def Train_model(category, epochs=15, bsize=100000, display_step=1): print('--- Loading Data ---') z = categories.index(category) namer = namerlist[z] path = 'category/' + namer + '/tf/' matpath = 'category/' + namer + '/matrixs/' loc = namer if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(matpath): os.mkdir(matpath) permlist = Perm_loader(category) permlist = list(permlist) valilist = Devl_loader(category) asindict = Asin_loader(category) qdict = Asin_loader(category, 1) asinprod = Asinprod_loader(category) prodmat = Feat_prodloader(category) questmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'data') valmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'devl') m, n = prodmat.shape p, q = questmat.shape count = 0 t = 0 z = 0 total = len(list(asindict.keys())) Xmat = np.zeros((valmat.shape[0] * 2, 2 * valmat.shape[1])) Ymat = np.zeros((valmat.shape[0] * 2, 2)) print('--- Creating Validation Matrix ---') s = time.time() for v, i in enumerate(valilist): e = qdict[str(i)] try: xpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == e) Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :] Xmat[v, nfeat:] = valmat[v, :] Ymat[v, 1] = 1 except: Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[np.random.randint(m), :] Xmat[v, nfeat:] = valmat[v, :] Ymat[v, 0] = 1 if z % 100 == 0: e = time.time() print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' % (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s)) z += 1 z = 0 qlist = list(qdict.keys()) qlist.append(list(asindict.keys())) print('Fill with negative') for d in range(v, Xmat.shape[0]): select = np.random.randint(m) prodasin = asinprod[select] while prodasin in qlist: select = np.random.randint(m) prodasin = asinprod[select] Xmat[d, :nfeat] = prodmat[select, :] Xmat[d, nfeat:] = questmat[np.random.randint(p), :] Ymat[d, 0] = 1 if z % 100 == 0: e = time.time() print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' % (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s)) z += 1 e = time.time() print('Validation matrix shape:', Xmat.shape, 'Time took: %8.3fs' % (e - s)) t_zero_count = 0 t_one_count = 0 for f in Ymat: if f[1] == 1.: t_one_count += 1 else: t_zero_count += 1 total = t_zero_count + t_one_count t_zero_count += 1 t_one_count -= 1 uid = 0 labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) count = 0 with tf.Session() as sess: print(path) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(path, sess.graph) trainwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'train/') valwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'val/') start = time.time() # Epoch Loop plist = asinprod qtlist = [] keepresmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat)) keeplabelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) nfiles = [] for e in range(epochs): # Loop trough all products that have questions if e == 0: for prog, i in enumerate(asindict.keys()): d = 0 # Check wether product exists in the dataset if i in asinprod: pos = np.argwhere(asinprod == i) if i in plist: plist = np.delete(plist, np.where(asinprod == i)) labellist = np.zeros((1, 2)) tempmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat)) # For each true question tlist = [] for t in asindict[i]: tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :] # Ensure it is in the trainingset. if t in permlist: labellist[0, 1] = 1 labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0) d += 1 tpos = permlist.index(t) tlist.append(tpos) test = questmat[tpos, :] tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[tpos, :] resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0) labellist = np.zeros((1, 2)) if tlist not in qtlist: qtlist.append(tlist) # Create equally amounts of negative samples for fill in range(d + 1): tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :] select = np.random.randint(p) while select in tlist: select = np.random.randint(p) tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[select, :] resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0) labellist[0, 0] = 1 labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0) for fill in range(2 * d): pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist)) while pselect in qlist: pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist)) qselect = np.random.randint(p) tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pselect, :] tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[qselect, :] resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0) labellist[0, 0] = 1 labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0) if prog % bsize == bsize - 1: nfiles.append(prog) resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0) labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0) + str(prog) + 'res', resmat) + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat) resmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) # if prog > 16: # break if resmat.shape[0] > 1: nfiles.append(prog) resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0) labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0) + str(prog) + 'res', resmat) + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat) resmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) qwerty = 0 else: qwerty = 0 for bname in nfiles: resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'res.npy') labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'label.npy') qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1] _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) end = time.time() if e % display_step == 0: print("Epoch:", '%4d' % (e + 1), "cost = {:.9f}".format(c), "Time took: %8.2f" % (end - start)) output =[accuracy, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: Xmat, Y: Ymat }) valwriter.add_summary(output[2], e) print("Accuracy", output[0]) print("Input Parameters", qwerty) zero_count = 0 one_count = 0 TP = 0 FP = 0 TN = 0 FN = 0 zcount = 0 for j in output[1]: if np.argmax(j) == 1: one_count += 1 else: zero_count += 1 print('zero count =%7d/%7d' % (zero_count, t_zero_count)) print('one count =%7d/%7d' % (one_count, t_one_count)) for i in range(0, total): if np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(output[1][i]) == 1: TP += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: FN += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 0 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: TN += 1 else: FP += 1 print('TP = %7d/%7d , FP = %7d/%7d' % (TP, t_one_count, FP, t_zero_count)) print('TN = %7d/%7d , FN = %7d/%7d' % (TN, t_zero_count, FN, t_one_count)) if c < 0.001: count += 1 if count == 168: break else: count = 0 if os.path.exists(matpath): shutil.rmtree(matpath) save_path =, path + loc)
def Train_model(epochs=15, bsize=100000, display_step=1, bpoint=0.0): matpath = 'category/all/matrixs/' usbpath = '/media/magnus/2FB8B2080D52768C/matrixs/' path = 'category/all/tf/' datpath = 'category/all/' workers = [] s = time.time() global valilist, valmat, asinprod, prodmat, qdict, asindict, permlist, questmat if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(matpath): os.mkdir(matpath) if not os.path.exists(usbpath + 'prodmat.npy'): permlist = [] permlen = 0 valilist = np.zeros(0) valilist = valilist.astype(int) valilen = 0 asindict = {} asinlen = 0 qdict = {} asinprod = np.zeros(0) prodmat = np.zeros((0, 300)) questmat = np.zeros((0, 300)) valmat = np.zeros((0, 300)) print('--- Loading Data ---') for category in categories: z = categories.index(category) namer = namerlist[z] loc = namer catlist = Perm_loader(category) catlist = np.array(catlist) + permlen permlist.extend(np.ndarray.tolist(catlist)) permlen += len(catlist) catvali = Devl_loader(category) catvali = catvali + valilen valilist = np.append(valilist, catvali.astype(int)) valilen += len(catvali) catdict = Asin_loader(category) catlen = 0 for key in catdict.keys(): val = catdict[key] val = np.array(val) + asinlen catlen += len(val) catdict[key] = np.ndarray.tolist(val) asindict.update(catdict) intdict = Asin_loader(category, 1) for key in intdict.keys(): nkey = int(key) + asinlen qdict[str(int(nkey))] = intdict[key] asinlen += catlen catprod = Asinprod_loader_V2(category) asinprod = np.append(asinprod, catprod) catprodmat = Feat_prodloader_V2(category) prodmat = np.append(prodmat, catprodmat, axis=0) print(prodmat.shape) catquestmat = Feat_questloader_V2(category, 'data') questmat = np.append(questmat, catquestmat, axis=0) print(questmat.shape) catvalmat = Feat_questloader_V2(category, 'devl') valmat = np.append(valmat, catvalmat, axis=0) + 'valmat', valmat) + 'prodmat', prodmat) + 'questmat', questmat) + 'asinprod', asinprod) + 'valilist', valilist) + 'permlist', permlist) with open(usbpath + 'asindict.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(asindict, fp) with open(usbpath + 'qdict.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(qdict, fp) # Release all variable valmat = prodmat = questmat = asinprod = valilist = asindict = qdict = 0 catvalmat = catquestmat = catprodmat = intdict = catdict = catvali = catlist = 0 # m,n = prodmat.shape # p,q = questmat.shape if not os.path.exists(usbpath + 'Xmat.npy'): valilist = np.load(usbpath + 'valilist.npy') valmat = np.load(usbpath + 'valmat.npy') asinprod = np.load(usbpath + 'asinprod.npy') prodmat = np.load(usbpath + 'prodmat.npy') with open(usbpath + 'qdict.json', 'r') as fp: qdict = json.load(fp) with open(usbpath + 'asindict.json', 'r') as fp: asindict = json.load(fp) valnum = valmat.shape[0] qlist = list(qdict.keys()) alist = list(asindict.keys()) print('--- Creating Validation Matrix ---') s = time.time() spos = 0 step = round(len(valilist) / CPUs) for i in range(0, CPUs): fname = 'worker' + str(i + 1) epos = (i + 1) * step if i == CPUs - 1: epos = len(valilist) worker = Process(target=Valimat_creator, args=(spos, epos, fname, bpoint, usbpath)) workers.append(worker) worker.start() else: worker = Process(target=Valimat_creator, args=(spos, epos, fname, bpoint, usbpath)) workers.append(worker) worker.start() spos += step for work in workers: work.join() workers = [] Xmat, Ymat = Valcombiner(CPUs, usbpath) + 'Xmat', Xmat) + 'Ymat', Ymat) else: Xmat = np.load(usbpath + 'Xmat.npy') Ymat = np.load(usbpath + 'Ymat.npy') testmax = np.argmax(Xmat) testmin = np.argmin(Xmat) testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, Xmat.shape) testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, Xmat.shape) print(Xmat[testmax]) print(Xmat[testmin]) permute = np.random.permutation(Xmat.shape[0]) Xmat = Xmat[permute] Ymat = Ymat[permute] print(Xmat.shape) e = time.time() print('Validation matrix shape:', Xmat.shape, 'Time took: %8.3fs' % (e - s)) t_zero_count = 0 t_one_count = 0 for f in Ymat: if f[1] == 1.: t_one_count += 1 else: t_zero_count += 1 total = t_zero_count + t_one_count uid = 0 labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) count = 0 total_parameters = 0 #iterating over all variables for variable in tf.trainable_variables(): local_parameters = 1 shape = variable.get_shape() #getting shape of a variable for i in shape: local_parameters *= i.value #mutiplying dimension values total_parameters += local_parameters print('Number of params in model ' + str(total_parameters)) if not os.path.exists(datpath + 'c1' + 'res.npy'): if not os.path.exists(datpath + str(bsize - 1) + 'res.npy'): permlist = np.load(usbpath + 'permlist.npy') permlist = permlist.tolist() asinprod = np.load(usbpath + 'asinprod.npy') questmat = np.load(usbpath + 'questmat.npy') prodmat = np.load(usbpath + 'prodmat.npy') with open(usbpath + 'asindict.json') as fp: asindict = json.load(fp) with open(usbpath + 'qdict.json') as fp: qdict = json.load(fp) spos = 0 step = round(len(asindict) / CPUs) for i in range(0, CPUs): fname = 'worker' + str(i + 1) epos = (i + 1) * step if i == CPUs - 1: epos = len(asindict) worker = Process(target=Train_creator, args=(spos, epos, fname, bsize, bpoint, datpath)) workers.append(worker) worker.start() else: if i == 0: worker = Process(target=Train_creator, args=(spos, epos, fname, bsize, bpoint, datpath)) workers.append(worker) worker.start() spos += step for work in workers: work.join() workers = [] permlist = 0 asinprod = 0 questmat = 0 prodmat = 0 asindict = 0 qdict = 0 Rescombiner(datpath, 25000, maxint=500000, model=nfeat * 4) with tf.Session() as sess: merged = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(path, sess.graph) trainwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'train/') valwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'val/') start = time.time() for e in range(epochs): # Loop trough all products that have questions qwerty = 0 zero_count = 0 one_count = 0 for bname in range(1, 2): if os.path.exists(datpath + 'c' + str(bname) + 'res.npy'): resmat = np.load(datpath + 'c' + str(bname) + 'res.npy') resmat = resmat[0:1250, :] labelmat = np.load(datpath + 'c' + str(bname) + 'label.npy') if resmat.shape[0] != labelmat.shape[0]: labelmat = labelmat[:resmat.shape[0], :] qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1] _, c, output, sumsum = [train_op, loss_op, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) else: break end = time.time() if e % display_step == 0: print("Epoch:", '%4d' % (e + 1), "cost = {:.9f}".format(c), "Time took: %8.2f" % (end - start)) output =[accuracy, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: Xmat, Y: Ymat }) valwriter.add_summary(output[2], e) # print('Validations results') print("Accuracy", output[0]) print("Input Parameters", qwerty) zero_count = 0 one_count = 0 TP = 0 FP = 0 TN = 0 FN = 0 for j in output[1]: if np.argmax(j) == 1: one_count += 1 else: zero_count += 1 print('zero count =%7d/%7d' % (zero_count, t_zero_count)) print('one count =%7d/%7d' % (one_count, t_one_count)) for i in range(0, total): if np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(output[1][i]) == 1: TP += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: FN += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 0 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: TN += 1 else: FP += 1 print('TP = %7d/%7d , FP = %7d/%7d' % (TP, t_one_count, FP, t_zero_count)) print('TN = %7d/%7d , FN = %7d/%7d' % (TN, t_zero_count, FN, t_one_count)) if c < 0.001: # count += 1 # if count == 168: break
def Train_model(category, epochs=15, bsize=100000, display_step=1, bpoint=0.0): print('--- Loading Data ---') z = categories.index(category) namer = namerlist[z] path = 'category/' + namer + '/tf/' matpath = 'category/' + namer + '/matrixs/' loc = namer if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(matpath): os.mkdir(matpath) permlist = Perm_loader(category) permlist = list(permlist) valilist = Devl_loader(category) asindict = Asin_loader(category) qdict = Asin_loader(category, 1) asinprod = Asinprod_loader(category) prodmat = Feat_prodloader(category) questmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'data') # questmat = Feat_questloader_V2(category,'data') valmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'devl') m, n = prodmat.shape p, q = questmat.shape v = 0 t = 0 z = 0 total = len(list(asindict.keys())) valnum = valmat.shape[0] Xmat = np.zeros((valnum * 2, 4 * valmat.shape[1])) Ymat = np.zeros((valnum * 2, 2)) xlist = [] qlist = list(qdict.keys()) alist = list(asindict.keys()) # print(len(qlist)) # print(len(valilist)) # print(qdict.keys()) # print(kage) print('--- Creating Validation Matrix ---') s = time.time() # print(asinprod) for i in (valilist): e = qdict[str(i)] if e in asinprod: xpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == e) Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :] Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = valmat[z, :] Xmat[v, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v, :nfeat], Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) Xmat[v, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v, :nfeat], Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) Ymat[v, 