    def start(self,
        Start the ThreadStats instance with the specified metric flushing method and preferences.

        By default, metrics will be flushed in a thread.

        >>> stats.start()

        If you're running a gevent server and want to flush metrics in a
        greenlet, set *flush_in_greenlet* to True. Be sure to import and monkey
        patch gevent before starting ThreadStats. ::

        >>> from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()
        >>> stats.start(flush_in_greenlet=True)

        If you'd like to flush metrics in process, set *flush_in_thread*
        to False, though you'll have to call ``flush`` manually to post metrics
        to the server. ::

        >>> stats.start(flush_in_thread=False)

        If for whatever reason, you need to disable metrics collection in a
        hurry, set ``disabled`` to True and metrics won't be collected or flushed.

        >>> stats.start(disabled=True)

        *Note:* Please remember to set your API key before,
            using datadog module ``initialize`` method.

        >>> from datadog import initialize, ThreadStats
        >>> initialize(api_key='my_api_key')
        >>> stats = ThreadStats()
        >>> stats.start()
        >>> stats.increment('home.page.hits')

        :param flush_interval: The number of seconds to wait between flushes.
        :type flush_interval: int
        :param flush_in_thread: True if you'd like to spawn a thread to flush metrics.
            It will run every `flush_interval` seconds.
        :type flush_in_thread: bool
        :param flush_in_greenlet: Set to true if you'd like to flush in a gevent greenlet.
        :type flush_in_greenlet: bool
        :param disabled: Disable metrics collection
        :type disabled: bool
        self.flush_interval = flush_interval
        self.roll_up_interval = roll_up_interval
        self.device = device
        self._disabled = disabled
        self._is_auto_flushing = False

        # Create an aggregator
        self._metric_aggregator = MetricsAggregator(self.roll_up_interval)
        self._event_aggregator = EventsAggregator()

        # The reporter is responsible for sending metrics off to their final destination.
        # It's abstracted to support easy unit testing and in the near future, forwarding
        # to the datadog agent.
        self.reporter = HttpReporter()

        self._is_flush_in_progress = False
        self.flush_count = 0
        if self._disabled:
                "ThreadStats instance is disabled. No metrics will flush.")
            if flush_in_greenlet:
            elif flush_in_thread: