文件: o2info.py 项目: cescjf/HybMesh
def skewness(gid, threshold=0.7):
    """Reports equiangular skewness coefficient (in [0, 1]) of grid cells

    :param gid: grid identifier

    :param float threshold: cells with skewness greater than this
       value are considered bad and will be reported.
       Set it to -1 to get skewness for each cell.

       dictionary with keys::

         {'ok': bool,                  # True if no bad_cells were found
          'max_skew': float,           # maximum skew value in grid
          'max_skew_cell': int,        # index of cell with maximum skew
          'bad_cells': [list-of-int],  # list of bad cell indicies
          'bad_skew': [list-of-float]  # list of bad cell skew values

    Respective `bad_cells` and `bad_skew` lists entries correspond
    to the same cells.
    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    icheck(1, Float())

    skew = flow.receiver.get_grid2(gid).skewness(threshold)
    if (len(skew) == 0):
        raise Exception("Failed to calculate skewness")
    skew['ok'] = (len(skew['bad_cells']) == 0)
    return skew
def export_grid_msh(gid, fname, periodic_pairs=[]):
    """Exports grid to fluent msh format.

    :param gid: 2d grid file identifier or list of identifiers.

    :param str fname: output filename

    :param list periodic_pairs:
      ``[b-periodic0, b-shadow0, is_reversed0, b-periodic1,
      b-shadow1, is_reversed1, ...]`` list defining periodic boundaries.

      Each periodic condition is defined by three values:

      * ``b-periodic`` - boundary identifier for periodic contour segment
      * ``b-shadow`` - boundary identifier for shadow contour segment
      * ``is_reversed`` - boolean which defines whether shadow contour segment
        should be reversed so that first point of periodic segment be
        equivalent to last point of shadow segment

      Periodic and shadow boundary segments should be singly connected and
      topologically equivalent.

    :returns: None

    Only grids with triangle/quadrangle cells could be exported.
    icheck(0, UListOr1(Grid2D()))
    icheck(1, String())
    icheck(2, CompoundList(ZType(), ZType(), Bool()))

    cb = flow.interface.ask_for_callback()
    grid = _grid2_from_id(gid)
    bt = flow.receiver.get_zone_types()
    fluent_export.grid2(fname, grid, bt, periodic_pairs, cb)
def export_grid_vtk(gid, fname):
    """ Exports 2d grid to vtk format

       :param gid: single or list of 2d grid identifiers

       :param str fname: output filename

       :returns: None
    icheck(0, UListOr1(Grid2D()))
    icheck(1, String())

    grid = _grid2_from_id(gid)
    cb = flow.interface.ask_for_callback()
    vtk_export.grid2(fname, grid, cb)
def grid_bnd_to_contour(gid, simplify=True):
    """ Extracts grid boundary to user contour.

    :param gid: grid identifier

    :param bool simplify: if true deletes all non-significant points. Otherwise
       resulting contour will contain all boundary grid edges.

    :returns: contour identifier
    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    icheck(1, Bool())

    c = com.contcom.GridBndToContour({"grid_name": gid, "simplify": simplify})
    return c.added_contours2()[0]
文件: o2info.py 项目: cescjf/HybMesh
def tab_grid2(obj, what):
    """ Returns plain table for the given grid.

    :param str obj: grid identifier

    :param str what: table name

    :returns: plain ctypes array representing requested table.

    Possible **what** values are:

    * ``'vert'`` - vertex coordinates table,
    * ``'edge_vert'`` - edge-vertex connectivity: indices of first and
      last vertices for each edge,
    * ``'edge_cell'`` - edge-cell connectivity: indices of left and right
      cell for each edge. If this is a boundary edge ``-1`` is used to mark
      boundary edge side,
    * ``'cell_dim'`` - number of vertices in each cell,
    * ``'cell_edge'`` - cell-edge connectivity: counterclockwise ordered 
      edge indices for each cell.
    * ``'cell_vert'`` - cell-vertex connectivity: counterclockwise ordered 
      vertex indices for each cell.
    * ``'bnd'`` - list of boundary edges indices,
    * ``'bt'`` - boundary types for all edges including internal ones,
    * ``'bnd_bt'`` - (boundary edge, boundary feature) pairs

    In case of grids with variable cell dimensions
    ``'cell_edge'`` and ``'cell_vert'`` tables require
    additional ``'cell_dim'`` table to subdive
    returned plain array by certain cells.
    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    return flow.receiver.get_grid2(obj).raw_data(what)
def export_grid_hmg(gid, fname, fmt='ascii', afields=[]):
    """Exports 2d grid to hybmesh native format.

