class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(self):
        self.db = DatabaseHandler(debug=True)

    def tearDownClass(self):

    def test_database_insert_read(self):
        reply_id = 123
        posted_time = 1610990729
        submission_id = 456
        submission_flair = None
        submission_url = "http://testing.com/sub/123"
        submission_time = 1610990729
        list_url = "http://listing.com/list/123"
        had_identifiable = True
        bad_markdown = False
        bad_html = 2
        missing_table = True
        tables_made = 2

        self.db.insert_reply(reply_id, posted_time, submission_id,
                             submission_flair, submission_url, submission_time,
                             list_url, had_identifiable, bad_markdown,
                             bad_html, missing_table, tables_made)

        reply = self.db.select_reply(456)

class PCPPHelperBot:
    """Posts PC Part Picker markup tables when applicable.
    This utilizes the PRAW wrapper for interacting with Reddit. It streams
    new submissions in order to look for submissions with a PC Part Picker
    list URL. If the post already has a table, no action will be taken. If
    not, or it is malformed, a reply containing the table will be posted.
    def __init__(self, log_file_handler, live=False):
        self.is_live = live
        # Logger setup
        if self.is_live:
            self.logger = logging.getLogger('PCPPHelperBot')
            self.logger = logging.getLogger('PCPPHelperBot-DEBUG')
        now_str = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        self.logger.info(f'STARTING {now_str}')
        # Database setup
        if self.is_live:
            self.db_handler = DatabaseHandler()
            self.db_handler = DatabaseHandler(debug=True)

        # Retrieve environment vars for secret data
        username = os.environ.get('REDDIT_USERNAME')
        password = os.environ.get('REDDIT_PASSWORD')
        client_id = os.environ.get('CLIENT_ID')
        secret = os.environ.get('CLIENT_SECRET')
        version = 0.1
        user_agent = f"web:pcpp-helper-bot:v{version} (by u/pcpp-helper-bot)"
        # Utilize PRAW wrapper
        self.reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent,
                                  client_id=client_id, client_secret=secret,
                                  username=username, password=password)
        # Only look at submissions with one of these flairs
        # TODO: Are these the best submission flairs to use?
        self.pertinent_flairs = ['Build Complete', 'Build Upgrade',
                                 'Build Help', 'Build Ready', None]
        self.pcpp_parser = PCPPParser(log_file_handler)
        self.table_creator = TableCreator()
        self.MAX_TABLES = 2
        self.subreddit_name = None
        # Read in the templates
        with open('./templates/replytemplate.md', 'r') as template:
            self.REPLY_TEMPLATE = template.read()
        with open('./templates/idenlinkfound.md', 'r') as template:
            self.IDENTIFIABLE_TEMPLATE = template.read()
        with open('./templates/tableissuetemplate.md', 'r') as template:
            self.TABLE_TEMPLATE = template.read()
    def monitor_subreddit(self, subreddit_name: str):
        """Monitors the subreddit provided (mainly r/buildapc) for new
            subreddit_name (str): The name of the subreddit
        continue_monitoring = True
        self.subreddit_name = subreddit_name
        # skip_existing will skip the posts made BEFORE the bot starts observing
        # By default, up to 100 historical submissions/comments would be returned
        # See PRAW.reddit.SubredditStream #3147
        subreddit = self.reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name)
        # Stream in new submissions from the subreddit
        while continue_monitoring:
                for submission in subreddit.stream.submissions(skip_existing=True):
                    unpaired_urls, iden_anon_urls, table_data = self.read_submission(submission)
                    # If there are missing/broken tables or identifiable links
                    if len(unpaired_urls) != 0 or len(iden_anon_urls) != 0:
                        self.logger.info('FOUND TABLELESS OR IDENTIFIABLE URLS')
                        self.logger.info(f'SUBMISSION TEXT: {submission.selftext}')
                        self.reply(submission, unpaired_urls, iden_anon_urls, table_data)

