def test_singleton_axis_prep():
    b = DataArray(np.random.randn(5, 6), "xz")
    slicing = (None,)
    shape, axes, key = _make_singleton_axes(b, slicing)

    key_should_be = (slice(None),)  # should be trimmed
    shape_should_be = (1, 5, 6)
    ax_should_be = [Axis(l, i, b) for i, l in enumerate((None, "x", "z"))]

    nt.assert_true(key_should_be == key, "key translated poorly")
    nt.assert_true(shape_should_be == shape, "shape computed poorly")
    nt.assert_true(all([a1 == a2 for a1, a2 in zip(ax_should_be, axes)]), "axes computed poorly")
def test_singleton_axis_prep():
    b = DataArray( np.random.randn(5,6), 'xz' )
    slicing = ( None, )
    shape, axes, key = _make_singleton_axes(b, slicing)

    key_should_be = (slice(None), ) # should be trimmed
    shape_should_be = (1,5,6)
    ax_should_be = [ Axis(l, i, b) for i, l in enumerate((None, 'x', 'z')) ]

    yield nt.assert_true, key_should_be==key, 'key translated poorly'
    yield nt.assert_true, shape_should_be==shape, 'shape computed poorly'
    yield nt.assert_true, all([a1==a2 for a1,a2 in zip(ax_should_be, axes)]), \
          'axes computed poorly'
def test_singleton_axis_prep():
    b = DataArray(np.random.randn(5, 6), 'xz')
    slicing = (None, )
    shape, axes, key = _make_singleton_axes(b, slicing)

    key_should_be = (slice(None), )  # should be trimmed
    shape_should_be = (1, 5, 6)
    ax_should_be = [Axis(l, i, b) for i, l in enumerate((None, 'x', 'z'))]

    yield nt.assert_true, key_should_be == key, 'key translated poorly'
    yield nt.assert_true, shape_should_be == shape, 'shape computed poorly'
    yield nt.assert_true, all([a1==a2 for a1,a2 in zip(ax_should_be, axes)]), \
          'axes computed poorly'
def test_singleton_axis_prep2():
    # a little more complicated
    b = DataArray(np.random.randn(5, 6), 'xz')
    slicing = (0, None)
    shape, axes, key = _make_singleton_axes(b, slicing)

    key_should_be = (0, )  # should be trimmed
    shape_should_be = (5, 1, 6)
    ax_should_be = [Axis(l, i, b) for i, l in enumerate(('x', None, 'z'))]

    nt.assert_true(key_should_be == key, 'key translated poorly')
    nt.assert_true(shape_should_be == shape, 'shape computed poorly')
    nt.assert_true(all([a1 == a2 for a1, a2 in zip(ax_should_be, axes)]),
                   'axes computed poorly')