def test_ria_postclonecfg():

    if not has_symlink_capability():
        # This is needed to create an ORA remote using an URL for upload,
        # that is then invalidated later on (delete the symlink it's based on).
        raise SkipTest("Can't create symlinks")

    from datalad.utils import make_tempfile
    from datalad.tests.utils import HTTPPath

    with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as lcl, make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as store:
        id = _postclonetest_prepare(lcl, store)

        # test cloning via ria+file://
        yield _test_ria_postclonecfg, Path(store).as_uri(), id

        # Note: HTTP disabled for now. Requires proper implementation in ORA
        #       remote. See
        # https://github.com/datalad/datalad/pull/4203#discussion_r410284649

        # # test cloning via ria+http://
        # with HTTPPath(store) as url:
        #     yield _test_ria_postclonecfg, url, id

        # test cloning via ria+ssh://
        yield skip_ssh(_test_ria_postclonecfg), \
            "ssh://datalad-test:{}".format(Path(store).as_posix()), id
    def create_postupdate_hook(path, ssh, dataset):
        # location of post-update hook file, logs folder on remote target
        hooks_remote_dir = opj(path, '.git', 'hooks')
        hook_remote_target = opj(hooks_remote_dir, 'post-update')
        # post-update hook should create its log directory if doesn't exist
        logs_remote_dir = opj(path, WEB_META_LOG)

        make_log_dir = 'mkdir -p "{}"'.format(logs_remote_dir)

        # create json command for current dataset
        json_command = r'''
        mkdir -p {};
        ( which datalad > /dev/null \
        && ( cd ..; GIT_DIR=$PWD/.git datalad ls -a --json file '{}'; ) \
        || echo "no datalad found - skipping generation of indexes for web frontend"; \
        ) &> "{}/{}"
                   'datalad-publish-hook-$(date +%s).log' % TIMESTAMP_FMT)

        # collate content for post_update hook
        hook_content = '\n'.join(['#!/bin/bash', 'git update-server-info', make_log_dir, json_command])

        with make_tempfile(content=hook_content) as tempf:  # create post_update hook script
            ssh.copy(tempf, hook_remote_target)             # upload hook to dataset
        ssh(['chmod', '+x', hook_remote_target])            # and make it executable
    def create_postupdate_hook(path, ssh, dataset):
        # location of post-update hook file, logs folder on remote target
        hooks_remote_dir = opj(path, '.git', 'hooks')
        hook_remote_target = opj(hooks_remote_dir, 'post-update')
        # post-update hook should create its log directory if doesn't exist
        logs_remote_dir = opj(path, WEB_META_LOG)

        make_log_dir = 'mkdir -p "{}"'.format(logs_remote_dir)

        # create json command for current dataset
        json_command = r'''
        mkdir -p {};
        ( which datalad > /dev/null \
        && ( cd ..; GIT_DIR=$PWD/.git datalad ls -a --json file '{}'; ) \
        || echo "no datalad found - skipping generation of indexes for web frontend"; \
        ) &> "{}/{}"
        '''.format(logs_remote_dir, str(path), logs_remote_dir,
                   'datalad-publish-hook-$(date +%s).log' % TIMESTAMP_FMT)

        # collate content for post_update hook
        hook_content = '\n'.join([
            '#!/bin/bash', 'git update-server-info', make_log_dir, json_command

        with make_tempfile(content=hook_content
                           ) as tempf:  # create post_update hook script
            ssh.copy(tempf, hook_remote_target)  # upload hook to dataset
        ssh(['chmod', '+x', hook_remote_target])  # and make it executable
        def prep_tmphome():
            # re core.askPass:
            # Don't let git ask for credentials in CI runs. Note, that this variable
            # technically is not a flag, but an executable (which is why name and value
            # are a bit confusing here - we just want a no-op basically). The environment
            # variable GIT_ASKPASS overwrites this, but neither env var nor this config
            # are supported by git-credential on all systems and git versions (most recent
            # ones should work either way, though). Hence use both across CI builds.
            gitconfig = """\
        name = DataLad Tester
        email = [email protected]
	askPass =
[datalad "log"]
        exc = 1
[annex "security"]
	# from annex 6.20180626 file:/// and http://localhost access isn't
	# allowed by default
	allowed-url-schemes = http https file
	allowed-http-addresses = all
            # TODO: split into a function + context manager
            with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as new_home:
            # register for clean-up on exit