1] = 1 xlist.append(e) v += 1 Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :] c = 1 while c > bpoint: select = np.random.randint(len(valilist)) sel = valilist[select] sel = qdict[str(sel)] if sel in asinprod: selpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == sel) p1 = prodmat[int(xpos)] p2 = prodmat[int(selpos)] ct = np.sum(, p2)) cb = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(p1, 2))) * np.sqrt( np.sum(np.power(p2, 2))) c = ct / cb Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = valmat[select, :] Xmat[v, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v, :nfeat], Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) Xmat[v, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v, :nfeat], Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) Ymat[v, 0] = 1 v += 1 else: Xmat = np.delete(Xmat, v, 0) Xmat = np.delete(Xmat, v, 0) Ymat = np.delete(Ymat, v, 0) Ymat = np.delete(Ymat, v, 0) continue # Xmat[v,:nfeat] = prodmat[np.random.randint(m),:] # Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat] = valmat[v,:] # Ymat[v,0] = 1 # Xmat[v,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v,:nfeat],Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat]) # Xmat[v,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v,:nfeat],Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat]) if z % 1000 == 0: e = time.time() print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' % (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s)) z += 1 z = 0 print('Fill with negative') testmax = np.argmax(Xmat) testmin = np.argmin(Xmat) testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, Xmat.shape) testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, Xmat.shape) print(Xmat[testmax]) print(Xmat[testmin]) permute = np.random.permutation(Xmat.shape[0]) Xmat = Xmat[permute] Ymat = Ymat[permute] print(Xmat.shape) # for d in range(v,Xmat.shape[0]): # select = np.random.randint(len(xlist)) # prodasin = np.argwhere(asinprod == xlist[select]) # while select in asinprod[qlist]: # select = np.random.randint(len(xlist)) # prodasin = np.argwhere(asinprod == xlist[select]) # Xmat[d,:nfeat] = prodmat[select,:] # Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat] = questmat[np.random.randint(p),:] # Xmat[d,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[d,:nfeat],Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat]) # Xmat[d,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[d,:nfeat],Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat]) # Ymat[d,0] = 1 # if z % 1000 == 0: # e = time.time() # print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs'%(z/valmat.shape[0]*100,z,valmat.shape[0],e-s)) # z += 1 e = time.time() print('Validation matrix shape:', Xmat.shape, 'Time took: %8.3fs' % (e - s)) t_zero_count = 0 t_one_count = 0 for f in Ymat: if f[1] == 1.: t_one_count += 1 else: t_zero_count += 1 total = t_zero_count + t_one_count uid = 0 labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) count = 0 total_parameters = 0 #iterating over all variables for variable in tf.trainable_variables(): local_parameters = 1 shape = variable.get_shape() #getting shape of a variable for i in shape: local_parameters *= i.value #mutiplying dimension values total_parameters += local_parameters print('Number of params in model ' + str(total_parameters)) with tf.Session() as sess: print(path) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(path, sess.graph) trainwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'train/') valwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'val/') start = time.time() # Epoch Loop plist = asinprod qtlist = [] keepresmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat)) keeplabelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) nfiles = [] zerolabelmat = 0 onelabelmat = 0 for e in range(epochs): # Loop trough all products that have questions if e == 0: if os.path.exists(matpath + '/' + str(bsize - 1) + 'res.npy'): continue for prog, i in enumerate(asindict.keys()): d = 0 # Check wether product exists in the dataset if i in asinprod: pos = np.argwhere(asinprod == i) if i in plist: plist = np.delete(plist, np.where(asinprod == i)) labellist = np.zeros((1, 2)) tempmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat)) # For each true question tlist = [] for t in asindict[i]: tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :] # Ensure it is in the trainingset. if t in permlist: labellist[0, 1] = 1 labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0) d += 1 tpos = permlist.index(t) tlist.append(tpos) test = questmat[tpos, :] tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = questmat[tpos, :] tempmat[0, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply( tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) tempmat[0, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract( tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0) labellist = np.zeros((1, 2)) if tlist not in qtlist: qtlist.append(tlist) # Create equally amounts of negative samples for fill in range(d + 1): tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :] d = 1 # select = np.random.randint(p) # while select in