import itertools
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from skylab.ps_injector_stack_100 import PointSourceInjector
from skylab.psLLH_stack import MultiPointSourceLLH
from skylab.utils import poisson_weight
from optparse import OptionParser
import argparse
## I'll have to add an argument later to do specific weighting schemes beyond this script, but for now I'll just add the ability manually. ##

## Read in background trials previously logged ##

import datatest_stack_bins

llh_single = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=True)

mc = datatest_stack_bins.MC()

##I have to load in whichever declination I'm working on at the moment...##

parser = OptionParser (usage = '%prog [options]')
parser.add_option ('--dec', dest = 'dec', type = float,
                default = 0., metavar = 'DEC',
                help = 'sin of the source declination.')

opts, args = parser.parse_args ()
dec_deg = np.arcsin(opts.dec) * 180./np.pi

    'beta_err': beta_err,
    'TS_beta': TS_beta,
    'gamma': np.asarray(gamma)

## These params contain everything we should need to weight our sources. Remember to convert src_dec to sindec ##

src_ra, src_dec, redshift, gamma, flux, lum = params['ra'], np.sin(
), params['redshift'], params['gamma'], params['flux'], params['lum']

import datatest_stack_bins

#llh_uniform = datatest_stack.init(energy=True)

llh_flux = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=True, weighting=flux)

#llh_redshift = datatest_stack.init(energy=True, weighting = np.power(redshift,-2))

#For this part it's unnecessary to populate signal, but remember how to do so down the line...

# init likelihood class
# llh = datatest_stack.init(energy=True)
# mc = datatest_stack.MC()
# extra=datatest_stack.extra()
# dpsi=extra["dpsi"]
# print llh

### Sensitivity ###

##This one's gonna work a little differently than the single source sensitivity. First off, we need to calculate the background scrambles ahead of time, with the definition provided in I'll try to do this all within the same function:##
    'TS': np.asarray(TS),
    'beta': beta,
    'beta_err': beta_err,
    'TS_beta': TS_beta,
    'gamma': np.asarray(gamma)

## These params contain everything we should need to weight our sources. Remember to convert src_dec to sindec ##

src_ra, src_dec, redshift, gamma, flux, lum = params['ra'], np.sin(
), params['redshift'], params['gamma'], params['flux'], params['lum']

import datatest_stack_bins

llh_uniform = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=True)

#llh_flux = datatest_stack.init(energy=True, weighting = flux)

#llh_redshift = datatest_stack.init(energy=True, weighting = np.power(redshift,-2))

#For this part it's unnecessary to populate signal, but remember how to do so down the line...

# init likelihood class
# llh = datatest_stack.init(energy=True)
# mc = datatest_stack.MC()
# extra=datatest_stack.extra()
# dpsi=extra["dpsi"]
# print llh

### Sensitivity ###
beta_err = (np.sqrt(fraction * (1. - fraction) / float(i)) if 0 < beta < 1 else 1.)

##Now we have all the pieces of the original dictionary. Time to glue bckg_trials back in place, in their proper file type.##
bckg_trials = {'n_inj':n_inj,'nsources':np.asarray(nsources), 'TS':np.asarray(TS), 'beta':beta, 'beta_err':beta_err, 'TS_beta':TS_beta, 'gamma':np.asarray(gamma)}

## These params contain everything we should need to weight our sources. Remember to convert src_dec to sindec ##

src_ra, src_dec, redshift, gamma, flux, lum =  params['ra'], np.sin(params['dec']), params['redshift'], params['gamma'], params['flux'], params['lum']

import datatest_stack_bins

#llh_redshift = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=True)

#llh_flux = datatest_stack.init(energy=True, weighting = flux)
llh_redshift = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=True, weighting = list(np.power(redshift,-2)))

#For this part it's unnecessary to populate signal, but remember how to do so down the line...

# init likelihood class
   # llh = datatest_stack.init(energy=True)
   # mc = datatest_stack.MC()
   # extra=datatest_stack.extra()
   # dpsi=extra["dpsi"]
   # print llh

### Sensitivity ###

##This one's gonna work a little differently than the single source sensitivity. First off, we need to calculate the background scrambles ahead of time, with the definition provided in I'll try to do this all within the same function:##

## Background Trials have the following keys:##
    help='Assigns how many background trials are used in each batch.')

opts, args = parser.parse_args()
dec_deg = np.arcsin(opts.dec) * 180. / np.pi

src_ra = [0.0]
src_dec = [np.radians(opts.dec)]

batch = opts.batch
batchsize = opts.batchsize
import datatest_stack_bins

llh_uniform = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=False)

##Okay, so the following is the part where we need to split this up into parallel processing. I think the pertinant variable to use here is n_iter... let's test a background scramble with n_iter=5 to see how fast it goes. Though, maybe it's max_iter? check with previously pickled results to see which number of bckg trials we got.

bckg_trials_single = PointSourceLLH.background_scrambles(llh_uniform,

## Background Trials have the following keys:##
##['beta', 'TS_beta', 'beta_err', 'n_inj', 'nsources', 'TS', 'gamma']##
## Let's use a uniform weight (none) first to yield our bckg trials. ##

#choose an output dir, and make sure it exists
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
import itertools
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from skylab.ps_injector_stack import PointSourceInjector
from skylab.psLLH_stack import MultiPointSourceLLH
from skylab.utils import poisson_weight
from optparse import OptionParser
import argparse
## I'll have to add an argument later to do specific weighting schemes beyond this script, but for now I'll just add the ability manually. ##

## Read in background trials previously logged ##

import datatest_stack_bins

llh_single = datatest_stack_bins.init(energy=False)

mc = datatest_stack_bins.MC()

##I have to load in whichever declination I'm working on at the moment...##

parser = OptionParser (usage = '%prog [options]')
parser.add_option ('--dec', dest = 'dec', type = float,
                default = 0., metavar = 'DEC',
                help = 'sin of the source declination.')

opts, args = parser.parse_args ()
dec_deg = np.arcsin(opts.dec) * 180./np.pi