            # populate default config
            new_home = Path(new_home)
            new_home.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            cfg_file = new_home / '.gitconfig'
            return new_home, cfg_file
def _test_smoke_pipelines(func, args, kwargs={}):
    with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as tmpdir:
        AnnexRepo(tmpdir, create=True)
        with chpwd(tmpdir):
            with swallow_logs():
                for p in [func(*args, **kwargs)]:
                    ok_(len(p) > 1)
    def upload_web_interface(path, ssh, shared, ui):
        # path to web interface resources on local
        webui_local = opj(dirname(datalad.__file__), 'resources', 'website')
        # local html to dataset
        html_local = opj(webui_local, "index.html")

        # name and location of web-interface html on target
        html_targetname = {True: ui, False: "index.html"}[isinstance(ui, str)]
        html_target = opj(path, html_targetname)

        # upload ui html to target
        ssh.copy(html_local, html_target)

        # upload assets to the dataset
        webresources_local = opj(webui_local, 'assets')
        webresources_remote = opj(path, WEB_HTML_DIR)
        ssh(['mkdir', '-p', webresources_remote])
        ssh.copy(webresources_local, webresources_remote, recursive=True)

        # minimize and upload js assets
        for js_file in glob(opj(webresources_local, 'js', '*.js')):
            with open(js_file) as asset:
                    from jsmin import jsmin
                    minified = jsmin(asset.read())  # minify asset
                except ImportError:
                        "Will not minify web interface javascript, no jsmin available"
                    minified = asset.read()  # no minify available
                with make_tempfile(content=minified
                                   ) as tempf:  # write minified to tempfile
                    js_name = js_file.split('/')[-1]
                             opj(webresources_remote, 'assets', 'js',
                                 js_name))  # and upload js

        # explicitly make web+metadata dir of dataset world-readable, if shared set to 'all'
        mode = None
        if shared in (True, 'true', 'all', 'world', 'everybody'):
            mode = 'a+rX'
        elif shared == 'group':
            mode = 'g+rX'
        elif str(shared).startswith('0'):
            mode = shared

        if mode:
                'chmod', mode, '-R',
                opj(path, 'index.html')
    def upload_web_interface(path, ssh, shared, ui):
        # path to web interface resources on local
        webui_local = opj(dirname(datalad.__file__), 'resources', 'website')
        # local html to dataset
        html_local = opj(webui_local, "index.html")

        # name and location of web-interface html on target
        html_targetname = {True: ui, False: "index.html"}[isinstance(ui, str)]
        html_target = opj(path, html_targetname)

        # upload ui html to target
        ssh.put(html_local, html_target)

        # upload assets to the dataset
        webresources_local = opj(webui_local, 'assets')
        webresources_remote = opj(path, WEB_HTML_DIR)
        ssh('mkdir -p {}'.format(sh_quote(webresources_remote)))
        ssh.put(webresources_local, webresources_remote, recursive=True)

        # minimize and upload js assets
        for js_file in glob(opj(webresources_local, 'js', '*.js')):
            with open(js_file) as asset:
                    from jsmin import jsmin
                    # jsmin = lambda x: x   # no minimization
                    minified = jsmin(asset.read())                      # minify asset
                except ImportError:
                        "Will not minify web interface javascript, no jsmin available")
                    minified = asset.read()                             # no minify available
                with make_tempfile(content=minified) as tempf:          # write minified to tempfile
                    js_name = js_file.split('/')[-1]
                    ssh.put(tempf, opj(webresources_remote, 'assets', 'js', js_name))  # and upload js

        # explicitly make web+metadata dir of dataset world-readable, if shared set to 'all'
        mode = None
        if shared in (True, 'true', 'all', 'world', 'everybody'):
            mode = 'a+rX'
        elif shared == 'group':
            mode = 'g+rX'
        elif str(shared).startswith('0'):
            mode = shared

        if mode:
            ssh('chmod {} -R {} {}'.format(
                sh_quote(opj(path, 'index.html'))))
    def create_postupdate_hook(path, ssh, dataset):
        # location of post-update hook file, logs folder on remote target
        hooks_remote_dir = opj(path, '.git', 'hooks')
        # make sure hooks directory exists (see #1251)
        ssh('mkdir -p {}'.format(sh_quote(hooks_remote_dir)))
        hook_remote_target = opj(hooks_remote_dir, 'post-update')

