current_selection_names = prediction_submenu_names current_selection_links = prediction_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Project": project_submenu_names = [] project_submenu_links = {} project_submenu_names.append("Add projects") project_submenu_links["Add projects"] = "../Project.php?View=1" project_submenu_names.append("Search projects") project_submenu_links["Search projects"] = "../Project.php?View=2" current_selection_names = project_submenu_names current_selection_links = project_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "User": user_submenu_names = [] user_submenu_links = {} user_submenu_names.append("Add users") user_submenu_links["Add users"] = "../User.php?View=1" user_submenu_names.append("Search users") user_submenu_links["Search users"] = "../User.php?View=2" user_submenu_names.append("Change your password") user_submenu_links["Change your password"] = "******" user_submenu_names.append("Personal page") user_submenu_links["Personal page"] = "User.php?View=7" user_submenu_names.append("View your orders") user_submenu_links["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" current_selection_names = user_submenu_names current_selection_links = user_submenu_links elif submenu_type == "Lab": lab_submenu_names = [] lab_submenu_links = {} lab_submenu_names.append("Add laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Add laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=3" lab_submenu_names.append("Search laboratories") lab_submenu_links["Search laboratories"] = "../User.php?View=4" current_selection_names = lab_submenu_names current_selection_links = lab_submenu_links # There can be permission differentiations within a menu section as well (e.g. Projects - only Creators can create, buit Writers can view) currUser = Session.getUser() ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) #print "Content-type:text/html" # TEMPORARY, REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! #print # DITTO #print `allowedSections` content = "" for name in current_selection_names: if name in allowedSections: if name == 'Personal page': content += "<LI class=\"submenu\">" content += "<IMG SRC=\"../pictures/star_bullet.gif\" WIDTH=\"10\" HEIGHT=\"10\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"plus\" class=\"menu-leaf\">" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" style=\"font-size:9pt\" onClick=\"redirectToCurrentUserDetailedView(" + `currUser.getUserID()` + ");\">" + name + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += "<form name=\"curr_user_form\" style=\"display:none\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">" content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ID=\"curr_username_hidden\" NAME=\"curr_username\" VALUE=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" id=\"curr_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\">" content += "</FORM>" else: content += "<LI class=\"submenu\">" content += "<IMG SRC=\"../pictures/star_bullet.gif\" WIDTH=\"10\" HEIGHT=\"10\" BORDER=\"0\" ALT=\"plus\" class=\"menu-leaf\">" content += "<a class=\"submenu\" href=\"" + current_selection_links[name] + "\">" + name + "</a>" content += "</LI>" return content
def update(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") print "Content-type:text/html" # REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! print # DITTO #print `form` # Aug 29/07 uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) if form.has_key("curr_username"): # store the user ID for use throughout the session; add to other views in addition to create in PHP currUname = form.getvalue("curr_username") currUser = uHandler.getUserByDescription(currUname) Session.setUser(currUser) #else: # debug #currUname = 'Administrator' #currUser = uHandler.getUserByDescription(currUname) #Session.setUser(currUser) if form.has_key("cloning_method"): cloning_method = form.getvalue("cloning_method") #else: # debug #cloning_method = '1' # Handlers and mappers rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) #sHandler = SystemSetHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ReagentPropertyHandler(db, cursor) raHandler = ReagentAssociationHandler(db, cursor) aHandler = AssociationHandler(db, cursor) dnaHandler = DNAHandler(db, cursor) commHandler = CommentHandler(db, cursor) protHandler = ProteinHandler(db, cursor) propMapper = ReagentPropertyMapper(db, cursor) assocMapper = ReagentAssociationMapper(db, cursor) # August 29/07: Restrict creation by user and project access packetHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ######################################################## # Various maps ######################################################## prop_Alias_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropAliasID( ) # (propAlias, propID) - e.g. ('insert_type', '48') --> represents 'type of insert' property prop_Name_Alias_Map = propMapper.mapPropNameAlias( ) # (propName, propAlias) prop_Name_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropNameID() # (prop name, prop id) # Restriction sites fpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("5' cloning site") tpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("3' cloning site") newFivePrime = form.getvalue("fpcs") newThreePrime = form.getvalue("tpcs") gatewaySites = ['attb', 'attl', 'attp', 'attr'] # nov. 16/07 # resulting sequence newSeq = "" # Fetch projects the user has AT LEAST Read access to (i.e. if he is explicitly declared a Writer on a project but not declared a Reader, include that project, plus all public projects) currReadProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Reader') currWriteProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Writer') publicProj = packetHandler.findAllProjects(isPrivate="FALSE") # list of Packet OBJECTS currUserWriteProjects = utils.unique(currReadProj + currWriteProj + publicProj) uPackets = [] for p in currUserWriteProjects: uPackets.append(p.getNumber()) # Get project IDs of parents packetPropID = pHandler.findPropID("packet id") # August 29/07: Need to verify parent project access AND (Sept. 12/07) reconstruct the sequence IFF parent values are changed newSeq = "" # Fetch projects the user has AT LEAST Read access to (i.e. if he is explicitly declared a Writer on a project but not declared a Reader, include that project, plus all public projects) currReadProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Reader') currWriteProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Writer') publicProj = packetHandler.findAllProjects(isPrivate="FALSE") # list of Packet OBJECTS currUserWriteProjects = utils.unique(currReadProj + currWriteProj + publicProj) uPackets = [] for p in currUserWriteProjects: uPackets.append(p.getNumber()) # Get project IDs of parents packetPropID = pHandler.findPropID("packet id") if form.has_key("PV"): pvVal = form.getvalue("PV") if len(pvVal) > 0: pvID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(pvVal) try: pvProjectID = int( rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(pvID, packetPropID)) pvSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey( pvID) # get sequence for reconstitution later except TypeError: #pvProjectID = 0 e = PVProjectAccessException( "You are not authorized to use this Parent Vector, since you do not have Read access to its project." ) print ` e.err_code() ` else: e = UnknownPVIDException("Unknown Parent Vector value") print ` e.err_code() ` return # else don't do anything, maybe want to delete parents!!! #else: #e = MissingPVException("No Parent Vector provided") #print `e.err_code()` if pvProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory( ) != 'Admin' and pvProjectID not in uPackets: e = PVProjectAccessException("Not authorized to access parent") print ` e.err_code() ` return if cloning_method == '1': # Non-recombination vector - Get the Insert if form.has_key("I"): insertVal = form.getvalue("I") if len(insertVal) > 0: insertID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(insertVal) insertSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey( insertID) # fetch Insert sequence for reconstitution later try: insertProjectID = int( rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, packetPropID)) except TypeError: #insertProjectID = 0 e = InsertProjectAccessException( "You are not authorized to use this Insert, since you do not have Read access to its project." ) print ` e.err_code() ` else: #insertID = -1 #insertProjectID = 0 #print "Invalid Insert value" e = UnknownInsertIDException("Unknown Insert value") print ` e.err_code() ` return #else: # NO!!!!!!!! #e = MissingInsertException("No Insert provided") #print `e.err_code()` if insertProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory( ) != 'Admin' and insertProjectID not in uPackets: e = InsertProjectAccessException( "You are not authorized to use this Insert, since you do not have Read access to its project." ) print ` e.err_code() ` return if pvID > 0 and insertID > 0: # try to reconstruct sequence and issue warning if unable if pvSeqID > 0 and insertSeqID > 0: # fetch insert cloning sites insertCloningSites = [] fpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("5' cloning site") tpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("3' cloning site") fp_insert_cs = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, fpcs_prop_id) tp_insert_cs = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, tpcs_prop_id) # Determine if this is a Gateway clone from sites gwSites = False if fp_insert_cs and tp_insert_cs and fp_insert_cs.lower( ) == 'attl' and tp_insert_cs.lower() == 'attl': gwSites = True elif not fp_insert_cs or not tp_insert_cs: gwSites = True # nov. 16/07: added this for check elif fp_insert_cs.lower( ) in gatewaySites or tp_insert_cs.lower() in gatewaySites: gwSites = True else: gwSites = False if gwSites: # this is a gateway clone # if sites were changed to something other than gateway, clear sequence if newFivePrime.lower() != 'attl' or newThreePrime.lower( ) != 'attl': e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException() print ` e.err_code() ` return else: pvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(pvID) # For Gateway clones, linkers are found from primers - so find the sense and antisense Oligos for this Insert insertLinkers = [] # Find Sense and Antisense Oligos for this Insert # (not using antisense just yet - verify with Karen) iHandler = InsertHandler(db, cursor) senseOligoID = iHandler.findSenseOligoID(insertID) #antisenseOligoID = iHandler.findAntisenseOligoID(insert_db_id) # Find Oligo sequences seqPropID = pHandler.findPropID("sequence") senseOligoSeqID = rHandler.findIndexPropertyValue( senseOligoID, seqPropID) senseOligoSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID( senseOligoSeqID) # Fetch Insert sequence and find linkers from Oligo and Insert sequences insertSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID( insertSeqID) attB_const = "ggggacaactttgtacaaaaaagttggc" fwd_primer_seq = senseOligoSequence[len(attB_const):] # First, find linkers from Oligos fwd_linker = dnaHandler.linker_from_oligo( insertSequence, fwd_primer_seq) #rev_linker = sHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, rev_primer_seq) rev_linker = "" # Now see if the Insert had its own linkers stored and append them to the Oligo linker fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, tpLinkerPropID) if fp_insert_linker and len( fp_insert_linker ) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker tp_insert_linker = rev_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.entryVectorSequence( pvSeqKey, insertSeqID, insertLinkers) print