def test_cog_no_crs(tmpdir, with_dask):
    pp = Path(str(tmpdir))

    xx, ds = gen_test_data(pp, dask=with_dask)
    xx = remove_crs(xx)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        write_cog(xx, ":mem:")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_assign_crs(odc_style_xr_dataset):
    xx = odc_style_xr_dataset
    assert xx.geobox is not None

    xx_nocrs = remove_crs(xx)
    assert xx_nocrs.geobox is None
    yy = assign_crs(xx_nocrs, 'epsg:4326')
    assert xx_nocrs.geobox is None  # verify source is not modified in place
    assert yy.geobox.crs == 'epsg:4326'

    yy = assign_crs(xx_nocrs.B10, 'epsg:4326')
    assert yy.geobox.crs == 'epsg:4326'

    xx_xr_style_crs = xx_nocrs.copy()
    yy = assign_crs(xx_xr_style_crs)
    assert yy.geobox.crs == 'epsg:3857'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_write_geotiff_str_crs(tmpdir, odc_style_xr_dataset):
    """Ensure the geotiff helper writer works, and supports crs as a string."""
    filename = tmpdir + '/test.tif'

    original_crs = odc_style_xr_dataset.crs

    odc_style_xr_dataset.attrs['crs'] = str(original_crs)

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        write_geotiff(filename, odc_style_xr_dataset)

    assert filename.exists()

    with rasterio.open(str(filename)) as src:
        written_data = src.read(1)

        assert (written_data == odc_style_xr_dataset['B10']).all()

    odc_style_xr_dataset = remove_crs(odc_style_xr_dataset)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
            write_geotiff(filename, odc_style_xr_dataset)
def test_xr_extension(odc_style_xr_dataset):
    xx = odc_style_xr_dataset
    assert _norm_crs(None) is None
    assert _norm_crs(epsg4326) is epsg4326
    assert _norm_crs(str(epsg4326)) == epsg4326

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert xx.geobox.shape == xx.B10.shape

    (sx, zz0, tx, zz1, sy, ty) = xx.affine[:6]
    assert (zz0, zz1) == (0, 0)

    xx = remove_crs(xx)

    assert _xarray_geobox(xx) is None
    assert _xarray_extent(xx) is None

    # affine should still be valid
    A = _xarray_affine(xx)
    assert A is not None
    assert A * (0.5, 0.5) == (xx.longitude[0], xx.latitude[0])
    assert A * (0.5, 1.5) == (xx.longitude[0], xx.latitude[1])