        # create json command for current dataset
        log_filename = 'datalad-publish-hook-$(date +%s).log' % TIMESTAMP_FMT
        hook_content = r'''#!/bin/bash

git update-server-info

# DataLad
# (Re)generate meta-data for DataLad Web UI and possibly init new submodules
dsdir="$(dirname $0)/../.."

if [ ! -e "$dsdir/.git" ]; then
  echo Assumption of being under .git has failed >&2
  exit 1

mkdir -p "$dsdir/{WEB_META_LOG}"  # assure logs directory exists

# Avoid file name collisions.
while [ -f "$logfile" ]; do
  suffix=$(( $suffix + 1 ))

( which datalad > /dev/null \
  && ( cd "$dsdir"; GIT_DIR="$PWD/.git" datalad ls -a --json file .; ) \
  || echo "E: no datalad found - skipping generation of indexes for web frontend"; \
) &> "$logfile"
'''.format(WEB_META_LOG=WEB_META_LOG, **locals())

        with make_tempfile(content=hook_content) as tempf:
            # create post_update hook script
            # upload hook to dataset
            ssh.put(tempf, hook_remote_target)
        # and make it executable
        ssh('chmod +x {}'.format(sh_quote(hook_remote_target)))
    def create_postupdate_hook(path, ssh, dataset):
        # location of post-update hook file, logs folder on remote target
        hooks_remote_dir = opj(path, '.git', 'hooks')
        # make sure hooks directory exists (see #1251)
        ssh('mkdir -p {}'.format(sh_quote(hooks_remote_dir)))
        hook_remote_target = opj(hooks_remote_dir, 'post-update')

        # create json command for current dataset
        log_filename = 'datalad-publish-hook-$(date +%s).log' % TIMESTAMP_FMT
        hook_content = r'''#!/bin/bash

git update-server-info

# DataLad
# (Re)generate meta-data for DataLad Web UI and possibly init new submodules
dsdir="$(dirname $0)/../.."

if [ ! -e "$dsdir/.git" ]; then
  echo Assumption of being under .git has failed >&2
  exit 1

mkdir -p "$dsdir/{WEB_META_LOG}"  # assure logs directory exists

( which datalad > /dev/null \
  && ( cd "$dsdir"; GIT_DIR="$PWD/.git" datalad ls -a --json file .; ) \
  || echo "E: no datalad found - skipping generation of indexes for web frontend"; \
) &> "$logfile"

# Some submodules might have been added and thus we better init them
( cd "$dsdir"; git submodule update --init || : ; ) >> "$logfile" 2>&1
'''.format(WEB_META_LOG=WEB_META_LOG, **locals())

        with make_tempfile(content=hook_content) as tempf:
            # create post_update hook script
            # upload hook to dataset
            ssh.copy(tempf, hook_remote_target)
        # and make it executable
        ssh('chmod +x {}'.format(sh_quote(hook_remote_target)))
def setup_package():
    import os
    from datalad import consts
    _test_states['HOME'] = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL_ENV'] = os.environ.get(
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL
        'DATALAD_DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL = 'http://datasets-tests.datalad.org/'

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['GIT_HOME']
        # we setup our own new HOME, the BEST and HUGE one
        from datalad.utils import make_tempfile
        from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED
        # TODO: split into a function + context manager
        with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as new_home:
            os.environ['HOME'] = new_home
        if not os.path.exists(new_home):
        with open(os.path.join(new_home, '.gitconfig'), 'w') as f:
	name = DataLad Tester
	email = [email protected]

    # For now we will just verify that it is ready to run the tests
    from datalad.support.gitrepo import check_git_configured

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)

    # During tests we allow for "insecure" access to local file:// and
    # http://localhost URLs since all of them either generated as tests
    # fixtures or cloned from trusted sources
    from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
    AnnexRepo._ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS = True

    DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL', None)
    if DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL is None:
        # very very silent.  Tests introspecting logs should use
        # swallow_logs(new_level=...)
        _test_states['loglevel'] = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()

        # And we should also set it within environ so underlying commands also stay silent
        _test_states['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL
        os.environ['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = '100'
        # We are not overriding them, since explicitly were asked to have some log level
        _test_states['loglevel'] = None

    # Set to non-interactive UI
    from datalad.ui import ui
    _test_states['ui_backend'] = ui.backend
    # obtain() since that one consults for the default value
def postclonecfg_ria(ds, props):
    """Configure a dataset freshly cloned from a RIA store"""
    repo = ds.repo
    # RIA uses hashdir mixed, copying data to it via git-annex (if cloned via
    # ssh) would make it see a bare repo and establish a hashdir lower annex
    # object tree.
    # Moreover, we want the ORA remote to receive all data for the store, so its
    # objects could be moved into archives (the main point of a RIA store).
    RIA_REMOTE_NAME = 'origin'  # don't hardcode everywhere
        'remote.{}.annex-ignore'.format(RIA_REMOTE_NAME), 'true',

