def geobox_info(extent, valid_data=None): image_bounds = extent.boundingbox data_bounds = valid_data.boundingbox if valid_data else image_bounds ul = geometry.point(data_bounds.left,,'EPSG:4326')) ur = geometry.point(data_bounds.right,,'EPSG:4326')) lr = geometry.point(data_bounds.right, data_bounds.bottom,'EPSG:4326')) ll = geometry.point(data_bounds.left, data_bounds.bottom,'EPSG:4326')) doc = { 'extent': { 'coord': { 'ul': {'lon': ul.points[0][0], 'lat': ul.points[0][1]}, 'ur': {'lon': ur.points[0][0], 'lat': ur.points[0][1]}, 'lr': {'lon': lr.points[0][0], 'lat': lr.points[0][1]}, 'll': {'lon': ll.points[0][0], 'lat': ll.points[0][1]}, } }, 'grid_spatial': { 'projection': { 'spatial_reference': str(, 'geo_ref_points': { 'ul': {'x': image_bounds.left, 'y':}, 'ur': {'x': image_bounds.right, 'y':}, 'll': {'x': image_bounds.left, 'y': image_bounds.bottom}, 'lr': {'x': image_bounds.right, 'y': image_bounds.bottom}, } } } } if valid_data: doc['grid_spatial']['projection']['valid_data'] = valid_data.__geo_interface__ return doc
def test_gridspec_upperleft(): """ Test to ensure grid indexes can be counted correctly from bottom left or top left """ tile_bbox = BoundingBox(left=1934400.0, top=2414800.0, right=2084400.000, bottom=2264800.000) bbox = BoundingBox(left=1934615, top=2379460, right=1937615, bottom=2376460) # Upper left - validated against WELD product tile calculator # gs = GridSpec(crs=CRS('EPSG:5070'), tile_size=(-150000, 150000), resolution=(-30, 30), origin=(3314800.0, -2565600.0)) cells = {index: geobox for index, geobox in list(gs.tiles(bbox))} assert set(cells.keys()) == {(30, 6)} assert cells[(30, 6)].extent.boundingbox == tile_bbox gs = GridSpec(crs=CRS('EPSG:5070'), tile_size=(150000, 150000), resolution=(-30, 30), origin=(14800.0, -2565600.0)) cells = {index: geobox for index, geobox in list(gs.tiles(bbox))} assert set(cells.keys()) == { (30, 15) } # WELD grid spec has 21 vertical cells -- 21 - 6 = 15 assert cells[(30, 15)].extent.boundingbox == tile_bbox
def test_geobox(): points_list = [ [(148.2697, -35.20111), (149.31254, -35.20111), (149.31254, -36.331431), (148.2697, -36.331431)], [(148.2697, 35.20111), (149.31254, 35.20111), (149.31254, 36.331431), (148.2697, 36.331431)], [(-148.2697, 35.20111), (-149.31254, 35.20111), (-149.31254, 36.331431), (-148.2697, 36.331431)], [(-148.2697, -35.20111), (-149.31254, -35.20111), (-149.31254, -36.331431), (-148.2697, -36.331431), (148.2697, -35.20111)], ] for points in points_list: polygon = geometry.polygon(points, crs=CRS('EPSG:3577')) resolution = (-25, 25) geobox = GeoBox.from_geopolygon(polygon, resolution) assert abs(resolution[0]) > abs(geobox.extent.boundingbox.left - polygon.boundingbox.left) assert abs(resolution[0]) > abs(geobox.extent.boundingbox.right - polygon.boundingbox.right) assert abs(resolution[1]) > abs( - assert abs(resolution[1]) > abs(geobox.extent.boundingbox.bottom - polygon.boundingbox.bottom)
def get_grid_spec(config): storage = config['storage'] crs = CRS(storage['crs']) return GridSpec( crs=crs, tile_size=[storage['tile_size'][dim] for dim in crs.dimensions], resolution=[storage['resolution'][dim] for dim in crs.dimensions])
def test_write_dataset_to_netcdf(tmpnetcdf_filename): affine = Affine.scale(0.1, 0.1) * Affine.translation(20, 30) geobox = GeoBox(100, 100, affine, CRS(GEO_PROJ)) dataset = xarray.Dataset(attrs={ 'extent': geobox.extent, 'crs': }) for name, coord in geobox.coordinates.items(): dataset[name] = (name, coord.labels, {'units': coord.units}) dataset['B10'] = (geobox.dimensions, numpy.arange(10000).reshape(geobox.shape), { 'nodata': 0, 'units': '1' }) write_dataset_to_netcdf(dataset, {'foo': 'bar'}, {'B10': { 'attrs': { 'abc': 'xyz' } }}, Path(tmpnetcdf_filename)) with netCDF4.Dataset(tmpnetcdf_filename) as nco: nco.set_auto_mask(False) assert 'B10' in nco.variables var = nco.variables['B10'] assert (var[:] == dataset['B10'].values).all() assert 'foo' in nco.ncattrs() assert nco.getncattr('foo') == 'bar' assert 'abc' in var.ncattrs() assert var.getncattr('abc') == 'xyz'