newSeq except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException( "Sites found more than once on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` except FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException: e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException( "5' after 3'") print ` e.err_code() ` except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException( "Gateway sites not found on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` else: # Non-Gateway non-recombination Vector fp_insert_cs = newFivePrime tp_insert_cs = newThreePrime if fp_insert_cs: insertCloningSites.append(fp_insert_cs) else: insertCloningSites.append("") if tp_insert_cs: insertCloningSites.append(tp_insert_cs) else: insertCloningSites.append("") # get linkers if there are any insertLinkers = [] fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insertID, tpLinkerPropID) # sept. 3/07 fwd_linker = "" if fp_insert_linker and len( fp_insert_linker ) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.constructNonRecombSequence( pvSeqID, insertSeqID, insertCloningSites, insertLinkers) print newSeq except (InsertSitesException): e = InsertSitesException( "Could not reconstitute sequence: Unknown sites on Insert." ) print e.err_code() except (InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException): e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException( "Could not reconstitute sequence: Parent vector sequence does not contain restriction sites." ) print e.err_code() except (MultipleSiteOccurrenceException): e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException( "Could not reconstitute sequence: Restriction sites occur more than once on parent vector sequence" ) print e.err_code() except (HybridizationException): e = HybridizationException( "Could not reconstitute sequence: Restriction sites cannot be hybridized." ) print e.err_code() except (FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException): e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException( "Could not reconstitute sequence: 5' site occurs after 3' site on parent vector sequence." ) print e.err_code() else: e = InvalidSequenceException("Invalid parent sequence") print ` e.err_code() ` else: e = UnknownPVIDException("Unknown PV ID") print ` e.err_code() ` elif cloning_method == '2': # Recombination vector - check IPV ipvVal = form.getvalue("IPV") if len(ipvVal) > 0: ipvID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(ipvVal) ipvProjectID = int( rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(ipvID, packetPropID)) else: e = UnknownIPVIDException("Unknown IPV ID") print ` e.err_code() ` if ipvProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory( ) != 'Admin' and ipvProjectID not in uPackets: e = IPVProjectAccessException("Not authorized to view IPV") print ` e.err_code() ` if ipvID > 0 and pvID > 0: # If restriction sites were modified to anything other than LoxP or gateway att sites, clear the sequence if not (newFivePrime == newThreePrime and (newFivePrime.lower() == 'loxp' and newThreePrime.lower() == 'loxp') or (newFivePrime.lower() == 'attb' and newThreePrime.lower() == 'attb')): e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException( "Invalid restriction sites for Non-Recombination Clone - must be LoxP only" ) print ` e.err_code() ` else: # get internal db IDs pv_db_id = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(pvVal) ipv_db_id = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(ipvVal) # Get the Insert that belongs to the donor vector ipvInsertAssocID = raHandler.findReagentAssociationID( ipv_db_id) insertAssocPropID = aHandler.findAssocPropID("insert id") insert_db_id = aHandler.findAssocPropValue( ipvInsertAssocID, insertAssocPropID) # Construct a sequence for the new vector from the sequences of its parents pvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(pv_db_id) #print "pv seq " + `pvSeqKey` ipvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(ipv_db_id) #print "ipv seq " + `ipvSeqKey` insertSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(insert_db_id) #print "i seq " + `insertSeqKey` if pvSeqKey > 0 and ipvSeqKey > 0 and insertSeqKey > 0: # See if there are linkers, although there most likely aren't any insertLinkers = [] fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insert_db_id, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insert_db_id, tpLinkerPropID) # sept. 3/07 fwd_linker = "" if fp_insert_linker and len( fp_insert_linker ) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) # Differentiate by cloning sites whether this is a recombination vector or a Gateway Expression Vector if newFivePrime == 'LoxP' and newThreePrime == 'LoxP': # recombination try: newSeq = dnaHandler.constructRecombSequence( pvSeqKey, ipvSeqKey, insertSeqKey, insertLinkers) newSeqID = dnaHandler.matchSequence(newSeq) print newSeq except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException( "LOXP sites not found on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException( "LOXP found more than once on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` elif newFivePrime == 'attB' and newThreePrime == 'attB': # Gateway Expression iHandler = InsertHandler(db, cursor) senseOligoID = iHandler.findSenseOligoID(insert_db_id) #antisenseOligoID = iHandler.findAntisenseOligoID(insert_db_id) # Find Oligo sequences seqPropID = pHandler.findPropID("sequence") senseOligoSeqID = rHandler.findIndexPropertyValue( senseOligoID, seqPropID) senseOligoSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID( senseOligoSeqID) # Fetch Insert sequence and find linkers from Oligo and Insert sequences insertSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID( insertSeqKey) attB_const = "ggggacaactttgtacaaaaaagttggc" fwd_primer_seq = senseOligoSequence[len(attB_const):] # First, find linkers from Oligos fwd_linker = dnaHandler.linker_from_oligo( insertSequence, fwd_primer_seq) #rev_linker = sHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, rev_primer_seq) rev_linker = "" # Now see if the Insert had its own linkers stored and append them to the Oligo linker fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insert_db_id, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue( insert_db_id, tpLinkerPropID) if fp_insert_linker and len( fp_insert_linker ) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker tp_insert_linker = rev_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.expressionVectorSequence( pvSeqKey, insertSeqKey, insertLinkers) print newSeq except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException( "Sites found more than once on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` except FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException: e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException( "5' after 3'") print ` e.err_code() ` except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException( "Gateway sites not found on parent vector sequence" ) print ` e.err_code() ` else: e = InvalidSequenceException("Invalid parent sequence") print ` e.err_code() ` else: e = ReagentDoesNotExistException("Unknown parent values") print ` e.err_code() `
def printMainMenu(self): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) # Aug. 20, 2010 pageMapper = SystemModuleMapper(db, cursor) pageLinkMap = pageMapper.mapPageNameLink() # Array of section names currentSectionNames = [] # Dictionary of links to names, with names as dictionary keys and links as values currentSectionLinks = {} # Added Nov. 10/06 by Marina - Classify each header as to what OF section it belongs menuTypes = {} # June 04/07 - Differentiate between 'public' and 'private' pages publicSectionNames = [] publicSectionLinks = [] publicSections = {} # Feb. 2, 2010: change menu layout (reflect HeaderFunctions.php code changes Jan. 12/10) submenu_links = {} submenu_types = {} menuitems = {} # Home currentSectionNames.append("Home") currentSectionLinks["Home"] = "../index.php" publicSections["Home"] = "index.php" # Reagent currentSectionNames.append("Reagent Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" menuTypes["Reagent Tracker"] = "Reagent" publicSections["Reagent Tracker"] = "../Reagent.php?View=1" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Reagents") tmp_list.append("Reagent Types") submenu_types["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Statistics" submenu_order = {} submenu_order["Reagents"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../search.php?View=1" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "../Reagent.php?View=4" submenu_links["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagents" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagents" tmp_list["Statistics"] = "Statistics" menuitems["Reagents"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Reagent Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Reagent.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Reagent.php?View=5" submenu_links["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add reagent types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search reagent types" menuitems["Reagent Types"] = tmp_list # Locations currentSectionNames.append("Location Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" menuTypes["Location Tracker"] = "Location" publicSections["Location Tracker"] = "../Location.php?View=1" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Containers") tmp_list.append("Container Sizes") tmp_list.append("Container Types") submenu_types["Location Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Types"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" # tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Container Sizes"] = tmp_order_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Containers"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=4" submenu_links["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container types" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container types" menuitems["Container Types"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=5" submenu_links["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add container sizes" # tmp_list["Search"] = "Search container sizes" menuitems["Container Sizes"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Location.php?View=6&Sub=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Location.php?View=2" submenu_links["Containers"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add containers" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search containers" menuitems["Containers"] = tmp_list # Projects currentSectionNames.append("Project Management") currentSectionLinks["Project Management"] = "../Project.php?View=1" menuTypes["Project Management"] = "Project" # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Projects") submenu_types["Project Management"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Projects"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Project.