def calculate_base_stats(db, filename=''): """ Calculate parameters to be used to filter cells in calculate_indices """ sessionMulti = [ 'tuningCurve', 'tuningCurve(tc)' ] # sessions with multivariate stimulus 'shortTuningCurve','am' sessionSingle = ['noiseburst', 'laserpulse'] # sessions with single variable stimulus # FILTERING DATAFRAME firstCells = db.query(studyparams.FIRST_FLTRD_CELLS ) # isiViolations<0.02 and spikeShapeQuality>2 for indIter, (indRow, dbRow) in enumerate(firstCells.iterrows()): dbRow = firstCells.loc[indRow] sessions = dbRow['sessionType'] oneCell = ephyscore.Cell(dbRow, useModifiedClusters=False) print("Now processing ", dbRow['subject'], dbRow['date'], dbRow['depth'], dbRow['tetrode'], dbRow['cluster'], indRow) print("Sessions tested in this cell are(is) ", sessions) for session in sessions: ephysData, bdata = oneCell.load(session) spikeTimes = ephysData['spikeTimes'] if session == ('laserpulse' or 'lasertrain'): eventOnsetTimes = ephysData['events']['laserOn'] print(u"\U0001F4A9") else: eventOnsetTimes = ephysData['events']['soundDetectorOn'] eventOnsetTimes = spikesanalysis.minimum_event_onset_diff( eventOnsetTimes, minEventOnsetDiff=0.2) # SOUND RESPONSES AND LASER RESPONSES if session in sessionSingle: # single stimulus baseRange = [-0.1, 0 ] # if session != 'laserpulse' else [-0.05,-0.04] nspkBase, nspkResp = funcs.calculate_firing_rate( ephysData, baseRange, session) respSpikeMean = nspkResp.ravel().mean() try: zStats, pVals = stats.mannwhitneyu(nspkResp, nspkBase) except ValueError: # All numbers identical will cause mann-whitney to fail zStats, pVals = [0, 1] firstCells.loc[indRow, '{}_pVal'.format( session )] = pVals # changed from at to loc via recommendation from pandas firstCells.loc[indRow, '{}_FR'.format( session)] = respSpikeMean # mean firing rate # Frequency tuning responses and AM elif session in sessionMulti: # multivariate stimulus, such as am and tuning curve baseRange = [-0.1, 0] if session != 'am' else [-0.5, -0.1] currentFreq = bdata['currentFreq'] currentIntensity = bdata['currentIntensity'] # trialsEachType = behavioranalysis.find_trials_each_type(currentFreq, np.unique(currentFreq)) uniqFreq = np.unique(currentFreq) uniqueIntensity = np.unique(currentIntensity) allIntenBase = np.array([]) respSpikeMean = np.empty( (len(uniqueIntensity), len(uniqFreq))) # same as allIntenResp allIntenRespMedian = np.empty( (len(uniqueIntensity), len(uniqFreq))) Rsquareds = np.empty((len(uniqueIntensity), len(uniqFreq))) # TODO: Identify if this fix will need to be used in multiple functions. # Maybe include where eventOnsetTimes is first calculated if len(eventOnsetTimes) == len(currentFreq) + 1: eventOnsetTimes = eventOnsetTimes[:-1] respLatency = funcs.calculate_latency( eventOnsetTimes, currentFreq, uniqFreq, currentIntensity, uniqueIntensity, spikeTimes, indRow) elif len(eventOnsetTimes) < len(currentFreq): print( "Wrong number of events, probably caused by the original sound detector problems" ) respLatency = np.nan else: print("Something else is wrong with the number of events") respLatency = np.nan for indInten, intensity in enumerate(uniqueIntensity): spks = np.array([]) freqs = np.array([]) popts = [] pcovs = [] ind10AboveButNone = [] for indFreq, freq in enumerate(uniqFreq): selectinds = np.flatnonzero((currentFreq == freq) & ( currentIntensity == intensity)).tolist() nspkBase, nspkResp = funcs.calculate_firing_rate( ephysData, baseRange, session, selectinds=selectinds) spks = np.concatenate([spks, nspkResp.ravel()]) freqs = np.concatenate( [freqs, np.ones(len(nspkResp.ravel())) * freq]) respSpikeMean[indInten, indFreq] = np.mean(nspkResp) allIntenBase = np.concatenate( [allIntenBase, nspkBase.ravel()]) Rsquared, popt = funcs.calculate_fit( uniqFreq, allIntenBase, freqs, spks) Rsquareds[indInten, indFreq] = Rsquared popts.append(popt) # The reason why we are calculating bw10 here, it is to save the calculation time responseThreshold = funcs.calculate_response_threshold( 0.2, allIntenBase, respSpikeMean) # [6] Find Frequency Response Area (FRA) unit: fra boolean set, yes or no, but it's originally a pair fra = respSpikeMean > responseThreshold # [6.5] get the intensity threshold intensityInd, freqInd = funcs.calculate_intensity_threshold_and_CF_indices( fra, respSpikeMean) if intensityInd is None: # None of the intensities had anything bw10 = None lowerFreq = None upperFreq = None cf = None intensityThreshold = None fit_midpoint = None else: intensityThreshold = uniqueIntensity[intensityInd] cf = uniqFreq[freqInd] # [8] getting BW10 value, Bandwidth at 10dB above the neuron's sound intensity Threshold(SIT) ind10Above = intensityInd + int( 10 / np.diff(uniqueIntensity)[0] ) # How many inds to go above the threshold intensity ind lowerFreq, upperFreq, Rsquared10AboveSIT = funcs.calculate_BW10_params( ind10Above, popts, Rsquareds, responseThreshold, intensityThreshold) # print('lf:{},uf:{},R2:{}'.format(lowerFreq,upperFreq,Rsquared10AboveSIT)) if (lowerFreq is not None) and (upperFreq is not None): fit_midpoint = np.sqrt(lowerFreq * upperFreq) bw10 = (upperFreq - lowerFreq) / cf else: fit_midpoint = None bw10 = None # ADD PARAMS TO DATAFRAME [9] store data in DB: intensity threshold, rsquaredFit, bw10, cf, fra[indRow, 'thresholdFRA'] = intensityThreshold[indRow, 'cf'] = cf[indRow, 'lowerFreq'] = lowerFreq[indRow, 'upperFreq'] = upperFreq[indRow, 'rsquaredFit'] = Rsquared10AboveSIT[indRow, 'bw10'] = bw10[indRow, 'fit_midpoint'] = fit_midpoint[indRow, 'latency'] = respLatency else: print("session {} is ignored".format(session) ) # Lasertrain, shortTuningCurve and AM are ignored return firstCells
timeRange=[0.0, 0.05], baseRange=baseRange) for indInten, intensity in enumerate(uniqueIntensity): spks = np.array([]) freqs = np.array([]) popts = [] pcovs = [] ind10AboveButNone = [] # ------------ start of frequency specific calculations ------------- for indFreq, freq in enumerate(uniqFreq): selectinds = np.flatnonzero((currentFreq == freq) & ( currentIntensity == intensity)).tolist() nspkBase, nspkResp = funcs.calculate_firing_rate( ttEventOnsetTimes, ttSpikeTimes, baseRange, selectinds=selectinds) spks = np.concatenate([spks, nspkResp.ravel()]) freqs = np.concatenate( [freqs, np.ones(len(nspkResp.ravel())) * freq]) respSpikeMean[indInten, indFreq] = np.mean(nspkResp) allIntenBase = np.concatenate( [allIntenBase, nspkBase.ravel()]) Rsquared, popt = funcs.calculate_fit( uniqFreq, allIntenBase, freqs, spks) Rsquareds[indInten, indFreq] = Rsquared[indRow, 'tuningTest_pVal'] = ttPVal