    # chances are that if this dataset came from a RIA store, its subdatasets
    # may live there too. Place a subdataset source candidate config that makes
    # get probe this RIA store when obtaining subdatasets
        # we use the label 'origin' for this candidate in order to not have to
        # generate a complicated name from the actual source specification.
        # we pick a cost of 200 to sort it before datalad's default candidates
        # for non-RIA URLs, because they prioritize hierarchical layouts that
        # cannot be found in a RIA store
        # use the entire original URL, up to the fragment + plus dataset ID
        # placeholder, this should make things work with any store setup we
        # support (paths, ports, ...)
        props['source'].split('#', maxsplit=1)[0] + '#{id}',

    # setup publication dependency, if a corresponding special remote exists
    # and was enabled (there could be RIA stores that actually only have repos)
    # make this function be a generator
    ora_remotes = [s for s in ds.siblings('query', result_renderer='disabled')
                   if s.get('annex-externaltype') == 'ora']
    if not ora_remotes and any(
            r.get('externaltype') == 'ora'
            for r in (repo.get_special_remotes().values()
                      if hasattr(repo, 'get_special_remotes')
                      else [])):
        # no ORA remote autoenabled, but configuration known about at least one.
        # Let's check origin's config for datalad.ora-remote.uuid as stored by
        # create-sibling-ria and enable try enabling that one.
        lgr.debug("Found no autoenabled ORA special remote. Trying to look it "
                  "up in source config ...")

        # First figure whether we cloned via SSH, HTTP or local path and then
        # get that config file the same way:
        config_content = None
        scheme = props['giturl'].split(':', 1)[0]
        if scheme in ['http', 'https']:
                config_content = download_url(
                        '/' if not props['giturl'].endswith('/') else ''))
            except DownloadError as e:
                lgr.debug("Failed to get config file from source:\n%s",
        elif scheme == 'ssh':
            # TODO: switch the following to proper command abstraction:
            # SSHRemoteIO ignores the path part ATM. No remote CWD! (To be
            # changed with command abstractions). So we need to get that part to
            # have a valid path to origin's config file:
            cfg_path = PurePosixPath(URL(props['giturl']).path) / 'config'
            op = SSHRemoteIO(props['giturl'])
                config_content = op.read_file(cfg_path)
            except RIARemoteError as e:
                lgr.debug("Failed to get config file from source: %s",

        elif scheme == 'file':
            # TODO: switch the following to proper command abstraction:
            op = LocalIO()
            cfg_path = Path(URL(props['giturl']).localpath) / 'config'
                config_content = op.read_file(cfg_path)
            except (RIARemoteError, OSError) as e:
                lgr.debug("Failed to get config file from source: %s",
            lgr.debug("Unknown URL-Scheme %s in %s. Can handle SSH, HTTP or "
                      "FILE scheme URLs.", scheme, props['source'])

        # 3. And read it
        org_uuid = None
        if config_content:
            # TODO: We might be able to spare the saving to a file.
            #       "git config -f -" is not explicitly documented but happens
            #       to work and would read from stdin. Make sure we know this
            #       works for required git versions and on all platforms.
            with make_tempfile(content=config_content) as cfg_file:
                runner = GitWitlessRunner()
                    result = runner.run(
                        ['git', 'config', '-f', cfg_file,
                    org_uuid = result['stdout'].strip()
                except CommandError as e:
                    # doesn't contain what we are looking for
                    lgr.debug("Found no UUID for ORA special remote at "
                              "'%s' (%s)", RIA_REMOTE_NAME, exc_str(e))

        # Now, enable it. If annex-init didn't fail to enable it as stored, we
        # wouldn't end up here, so enable with store URL as suggested by the URL
        # we cloned from.
        if org_uuid:
            srs = repo.get_special_remotes()
            if org_uuid in srs.keys():
                # TODO: - Double-check autoenable value and only do this when
                #         true?
                #       - What if still fails? -> Annex shouldn't change config
                #         in that case