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Project.php?View=2" submenu_links["Projects"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add projects" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search projects" menuitems["Projects"] = tmp_list # Users and Labs currentSectionNames.append("User Management") currentSectionLinks["User Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["User Management"] = "User" currentSectionNames.append("Lab Management") currentSectionLinks["Lab Management"] = "../User.php" menuTypes["Lab Management"] = "Laboratories" tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list # Jan. 7/09: Chemicals currentSectionNames.append("Chemical Tracker") currentSectionLinks["Chemical Tracker"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" menuTypes["Chemical Tracker"] = "Chemical" # Feb. 2, 2010 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Chemicals") submenu_types["Chemical Tracker"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Chemicals"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../Chemical.php?View=2" tmp_list["Search"] = "../Chemical.php?View=1" submenu_links["Chemicals"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add Chemicals" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search Chemicals" menuitems["Chemicals"] = tmp_list # Feb. 2/10 tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Users") submenu_types["User Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=1" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=2" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "../User.php?View=7" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "../User.php?View=8" submenu_links["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" tmp_order_list[2] = "Change your password" tmp_order_list[3] = "Personal page" tmp_order_list[4] = "View your orders" submenu_order["Users"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add users" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search users" tmp_list["Change your password"] = "******" tmp_list["Personal page"] = "Personal page" tmp_list["View your orders"] = "View your orders" menuitems["Users"] = tmp_list tmp_list = [] tmp_list.append("Laboratories") submenu_types["Lab Management"] = tmp_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "../User.php?View=3" tmp_list["Search"] = "../User.php?View=4" submenu_links["Laboratories"] = tmp_list tmp_order_list = {} tmp_order_list[0] = "Add" tmp_order_list[1] = "Search" submenu_order["Laboratories"] = tmp_order_list tmp_list = {} tmp_list["Add"] = "Add laboratories" tmp_list["Search"] = "Search laboratories" menuitems["Laboratories"] = tmp_list currentSectionNames.append("Documentation") currentSectionLinks["Documentation"] = "../docs.php" publicSections["Documentation"] = "docs.php" currentSectionNames.append("Terms and Conditions") currentSectionLinks["Terms and Conditions"] = "../copyright.php" publicSections["Terms and Conditions"] = "copyright.php" currentSectionNames.append("Help and Support") currentSectionLinks["Help and Support"] = "../bugreport.php" publicSections["Help and Support"] = "bugreport.php" currentSectionNames.append("Contact Us") currentSectionLinks["Contact Us"] = "../contacts.php" publicSections["Contact Us"] = "contacts.php" # Aug. 20/10: Quick links tmp_ql = [] quickLinks = {} tmp_ql.append("Add reagents") tmp_ql.append("Search reagents") quickLinks["Reagent Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add containers") tmp_ql.append("Search containers") quickLinks["Location Tracker"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Add projects") tmp_ql.append("Search projects") quickLinks["Project Management"] = tmp_ql tmp_ql = [] tmp_ql.append("Change your password") tmp_ql.append("View your orders") quickLinks["User Management"] = tmp_ql content = """ <div class="sidemenu" ID="mainMenu"> <div class="menu-content"> <ul class="menulist"> <!-- menu goes here --> """ # Output the menu link IFF the user is authorized to access that page currUser = Session.getUser() if currUser: ucMapper = UserCategoryMapper(db, cursor) category_Name_ID_Map = ucMapper.mapCategoryNameToID() currUserCategory = category_Name_ID_Map[currUser.getCategory()] # print "Content-type:text/html" # print allowedSections = uHandler.getAllowedSections(currUserCategory) # print `allowedSections` for name in currentSectionNames: if name in allowedSections: # added Jan. 7/09 if name in menuTypes: # print "Content-type:text/html" # print # print name content += '<DIV style="border-top:3px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; border-bottom:3px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; margin-top:2px; width:162px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:0;">' content += "<DIV style=\"background-image:url('../pictures/small_bg.png'); width:166px; height:30px;\">" content += '<select style="cursor:pointer; width:150px; background:#FFF8DC; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; margin-top:3px; margin-left:2px; font-family:Helvetica; border:0;" onChange="openPage(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex]);">' content += ( '<option selected style="cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;" value=""> ' + name + "</option>" ) for st_val in submenu_types[name]: numDisallowed = 0 # Jan. 13, 2010: Don't print category heading if user has no access to any of its subitems for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] if not menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: numDisallowed += 1 if numDisallowed == len(submenu_links[st_val]): continue # print st_val.upper() content += ( '<option style="cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; color:#555; background:#EFEFEF; font-size:9pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica;" onclick""> ' + st_val.upper() + "</option>" ) # Now: since Python dictionaries are not ordered, arrays with > 2 items (e.g. Users - has more than 'add' and 'search') would appear scrambled. Use an 'order' array instead for s_ord in submenu_order[st_val]: linkName = submenu_order[st_val][s_ord] linkURL = submenu_links[st_val][linkName] # print st_val # print linkName if menuitems[st_val][linkName] in allowedSections: content += ( '<option style="padding-left:15px; font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:8pt; border:0; font-family:Helvetica; cursor:pointer;" value="' + linkURL + '"> ' + linkName + "</option>" ) content += "</SELECT>" content += "</DIV>" # Quick links if quickLinks.has_key(name): content += ( '<div id="quick_links_' + name + '" style="font-family:Helvetica; width:166px; padding-bottom:0; margin-top:0; padding-top:0; padding-left:2px;">' ) content += '<UL style="padding-bottom:2px; padding-top:2px; padding-left:10px; position:relative;">' for qlName in quickLinks[name]: if qlName in allowedSections: content += ( '<LI style="list-style:none;"><img src="../pictures/silvermenubullet.png" width="7" height="6" style="padding-bottom:2px;"> <a style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; font-family:Helvetica; text-decoration:none; color:#555; margin-left:2px;" href="../' + pageLinkMap[qlName] + '">' + qlName + "</a></LI>" ) content += "</UL>" content += "</DIV>" content += "</DIV>" else: if name == "Home": content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:0; width:162px; border-top:6px double #FFF8DC; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" else: content += "<DIV style=\"background:url('../pictures/small_bg.png') repeat-y; padding-top:7px; margin-top:2px; width:162px; border-left:6px double #FFF8DC; border-right:6px double #FFF8DC; padding-bottom:8px;\">" content += '<img src="../pictures/silvermenubullet.png" style="width:11px; height:9px; margin-left:5px;">' content += ( '<a style="font-weight:bold; color:#555; font-size:9pt; padding-left:3px; text-decoration:none;" href="' + currentSectionLinks[name] + '">' + name + "</a>" ) content += "</DIV>" else: # WRITE THIS FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!! # content += self.printGeneralMenu(publicSections) print "Content-type:text/html" print print "Unknown user" content += """ </UL> <!-- moved form down here on Aug. 20, 2010 --> <form name="curr_user_form" style="display:none" method="post" action="">" """ content += ( '<INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username" VALUE="' + currUser.getFullName() + '">' ) content += ( '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" id="curr_user_hidden" name="view_user" VALUE="' + ` currUser.getUserID() ` + '">' ) content += """ </FORM> <div class="login"> """ content += self.printLoginBlock() content += """ </div> </div> </div> """ return content
from general_handler import * from reagent_handler import * from comment_handler import CommentHandler #from system_set_handler import SystemSetHandler from sequence_handler import DNAHandler, ProteinHandler from reagent import Reagent, Vector from sequence_feature import SequenceFeature # User and Project info from user_handler import UserHandler from project_database_handler import ProjectDatabaseHandler from session import Session # make global?? dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() cursor = db.cursor() # Handlers and Mappers aHandler = AssociationHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) iHandler = InsertHandler(db, cursor) raHandler = ReagentAssociationHandler(db, cursor) sHandler = DNAHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ReagentPropertyHandler(db, cursor) packetHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) rtPropHandler = ReagentTypePropertyHandler(db, cursor)
from general_handler import * from reagent_handler import * from sequence_handler import DNAHandler, ProteinHandler from comment_handler import CommentHandler #from system_set_handler import SystemSetHandler from sequence_handler import SequenceHandler from reagent import * import utils from user_handler import UserHandler from project_database_handler import ProjectDatabaseHandler from session import Session from exception import * dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() root_path = dbConn.getRootDir() dnaHandler = DNAHandler(db, cursor) protHandler = ProteinHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) oHandler = OligoHandler(db, cursor) propHandler = ReagentPropertyHandler(db, cursor) packetHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) propMapper = ReagentPropertyMapper(db, cursor) prop_Name_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropNameID() # (prop name, prop id)
def rMap_specific(f_in, f_out, enz_list): # Database connection parameters dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() gHandler = GeneralHandler(db, cursor) rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) seqHandler = SequenceHandler(db, cursor) infile = open(f_in, 'r') outfile = open(f_out, 'w') for line in infile.readlines(): reagentID = line.strip() # e.g. V123 rID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(reagentID) seqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) if seqID: mySeq = seqHandler.findSequenceByID(seqID) # Construct a Seq object readable by BioPython: bioSeq = Seq(mySeq) fSeq = FormattedSeq(bioSeq, linear=False) # linear = FALSE, we're dealing w/ VECTORS analysis = Analysis(enz_list, fSeq, linear=False) # linear = FALSE again for VECTORS result = analysis.full() outfile.write(reagentID + ": " + '\n') # calculate bandwidths allSites = [] for enz in result.keys(): sites = result[enz] if len(allSites) == 0: allSites = sites else: # concatenate for s in sites: allSites.append(s) allSites.sort() if len(allSites) > 0: # calculate distances between sites bandSizes = [] i = 1 while i < len(allSites): tmpLen = allSites[i] - allSites[i-1] bandSizes.append(tmpLen) i += 1 # last band tmpLen = len(mySeq) - allSites[i-1] + allSites[0] bandSizes.append(tmpLen) bandSizes.sort() outfile.write(`bandSizes` + '\n') outfile.write('\n') infile.close() outfile.close() cursor.close() db.close()
