
#generation of static game content
from mako_defs import gp_template
import databeast
import os

root = '/var/www/Project-EFH/'

beast = databeast.dataBeast("funkyTrain", "games")

scripts = ['jquery', 'gamequery', '../js/Subject.js', '../js/shuffler.js', '../js/gameFuncs.js', '../js/common.js', '../js/sprintf.js', '../js/makeCueList.js', '../css/common.css', '../css/gamePage.css']

for gid in beast.distinct('gid'):
	#get some game info
	filename = beast.select("filename", {'gid':gid})
	game = beast.select("name", {'gid':gid})
	instructions = beast.select("notes", {'gid':gid})

	#build the header
	extrascripts = ['%s.css' % filename, '%s_constants.js' % filename, '%s.js' % filename]
	arg = scripts + extrascripts 
	output = gp_template.get_def("head").render(title=game, scripts=arg)

	info_content = []

	header = gp_template.get_def("header").render(user="")

	#game info div
	controls = beast.select("controls", {'gid':gid})
	info_content.append(['Controls', controls])
# gamePage.py

# generation of static game content
from mako_defs import gp_template
import databeast
import os

root = "/var/www/Project-EFH/"

beast = databeast.dataBeast("funkyTrain", "training")

# build the <head>
scripts = ["jquery", "css/common.css", "js/common.js", "js/main.js"]
output = gp_template.get_def("head").render(title="all aboard the funkyTrain", scripts=scripts)

# header div
header = gp_template.get_def("header").render(user="")

# some content
messages = gp_template.get_def("title_div").render(ID="messages", title="Messages", data="No messages.", title_lvl=3)

scores = gp_template.get_def("title_div").render(ID="scores", title="High Scores", data=":)", title_lvl=3)

# schedule = gp_template.get_def("title_div").render(ID="schedule", title="Your training schedule", data="", title_lvl=3)

# footer div
footer = gp_template.get_def("footer").render()

# add it to the <body>
output += gp_template.get_def("body").render(data=header + messages + scores + footer)
	def index(self):
		self.beast = databeast.dataBeast("funkyTrain", "users")
		create = gp_template.get_def("account_create").render()
		reset = gp_template.get_def("account_reset").render()
		adjust = gp_template.get_def("account_adjust").render()
		return create + reset + adjust