      :param gid: single or list of grid identifiers

      :param str fname: output filename

      :param str fmt: output data format:

         * ``'ascii'`` - all fields will be saved as text fields,
         * ``'bin'`` - all fields will be saved in binary section,
         * ``'fbin'`` - only floating point fields will be saved
           in binary section.

      :param list-of-str afields: additional data which should be placed
          to output file.

      :returns: None

      To save additional data into grid file
      :ref:`user defined fields <udef-fields>`
      place any of these strings into **afields** list:

      * ``'cell-vertices'`` -- cell vertex connectivity. All vertices will
        be written in counterclockwise direction;
      * ``'cell-edges'`` -- cell edge connectivity. All edges will be written
        in counterclockwise direction.

      See :ref:`grid2d-file` for format description.

    if fmt == "binary":
        fmt = "bin"
    if fmt == "fbinary":
        fmt = "fbin"
    icheck(0, UListOr1(Grid2D()))
    icheck(1, String())
    icheck(2, OneOf('ascii', 'bin', 'fbin'))
    icheck(3, UList(OneOf('cell-vertices', 'cell-edges')))

    names = gid if isinstance(gid, list) else [gid]
    grids = map(flow.receiver.get_grid2, names)
    cb = flow.interface.ask_for_callback()
    native_export.grid2_tofile(fname, grids, names, fmt, afields, cb)
def export_grid_tecplot(gid, fname):
    """Exports grid to tecplot ascii format.

    :param gid: grid identifier or list of identifiers

    :param fname: output filename

    :returns: None

    All cells will be saved as FEPolygon elements.
    Boundary segments with same boundary type will be converted
    to separate zones.
    icheck(0, UListOr1(Grid2D()))
    icheck(1, String())

    cb = flow.interface.ask_for_callback()
    grid = _grid2_from_id(gid)
    bt = flow.receiver.get_zone_types()
    tecplot_export.grid2(fname, grid, bt, cb)
def export_grid_gmsh(gid, fname):
    """ Exports grid to gmsh ascii format.

    :param gid: single or list of grid identifiers

    :param fname: output filename

    :returns: None

    Only grids with triangle/quadrangle cells could be exported.

    Boundary edges will be exported as Elements of "Line" type.
    All boundary types which present in grid will be exported as
    Physical Groups with an id
    identical to boundary index and a respective Physical Name.
    icheck(0, UListOr1(Grid2D()))
    icheck(1, String())

    cb = flow.interface.ask_for_callback()
    grid = _grid2_from_id(gid)
    bt = flow.receiver.get_zone_types()
    gmsh_export.grid2(fname, grid, bt, cb)
文件: o2info.py 项目: cescjf/HybMesh
def info_grid(gid):
    """Get grid structure information

    :param gid: grid identifier

    :returns: dictionary which represents
       total number of nodes/cells/edges
       and number of cells of each type::

         {'Nnodes': int,
          'Ncells': int,
          'Nedges': int,
          'cell_types': {int: int}  # cell dimension: number of such cells

    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    grid = flow.receiver.get_grid2(gid)
    ret = {}
    ret['Nnodes'] = grid.n_vertices()
    ret['Ncells'] = grid.n_cells()
    ret['Nedges'] = grid.n_edges()
    ret['cell_types'] = grid.cell_types_info()
    return ret
def extrude_grid(obj, zcoords, bottombc=0, topbc=0, sidebc=None):
    """ Creates 3D grid by extrusion of 2D grid along z-axis

    :param obj: 2d grid identifier

    :param list-of-floats zcoords: increasing vector of z values
      which will be used to create 3d points

    :param bottombc:

    :param topbc: values which define boundary features of
      3d grid at ``z=min(zcoords)`` and ``z=max(zcoords)``
      surfaces respectively.
      Could be either a single boundary identifier for a whole
      surface or a function: ``(float x, float y, int cell_index)->bindex``
      which takes central cell point x, y
      coordinates and cell index as arguments and returns boundary type
      (see example below).

    :param sidebc: defines boundary features for side surfaces.

      * If None than boundary types will be taken from corresponding
        edges of 2D grid
      * If single boundary identifier then whole side surface will
        have same boundary type

    :returns: 3D grid identifier

    Use :func:`partition_segment` to define non-equidistant
    **zcoords** with any desired refinement.


      .. literalinclude:: ../../testing/py/fromdoc/ex_extrude.py
          :start-after: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
          :end-before: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    icheck(1, IncList(Float()))
    icheck(2, Or(ZType(), Func(nargs=3)))
    icheck(3, Or(ZType(), Func(nargs=3)))
    icheck(4, NoneOr(ZType()))

    # calculate boundary types
    if not isinstance(bottombc, int) or not isinstance(topbc, int):
        grid = flow.receiver.get_grid2(obj)
        cc_pnt = grid.raw_data('cell_center')
    if isinstance(bottombc, int):
        bbot = [bottombc]
    elif callable(bottombc):
        it = iter(cc_pnt)
        bbot = [bottombc(p[0], p[1], i) for i, p in enumerate(zip(it, it))]
    if isinstance(topbc, int):
        btop = [topbc]
    elif callable(topbc):
        it = iter(cc_pnt)
        btop = [topbc(p[0], p[1], i) for i, p in enumerate(zip(it, it))]
    if sidebc is None:
        bside = None
    elif isinstance(sidebc, int):
        bside = sidebc

    c = com.grid3dcom.ExtrudeZ({
        "base": obj,
        "zvals": copy.deepcopy(zcoords),
        "bside": bside,
        "btop": btop,
        "bbot": bbot
    return c.added_grids3()[0]
def revolve_grid(obj,
    """ Creates 3D grid by revolution of 2D grid around a vector

    :param obj: 2d grid identifier

    :param p1:

    :param p2: points in [x, y] format which define vector of rotation

    :param int n_phi: partition along circular coordinate.
       If this parameter is defined then [0, 360] range will be divided
       into equal parts and full revolution solid will be build.

    :param list-of-floats phi: increasing vector defining
       custom partition of angular range.
       This parameter will be processed if **n_phi** is None.
       If the last value of **phi** is not equal to first one
       plus 360 degree than
       incomplete revolution solid will be built.

    :param btype1:

    :param btype2: boundary identifiers for surfaces which will be build
       as a result of incomplete rotation at end values of **phi** vector.

    :param bool merge_central: if rotation vector coincides
       with boundary edges of input grid then this parameter
       defines whether central cells derived from the revolution
       of respective boundary cells should be merged into one
       complex finite volume (True) or left as they are (False).

    :returns: 3D grid identifier

    All points of input grid should lie to the one side of rotation

    Use :func:`partition_segment` to define non-equidistant
    **phi** with any desired refinement if needed.

    icheck(0, Grid2D())
    icheck(1, Point2D())
    icheck(2, Point2D(noteq=p1))
    icheck(3, NoneOr(UInt(minv=3)))
    icheck(4, NoneOr(IncList(Float())))
    icheck(5, ZType())
    icheck(6, ZType())
    icheck(7, Bool())

    # calculate phi's
    if n_phi is None:
        inp_phi = copy.deepcopy(phi)
        inp_phi = []
        for i in range(n_phi + 1):
            inp_phi.append(360. * i / n_phi)

    c = com.grid3dcom.Revolve({
        "base": obj,
        "p1": p1,
        "p2": p2,
        "phi": inp_phi,
        "bt1": btype1,
        "bt2": btype2,
        "center_tri": not merge_central
    return c.added_grids3()[0]