                    should_stop, reason = self._check_inbox_for_stop()
                    if should_stop:
                        self.logger.info(f'STOPPING BY REQUEST. REASON: {reason}')
                        continue_monitoring = False
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.critical('Problem connecting to Reddit or in creating reply')
                self.logger.critical('Exception data: ', exc_info=True)
            # TODO: Catch any exceptions for when Reddit is down or PRAW has issues

    def read_submission(self, submission: praw.reddit.Submission):
        """Reads a submission from Reddit.
            submission ('obj': praw.reddit.Submission): A PRAW Submission object.
            (urls without tables, (identifiable, anonymous) pair list,
            {'total', 'valid', 'invalid', 'bad_markdown'} dict  of table
        flair = submission.link_flair_text
        tableless_urls = []
        iden_anon_urls = []
        table_data = {'total': 0, 'valid': 0, 'invalid': 0, 'bad_markdown': False}
        if self._already_replied(submission.id):
            self.logger.info('Already replied to this submission.')
        # Only look at text submissions and with the appropriate flairs
        elif flair in self.pertinent_flairs and submission.is_self:
            self.logger.info(f'CHECKING SUBMISSION: {submission.url}')
            # Parse pertinent info from the submission
            tableless_urls, iden_anon_urls, table_data \
                = parse_submission(submission.selftext_html, submission.selftext, self.pcpp_parser)
        return tableless_urls, iden_anon_urls, table_data
    def reply(self, submission, unpaired_urls, iden_anon_urls, table_data):
        """Replies to a Reddit submission.
            submission (`obj`: praw.Reddit.Submission): PRAW Submission object.
            unpaired_urls (list): urls without an accompanying table.
            iden_anon_urls (list): Pairs of identifiable, anonymous list urls.
            table_data (dict): Holds information about table data in submission.
            Reply message string if NOT live, otherwise PRAW.reddit.Comment object.
        # Create the reply with this information
        reply_message = self._make_reply(unpaired_urls,
        # Only if the bot is 'live' on Reddit or not
        if self.is_live:
            # Post the reply!
            reply = submission.reply(reply_message)
            self._save_reply_db(reply, submission, table_data, iden_anon_urls, unpaired_urls)
            return reply
            return reply_message