def drawMap2(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `form` if form.has_key("rID"): rID = form.getvalue("rID") else: #rID = 791 #print rID rID = 154659 reagentID = rHandler.convertDatabaseToReagentID(rID) d = Drawing(1000,1000) origin = 0 origin_x = 500 origin_y = 500 radius = 350 c = Circle(origin_x, origin_y, radius) c.strokeColor = blue c.fillColor = white d.add(c) c.line(origin_x, origin_y+radius-7, origin_x-7, origin_y+radius) c.line(origin_x-7, origin_y+radius, origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) c.line(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7, origin_x+7, origin_y+radius) c.line(origin_x+7, origin_y+radius, origin_x, origin_y+radius-7) p = c.beginPath() c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() p.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-7) p.lineTo(origin_x-7, origin_y+radius) p.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) p.lineTo(origin_x+7, origin_y+radius) p.close() c.drawPath(p) c.restoreState() # Divide circle into 100-unit sectors rSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) rSeq = sHandler.findSequenceByID(rSeqID) seqLen = len(rSeq) #print seqLen unit_angle_measure = float(360) / float(seqLen) # Calculate feature segment sizes sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findReagentSequenceFeatures(rID) for feature in sequenceFeatures: fType = feature.getFeatureType() fValue = feature.getFeatureName() fStart = feature.getFeatureStartPos() fEnd = feature.getFeatureEndPos() fDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() f_start = fStart * unit_angle_measure f_end = fEnd * unit_angle_measure if fStart > 0 and fEnd > 0: print "Start " + `fStart` print "End " + `fEnd` startAngle = 90 - f_start extAngle = -1*(f_end - f_start) print "Angle " + `extAngle` x1 = origin_x - radius y1 = origin_y - radius x2 = origin_x + radius y2 = origin_y + radius p = ArcPath() #p.dumpProperties() p.strokeWidth=15 p.strokeColor = black p.fillColor = red #p.addArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extAngle) # NO d.add(p) d.add(String(origin_x+fStart, origin_y+fStart, fValue)) renderPDF.drawToFile(d, "V7066_map.png")
def update(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") print "Content-type:text/html" # REMOVE AFTER DEBUGGING TO HAVE SCRIPT REDIRECT PROPERLY!!!!!! print # DITTO #print `form` # Aug 29/07 uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) if form.has_key("curr_username"): # store the user ID for use throughout the session; add to other views in addition to create in PHP currUname = form.getvalue("curr_username") currUser = uHandler.getUserByDescription(currUname) Session.setUser(currUser) #else: # debug #currUname = 'Administrator' #currUser = uHandler.getUserByDescription(currUname) #Session.setUser(currUser) if form.has_key("cloning_method"): cloning_method = form.getvalue("cloning_method") #else: # debug #cloning_method = '1' # Handlers and mappers rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) #sHandler = SystemSetHandler(db, cursor) pHandler = ReagentPropertyHandler(db, cursor) raHandler = ReagentAssociationHandler(db, cursor) aHandler = AssociationHandler(db, cursor) dnaHandler = DNAHandler(db, cursor) commHandler = CommentHandler(db, cursor) protHandler = ProteinHandler(db, cursor) propMapper = ReagentPropertyMapper(db, cursor) assocMapper = ReagentAssociationMapper(db, cursor) # August 29/07: Restrict creation by user and project access packetHandler = ProjectDatabaseHandler(db, cursor) ######################################################## # Various maps ######################################################## prop_Alias_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropAliasID() # (propAlias, propID) - e.g. ('insert_type', '48') --> represents 'type of insert' property prop_Name_Alias_Map = propMapper.mapPropNameAlias() # (propName, propAlias) prop_Name_ID_Map = propMapper.mapPropNameID() # (prop name, prop id) # Restriction sites fpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("5' cloning site") tpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("3' cloning site") newFivePrime = form.getvalue("fpcs") newThreePrime = form.getvalue("tpcs") gatewaySites = ['attb', 'attl', 'attp', 'attr'] # nov. 16/07 # resulting sequence newSeq = "" # Fetch projects the user has AT LEAST Read access to (i.e. if he is explicitly declared a Writer on a project but not declared a Reader, include that project, plus all public projects) currReadProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Reader') currWriteProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Writer') publicProj = packetHandler.findAllProjects(isPrivate="FALSE") # list of Packet OBJECTS currUserWriteProjects = utils.unique(currReadProj + currWriteProj + publicProj) uPackets = [] for p in currUserWriteProjects: uPackets.append(p.getNumber()) # Get project IDs of parents packetPropID = pHandler.findPropID("packet id") # August 29/07: Need to verify parent project access AND (Sept. 12/07) reconstruct the sequence IFF parent values are changed newSeq = "" # Fetch projects the user has AT LEAST Read access to (i.e. if he is explicitly declared a Writer on a project but not declared a Reader, include that project, plus all public projects) currReadProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Reader') currWriteProj = packetHandler.findMemberProjects(currUser.getUserID(), 'Writer') publicProj = packetHandler.findAllProjects(isPrivate="FALSE") # list of Packet OBJECTS currUserWriteProjects = utils.unique(currReadProj + currWriteProj + publicProj) uPackets = [] for p in currUserWriteProjects: uPackets.append(p.getNumber()) # Get project IDs of parents packetPropID = pHandler.findPropID("packet id") if form.has_key("PV"): pvVal = form.getvalue("PV") if len(pvVal) > 0: pvID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(pvVal) try: pvProjectID = int(rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(pvID, packetPropID)) pvSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(pvID) # get sequence for reconstitution later except TypeError: #pvProjectID = 0 e = PVProjectAccessException("You are not authorized to use this Parent Vector, since you do not have Read access to its project.") print `e.err_code()` else: e = UnknownPVIDException("Unknown Parent Vector value") print `e.err_code()` return # else don't do anything, maybe want to delete parents!!! #else: #e = MissingPVException("No Parent Vector provided") #print `e.err_code()` if pvProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory() != 'Admin' and pvProjectID not in uPackets: e = PVProjectAccessException("Not authorized to access parent") print `e.err_code()` return if cloning_method == '1': # Non-recombination vector - Get the Insert if form.has_key("I"): insertVal = form.getvalue("I") if len(insertVal) > 0: insertID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(insertVal) insertSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(insertID) # fetch Insert sequence for reconstitution later try: insertProjectID = int(rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, packetPropID)) except TypeError: #insertProjectID = 0 e = InsertProjectAccessException("You are not authorized to use this Insert, since you do not have Read access to its project.") print `e.err_code()` else: #insertID = -1 #insertProjectID = 0 #print "Invalid Insert value" e = UnknownInsertIDException("Unknown Insert value") print `e.err_code()` return #else: # NO!!!!!!!! #e = MissingInsertException("No Insert provided") #print `e.err_code()` if insertProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory() != 'Admin' and insertProjectID not in uPackets: e = InsertProjectAccessException("You are not authorized to use this Insert, since you do not have Read access to its project.") print `e.err_code()` return if pvID > 0 and insertID > 0 : # try to reconstruct sequence and issue warning if unable if pvSeqID > 0 and insertSeqID > 0: # fetch insert cloning sites insertCloningSites = [] fpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("5' cloning site") tpcs_prop_id = pHandler.findPropID("3' cloning site") fp_insert_cs = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, fpcs_prop_id) tp_insert_cs = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, tpcs_prop_id) # Determine if this is a Gateway clone from sites gwSites = False; if fp_insert_cs and tp_insert_cs and fp_insert_cs.lower() == 'attl' and tp_insert_cs.lower() == 'attl': gwSites = True elif not fp_insert_cs or not tp_insert_cs: gwSites = True # nov. 16/07: added this for check elif fp_insert_cs.lower() in gatewaySites or tp_insert_cs.lower() in gatewaySites: gwSites = True else: gwSites = False; if gwSites: # this is a gateway clone # if sites were changed to something other than gateway, clear sequence if newFivePrime.lower() != 'attl' or newThreePrime.lower() != 'attl': e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException() print `e.err_code()` return else: pvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(pvID) # For Gateway clones, linkers are found from primers - so find the sense and antisense Oligos for this Insert insertLinkers = [] # Find Sense and Antisense Oligos for this Insert # (not using antisense just yet - verify with Karen) iHandler = InsertHandler(db, cursor) senseOligoID = iHandler.findSenseOligoID(insertID) #antisenseOligoID = iHandler.findAntisenseOligoID(insert_db_id) # Find Oligo sequences seqPropID = pHandler.findPropID("sequence") senseOligoSeqID = rHandler.findIndexPropertyValue(senseOligoID, seqPropID) senseOligoSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID(senseOligoSeqID) # Fetch Insert sequence and find linkers from Oligo and Insert sequences insertSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID(insertSeqID) attB_const = "ggggacaactttgtacaaaaaagttggc" fwd_primer_seq = senseOligoSequence[len(attB_const):] # First, find linkers from Oligos fwd_linker = dnaHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, fwd_primer_seq) #rev_linker = sHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, rev_primer_seq) rev_linker = "" # Now see if the Insert had its own linkers stored and append them to the Oligo linker fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, tpLinkerPropID) if fp_insert_linker and len(fp_insert_linker) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker tp_insert_linker = rev_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.entryVectorSequence(pvSeqKey, insertSeqID, insertLinkers) print newSeq except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException("Sites found more than once on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` except FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException: e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException("5' after 3'") print `e.err_code()` except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException("Gateway sites not found on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` else: # Non-Gateway non-recombination Vector fp_insert_cs = newFivePrime tp_insert_cs = newThreePrime if fp_insert_cs: insertCloningSites.append(fp_insert_cs) else: insertCloningSites.append("") if tp_insert_cs: insertCloningSites.append(tp_insert_cs) else: insertCloningSites.append("") # get linkers if there are any insertLinkers = [] fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insertID, tpLinkerPropID) # sept. 3/07 fwd_linker = "" if fp_insert_linker and len(fp_insert_linker) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.constructNonRecombSequence(pvSeqID, insertSeqID, insertCloningSites, insertLinkers) print newSeq except (InsertSitesException): e = InsertSitesException("Could not reconstitute sequence: Unknown sites on Insert.") print e.err_code() except (InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException): e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException("Could not reconstitute sequence: Parent vector sequence does not contain restriction sites.") print e.err_code() except (MultipleSiteOccurrenceException): e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException("Could not reconstitute sequence: Restriction sites occur more than once on parent vector sequence") print e.err_code() except (HybridizationException): e = HybridizationException("Could not reconstitute sequence: Restriction sites cannot be hybridized.") print e.err_code() except (FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException): e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException("Could not reconstitute sequence: 5' site occurs after 3' site on parent vector sequence.") print e.err_code() else: e = InvalidSequenceException("Invalid parent sequence") print `e.err_code()` else: e = UnknownPVIDException("Unknown PV ID") print `e.err_code()` elif cloning_method == '2': # Recombination vector - check IPV ipvVal = form.getvalue("IPV") if len(ipvVal) > 0: ipvID = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(ipvVal) ipvProjectID = int(rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(ipvID, packetPropID)) else: e = UnknownIPVIDException("Unknown IPV ID") print `e.err_code()` if ipvProjectID > 0 and currUser.getCategory() != 'Admin' and ipvProjectID not in uPackets: e = IPVProjectAccessException("Not authorized to view IPV") print `e.err_code()` if ipvID > 0 and pvID > 0: # If restriction sites were modified to anything other than LoxP or gateway att sites, clear the sequence if not (newFivePrime == newThreePrime and (newFivePrime.lower() == 'loxp' and newThreePrime.lower() == 'loxp') or (newFivePrime.lower() == 'attb' and newThreePrime.lower() == 'attb')): e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException("Invalid restriction sites for Non-Recombination Clone - must be LoxP only") print `e.err_code()` else: # get internal db IDs pv_db_id = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(pvVal) ipv_db_id = rHandler.convertReagentToDatabaseID(ipvVal) # Get the Insert that belongs to the donor vector ipvInsertAssocID = raHandler.findReagentAssociationID(ipv_db_id) insertAssocPropID = aHandler.findAssocPropID("insert id") insert_db_id = aHandler.findAssocPropValue(ipvInsertAssocID, insertAssocPropID) # Construct a sequence for the new vector from the sequences of its parents pvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(pv_db_id) #print "pv seq " + `pvSeqKey` ipvSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(ipv_db_id) #print "ipv seq " + `ipvSeqKey` insertSeqKey = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(insert_db_id) #print "i seq " + `insertSeqKey` if pvSeqKey > 0 and ipvSeqKey > 0 and insertSeqKey > 0: # See if there are linkers, although there most likely aren't any insertLinkers = [] fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insert_db_id, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insert_db_id, tpLinkerPropID) # sept. 3/07 fwd_linker = "" if fp_insert_linker and len(fp_insert_linker) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) # Differentiate by cloning sites whether this is a recombination vector or a Gateway Expression Vector if newFivePrime == 'LoxP' and newThreePrime == 'LoxP': # recombination try: newSeq = dnaHandler.constructRecombSequence(pvSeqKey, ipvSeqKey, insertSeqKey, insertLinkers) newSeqID = dnaHandler.matchSequence(newSeq) print newSeq except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException("LOXP sites not found on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException("LOXP found more than once on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` elif newFivePrime == 'attB' and newThreePrime == 'attB': # Gateway Expression iHandler = InsertHandler(db, cursor) senseOligoID = iHandler.findSenseOligoID(insert_db_id) #antisenseOligoID = iHandler.findAntisenseOligoID(insert_db_id) # Find Oligo sequences seqPropID = pHandler.findPropID("sequence") senseOligoSeqID = rHandler.findIndexPropertyValue(senseOligoID, seqPropID) senseOligoSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID(senseOligoSeqID) # Fetch Insert sequence and find linkers from Oligo and Insert sequences insertSequence = dnaHandler.findSequenceByID(insertSeqKey) attB_const = "ggggacaactttgtacaaaaaagttggc" fwd_primer_seq = senseOligoSequence[len(attB_const):] # First, find linkers from Oligos fwd_linker = dnaHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, fwd_primer_seq) #rev_linker = sHandler.linker_from_oligo(insertSequence, rev_primer_seq) rev_linker = "" # Now see if the Insert had its own linkers stored and append them to the Oligo linker fpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("5' linker") tpLinkerPropID = pHandler.findPropID("3' linker") fp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insert_db_id, fpLinkerPropID) tp_insert_linker = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(insert_db_id, tpLinkerPropID) if fp_insert_linker and len(fp_insert_linker) > 0 and fp_insert_linker != 0 and fp_insert_linker != '0': fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker + fp_insert_linker else: fp_insert_linker = fwd_linker tp_insert_linker = rev_linker insertLinkers.append(fp_insert_linker) insertLinkers.append(tp_insert_linker) try: newSeq = dnaHandler.expressionVectorSequence(pvSeqKey, insertSeqKey, insertLinkers) print newSeq except MultipleSiteOccurrenceException: e = MultipleSiteOccurrenceException("Sites found more than once on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` except FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException: e = FivePrimeAfterThreePrimeException("5' after 3'") print `e.err_code()` except InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException: e = InsertSitesNotFoundOnParentSequenceException("Gateway sites not found on parent vector sequence") print `e.err_code()` else: e = InvalidSequenceException("Invalid parent sequence") print `e.err_code()` else: e = ReagentDoesNotExistException("Unknown parent values") print `e.err_code()`
def printLabInfo(self, cmd, newLab, errCode=""): dbConn = DatabaseConn() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() # to define form action URL db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() uHandler = UserHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LabHandler(db, cursor) currUser = Session.getUser() gOut = GeneralOutputClass() if cmd == 'view': labID = newLab.getID() labHead = newLab.getLabHead() labName = newLab.getName() labCode = newLab.getLabCode() labDescr = newLab.getDescription() address = newLab.getAddress() accessLevel = newLab.getDefaultAccessLevel() # Determine if 'Delete' button should be disabled - if there are members in the lab, disallow deletion labMembers = lHandler.findMembers(labID) delete_disabled = True if len(labMembers) == 0: delete_disabled = False # Only allow modification by admin modify_disabled = True # July 3/07: Can further disallow modification of labs other than the one currUser belongs to; however, this might be too restrictive. Keep it in the back of our minds but out of the website for now. #if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin') and (currUser.getLab().getID() == labID): if (currUser.getCategory() == 'Admin'): modify_disabled = False #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM name="lab_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="775px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" class="detailedView_tbl"> <TR> <TD colspan="6" class="detailedView_heading" style="padding-left:250px"> LABORATORY DETAILS PAGE ''' content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:50px;\" name=\"modify_lab\" value=\"Change Lab Info\"" if modify_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" style=\"margin-left:2px;\" name=\"delete_lab\" value=\"Delete Lab\" onClick=\"return verifyDeleteLab()\"" if modify_disabled or delete_disabled: content += " disabled>" else: content += ">" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labName" value="%s"> <!-- lab ID a hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Lab head: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labHead" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Lab ID: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labCode" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labDescription" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Location: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="address" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName" style="white-space:nowrap"> Default access level: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> %s <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="access" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <!-- Members --> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Members: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px"> <UL> ''' content += "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" id=\"view_user_hidden\" name=\"view_user\">" for member in labMembers: mName = member.getFullName() memberID = member.getUserID() #content += "<LI>" + mName content += "<LI>" content += "<span class=\"linkShow\" onClick=\"redirectToUserDetailedView(" + `memberID` + ");\">" + mName + "</span>" content += "</LI>" content += ''' </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", labName, labName, labID, labHead, labHead, labCode, labCode, labDescr, labDescr, address, address, accessLevel, accessLevel) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content elif cmd == 'edit': labID = newLab.getID() labName = newLab.getName() labHead = newLab.getLabHead() labCode = newLab.getLabCode() labDescr = newLab.getDescription() address = newLab.getAddress() accLev = newLab.getDefaultAccessLevel() # Disable name modification if there are members in lab labMembers = lHandler.findMembers(labID) name_readonly = True if len(labMembers) == 0: name_readonly = False # hide/show duplicate lab code warning if errCode == 14: dup_lab_code_warn_display = "inline" else: dup_lab_code_warn_display = "none" #content = gOut.printHeader() + gOut.printMainMenu() content = gOut.printHeader() content += ''' <FORM name="user_form" method="POST" action="%s"> <!-- pass current user as hidden form field --> <INPUT type="hidden" ID="curr_username_hidden" NAME="curr_username"''' content += "value=\"" + currUser.getFullName() + "\">" content += ''' <TABLE width="760px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="5px" style="border:1px solid black" frame="box" rules="rows"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" style="padding-left:100px; text-align:center"> <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">CHANGE LABORATORY INFORMATION</span> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:180px;" name="save_lab" value="Save" onClick="selectAllElements('labMembersList'); return checkLab();"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" style="margin-left:20px;" name="cancel_lab" value="Cancel"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Name: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2"> ''' if name_readonly: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" size=\"50px\" id=\"lab_name\" name=\"labName\" value=\"%s\" readonly>" else: content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" size=\"50px\" id=\"lab_name\" name=\"labName\" value=\"%s\">" content += ''' <!