def upload(): if 'user' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] filetype = request.form.get('filetype') db = dbaccess.dbConn() if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) filename = str(' ', '').replace('-','').replace(':','').replace('.','') + '_' + filename['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) flash('File successfully uploaded') fields = 'file_name,file_type,create_user' values = "'{0}','{1}','{2}'".format(filename, filetype,session["user"]["userid"]) db.insert_record('upload_data.uploaded_file', fields,values) return redirect('/upload') else: db=dbaccess.dbConn() q = """select '/' ||file_id::varchar as file_id, file_name, file_type, create_date::varchar from upload_data.uploaded_file where create_user = '******' and processed_date is null; """.format(session["user"]["userid"]) d = db.get_data(q) cp = check_process() return render_template('upload.html', title='Upload Files', pagename='File upload', data=d, can_process=cp, username=session["user"]["userid"])
def processAddresses(username): db = dbaccess.dbConn() sq = """select s.street_address_id,, ga.long, d.district_name, d.district_type_name, d.district_id, d.district_type_id, d.geo_table from upload_data.street_address s inner join (select dp.precinct_portion_id, dp.district_id, dd.district_name, dt.district_type_id, dt.district_type_name, dt.geo_table from upload_data.district_precinct dp inner join upload_data.district dd on dd.district_id = dp.district_id inner join upload_data.district_type dt on dt.district_type_id = dd.district_type_id where dp.processed_date is null and dd.processed_date is null ) d on d.precinct_portion_id = s.precinct_portion_id inner join public.census_geocoded_address ga on ga.street_address_id = s.street_address_id where s.processed_date is null and s.create_user = '******'""".format(username) rec = db.get_data(sq, headers=False) for aa in rec: ad = {'lat':aa[1], 'long':aa[2],'geotable':aa[7], 'dist_name':aa[3], 'dist_type':aa[4]} ageo = GeoValidate(**ad) ageo.getMapped() sqlins = """INSERT INTO public.audited_addresses( street_address_id, district_id, district_type_id, mapped_district_name, geocoding_source, dist_from_edge, matches, create_user) VALUES ({0},'{1}', {2}, '{3}', '{4}', {5}, {6}, '{7}');""".format(aa[0],aa[5],aa[6], ageo.mapped_dist,'ArcGis',ageo.km_from_edge, ageo.matched, username) db.run_query(sqlins) #update data_upload tables usql = "update upload_data.{0} set processed_date = now() where processed_date is null and create_user = '******'" db.run_query(usql.format('district', username)) db.run_query(usql.format('district_precinct', username)) db.run_query(usql.format('street_address', username))
def check_process(): username = username=session["user"]["userid"] db = dbaccess.dbConn() q = """select distinct file_type from upload_data.uploaded_file where processed_date is null and create_user = '******'""".format(username) r = db.get_data(q, headers=False) valid = ["address","district","precinctdistrict"] for rr in r: if rr[0] in valid: valid.remove(rr[0]) if len(valid) > 0: return 0 else: return 1
async def GeoFromDb(file_id): db = dbaccess.dbConn() sq = """SELECT sa.street_address_id, full_address, city, state, zipcode, latitude, longitude, precinct_portion_id, create_user FROM upload_data.street_address sa left outer join public.census_geocoded_address aa on aa.street_address_id = sa.street_address_id where aa.census_geocode_id is null and processed_date is null and file_id='{0}';""".format(file_id) rec = db.get_data(sq, headers=False) if len(rec) > 0: res = await AssyncGeo(rec) db.bulkinsert(res, "INSERT INTO public.census_geocoded_address(street_address_id, lat, long)")
def get_districts(limit): d = db.dbConn() s = "select * from districts.district" if len(limit) > 0: s += " where districtid in (" for l in limit: s += str(l) + ',' s = s[:-1] s += ")" r = d.get_data(s) dc = u.list_to_dict(r) w = [] for i in dc: ww = districts(**i) w.append(ww) return w
def getMapped(self): db = dbaccess.dbConn() psql = """select t.namelsad, st_distance(ST_Transform(ST_GeometryFromText('POINT({1} {2})', 4326)::geometry, 3857) ,ST_Transform(ST_Boundary(ST_SetSRID(geom, 4326))::geometry, 3857)) as dist from public.{0} t where ST_CONTAINS(ST_SetSRID(geom, 4326), ST_GeometryFromText('POINT({1} {2})', 4326))""".format(self.table, self.long, rec = db.get_data(psql, headers=False) for r in rec: self.mapped_dist = r[0] self.km_from_edge = float(r[1])/1000 try: if ' ' + str(int(self.dist_name)) in self.mapped_dist: self.matched = True except: if ' ' + str(self.dist_name) in self.mapped_dist: self.matched = True
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): flash('Login requested for user {}, remember_me={}'.format(, db = dbaccess.dbConn() ld = db.login(,, if ld.is_authenticated == True: login_user(ld, session["user"] = json.loads(ld.toJSON()) next_page = url_for('index') return redirect(next_page) else: flash('Login failed, please try again') return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', pagename='Login to EIS GIS', form=form)
def process(): if 'user' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) username = username=session["user"]["userid"] db = dbaccess.dbConn() q = """select distinct file_id, file_type, file_name from upload_data.uploaded_file where processed_date is null and create_user = '******'""".format(username) r = db.get_data(q, headers=False) for fid in r: db.import_file(fid[0], app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], username) if fid[1] == 'address':[0])) pgeo.processAddresses(username) data = db.get_data(pg_queries.QUERIES['get_process'].format(username)) return render_template('process.html', title='Process Data', pagename='Process District Data', data=data)
def delete(tablename, idcolumn, rowid): db = dbaccess.dbConn() q = "delete from {0} where {1} = {2}::int".format(tablename,idcolumn,rowid); db.run_query(q) return redirect('/upload')