def test_crs_equality(): a = CRS( """PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based upon the custom spheroid", DATUM["Not specified (based on custom spheroid)",SPHEROID["Custom spheroid",6371007.181,0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"], PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]""") b = CRS( """PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["unnamed ellipse",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["unnamed",6371007.181,0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"], PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]]""") c = CRS( '+a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +y_0=0 +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +no_defs +x_0=0' ) assert a == b assert a == c assert b == c assert a != CRS('EPSG:4326') a = CRS( """GEOGCS["GEOCENTRIC DATUM of AUSTRALIA",DATUM["GDA94",SPHEROID["GRS80",6378137,298.257222101]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]""") b = CRS( """GEOGCS["GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)",DATUM["unknown",SPHEROID["GRS80",6378137,298.257222101]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]""") c = CRS('+proj=longlat +no_defs +ellps=GRS80') assert a == b assert a == c assert b == c
def test_gridspec(): gs = GridSpec(crs=CRS('EPSG:4326'), tile_size=(1, 1), resolution=(-0.1, 0.1), origin=(10, 10)) poly = geometry.polygon([(10, 12.2), (10.8, 13), (13, 10.8), (12.2, 10), (10, 12.2)], crs=CRS('EPSG:4326')) cells = { index: geobox for index, geobox in list(gs.tiles_inside_geopolygon(poly)) } assert set(cells.keys()) == {(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)} assert numpy.isclose(cells[(2, 0)].coordinates['longitude'].values, numpy.linspace(12.05, 12.95, num=10)).all() assert numpy.isclose(cells[(2, 0)].coordinates['latitude'].values, numpy.linspace(10.95, 10.05, num=10)).all()
def __init__(self): = CRS('EPSG:4326') self.transform = Affine(0.25, 0, 100, 0, -0.25, -30) self.nodata = -999 self.shape = (613, 597) = numpy.full(self.shape, self.nodata, dtype='int16')[:256, :256] = 100[:256, 256:512] = 200[256:512, :256] = 300[256:512, 256:512] = 400
def _write_geographical_extents_attributes(nco, extent): geo_extents = extent.to_crs(CRS("EPSG:4326")) nco.geospatial_bounds = geo_extents.wkt nco.geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4326" geo_bounds = geo_extents.boundingbox nco.geospatial_lat_min = geo_bounds.bottom nco.geospatial_lat_max = nco.geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" nco.geospatial_lon_min = geo_bounds.left nco.geospatial_lon_max = geo_bounds.right nco.geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"
def _write_geographical_extents_attributes(nco, extent): geo_extents = extent.to_crs(CRS("EPSG:4326")).points geo_extents.append(geo_extents[0]) nco.geospatial_bounds = "POLYGON((" + ", ".join("{0} {1}".format(*p) for p in geo_extents) + "))" nco.geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4326" nco.geospatial_lat_min = min(lat for lon, lat in geo_extents) nco.geospatial_lat_max = max(lat for lon, lat in geo_extents) nco.geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" nco.geospatial_lon_min = min(lon for lon, lat in geo_extents) nco.geospatial_lon_max = max(lon for lon, lat in geo_extents) nco.geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"
def check_open_with_api(index): from datacube.api.core import Datacube datacube = Datacube(index=index) input_type_name = 'ls5_nbar_albers' input_type = datacube.index.datasets.types.get_by_name(input_type_name) geobox = GeoBox(200, 200, Affine(25, 0.0, 1500000, 0.0, -25, -3900000), CRS('EPSG:3577')) observations = datacube.product_observations(product='ls5_nbar_albers', geopolygon=geobox.extent) sources = datacube.product_sources(observations, lambda ds: ds.center_time, 'time', 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00') data = datacube.product_data(sources, geobox, input_type.measurements.values()) assert == (1, 200, 200)
def set_geobox_info(doc, crs, extent): bb = extent.boundingbox gp = GeoPolygon([(bb.left,, (bb.right,, (bb.right, bb.bottom), (bb.left, bb.bottom)], crs).to_crs(CRS('EPSG:4326')) doc.update({ 'extent': { 'coord': { 'ul': { 'lon': gp.points[0][0], 'lat': gp.points[0][1] }, 'ur': { 'lon': gp.points[1][0], 'lat': gp.points[1][1] }, 'lr': { 'lon': gp.points[2][0], 'lat': gp.points[2][1] }, 'll': { 'lon': gp.points[3][0], 'lat': gp.points[3][1] }, } }, 'grid_spatial': { 'projection': { 'spatial_reference': str(crs), 'geo_ref_points': { 'ul': { 'x': bb.left, 'y': }, 'ur': { 'x': bb.right, 'y': }, 'll': { 'x': bb.left, 'y': bb.bottom }, 'lr': { 'x': bb.right, 'y': bb.bottom }, } } } })