sessions = dbRow['sessionType'] oneCell = ephyscore.Cell(dbRow, useModifiedClusters=False) cenFreq = # -------noiseburst---------- session = 'noiseburst' try: noiseEphysData, noBData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print("No {} in this site".format(session))[indIter, "noiseburstBase"] = np.NaN[indIter, "noiseburstResp"] = np.NaN else: noiseBaseRange = [-0.1, 0] noiseEventOnsetTimes = noiseEphysData['events']['soundDetectorOn'] noiseSpikeTimes = noiseEphysData['spikeTimes'] nspkBaseNoise, nspkRespNoise = funcs.calculate_firing_rate( noiseEventOnsetTimes, noiseSpikeTimes, noiseBaseRange) meanNoiseburstBase = np.mean(nspkBaseNoise) meanNoiseburstResp = np.mean(nspkRespNoise)[indIter, "noiseburstBase"] = meanNoiseburstBase[indIter, "noiseburstResp"] = meanNoiseburstResp session = 'tuningTest' try: ttEphysData, ttBehavData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print("No {} in this site".format(session)) except ValueError: print("No spikes in this site")[indIter, "tuningTestBase"] = np.NaN[indIter, "tuningTestResp"] = np.NaN else:
def append_base_stats(cellDB, filename=''): """ Calculate parameters to be used to filter cells in calculate_indices """ # FILTERING DATAFRAME firstCells = cellDB.query(studyparams.FIRST_FLTRD_CELLS) # isiViolations<0.02 and spikeShapeQuality>2.5 for indIter, (indRow, dbRow) in enumerate(firstCells.iterrows()): sessions = dbRow['sessionType'] oneCell = ephyscore.Cell(dbRow, useModifiedClusters=False) print("Now processing ", dbRow['subject'], dbRow['date'], dbRow['depth'], dbRow['tetrode'], dbRow['cluster'], indRow) print("Sessions tested in this cell are(is) ", sessions) # -------------- Noiseburst data calculations ------------------------- session = 'noiseburst' try: noiseEphysData, noBData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print('This cell does not contain a {} session'.format(session)) else: baseRange = [-0.1, 0] # if session != 'laserpulse' else [-0.05,-0.04] noiseEventOnsetTimes = noiseEphysData['events']['soundDetectorOn'] noiseSpikeTimes = noiseEphysData['spikeTimes'] nspkBaseNoise, nspkRespNoise = funcs.calculate_firing_rate(noiseEventOnsetTimes, noiseSpikeTimes, baseRange) respSpikeMean = np.mean(nspkRespNoise) # Significance calculations for the noiseburst try: zStats, pVals = stats.mannwhitneyu(nspkRespNoise, nspkBaseNoise, alternative='two-sided') except ValueError: # All numbers identical will cause mann-whitney to fail, therefore p-value should be 1 as there is no difference zStats, pVals = [0, 1] # Adding noiseburst values to the dataframe[ indRow, '{}_pVal'.format(session)] = pVals # changed from at to loc via recommendation from pandas[indRow, '{}_zStat'.format(session)] = zStats[indRow, '{}_FR'.format(session)] = respSpikeMean # mean firing rate # ------------ Laserpulse calculations -------------------------------- session = 'laserpulse' try: pulseEphysData, noBData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print('This cell does not contain a {} session'.format(session)) else: baseRange = [-0.1, 0] # if session != 'laserpulse' else [-0.05,-0.04] laserEventOnsetTimes = pulseEphysData['events']['laserOn'] laserSpikeTimes = pulseEphysData['spikeTimes'] nspkBaseLaser, nspkRespLaser = funcs.calculate_firing_rate(laserEventOnsetTimes, laserSpikeTimes, baseRange) respSpikeMean = np.mean(nspkRespLaser) baseSpikeMean = np.mean(nspkBaseLaser) changeFiring = respSpikeMean - baseSpikeMean # Significance calculations for the laserpulse try: zStats, pVals = stats.mannwhitneyu(nspkRespLaser, nspkBaseLaser, alternative='two-sided') except ValueError: # All numbers identical will cause mann-whitney to fail zStats, pVals = [0, 1] # Adding laserpulse