    def test_dtype_constr_errors(self):
        # Create a symbol table with no types in it, so we can
        # make some isolated type constructors for testing
        sym = datashape.TypeSymbolTable(bare=True)
        # A limited set of dtypes for testing
        sym.dtype['int8'] = ct.int8
        sym.dtype['uint16'] = ct.uint16
        sym.dtype['float64'] = ct.float64

        # Arbitrary dtype constructor that does nothing
        def _type_constr(*args, **kwargs):
            return ct.float32

        sym.dtype_constr['tcon'] = _type_constr

        # Require closing "]"
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[', sym)
        # Type constructors should always have an argument
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[]', sym)
        # Unknown type
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[unknown]', sym)
        # Missing parameter value
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[x=', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[x=]', sym)
        # A positional arg cannot be after a keyword arg
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[x=A, B]', sym)
        # List args must be homogeneous
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[[0, "x"]]', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[[0, X]]', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[["x", 0]]', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[["x", X]]', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[[X, 0]]', sym)
        self.assertRaises(DataShapeSyntaxError, parse, 'tcon[[X, "x"]]', sym)
    def test_binary_dtype_constr(self):
        # Create a symbol table with no types in it, so we can
        # make some isolated type constructors for testing
        sym = datashape.TypeSymbolTable(bare=True)
        # A limited set of dtypes for testing
        sym.dtype['int8'] = ct.int8
        sym.dtype['uint16'] = ct.uint16
        sym.dtype['float64'] = ct.float64
        # TypeVar type constructor
        sym.dtype_constr['typevar'] = ct.TypeVar
        # Binary dtype constructor that asserts on the argument values
        expected_arg = [None, None]

        def _binary_type_constr(a, b):
            self.assertEqual(a, expected_arg[0])
            self.assertEqual(b, expected_arg[1])
            expected_arg[0] = None
            expected_arg[1] = None
            return ct.float32

        sym.dtype_constr['binary'] = _binary_type_constr

        def assertExpectedParse(ds_str, expected_a, expected_b):
            # Set the expected value, and call the parser
            expected_arg[0] = expected_a
            expected_arg[1] = expected_b
            self.assertEqual(parse(ds_str, sym), ct.DataShape(ct.float32))
            # Make sure the expected value was actually run by
            # check that it reset the expected value to None
            self.assertEqual(expected_arg, [None, None],
                             'The test binary type constructor did not run')

        # Positional args
        assertExpectedParse('binary[1, 0]', 1, 0)
        assertExpectedParse('binary[0, "test"]', 0, 'test')
        assertExpectedParse('binary[int8, "test"]', ct.DataShape(ct.int8),
        assertExpectedParse('binary[[1,3,5], "test"]', [1, 3, 5], 'test')
        # Positional and keyword args
        assertExpectedParse('binary[0, b=1]', 0, 1)
        assertExpectedParse('binary["test", b=A]', 'test',
        assertExpectedParse('binary[[3, 6], b=int8]', [3, 6],
        assertExpectedParse('binary[Arg, b=["x", "test"]]',
                            ct.DataShape(ct.TypeVar('Arg')), ['x', 'test'])
        # Keyword args
        assertExpectedParse('binary[a=1, b=0]', 1, 0)
        assertExpectedParse('binary[a=[int8, A, uint16], b="x"]', [
        ], 'x')
    def test_unary_dtype_constr(self):
        # Create a symbol table with no types in it, so we can
        # make some isolated type constructors for testing
        sym = datashape.TypeSymbolTable(bare=True)
        # A limited set of dtypes for testing
        sym.dtype['int8'] = ct.int8
        sym.dtype['uint16'] = ct.uint16
        sym.dtype['float64'] = ct.float64
        # TypeVar type constructor
        sym.dtype_constr['typevar'] = ct.TypeVar
        # Unary dtype constructor that asserts on the argument value
        expected_blah = [None]

        def _unary_type_constr(blah):
            self.assertEqual(blah, expected_blah[0])
            expected_blah[0] = None
            return ct.float32

        sym.dtype_constr['unary'] = _unary_type_constr

        def assertExpectedParse(ds_str, expected):
            # Set the expected value, and call the parser
            expected_blah[0] = expected
            self.assertEqual(parse(ds_str, sym), ct.DataShape(ct.float32))
            # Make sure the expected value was actually run by
            # check that it reset the expected value to None
            self.assertEqual(expected_blah[0], None,
                             'The test unary type constructor did not run')

        # Integer parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[0]', 0)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[100000]', 100000)
        # String parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary["test"]', 'test')
        assertExpectedParse("unary['test']", 'test')
        assertExpectedParse('unary["\\uc548\\ub155"]', u'\uc548\ub155')
        assertExpectedParse(u'unary["\uc548\ub155"]', u'\uc548\ub155')
        # DataShape parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[int8]', ct.DataShape(ct.int8))
        assertExpectedParse('unary[X]', ct.DataShape(ct.TypeVar('X')))
        # Empty list parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[[]]', [])
        # List of integers parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[[0, 3, 12]]', [0, 3, 12])
        # List of strings parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[["test", "one", "two"]]',
                            ["test", "one", "two"])
        # List of datashapes parameter (positional)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[[float64, int8, uint16]]', [

        # Integer parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=0]', 0)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=100000]', 100000)
        # String parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah="test"]', 'test')
        assertExpectedParse("unary[blah='test']", 'test')
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah="\\uc548\\ub155"]', u'\uc548\ub155')
        assertExpectedParse(u'unary[blah="\uc548\ub155"]', u'\uc548\ub155')
        # DataShape parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=int8]', ct.DataShape(ct.int8))
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=X]', ct.DataShape(ct.TypeVar('X')))
        # Empty list parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=[]]', [])
        # List of integers parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=[0, 3, 12]]', [0, 3, 12])
        # List of strings parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=["test", "one", "two"]]',
                            ["test", "one", "two"])
        # List of datashapes parameter (keyword)
        assertExpectedParse('unary[blah=[float64, int8, uint16]]', [
 def setUp(self):
     # Create a default symbol table for the parser to use
     self.sym = datashape.TypeSymbolTable()
def sym():
    return datashape.TypeSymbolTable()