def load_dataset_in_memory_and_resize(data_access, set, division, dataset_path, targets_path, tmp_size,
                                      final_size, batch_size):
    if data_access == "in-memory":
        with timer("Loading %s data"%set):
            dataset = InMemoryDataset(set, dataset_path, source_targets=targets_path, division=division)
            draw_data = np.copy(dataset.dataset)
            targets = np.copy(dataset.targets)
            del dataset
    elif data_access == "fuel":
        with timer("Loading %s data"%set):
            dataset = FuelDataset(set, tmp_size, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, division=division)
            draw_data,targets = dataset.return_whole_dataset()
            del dataset
        raise Exception("Data access not available. Must be 'fuel' or 'in-memory'. Here : %s."%data_access)

    if tmp_size != final_size:
        # Resize images from the validset
        out = np.zeros((draw_data.shape[0], final_size[0], final_size[1], final_size[2]), dtype="float32")
        with timer("Resizing %s images"%set):
            for i in range(draw_data.shape[0]):
                out[i] = resize_pil(draw_data[i], final_size[0:2])
        del draw_data
        return out, targets
        return draw_data, targets