                # we only need the store:
                new_url = props['source'].split('#')[0]
                    lgr.info("Reconfigured %s for %s",
                             srs[org_uuid]['name'], new_url)
                    # update ora_remotes for considering publication dependency
                    # below
                    ora_remotes = [s for s in
                                   if s.get('annex-externaltype', None) ==
                except CommandError as e:
                    lgr.debug("Failed to reconfigure ORA special remote: %s",
                lgr.debug("Unknown ORA special remote uuid at '%s': %s",
                          RIA_REMOTE_NAME, org_uuid)
    if ora_remotes:
        if len(ora_remotes) == 1:
            yield from ds.siblings('configure',
            lgr.warning("Found multiple ORA remotes. Couldn't decide which "
                        "publishing to 'origin' should depend on: %s. Consider "
                        "running 'datalad siblings configure -s origin "
                        "--publish-depends ORAREMOTENAME' to set publication "
                        "dependency manually.",
                        [r['name'] for r in ora_remotes])
def test_make_tempfile():
    # check if mkdir, content conflict caught
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        with make_tempfile(content="blah", mkdir=True):  # pragma: no cover
def setup_package():
    import os
    from datalad.utils import on_osx
    from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED

    if on_osx:
        # enforce honoring TMPDIR (see gh-5307)
        import tempfile
        tempfile.tempdir = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir())

    from datalad import consts

    _test_states['env'] = {}

    def set_envvar(v, val):
        """Memoize and then set env var"""
        _test_states['env'][v] = os.environ.get(v, None)
        os.environ[v] = val

    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL
    consts.DATASETS_TOPURL = 'http://datasets-tests.datalad.org/'

    from datalad.tests.utils import (
        "'init.defaultBranch={}' 'clone.defaultRemoteName={}'".format(

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        set_envvar('HOME', os.environ['GIT_HOME'])
        set_envvar('DATALAD_LOG_EXC', "1")
        # we setup our own new HOME, the BEST and HUGE one
        from datalad.utils import make_tempfile
        # TODO: split into a function + context manager
        with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as new_home:
        for v, val in get_home_envvars(new_home).items():
            set_envvar(v, val)
        if not os.path.exists(new_home):
        with open(os.path.join(new_home, '.gitconfig'), 'w') as f:
	name = DataLad Tester
	email = [email protected]
[datalad "log"]
	exc = 1

    # Re-load ConfigManager, since otherwise it won't consider global config
    # from new $HOME (see gh-4153

    from datalad.interface.common_cfg import compute_cfg_defaults
    # datalad.locations.sockets has likely changed. Discard any cached values.
    ssh_manager._socket_dir = None

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)

    # During tests we allow for "insecure" access to local file:// and
    # http://localhost URLs since all of them either generated as tests
    # fixtures or cloned from trusted sources
    from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
    AnnexRepo._ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS = True

    DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL', None)
    if DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL is None:
        # very very silent.  Tests introspecting logs should use
        # swallow_logs(new_level=...)
        _test_states['loglevel'] = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()

        # And we should also set it within environ so underlying commands also stay silent
        set_envvar('DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL', '100')
        # We are not overriding them, since explicitly were asked to have some log level
        _test_states['loglevel'] = None

    # Set to non-interactive UI
    from datalad.ui import ui
    _test_states['ui_backend'] = ui.backend
    # obtain() since that one consults for the default value

    # Monkey patch nose so it does not ERROR out whenever code asks for fileno
    # of the output. See https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/issues/6
    from io import StringIO as OrigStringIO

    class StringIO(OrigStringIO):
        fileno = lambda self: 1
        encoding = None

    from nose.ext import dtcompat
    from nose.plugins import capture, multiprocess, plugintest
    dtcompat.StringIO = StringIO
    capture.StringIO = StringIO
    multiprocess.StringIO = StringIO
    plugintest.StringIO = StringIO

    # in order to avoid having to fiddle with rather uncommon
    # file:// URLs in the tests, have a standard HTTP server
    # that serves an 'httpserve' directory in the test HOME
    # the URL will be available from datalad.test_http_server.url
    from datalad.tests.utils import HTTPPath
    import tempfile
    global test_http_server
    serve_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(
    test_http_server = HTTPPath(serve_path)

    if cfg.obtain('datalad.tests.setup.testrepos'):
        lgr.debug("Pre-populating testrepos")
        from datalad.tests.utils import with_testrepos
        with_testrepos()(lambda repo: 1)()
def setup_package():
    import os
    from datalad import consts
    _test_states['HOME'] = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL_ENV'] = os.environ.get('DATALAD_DATASETS_TOPURL', None)
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL
    os.environ['DATALAD_DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL = 'http://datasets-tests.datalad.org/'