calculations to the dataframe[ indRow, '{}_pVal'.format(session)] = pVals # changed from at to loc via recommendation from pandas[indRow, '{}_zStat'.format(session)] = zStats[indRow, '{}_FR'.format(session)] = respSpikeMean # mean firing rate[indRow, '{}_dFR'.format(session)] = changeFiring # Difference between base and response firing rate # -------------- Tuning curve calculations ---------------------------- session = 'tuningCurve' try: tuningEphysData, tuningBehavData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print('This cell does not contain a {} session'.format(session)) else: baseRange = [-0.1, 0] # Extracting information from ephys and behavior data to do calculations later with currentFreq = tuningBehavData['currentFreq'] currentIntensity = tuningBehavData['currentIntensity'] uniqFreq = np.unique(currentFreq) uniqueIntensity = np.unique(currentIntensity) tuningTrialsEachCond = behavioranalysis.find_trials_each_combination(currentFreq, uniqFreq, currentIntensity, uniqueIntensity) allIntenBase = np.array([]) respSpikeMean = np.empty((len(uniqueIntensity), len(uniqFreq))) # same as allIntenResp allIntenRespMedian = np.empty((len(uniqueIntensity), len(uniqFreq))) Rsquareds = [] popts = [] tuningSpikeTimes = tuningEphysData['spikeTimes'] tuningEventOnsetTimes = tuningEphysData['events']['soundDetectorOn'] tuningEventOnsetTimes = spikesanalysis.minimum_event_onset_diff(tuningEventOnsetTimes, minEventOnsetDiff=0.2) # Checking to see if the ephys data has one more trial than the behavior data and removing the last session if it does if len(tuningEventOnsetTimes) == (len(currentFreq) + 1): tuningEventOnsetTimes = tuningEventOnsetTimes[0:-1] print("Correcting ephys data to be same length as behavior data") toCalculate = True elif len(tuningEventOnsetTimes) == len(currentFreq): print("Data is already the same length") toCalculate = True else: print("Something is wrong with the length of these data") toCalculate = False # Instead of generating an error I made it just not calculate statistics. I should posisbly have it log all mice # and sites where it failed to calculate so someone can review later # -------------------- Start of calculations for the tuningCurve data ------------------------- # The latency of the cell from the onset of the stim if toCalculate: tuningZStat, tuningPVal = \ funcs.sound_response_any_stimulus(tuningEventOnsetTimes, tuningSpikeTimes, tuningTrialsEachCond[:, :, -1], timeRange=[0.0, 0.05], baseRange=baseRange) # All trials at all frequencies at the highest intensity respLatency = funcs.calculate_latency(tuningEventOnsetTimes, currentFreq, uniqFreq, currentIntensity, uniqueIntensity, tuningSpikeTimes, indRow) else: respLatency = np.nan tuningPVal = np.nan tuningZStat = np.nan for indInten, intensity in enumerate(uniqueIntensity): spks = np.array([]) freqs = np.array([]) pcovs = [] ind10AboveButNone = [] # ------------ start of frequency specific calculations ------------- for indFreq, freq in enumerate(uniqFreq): selectinds = np.flatnonzero((currentFreq == freq) & (currentIntensity == intensity))#.tolist() nspkBase, nspkResp = funcs.calculate_firing_rate(tuningEventOnsetTimes, tuningSpikeTimes, baseRange, selectinds=selectinds) spks = np.concatenate([spks, nspkResp.ravel()]) freqs = np.concatenate([freqs, np.ones(len(nspkResp.ravel())) * freq]) respSpikeMean[indInten, indFreq] = np.mean(nspkResp) allIntenBase = np.concatenate([allIntenBase, nspkBase.ravel()]) # ------------------- Significance and fit calculations for tuning ---------------- # TODO: Do we really need to calculate this for each frequency at each intensity? Rsquared, popt = funcs.calculate_fit(uniqFreq, allIntenBase, freqs, spks) Rsquareds.append(Rsquared) popts.append(popt) # ------------------------------ Intensity based calculations ------------------------- # The reason why we are calculating bw10 here, it is to save the calculation time responseThreshold = funcs.calculate_response_threshold(0.2, allIntenBase, respSpikeMean) # [6] Find Frequency Response Area (FRA) unit: fra boolean set, yes or no, but it's originally a pair fra = respSpikeMean > responseThreshold # [6.5] get the intensity threshold intensityInd, freqInd = funcs.calculate_intensity_threshold_and_CF_indices(fra, respSpikeMean) if intensityInd is None: # None of the intensities had anything bw10 = None lowerFreq = None upperFreq = None cf = None intensityThreshold = None fit_midpoint = None else: intensityThreshold = uniqueIntensity[intensityInd] cf = uniqFreq[freqInd] if toCalculate: monoIndex, overallMaxSpikes = funcs.calculate_monotonicity_index(tuningEventOnsetTimes, currentFreq, currentIntensity, uniqueIntensity, tuningSpikeTimes, cf ) onsetRate, sustainedRate, baseRate = funcs.calculate_onset_to_sustained_ratio(tuningEventOnsetTimes, tuningSpikeTimes, currentFreq, currentIntensity, cf, respLatency) else: monoIndex = np.nan overallMaxSpikes = np.nan onsetRate = np.nan sustainedRate = np.nan baseRate = np.nan # [8] getting BW10 value, Bandwidth at 10dB above the neuron's sound intensity threshold(SIT) ind10Above = intensityInd + int( 10 / np.diff(uniqueIntensity)[0]) # How many inds to go above the threshold intensity ind lowerFreq, upperFreq, Rsquared10AboveSIT = funcs.calculate_BW10_params(ind10Above, popts, Rsquareds, responseThreshold, intensityThreshold) # print('lf:{},uf:{},R2:{}'.format(lowerFreq,upperFreq,Rsquared10AboveSIT)) if (lowerFreq is not None) and (upperFreq is not None): fitMidpoint = np.sqrt(lowerFreq * upperFreq) bw10 = (upperFreq - lowerFreq) / cf else: fitMidpoint = None bw10 = None # Adding tuningCurve calculations to the dataframe to be saved later[indRow, 'thresholdFRA'] = intensityThreshold[indRow, 'cf'] = cf[indRow, 'lowerFreq'] = lowerFreq[indRow, 'upperFreq'] = upperFreq[indRow, 'rsquaredFit'] = Rsquared10AboveSIT[indRow, 'bw10'] = bw10[indRow, 'fit_midpoint'] = fitMidpoint[indRow, 'latency'] = respLatency[indRow, 'monotonicityIndex'] = monoIndex[indRow, 'onsetRate'] = onsetRate[indRow, 'sustainedRate'] = sustainedRate[indRow, 'baseRate'] = baseRate[indRow, 'tuning_pVal'] = tuningPVal[indRow, 'tuning_ZStat'] = tuningZStat # -------------------- am calculations --------------------------- session = 'am' try: amEphysData, amBehavData = oneCell.load(session) except IndexError: print('This cell does not contain a {} session'.format(session)) else: significantFreqsArray = np.array([]) # General variables for am calculations/plotting from ephys and behavior data amSpikeTimes = amEphysData['spikeTimes'] amEventOnsetTimes = amEphysData['events']['soundDetectorOn'] amCurrentFreq = amBehavData['currentFreq'] amUniqFreq = np.unique(amCurrentFreq) amTimeRange = [-0.2, 0.7] amTrialsEachCond = behavioranalysis.find_trials_each_type(amCurrentFreq, amUniqFreq) if len(amCurrentFreq) != len(amEventOnsetTimes): amEventOnsetTimes = amEventOnsetTimes[:-1] if len(amCurrentFreq) != len(amEventOnsetTimes): print('Removing one does not align events and behavior. Skipping AM for cell') else: (amSpikeTimesFromEventOnset, amTrialIndexForEachSpike, amIndexLimitsEachTrial) = \ spikesanalysis.eventlocked_spiketimes(amSpikeTimes, amEventOnsetTimes, amTimeRange) amBaseTime = [-0.6, -0.1] amOnsetTime = [0, 0.1] amResponseTime = [0, 0.5] # TODO: Should do some kind of post-hoc/correction on these such as # taking the p-value and dividing by the total number of comparisons done and using that as a threshold zStat, amPValue = \ funcs.sound_response_any_stimulus(amEventOnsetTimes, amSpikeTimes, amTrialsEachCond, amResponseTime, amBaseTime)[indRow, 'am_response_pVal'] = amPValue[indRow, 'am_response_ZStat'] = zStat # TODO: test calculations below # TODO: Should do some kind of post-hoc/correction on the alpha such as # taking the alpha and dividing by the total number of comparisons done (11) and using that as a threshold correctedPval = 0.05 / len(amUniqFreq) # Decide whether to make the next calculations based on 0.05 or on corrected value if amPValue > correctedPval: # No response print("No significant AM response, no synchronization will be calculated") elif amPValue < correctedPval: amTimeRangeSync = [0.1, 0.5] # Use this to cut out onset responses (amSyncSpikeTimesFromEventOnset, amSyncTrialIndexForEachSpike, amSyncIndexLimitsEachTrial) = spikesanalysis.eventlocked_spiketimes(amSpikeTimes, amEventOnsetTimes, amTimeRangeSync) allFreqSyncPVal, allFreqSyncZScore, allFreqVectorStrength, allFreqRal = \ funcs.calculate_am_significance_synchronization(amSyncSpikeTimesFromEventOnset, amSyncTrialIndexForEachSpike, amCurrentFreq, amUniqFreq) amSyncPValue = np.min(allFreqSyncPVal) amSyncZStat = np.max(allFreqSyncZScore)[indRow, 'am_synchronization_pVal'] = amSyncPValue[indRow, 'am_synchronization_ZStat'] = amSyncZStat phaseDiscrimAccuracyDict = funcs.calculate_phase_discrim_accuracy(amSpikeTimes, amEventOnsetTimes, amCurrentFreq, amUniqFreq) for rate in amUniqFreq:[indRow, 'phaseDiscrimAccuracy_{}Hz'.format(int(rate))] = \ phaseDiscrimAccuracyDict[int(rate)] rateDiscrimAccuracy = funcs.calculate_rate_discrimination_accuracy(amSpikeTimes, amEventOnsetTimes, amBaseTime, amResponseTime, amCurrentFreq)[indRow, 'rateDiscrimAccuracy'] = rateDiscrimAccuracy if any(allFreqSyncPVal < 0.05): sigPvals = np.array(allFreqSyncPVal) < 0.05 highestSyncInd = funcs.index_all_true_before(sigPvals)[indRow, 'highestSync'] = amUniqFreq[allFreqSyncPVal < 0.05].max()[indRow, 'highestUSync'] = amUniqFreq[highestSyncInd] # print possibleFreq[pValThisCell<0.05].max() else:[indRow, 'highestSync'] = 0 if any(allFreqSyncPVal < correctedPval):[indRow, 'highestSyncCorrected'] = amUniqFreq[allFreqSyncPVal < correctedPval].max() highestSyncCorrected = amUniqFreq[allFreqSyncPVal < correctedPval].max() freqsBelowThresh = allFreqSyncPVal < correctedPval freqsBelowThresh = freqsBelowThresh.astype(int) if len(significantFreqsArray) == 0: significantFreqsArray = freqsBelowThresh else: # significantFreqsArray = np.concatenate([[significantFreqsArray], [freqsBelowThresh]]) significantFreqsArray = np.vstack((significantFreqsArray, freqsBelowThresh)) else:[indRow, 'highestSyncCorrected'] = 0 cellDB['cfOnsetivityIndex'] = \ (cellDB['onsetRate'] - cellDB['sustainedRate']) / \ (cellDB['sustainedRate'] + cellDB['onsetRate']) return cellDB