-- lab ID hidden value --> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="labID" value="%d"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Lab head: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_head" name="labHead" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Lab ID: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" style="width:400px" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_id" name="labCode" value="%s"> <BR> <SPAN id="dup_labcode_warning" style="vertical-align:bottom; color:#FF0000; display:%s">This identifier already exists. Please specify a different lab ID.</SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Description: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_descr" name="description" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="projectDetailedViewName"> Location: </TD> <TD class="detailedView_value" colspan="2"> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="50px" id="lab_location" name="address" value="%s"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD style="width:50px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; white-space:nowrap; font-size:8pt"> Default access level: </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top; width:50px;"> ''' # Determine which category radio button should be checked ucHandler = UserCategoryHandler(db, cursor) categories = ucHandler.findAllCategories() for cID in categories.keys(): cat = categories[cID] content += "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" name=\"system_access_level\" value=\"" + cat + "\" style=\"margin-top:8px; font-size:8pt\" onClick=\"showHideProjectAccess()\"" if cat == accLev: content += " checked" content += ">" + cat + "<BR/>" content += ''' </TD> </TR> <!-- Members - allow deletion --> <TR> <TD style="width:50px; vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px; font-size:8pt"> <b>Members:</b> <BR/><BR/> Select one or more members to remove them from the system.<BR/><BR/> (hold down CTRL key to select multiple names) </TD> <TD style="font-size:8pt; vertical-align:top; width:50px;"> <SELECT MULTIPLE SIZE="10" ID="labMembersList" NAME="labMembers"> ''' members = lHandler.findMembers(labID) for member in members: mName = member.getFullName() memberID = member.getUserID() content += "<OPTION value=\"" + `memberID` + "\">" + mName + "</OPTION>" content += ''' </SELECT> </TD> <TD> <INPUT TYPE=\"button\" onClick=\"removeLabMembers('labMembersList')\" value=\"Remove Selected Members\"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> ''' content += gOut.printFooter() page_content = content % (hostname + "cgi/", labName, labID, labHead, labCode, dup_lab_code_warn_display, labDescr, address) print "Content-type:text/html" # THIS IS PERMANENT; DO NOT REMOVE print # DITTO print page_content
def drawMap(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() root_path = dbConn.getRootDir() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `form` if form.has_key("rID"): rID = form.getvalue("rID") else: # script executed from command line # Worst-case scenarios #rID = 260 # V260 #rID = 230 # V260 #rID = 80 # V80 - ok #rID = 69661 # V2412 - not bad at all, just one of the oligos overlaps exactly with promoter (1 nt difference) #rID = 23999 # V59541 rID = 97918 #print rID if form.has_key("user_id_hidden"): userID = form.getvalue("user_id_hidden") else: # command-line execution userID = 1 # debug reagentID = rHandler.convertDatabaseToReagentID(rID) uPackets = getCurrentUserProjects(userID) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print reagentID uPackets.sort() #print `uPackets` namePropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["name"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["General Properties"]) statusPropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["status"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["General Properties"]) projectPropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["packet id"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["General Properties"]) rName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(rID, namePropID) rTypeID = rHandler.findReagentTypeID(rID) try: os.remove(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_Oligo_map.pdf") except OSError: pass #print root_path c = Canvas(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_Oligo_map.pdf") c.setPageSize((1500,1500)) c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,0) c.saveState() # Draw circle origin = 0 origin_x = 750 origin_y = 750 radius = 200, origin_y, radius) c.restoreState() # Divide circle into 100-unit sectors rSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) rSeq = sHandler.findSequenceByID(rSeqID) seqLen = len(rSeq) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `rID` unit_angle_measure = float(360) / float(seqLen) #print unit_angle_measure # Mark 1 on the circle - KEEP, Karen said! c.setLineWidth(1) c.setStrokeColor(black) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() path = c.beginPath() # Draw a triangle pointing down above the circle #path.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) #path.lineTo(origin_x-5, origin_y+radius+14) #path.lineTo(origin_x+5, origin_y+radius+14) #path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) # Draw a triangle pointing up inside the circle #path.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-10) #path.lineTo(origin_x-5, origin_y+radius-14) #path.lineTo(origin_x+5, origin_y+radius-14) #path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-10) # Draw a triangle pointing right inside the circle path.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-14) path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-28) path.lineTo(origin_x+8, origin_y+radius-21) path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius-14) c.drawPath(path, True, True) # label 1 t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 16) #t.setTextOrigin(origin_x-5, origin_y+radius+19) # above circle t.setTextOrigin(origin_x-3, origin_y+radius-50) # above circle t.textOut("1") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState() # Calculate feature segment sizes sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findReagentSequenceFeatures(rID) #print `sequenceFeatures` # Draw legend ox_legend = 1280 oy_legend = 1465 prev_legend = oy_legend # draw frame c.setStrokeColor(darkgray) c.setFillColor(white) c.saveState() featureNames = rtPropHandler.findReagentTypeAttributeNamesByCategory(rTypeID, prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence Features"]) featureNames.sort() if len(featureNames) > 15: origin_spacer = -19 coeff = 12 else: origin_spacer = 65 coeff = 15 origin_legend = prev_legend+origin_spacer-len(featureNames)*coeff x = (990 - origin_legend) / len(featureNames) #print x if x < 12: x = 12 # WHEN WANT TO ADJUST LEGEND GREY BOX HEIGHT: UPDATE THE VALUE ADDED TO legend_height AND THE VALUE SUBTRACTED FROM origin_legend legend_height = len(featureNames)*x + 55 c.rect(ox_legend-25, origin_legend-35, 215, legend_height, 1, 1) # good for specific rtype attributes c.restoreState() protocolPropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["protocol"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["Classifiers"]) seqPropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["sequence"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence"]) sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findAllReagentFeatures(Vector(rID), rID) # Print reagent ID and size at the centre of the circle and print name at the top of the page c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 32) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y+35, reagentID) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y+10, "nt 1 - " + `seqLen`) if rName: c.setFillColor(blue) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, 1415, rName) c.restoreState() # find all Oligos whose protocol is 'sequencing' # April 26, 2010: Do not include status in this query, as it might just not be recorded for the oligo at all (early entries) cursor.execute("SELECT r.reagentID, r.groupID, s.sequence FROM Sequences_tbl s, ReagentPropList_tbl p1, ReagentPropList_tbl p2, Reagents_tbl r WHERE p1.propertyID=" + `protocolPropID` + " AND p1.propertyValue='sequencing' AND p1.reagentID=r.reagentID AND r.reagentTypeID='3' AND p1.reagentID=p2.reagentID AND p2.propertyID=" + `seqPropID` + " AND p2.propertyValue=s.seqID AND p1.status='ACTIVE' AND p2.status='ACTIVE' AND r.status='ACTIVE' AND s.status='ACTIVE'") #print "SELECT r.reagentID, r.groupID, s.sequence FROM Sequences_tbl s, ReagentPropList_tbl p1, ReagentPropList_tbl p2, Reagents_tbl r WHERE p1.propertyID=" + `protocolPropID` + " AND p1.propertyValue='sequencing' AND p1.reagentID=r.reagentID AND r.reagentTypeID='3' AND p1.reagentID=p2.reagentID AND p2.propertyID=" + `seqPropID` + " AND p2.propertyValue=s.seqID AND p1.status='ACTIVE' AND p2.status='ACTIVE' AND r.status='ACTIVE' AND s.status='ACTIVE'" results = cursor.fetchall() rSeq = utils.squeeze(rSeq).lower() #print rSeq oligoFeatures = [] oligoIDsDict = {} # O123 => 123 oligoNamesDict = {} # 123 => "O123 Name" oligoProjectDict = {} # 123 => 7 for result in results: if result: oligoID = int(result[0]) groupID = int(result[1]) oligo_lims_id = "O" + `groupID` oligoIDsDict[oligo_lims_id] = oligoID #print oligo_lims_id oligoName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(oligoID, namePropID) # April 26, 2010, Karen's request: Ignore Oligos whose status is 'Failed' or 'Do Not Use' oligoStatus = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(oligoID, statusPropID) if oligoStatus: #print oligoStatus if oligoStatus.lower() == 'failed' or oligoStatus.lower() == 'do not use': continue if oligoName: oligoNamesDict[oligoID] = oligoName else: oligoNamesDict[oligoID] = "" #cursor.execute("SELECT propertyValue FROM ReagentPropList_tbl WHERE reagentID=" + `oligoID` + " AND propertyID=" + `namePropID` + " AND status='ACTIVE'") #result2 = cursor.fetchone() #if result2: #oligoName = result2[0] #oligoNamesDict[oligoID] = oligoName #else: #oligoNamesDict[oligoID] = "" # PROJECT - MUST CAST TO INT oligoPacket = int(rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(oligoID, projectPropID)) #print oligoPacket if oligoPacket: if oligoPacket not in uPackets: #print oligoPacket continue #cursor.execute("SELECT propertyValue FROM ReagentPropList_tbl WHERE reagentID=" + `oligoID` + " AND propertyID=" + `projectPropID` + " AND status='ACTIVE'") #result3 = cursor.fetchone() #if result3: #oligoPacket = int(result3[0]) ##print oligoPacket #if oligoPacket not in uPackets: ##print oligoPacket #continue #oligoProjectDict[oligoID] = oligoPacket #else: #oligoProjectDict[oligoID] = 0 if len(result) == 3: oligoSeq = result[2].strip().lower() #print oligoSeq tm = sHandler.calculateTm(oligoSeq) # Changes made April 26, 2010: Karen caught that the sense/antisense check does not work for T3 and T7 vectors and said to check oligo sequence both ways #if rSeq.find(oligoSeq) < 0: #continue if rSeq.find(oligoSeq) >= 0: fStart = rSeq.find(oligoSeq) + 1 fEnd = fStart + len(oligoSeq) - 1 #if oHandler.isSenseOligo(oligoID): oFeature = SequenceFeature("sequencing primer", oligo_lims_id, fStart, fEnd, 'forward', oligoSeq, tm) #else: #oFeature = SequenceFeature("sequencing primer", oligo_lims_id, fStart, fEnd, 'reverse', oligoSeq, tm) else: revSeq = sHandler.reverse_complement(oligoSeq) if rSeq.find(revSeq) < 0: continue fStart = rSeq.find(revSeq) + 