def check_open_with_api(index): from datacube import Datacube dc = Datacube(index=index) input_type_name = 'ls5_nbar_albers' input_type = dc.index.products.get_by_name(input_type_name) geobox = GeoBox(200, 200, Affine(25, 0.0, 1500000, 0.0, -25, -3900000), CRS('EPSG:3577')) observations = dc.find_datasets(product='ls5_nbar_albers', geopolygon=geobox.extent) group_by = query_group_by('time') sources = dc.group_datasets(observations, group_by) data = dc.load_data(sources, geobox, input_type.measurements.values()) assert == (1, 200, 200)
def _get_geobox(observations, output_crs=None, resolution=None, like=None, align=None, **query): crs = CRS(output_crs) if output_crs else query_crs_like( like) or get_crs(observations) geopolygon = query_geopolygon( **query) or query_geopolygon_like(like) or get_bounds( observations, crs) resolution = resolution or query_resolution_like( like) or get_resolution(observations) geobox = GeoBox.from_geopolygon(geopolygon, resolution, crs, align) return geobox
def open(self): if self._descriptor['path']: if Path(self._descriptor['path']).is_absolute(): filename = self._descriptor['path'] else: filename = str( self.local_path.parent.joinpath(self._descriptor['path'])) else: filename = str(self.local_path) getmethefile(filename) for nasty_format in ('netcdf', 'hdf'): if nasty_format in self.format.lower(): filename = 'file://%s:%s:%s' % (self.format, filename, self._descriptor['layer']) bandnumber = None break else: bandnumber = self._descriptor.get('layer', 1) try: _LOG.debug("openening %s, band %s", filename, bandnumber) with as src: if bandnumber is None: if 'netcdf' in self.format.lower(): bandnumber = self.wheres_my_band(src, self.time) else: bandnumber = 1 # print("in in") # print (src.transform) # print (src.affine) a = tuple(src.transform) # print (Affine(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5])) self.transform = src.affine = CRS(str(src.crs_wkt)) self.nodata = src.nodatavals[0] or self._bandinfo.get('nodata') yield, bandnumber) except Exception as e: _LOG.error("Error opening source dataset: %s", filename) raise e
def open(self): if self._descriptor['path']: if Path(self._descriptor['path']).is_absolute(): filename = self._descriptor['path'] else: filename = str( self.local_path.parent.joinpath(self._descriptor['path'])) else: filename = str(self.local_path) for nasty_format in ('netcdf', 'hdf'): if nasty_format in self.format.lower(): filename = 'file://%s:%s:%s' % (self.format, filename, self._descriptor['layer']) bandnumber = None break else: bandnumber = self._descriptor.get('layer', 1) try: _LOG.debug("openening %s, band %s", filename, bandnumber) with as src: if bandnumber is None: if 'netcdf' in self.format.lower(): bandnumber = self.wheres_my_band(src, self.time) else: bandnumber = 1 self.transform = src.affine try: = CRS(_rasterio_crs_wkt(src)) except ValueError: pass self.dtype = numpy.dtype(src.dtypes[0]) self.nodata = self.dtype.type( src.nodatavals[0] if src.nodatavals[0] is not None else self._bandinfo.get('nodata')) yield, bandnumber) except Exception as e: _LOG.error("Error opening source dataset: %s", filename) raise e
def solar_vector(p, time, crs): poly = GeoPolygon([p, (p[0], p[1] + 100)], crs).to_crs(CRS('EPSG:4326')) lon, lat = poly.points[0] dlon = poly.points[1][0] - lon dlat = poly.points[1][1] - lat # azimuth north to east of the vertical direction of the crs vert_az = math.atan2(dlon * math.cos(math.radians(lat)), dlat) observer = ephem.Observer() = math.radians(lat) observer.lon = math.radians(lon) = time sun = ephem.Sun(observer) sun_az = - vert_az x = math.sin(sun_az) * math.cos(sun.alt) y = -math.cos(sun_az) * math.cos(sun.alt) z = math.sin(sun.alt) return x, y, z, sun_az, sun.alt
def load(self, product=None, measurements=None, output_crs=None, resolution=None, resampling=None, stack=False, dask_chunks=None, like=None, fuse_func=None, align=None, datasets=None, **query): """ Load data as an ``xarray`` object. Each measurement will be a data variable in the :class:`xarray.Dataset`. See the `xarray documentation <>`_ for usage of the :class:`xarray.Dataset` and :class:`xarray.DataArray` objects. **Product and Measurements** A product can be specified using the product name, or by search fields that uniquely describe a single product. :: product='ls5_ndvi_albers' See :meth:`list_products` for the list of products with their names and properties. A product can also be selected by searched using fields, but must only match one product. :: platform='LANDSAT_5', product_type='ndvi' The ``measurements`` argument is a list of measurement names, as listed in :meth:`list_measurements`. If not provided, all measurements for the product will be returned. :: measurements=['red', 'nir', swir2'] **Dimensions** Spatial dimensions can specified using the ``longitude``/``latitude`` and ``x``/``y`` fields. The CRS of this query is assumed to be WGS84/EPSG:4326 unless the ``crs`` field is supplied, even if the stored data is in another projection or the `output_crs` is specified. The dimensions ``longitude``/``latitude`` and ``x``/``y`` can be used interchangeably. :: latitude=(-34.5, -35.2), longitude=(148.3, 148.7) or :: x=(1516200, 1541300), y=(-3867375, -3867350), crs='EPSG:3577' The ``time`` dimension can be specified using a tuple of datetime objects or strings with `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` format. E.g:: time=('2001-04', '2001-07') For EO-specific datasets that are based around scenes, the time dimension can be reduced to the day level, using solar day to keep scenes together. :: group_by='solar_day' For data that has different values for the scene overlap the requires more complex rules for combining data, such as GA's Pixel Quality dataset, a function can be provided to the merging into a single time slice. :: def pq_fuser(dest, src): valid_bit = 8 valid_val = (1 << valid_bit) no_data_dest_mask = ~(dest & valid_val).astype(bool) np.copyto(dest, src, where=no_data_dest_mask) both_data_mask = (valid_val & dest & src).astype(bool) np.copyto(dest, src & dest, where=both_data_mask) **Output** If the `stack` argument is supplied, the returned data is stacked in a single ``DataArray``. A new dimension is created with the name supplied. This requires all of the data to be of the same datatype. To reproject or resample the data, supply the ``output_crs``, ``resolution``, ``resampling`` and ``align`` fields. To reproject data to 25m resolution for EPSG:3577:: dc.load(product='ls5_nbar_albers', x=(148.15, 148.2), y=(-35.15, -35.2), time=('1990', '1991'), output_crs='EPSG:3577`, resolution=(-25, 25), resampling='cubic') :param str product: the product to be included. :param measurements: measurements name or list of names to be included, as listed in :meth:`list_measurements`. If a list is specified, the measurements will be returned in the order requested. By default all available measurements are included. :type measurements: list(str), optional :param query: Search parameters for products and dimension ranges as described above. :param str output_crs: The CRS of the returned data. If no CRS is supplied, the CRS of the stored data is used. :param (float,float) resolution: A tuple of the spatial resolution of the returned data. This includes the direction (as indicated by a positive or negative number). Typically when using most CRSs, the first number would be negative. :param str resampling: The resampling method to use if re-projection is required. Valid values are: ``'nearest', 'cubic', 'bilinear', 'cubic_spline', 'lanczos', 'average'`` Defaults to ``'nearest'``. :param (float,float) align: Load data such that point 'align' lies on the pixel boundary. Units are in the co-ordinate space of the output CRS. Default is (0,0) :param stack: The name of the new dimension used to stack the measurements. If provided, the data is returned as a :class:`xarray.DataArray` rather than a :class:`xarray.Dataset`. If only one measurement is returned, the dimension name is not used and the dimension is dropped. :type stack: str or bool :param dict dask_chunks: If the data should be lazily