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['GIT_HOME']
        # we setup our own new HOME, the BEST and HUGE one
        from datalad.utils import make_tempfile
        from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED
        # TODO: split into a function + context manager
        with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as new_home:
            os.environ['HOME'] = new_home
        if not os.path.exists(new_home):
        with open(os.path.join(new_home, '.gitconfig'), 'w') as f:
	name = DataLad Tester
	email = [email protected]

    # If there is a bundled git, make sure GitPython uses it too
    # (some parts of the test utilities still rely on GitPython)
    from datalad.cmd import GitRunner
    if GitRunner._GIT_PATH:
        import os
        os.environ['GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE'] = \
            os.path.join(GitRunner._GIT_PATH, 'git')

    # Re-load ConfigManager, since otherwise it won't consider global config
    # from new $HOME (see gh-4153

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)

    # During tests we allow for "insecure" access to local file:// and
    # http://localhost URLs since all of them either generated as tests
    # fixtures or cloned from trusted sources
    from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
    AnnexRepo._ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS = True

    DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL', None)
    if DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL is None:
        # very very silent.  Tests introspecting logs should use
        # swallow_logs(new_level=...)
        _test_states['loglevel'] = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()

        # And we should also set it within environ so underlying commands also stay silent
        _test_states['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL
        os.environ['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = '100'
        # We are not overriding them, since explicitly were asked to have some log level
        _test_states['loglevel'] = None

    # Set to non-interactive UI
    from datalad.ui import ui
    _test_states['ui_backend'] = ui.backend
    # obtain() since that one consults for the default value

    # Monkey patch nose so it does not ERROR out whenever code asks for fileno
    # of the output. See https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/issues/6
    from io import StringIO as OrigStringIO

    class StringIO(OrigStringIO):
        fileno = lambda self: 1
        encoding = None

    from nose.ext import dtcompat
    from nose.plugins import capture, multiprocess, plugintest
    dtcompat.StringIO = StringIO
    capture.StringIO = StringIO
    multiprocess.StringIO = StringIO
    plugintest.StringIO = StringIO
文件: __init__.py 项目: hanke/datalad
def setup_package():
    import os
    from datalad import consts
    _test_states['HOME'] = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL_ENV'] = os.environ.get('DATALAD_DATASETS_TOPURL', None)
    _test_states['DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL
    os.environ['DATALAD_DATASETS_TOPURL'] = consts.DATASETS_TOPURL = 'http://datasets-tests.datalad.org/'

    # To overcome pybuild overriding HOME but us possibly wanting our
    # own HOME where we pre-setup git for testing (name, email)
    if 'GIT_HOME' in os.environ:
        os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['GIT_HOME']
        # we setup our own new HOME, the BEST and HUGE one
        from datalad.utils import make_tempfile
        from datalad.tests import _TEMP_PATHS_GENERATED
        # TODO: split into a function + context manager
        with make_tempfile(mkdir=True) as new_home:
            os.environ['HOME'] = new_home
        if not os.path.exists(new_home):
        with open(os.path.join(new_home, '.gitconfig'), 'w') as f:
	name = DataLad Tester
	email = [email protected]

    # For now we will just verify that it is ready to run the tests
    from datalad.support.gitrepo import check_git_configured

    # To overcome pybuild by default defining http{,s}_proxy we would need
    # to define them to e.g. empty value so it wouldn't bother touching them.
    # But then haskell libraries do not digest empty value nicely, so we just
    # pop them out from the environment
    for ev in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'):
        if ev in os.environ and not (os.environ[ev]):
            lgr.debug("Removing %s from the environment since it is empty", ev)

    # During tests we allow for "insecure" access to local file:// and
    # http://localhost URLs since all of them either generated as tests
    # fixtures or cloned from trusted sources
    from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
    AnnexRepo._ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS = True

    DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL', None)
    if DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL is None:
        # very very silent.  Tests introspecting logs should use
        # swallow_logs(new_level=...)
        _test_states['loglevel'] = lgr.getEffectiveLevel()

        # And we should also set it within environ so underlying commands also stay silent
        _test_states['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL
        os.environ['DATALAD_LOG_LEVEL'] = '100'
        # We are not overriding them, since explicitly were asked to have some log level
        _test_states['loglevel'] = None

    # Set to non-interactive UI
    from datalad.ui import ui
    _test_states['ui_backend'] = ui.backend
    # obtain() since that one consults for the default value