1 fEnd = fStart + len(revSeq) # Note: start pos > end pos, as we're talking about reverse Oligo sequence revStart = fEnd - 1 revEnd = fStart # Still, record sense/antisense for displaying on the map ('forward' and 'reverse' here are just static values in Feature class, it doesn't reflect sequence orientation in our case - just use as a temporary placeholder) #if oHandler.isSenseOligo(oligoID): #oligoFeatures.append(oFeature) #oFeature = SequenceFeature("sequencing primer", oligo_lims_id, revStart, revEnd, 'forward', oligoSeq, tm) #else: oFeature = SequenceFeature("sequencing primer", oligo_lims_id, revStart, revEnd, 'reverse', oligoSeq, tm) oligoFeatures.append(oFeature) sequenceFeatures.append(oFeature) # SORT features by size, so that short features are not hidden behind the long ones fSizes = [] sortedFeatures = [] fSortedPos = {} fStartPos = [] fEndPos = [] for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = int(feature.getFeatureSize()) if fSize > 0: fSizes.append(fSize) #if fSize > 150: f_start_tmp = int(feature.getFeatureStartPos()) fStartPos.append(f_start_tmp) fSortedPos[f_start_tmp] = feature f_end_tmp = int(feature.getFeatureEndPos()) fEndPos.append(f_end_tmp) fEndPos.sort() fStartPos.sort() #print `fStartPos` #print `fEndPos` fSizes.sort(reverse=True) #print `fSizes` for fs in fSizes: for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() # added existence check July 17/08 - different features may have same sizes so end up with duplicate features in list (e.g. cloning sizes appeared twice on the map) if fs == fSize and feature not in sortedFeatures: sortedFeatures.append(feature) # Order: 5' site, 3' site, 5' linker, 3' linker, then the rest sites_color = featureNameColorMap["5' cloning site"] # same for 3' site # 5' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # 3' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # Show legend for linkers linkers_color = featureNameColorMap["5' linker"] # 5' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # 3' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # Output the rest of the features in alphabetical order featureNames = featureNameColorMap.keys() featureNames.sort() #print `featureNames` for featureName in featureNames: #print featureName if featureNameColorMap.has_key(featureName): color = featureNameColorMap[featureName] if featureName != "5' cloning site" and featureName != "3' cloning site" and featureName != "5' linker" and featureName != "3' linker" and color != None: #print featureName c.setStrokeColor(color) c.setFillColor(color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(color) t.setFillColor(color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + featureName.upper()) c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # Sequencing Primer oligoColor = "#7cfc00" c.setStrokeColor(oligoColor) c.setFillColor(oligoColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(oligoColor) t.setFillColor(oligoColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "SEQUENCING PRIMER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 ox_labels = 40 oy_labels = 40 #prev_legend = oy_labels for feature in sortedFeatures: fType = feature.getFeatureType() fValue = feature.getFeatureName() fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() #print fType #print fValue #print fSize # color if featureNameColorMap.has_key(fType): fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] textColor = fColor elif fType == 'sequencing primer': fColor = "#7cfc00" textColor = "black" o_id = oligoIDsDict[fValue] oligoName = oligoNamesDict[o_id] if len(oligoName) > 0: fValue += " " + oligoName # property name if fType == 'cdna insert': fValue = "cDNA Insert" elif fType == 'promoter': fValue = fValue + " " + fType fStart = feature.getFeatureStartPos() fEnd = feature.getFeatureEndPos() fDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() # value #if fType == 'sequencing primer': #oligoDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() #if oligoDir == 'forward': #oligoType = 'Sense' #else: #oligoType = 'Antisense' #fTxt = fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + "), " + oligoDir #else: fTxt = fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")" if fSize > 0: f_start = fStart * unit_angle_measure #print "Start " + `fStart` #print "End " + `fEnd` startAngle = 90 - f_start #print "Start angle " + `startAngle` f_end = fEnd * unit_angle_measure endAngle = 90 - f_end #print "End angle " + `endAngle` extAngle = -1*(f_end - f_start) #print "Ext angle " + `extAngle` x1 = origin_x - radius y1 = origin_y - radius x2 = origin_x + radius y2 = origin_y + radius p = c.beginPath() c.setLineWidth(10) c.setLineJoin(1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.saveState() p.arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extAngle) c.drawPath(p) c.restoreState() # common to all startAngle_rad = (startAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 endAngle_rad = (endAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 9) c.saveState() arc_x_start = origin_x + (radius+5)*math.cos(startAngle_rad) arc_y_start = origin_y + (radius+5)*math.sin(startAngle_rad) arc_x_end = origin_x+(radius+5)*math.cos(endAngle_rad) arc_y_end = origin_y+(radius+5)*math.sin(endAngle_rad) # draw label #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 12) c.saveState() # draw line delta = 45 if fStart < seqLen/2: if arc_y_start > origin_y: # THIS WORKS!!!! c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() fInd = fStartPos.index(fStart) fY = len(fStartPos) - fInd c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fInd*10), arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fY*10)) #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(textColor) c.setFillColor(textColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 8) c.saveState() #c.drawString(arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fInd*10)+2, arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fY*10)-math.cos(delta)*0.9, fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawString(arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fInd*10)+2, arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fY*10)-math.cos(delta)*0.9, fTxt) c.restoreState() else: fInd = fStartPos.index(fStart) fY = len(fStartPos) - fInd c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fY*10), arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fInd*10)) c.restoreState() #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(textColor) c.setFillColor(textColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 8) c.saveState() #c.drawString(arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fY*10)+2, arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fInd*10)-math.cos(delta)*13, fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawString(arc_x_start+math.fabs(math.sin(delta))*(fY*10)+2, arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta))*(fInd*10)-math.cos(delta)*13, fTxt) c.restoreState() else: if arc_y_start > origin_y: fInd = fStartPos.index(fStart) fY = len(fStartPos) - fInd c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fY*10)), arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fInd*10))) c.restoreState() # draw label #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(textColor) c.setFillColor(textColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 8) c.saveState() #c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fY*10))+2, arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fInd*10)), fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fY*10))+2, arc_y_start+math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fInd*10)), fTxt) c.restoreState() else: fInd = fStartPos.index(fStart) fY = len(fStartPos) - fInd c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fInd*10)), arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fY*10))) c.restoreState() # draw label #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(textColor) c.setFillColor(textColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 8) c.saveState() #c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fInd*10))-2, arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fY*10))-math.cos(delta)*12, fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-math.fabs(math.sin(delta)*(fInd*10))-2, arc_y_start-math.fabs(math.cos(delta)*(fY*10))-math.cos(delta)*12, fTxt) c.restoreState() # print Oligo info #prev_legend = prev_legend-10 prev_legend = 1365 t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels, prev_legend-15) t.textOut("Sequencing primers for " + reagentID + ":") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-18 fColor = "#7cfc00" # sort oligos tmp_oligos = {} #print `oligoFeatures` for oFeature in oligoFeatures: oligoID = oFeature.getFeatureName() #print oligoID oligoStart = oFeature.getFeatureStartPos() #print oligoStart if tmp_oligos.has_key(oligoStart): tmp_o_list = tmp_oligos[oligoStart] else: tmp_o_list = [] tmp_oligos[oligoStart] = oFeature tmp_o_list.append(oFeature) tmp_oligos[oligoStart] = tmp_o_list oligoSeq = oFeature.getFeatureDescrType() #print oligoSeq #print `tmp_oligos` for oligoStart in sorted(tmp_oligos.keys()): oFeatures = tmp_oligos[oligoStart] for oFeature in oFeatures: oligoID = oFeature.getFeatureName() #oligoSeq = oFeature.getFeatureDescrType() oligoTm = oFeature.getFeatureDescrName() oligoEnd = oFeature.getFeatureEndPos() oligoDir = oFeature.getFeatureDirection() o_rID = oligoIDsDict[oligoID] oligoName = oligoNamesDict[o_rID] #if oligoDir == 'forward': #oligoType = 'Sense' #else: #oligoType = 'Antisense' c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels+5, prev_legend-15, 15,6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels+25, prev_legend-15) if len(oligoName) > 0: #t.textOut(oligoID + ": " + oligoName + " (" + `oligoStart` + "-" + `oligoEnd` + ")" ", " + oligoType) t.textOut(oligoID + ": " + oligoName + " (" + `oligoStart` + "-" + `oligoEnd` + ")" ", " + oligoDir) else: #t.textOut(oligoID + ": (" + `oligoStart` + "-" + `oligoEnd` + ")" ", " + oligoType) t.textOut(oligoID + ": (" + `oligoStart` + "-" + `oligoEnd` + ")" ", " + oligoDir) #print oligoID + ": (" + `oligoStart` + "-" + `oligoEnd` + ")" ", " + oligoType c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 c.restoreState() c.showPage()
from database_conn import DatabaseConn from exception import * from reagent import Reagent from user import User from reagent_handler import ReagentHandler from user_handler import UserHandler from location_database_handler import LocationHandler from general_handler import * from mapper import * from session import Session dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() rHandler = ReagentHandler(db, cursor) lHandler = LocationHandler(db, cursor) ################################################################################################################################### # This is an AJAX function invoked via Javascript from reagent search page # Written June 8, 2009, by Marina Olhovsky # Last modified June 8, 2009 ################################################################################################################################### def deleteReagent(form):