    def _make_reply(self, tableless_urls: list, iden_anon_urls: list, table_data: dict):
        """Creates the full reply message.
            tableless_urls (list): List of urls that don't have an accompanying
            iden_anon_urls (list): List of (identifiable, anonymous) urls found.
            table_data (dict): Dictionary describing the table data found
                                in the submission.
            The entire reply message, ready to be posted.
        table_markdown = self._make_table_markdown(tableless_urls, table_data)
        iden_markdown = self._make_identifiable_markdown(iden_anon_urls)
        if len(table_markdown) == 0 and len(tableless_urls) != 0:
            self.logger.error('Failed to make table markdown for urls: {tableless_urls}')
        if len(iden_anon_urls) != 0 and len(iden_markdown) == 0:
            self.logger.error(f'Failed to make identifiable markdown for urls: {iden_anon_urls}')
        reply_message = self._put_message_together(table_markdown,
        if len(reply_message) == 0:
            self.logger.error('Failed to create a message.')
            self.logger.info(f'Reply: {reply_message}')
        return reply_message
    def _put_message_together(self, table_markdown: str, iden_markdown: str):
        """Puts together the variable data into a message.
            table_markdown (str): Contains the markdown for the table data.
            iden_markdown (str): Contains the markdown for the identifiable
                                    message and data.
            A string containing the combined reply message.
        reply_message = ''
        message_markdown = []
        if len(table_markdown) != 0:
        if len(iden_markdown) != 0:
        if len(message_markdown) != 0:
            message_markdown = '\n\n'.join(message_markdown)
            reply_message = self.REPLY_TEMPLATE.replace(':message:', message_markdown)
        return reply_message
    def _make_table_markdown(self, urls: list, table_data: dict):
        """Put together the table markdown. This could be up to self.MAX_TABLES.
            urls (list): List of PCPP urls to make tables for.
            table_data (dict): Dictionary describing the table data found
                                in the submission.
            A string containing the markdown for the tables for the PCPP lists.
        table_message = ''
        issues = []
        if urls and 0 < len(urls) <= self.MAX_TABLES:
            all_table_markdown = []
            # Create the table markup for each list url
            for pcpp_url in urls:
                list_html = self.pcpp_parser.request_page_data(pcpp_url)
                parts_list, total = self.pcpp_parser.parse_page(list_html)
                table_markdown = self.table_creator.create_markdown_table(pcpp_url, parts_list, total)
            # Put the table(s) together
            all_table_markdown = '\n\n\n'.join(all_table_markdown)
            lists_without_tables = abs(table_data['total'] - len(urls))
            # Check which issue(s) occurred (at least one will match)
            if table_data['total'] == 0 or lists_without_tables != 0:
                issues.append('a missing table')
            if table_data['invalid'] != 0:
                issues.append('a broken or partial table')
            if table_data['bad_markdown']:
                issues.append('escaped or broken markdown')
            issues_markdown = ', '.join(issues)
            # Input the message data into the template
            table_message = self.TABLE_TEMPLATE.replace(':issues:', issues_markdown)
            table_message = table_message.replace(':table:', all_table_markdown)
        return table_message
    def _make_identifiable_markdown(self, iden_anon_urls: list):
        """Creates the message for when identifiable list urls are found.
            iden_anon_urls (list): List of (identifiable, anonymous) urls found.
            A string containing the markdown message for when identifiable
            urls are found.
        iden_markdown = ''
        if iden_anon_urls and len(iden_anon_urls) > 0:
            list_items = []
            # Create a bullet point showing the anonymous list url for
            # each identifiable list url found.
            for iden_url, anon_url in iden_anon_urls:
                # identifiable -> anonymous
                list_items.append(f'* {iden_url} &#8594; {anon_url}')
            list_markdown = '\n'.join(list_items)
            # Put the list into the template
            iden_markdown = self.IDENTIFIABLE_TEMPLATE.replace(':urls:', list_markdown)
        return iden_markdown

    def _save_reply_db(self, reply: praw.reddit.Comment,
                      submission: praw.reddit.Submission,
                      table_data: dict,
                      iden_anon_urls: list,
                      urls: list):
        """Save the reply data into the database.
            reply (PRAW.Reddit.Comment): The reply left by the bot
            submission (PRAW.Reddit.Submission): Submission the bot replied to
            table_data (dict): Holds data about the tables
            iden_anon_urls (list): List of identifiable links
            urls (list): List of the PCPP urls I made tables for
        flair = submission.link_flair_text
        had_identifiable = len(iden_anon_urls) != 0
        missing_table = table_data['total'] == 0
        # Reddit id's are in base 36
        reply_id = int(reply.id, 36)
        submission_id = int(submission.id, 36)
            self.db_handler.insert_reply(reply_id, reply.created_utc,
                                         submission_id, flair,
        except mysql_errors.IntegrityError as e:
            self.logger.error('MySql insertion error: %s', e.msg)
    def _cleanup_database(self):
        # Want to cleanup the table if just testing.
        if not self.is_live:


    def _already_replied(self, submission_id: str):
        """Check if the bot has replied already to this submission."""
        id_as_int = int(submission_id, 36)
        reply = self.db_handler.select_reply(id_as_int)
        return reply is not None
    def _check_inbox_for_stop(self):
        """Checks if a moderator messaged the bot to stop running.
        The subject must be 'stop', and the body of the message
        contains an optional reason for stopping the bot.
            (boolean on if to stop, a string containing the reason).
        should_stop = False
        reason = ''
        for item in self.reddit.inbox.unread():
            # Check if it is a message, not a mention or something else
            if isinstance(item, Message):
                author = item.author
                # Check if the messenger is a moderator of r/buildapc
                if not author.is_suspended and author.is_mod and self.subreddit_name in author.moderated():
                    subject = item.subject
                    # Did they tell me to stop?
                    if 'stop' in subject.lower():
                        reason = item.body
                        should_stop = True
        return should_stop, reason