tlist: # select = np.random.randint(p) while d > bpoint: select = np.random.randint(len(permlist)) # sel = plist[select] sel = qdict[str(select)] if sel in asinprod: selpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == sel) p1 = prodmat[int(pos)] p2 = prodmat[int(selpos)] ct = np.sum(, p2)) cb = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power( p1, 2))) * np.sqrt( np.sum(np.power(p2, 2))) d = ct / cb # print(d) tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = questmat[select, :] tempmat[0, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply( tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) tempmat[0, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract( tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat]) resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0) labellist[0, 0] = 1 labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0) # for fill in range(2*d): # pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist)) # while pselect in qlist: # pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist)) # qselect = np.random.randint(p) # tempmat[0,:nfeat] = prodmat[pselect,:] # tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat] = questmat[qselect,:] # tempmat[0,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(tempmat[0,:nfeat],tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat]) # tempmat[0,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(tempmat[0,:nfeat],tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat]) # resmat = np.append(resmat,tempmat,axis=0) # labellist[0,0] = 1 # labelmat = np.append(labelmat,labellist,axis=0) if prog % bsize == bsize - 1: testmax = np.argmax(resmat) testmin = np.argmin(resmat) testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, resmat.shape) testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, resmat.shape) print(resmat[testmax]) print(resmat[testmin]) print(resmat.shape) nfiles.append(prog) resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0) labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0) permute = np.random.permutation(resmat.shape[0]) resmat = resmat[permute] labelmat = labelmat[permute] # zerolabelmat += np.sum(labelmat[:,0]) # onelabelmat += np.sum(labelmat[:,1]) + str(prog) + 'res', resmat) + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat) _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) resmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) # if prog % bsize == bsize-1: # break if resmat.shape[0] > 1: testmax = np.argmax(resmat) testmin = np.argmin(resmat) testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, resmat.shape) testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, resmat.shape) print(resmat[testmax]) print(resmat[testmin]) print(resmat.shape) nfiles.append(prog) resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0) labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0) permute = np.random.permutation(resmat.shape[0]) resmat = resmat[permute] labelmat = labelmat[permute] + str(prog) + 'res', resmat) + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat) _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) resmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat)) labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2)) qwerty = 0 else: qwerty = 0 zero_count = 0 one_count = 0 if len(nfiles) > 1: for bname in nfiles: resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'res.npy') labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'label.npy') qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1] _, c, output, sumsum = [train_op, loss_op, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) else: for bname in range(bsize, 100000, bsize): if os.path.exists(matpath + '/' + str(bname - 1) + 'res.npy'): resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname - 1) + 'res.npy') labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname - 1) + 'label.npy') qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1] _, c, output, sumsum = [train_op, loss_op, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: resmat, Y: labelmat }) uid += 1 trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid) else: break end = time.time() if e % display_step == 0: print("Epoch:", '%4d' % (e), "cost = {:.9f}".format(c), "Time took: %8.2f" % (end - start)) output =[accuracy, pred, merged], feed_dict={ X: Xmat, Y: Ymat }) valwriter.add_summary(output[2], e) # print('Validations results') print("Accuracy", output[0]) print("Input Parameters", qwerty) zero_count = 0 one_count = 0 TP = 0 FP = 0 TN = 0 FN = 0 for j in output[1]: if np.argmax(j) == 1: one_count += 1 else: zero_count += 1 print('zero count =%7d/%7d' % (zero_count, t_zero_count)) print('one count =%7d/%7d' % (one_count, t_one_count)) for i in range(0, total): if np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(output[1][i]) == 1: TP += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: FN += 1 elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 0 and np.argmax( output[1][i]) == 0: TN += 1 else: FP += 1 print('TP = %7d/%7d , FP = %7d/%7d' % (TP, t_one_count, FP, t_zero_count)) print('TN = %7d/%7d , FN = %7d/%7d' % (TN, t_zero_count, FN, t_one_count)) if c < 0.001: count += 1 if count == 168: break else: count = 0