loaded using :class:`dask.array.Array`, specify the chunking size in each output dimension. See the documentation on using `xarray with dask <>`_ for more information. :param xarray.Dataset like: Uses the output of a previous ``load()`` to form the basis of a request for another product. E.g.:: pq = dc.load(product='ls5_pq_albers', like=nbar_dataset) :param str group_by: When specified, perform basic combining/reducing of the data. :param fuse_func: Function used to fuse/combine/reduce data with the ``group_by`` parameter. By default, data is simply copied over the top of each other, in a relatively undefined manner. This function can perform a specific combining step, eg. for combining GA PQ data. :param datasets: Optional. If this is a non-empty list of :class:`datacube.model.Dataset` objects, these will be loaded instead of performing a database lookup. :return: Requested data in a :class:`xarray.Dataset`. As a :class:`xarray.DataArray` if the ``stack`` variable is supplied. :rtype: :class:`xarray.Dataset` or :class:`xarray.DataArray` """ observations = datasets or self.find_datasets( product=product, like=like, **query) if not observations: return None if stack else xarray.Dataset() if like: assert output_crs is None, "'like' and 'output_crs' are not supported together" assert resolution is None, "'like' and 'resolution' are not supported together" assert align is None, "'like' and 'align' are not supported together" geobox = like.geobox else: if output_crs: if not resolution: raise RuntimeError( "Must specify 'resolution' when specifying 'output_crs'" ) crs = CRS(output_crs) else: grid_spec = self.index.products.get_by_name(product).grid_spec if not grid_spec or not raise RuntimeError( "Product has no default CRS. Must specify 'output_crs' and 'resolution'" ) crs = if not resolution: if not grid_spec.resolution: raise RuntimeError( "Product has no default resolution. Must specify 'resolution'" ) resolution = grid_spec.resolution align = align or grid_spec.alignment geobox = GeoBox.from_geopolygon( query_geopolygon(**query) or get_bounds(observations, crs), resolution, crs, align) group_by = query_group_by(**query) grouped = self.group_datasets(observations, group_by) measurements = self.index.products.get_by_name( product).lookup_measurements(measurements) measurements = set_resampling_method(measurements, resampling) result = self.load_data(grouped, geobox, measurements.values(), fuse_func=fuse_func, dask_chunks=dask_chunks) if not stack: return result else: if not isinstance(stack, string_types): stack = 'measurement' return result.to_array(dim=stack)
def test_gridworkflow(): """ Test GridWorkflow with padding option. """ from mock import MagicMock import datetime # ----- fake a datacube ----- # e.g. let there be a dataset that coincides with a grid cell fakecrs = CRS('EPSG:4326') grid = 100 # spatial frequency in crs units pixel = 10 # square pixel linear dimension in crs units # if cell(0,0) has lower left corner at grid origin, # and cell indices increase toward upper right, # then this will be cell(1,-2). gridspec = GridSpec(crs=fakecrs, tile_size=(grid, grid), resolution=(-pixel, pixel)) # e.g. product gridspec fakedataset = MagicMock() fakedataset.extent =, bottom=-grid, right=2 * grid, top=-2 * grid, crs=fakecrs) fakedataset.center_time = t = datetime.datetime(2001, 2, 15) fakeindex = MagicMock() fakeindex.datasets.get_field_names.return_value = [ 'time' ] # permit query on time fakeindex.datasets.search_eager.return_value = [fakedataset] # ------ test without padding ---- from datacube.api.grid_workflow import GridWorkflow gw = GridWorkflow(fakeindex, gridspec) query = dict(product='fake_product_name', time=('2001-1-1 00:00:00', '2001-3-31 23:59:59')) # test backend : that it finds the expected cell/dataset assert list(gw.cell_observations(**query).keys()) == [(1, -2)] # test frontend assert len(gw.list_tiles(**query)) == 1 # ------ introduce padding -------- assert len(gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20), **query)) == 9 # ------ add another dataset (to test grouping) ----- # consider cell (2,-2) fakedataset2 = MagicMock() fakedataset2.extent = * grid, bottom=-grid, right=3 * grid, top=-2 * grid, crs=fakecrs) fakedataset2.center_time = t def search_eager(lat=None, lon=None, **kwargs): return [fakedataset, fakedataset2] fakeindex.datasets.search_eager = search_eager # unpadded assert len(gw.list_tiles(**query)) == 2 ti = numpy.datetime64(t, 'ns') assert set(gw.list_tiles(**query).keys()) == {(1, -2, ti), (2, -2, ti)} # padded assert len(gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20), ** query)) == 12 # not 18=2*9 because of grouping # -------- inspect particular returned tile objects -------- # check the array shape tile = gw.list_tiles(**query)[1, -2, ti] # unpadded example assert grid / pixel == 10 assert tile.shape == (1, 10, 10) padded_tile = gw.list_tiles(tile_buffer=(20, 20), **query)[1, -2, ti] # padded example # assert grid/pixel + 2*gw2.grid_spec.padding == 14 # GREG: understand this assert padded_tile.shape == (1, 14, 14) # count the sources assert len(tile.sources.isel(time=0).item()) == 1 assert len(padded_tile.sources.isel(time=0).item()) == 2 # check the geocoding assert tile.geobox.alignment == padded_tile.geobox.alignment assert tile.geobox.affine * (0, 0) == padded_tile.geobox.affine * (2, 2) assert tile.geobox.affine * (10, 10) == padded_tile.geobox.affine * ( 10 + 2, 10 + 2) # ------- check loading -------- # GridWorkflow accesses the load_data API # to ultimately convert geobox,sources,measurements to xarray, # so only thing to check here is the call interface. measurement = dict(nodata=0, fakedataset.type.lookup_measurements.return_value = {'dummy': measurement} fakedataset2.type = fakedataset.type from mock import patch with patch('datacube.api.core.Datacube.load_data') as loader: data = GridWorkflow.load(tile) data2 = GridWorkflow.load(padded_tile) # Note, could also test Datacube.load for consistency (but may require more patching) assert data is data2 is loader.return_value assert loader.call_count == 2 # Note, use of positional arguments here is not robust, could spec mock etc. for (args, kwargs), loadable in zip(loader.call_args_list, [tile, padded_tile]): args = list(args) assert args[0] is loadable.sources assert args[1] is loadable.geobox assert list(args[2])[0] is measurement # ------- check single cell index extract ------- tile = gw.list_tiles(cell_index=(1, -2), **query) assert len(tile) == 1 assert tile[1, -2, ti].shape == (1, 10, 10) assert len(tile[1, -2, ti].sources.values[0]) == 1 padded_tile = gw.list_tiles(cell_index=(1, -2), tile_buffer=(20, 20), **query) assert len(padded_tile) == 1 assert padded_tile[1, -2, ti].shape == (1, 14, 14) assert len(padded_tile[1, -2, ti].sources.values[0]) == 2
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from textwrap import dedent import netCDF4 import numpy from osgeo import osr from datacube.model import Variable, CRS from import create_netcdf, create_coordinate, create_variable, netcdfy_data, \ create_grid_mapping_variable, flag_mask_meanings GEO_PROJ = CRS( 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],' 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],' 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]') ALBERS_PROJ = CRS("""PROJCS["GDA94 / Australian Albers", GEOGCS["GDA94", DATUM["Geocentric_Datum_of_Australia_1994", SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]], TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6283"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4283"]], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],
import fiona import shapely.ops from shapely.geometry import shape, mapping from datacube.utils.geometry import Geometry from datacube.model import CRS import sys from datacube import Datacube product_name = sys.argv[1] shapefile = sys.argv[2] with as input_region: joined = shapely.ops.unary_union( list(shape(geom['geometry']) for geom in input_region)) final = joined.convex_hull crs = CRS(input_region.crs_wkt) boundary_polygon = Geometry(mapping(final), crs) dc = Datacube() product = dc.index.products.get_by_name(product_name) query_tiles = set(tile_index for tile_index, tile_geobox in product.grid_spec.tiles_inside_geopolygon(boundary_polygon)) print(query_tiles) # for tile_index, _ in product.grid_spec.tiles_inside_geopolygon(boundary_polygon): # print(tile_index)