def drawMap(): dbConn = DatabaseConn() db = dbConn.databaseConnect() cursor = db.cursor() hostname = dbConn.getHostname() root_path = dbConn.getRootDir() form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values="True") #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `form` if form.has_key("rID"): rID = form.getvalue("rID") else: #rID = 148913 # V4550 rID = 29125 #rID = 72 #rID = 309 #rID = 1901 # small feature labels @ start of seq. overlap #rID = 36415 #print rID reagentID = rHandler.convertDatabaseToReagentID(rID) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print reagentID namePropID = pHandler.findReagentPropertyInCategoryID(prop_Name_ID_Map["name"], prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["General Properties"]) rName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(rID, namePropID) #rName = rHandler.findSimplePropertyValue(rID, prop_Name_ID_Map["name"]) rTypeID = rHandler.findReagentTypeID(rID) try: os.remove(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_map.pdf") except OSError: pass #print root_path c = Canvas(root_path + "Reagent/vector_maps/" + reagentID + "_map.pdf") c.setPageSize((1000,1000)) c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,0) c.saveState() # Draw circle origin = 0 origin_x = 500 origin_y = 470 radius = 200, origin_y, radius) c.restoreState() # Divide circle into 100-unit sectors rSeqID = rHandler.findDNASequenceKey(rID) rSeq = sHandler.findSequenceByID(rSeqID) seqLen = len(rSeq) #print "Content-type:text/html" #print #print `rID` unit_angle_measure = float(360) / float(seqLen) #print unit_angle_measure # Mark 1 on the circle - KEEP, Karen said! c.setLineWidth(1) c.setStrokeColor(black) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() path = c.beginPath() path.moveTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) path.lineTo(origin_x-5, origin_y+radius+14) path.lineTo(origin_x+5, origin_y+radius+14) path.lineTo(origin_x, origin_y+radius+7) c.drawPath(path, True, True) # label 1 t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 16) t.setTextOrigin(origin_x-5, origin_y+radius+19) t.textOut("1") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState() # Calculate feature segment sizes sequenceFeatures = rHandler.findReagentSequenceFeatures(rID) #print `sequenceFeatures` # Draw legend ox_legend = 800 oy_legend = 985 prev_legend = oy_legend # draw frame c.setStrokeColor(darkgray) #c.setStrokeColor(white) #c.setFillColor(lightgrey) c.setFillColor(white) c.saveState() # Output the rest of the features in alphabetical order - Moved here Jan. 26/10 #featureNames = featureNameColorMap.keys() #print `featureNameColorMap.keys()` #print len(featureNameColorMap.keys()) #fnames = rtPropHandler.findReagentTypeAttributeNamesByCategory(rTypeID, prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence Features"]) #fnames.remove('expression system') #fnames.remove('tag position') #print `fnames` #print len(fnames) featureNames = rtPropHandler.findReagentTypeAttributeNamesByCategory(rTypeID, prop_Category_Name_ID_Map["DNA Sequence Features"]) featureNames.sort() #print `featureNames` #print prev_legend-240 #print prev_legend-15-len(featureNames)*15 #c.rect(ox_legend-25, prev_legend-240, 215, 235, 1, 1) #c.rect(ox_legend-25, prev_legend-15-len(featureNames)*15, 215, 10+len(featureNames)*15, 1, 1) # good for list of all db features if len(featureNames) > 15: origin_spacer = -19 coeff = 12 else: origin_spacer = 65 coeff = 15 #origin_legend = prev_legend+65-len(featureNames)*15 origin_legend = prev_legend+origin_spacer-len(featureNames)*coeff x = (990 - origin_legend) / len(featureNames) #print x if x < 12: x = 12 legend_height = len(featureNames)*x + 15 #print legend_height c.rect(ox_legend-25, origin_legend-17, 215, legend_height, 1, 1) # good for specific rtype attributes c.restoreState() # Order: 5' site, 3' site, 5' linker, 3' linker, then the rest sites_color = featureNameColorMap["5' cloning site"] # same for 3' site # 5' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # 3' site c.setStrokeColor(sites_color) c.setFillColor(sites_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(sites_color) t.setFillColor(sites_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' CLONING SITE") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # Show legend for linkers linkers_color = featureNameColorMap["5' linker"] # 5' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "5' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 # 3' linker c.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) c.setFillColor(linkers_color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(linkers_color) t.setFillColor(linkers_color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + "3' LINKER") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 ## Output the rest of the features in alphabetical order #featureNames = featureNameColorMap.keys() #featureNames.sort() #print `featureNames` for featureName in featureNames: if featureNameColorMap.has_key(featureName): color = featureNameColorMap[featureName] #else: #continue if featureName != "5' cloning site" and featureName != "3' cloning site" and featureName != "5' linker" and featureName != "3' linker" and color != None: #print featureName c.setStrokeColor(color) c.setFillColor(color) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_legend-15, prev_legend-20, 25,8, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(color) t.setFillColor(color) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_legend+12, prev_legend-20) t.textOut(" - " + featureName.upper()) c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 #print prev_legend # Print reagent ID and size at the centre of the circle and print name at the top of the page c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 32) c.setFillColor(black) c.saveState() c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y+35, reagentID) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, origin_y+10, "nt 1 - " + `seqLen`) if rName: c.setFillColor(blue) c.drawCentredString(origin_x, 935, rName) c.restoreState() # SORT features by size, so that short features are not hidden behind the long ones fSizes = [] sortedFeatures = [] for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = int(feature.getFeatureSize()) if fSize > 0: fSizes.append(fSize) fSizes.sort(reverse=True) #print `fSizes` for fs in fSizes: for feature in sequenceFeatures: fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() # added existence check July 17/08 - different features may have same sizes so end up with duplicate features in list (e.g. cloning sizes appeared twice on the map) if fs == fSize and feature not in sortedFeatures: sortedFeatures.append(feature) #print `sortedFeatures` ox_labels = 40 oy_labels = 910 prev_legend = oy_labels t = c.beginText() t.setStrokeColor(black) t.setFillColor(black) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels, prev_legend-15) t.textOut("Features shorter than 150 nt:") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-18 #for feature in sequenceFeatures: for feature in sortedFeatures: fType = feature.getFeatureType() fValue = feature.getFeatureName() fSize = feature.getFeatureSize() #print fType #print fValue #print fSize fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] if fType == 'cdna insert': fValue = "cDNA Insert" elif fType == 'promoter': fValue = fValue + " " + fType fStart = feature.getFeatureStartPos() fEnd = feature.getFeatureEndPos() fDir = feature.getFeatureDirection() if fSize > 0: f_start = fStart * unit_angle_measure #print "Start " + `fStart` #print "End " + `fEnd` startAngle = 90 - f_start #print "Start angle " + `startAngle` f_end = fEnd * unit_angle_measure endAngle = 90 - f_end #print "End angle " + `endAngle` extAngle = -1*(f_end - f_start) #print "Ext angle " + `extAngle` x1 = origin_x - radius y1 = origin_y - radius x2 = origin_x + radius y2 = origin_y + radius p = c.beginPath() #t = c.beginText() c.setLineWidth(10) c.setLineJoin(1) fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.saveState() p.arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extAngle) c.drawPath(p) c.restoreState() ## jan. 27/10: this makes a contour for each arc #p = c.beginPath() #c.setLineWidth(1) ##fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(fColor) #c.saveState() #p.arc(x1+5, y1+5, x2-5, y2-5, startAngle, extAngle) #c.drawPath(p) ##c.restoreState() ##c.setLineWidth(1) ##fColor = featureNameColorMap[fType] ##c.setStrokeColor(black) ##c.setFillColor(fColor) ##c.saveState() #p.arc(x1-5, y1-5, x2+5, y2+5, startAngle, extAngle) #c.drawPath(p) #c.restoreState() # jan. 27/10 modification ends here # common to all startAngle_rad = (startAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 endAngle_rad = (endAngle * math.pi) / 180.0 #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 9) c.saveState() arc_x_start = origin_x + (radius+5)*math.cos(startAngle_rad) arc_y_start = origin_y + (radius+5)*math.sin(startAngle_rad) arc_x_end = origin_x+(radius+5)*math.cos(endAngle_rad) arc_y_end = origin_y+(radius+5)*math.sin(endAngle_rad) # draw label c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 12) c.saveState() # draw line delta = 45 # Rotate labels only for SMALL features (they can be crammed together) #if fSize > 100: #delta = 45 #else: #delta = 32 if fStart < seqLen/2: if arc_y_start > origin_y: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() #if fSize <= 100: #c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) #else: # July 17/08: Show labels for long features only if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # July 17/08: Show labels for long features only if fSize > 150: # draw label #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawString(arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels+5, prev_legend-15, 15,6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels+25, prev_legend-15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 c.restoreState() else: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawString(arc_x_start+50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels+5, prev_legend-15, 15,6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels+25, prev_legend-15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 c.restoreState() else: if arc_y_start > origin_y: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start-50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) #c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start+10*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-10*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start+55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels+5, prev_legend-15, 15,6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels+25, prev_legend-15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 c.restoreState() else: #c.setStrokeColor(black) #c.setFillColor(black) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setLineWidth(1) c.saveState() if fSize > 150: c.line(arc_x_start, arc_y_start, arc_x_start-50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta))) c.restoreState() # draw label if fSize > 150: #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,1) #c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,1) c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) c.saveState() c.drawRightString(arc_x_start-50*math.fabs(math.sin(delta)), arc_y_start-55*math.fabs(math.cos(delta)), fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.restoreState() else: c.setStrokeColor(fColor) c.setFillColor(fColor) c.saveState() c.rect(ox_labels+5, prev_legend-15, 15,6, 1, 1) c.restoreState t = c.beginText() #t.setStrokeColor(black) #t.setFillColor(black) t.setStrokeColor(fColor) t.setFillColor(fColor) t.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10) t.setTextOrigin(ox_labels+25, prev_legend-15) t.textOut(fValue + " (" + `fStart` + "-" + `fEnd` + ")") c.drawText(t) c.restoreState prev_legend = prev_legend-15 c.showPage()