def get_dates(dt):
    output = []
            date_arg: a date in format datetime

            master_list_sorted:  list of dates within
            a week that includes the given date, plus matching day
            from the previous week. If a Monday date is provided,'current' dates
            will be the previous week, not the week that includes the Monday date

    if dt.isoweekday() == 1:  #change dt to previous Sunday
        dt = dt - timedelta(days=1)
        dt = dt + timedelta(days=(7 - dt.isoweekday())) #change target to following Sunday

    for x in reversed(range(7)):
        result = {
            "current": dt - timedelta(days=x),
            "previous": dt - timedelta(days=x, weeks=1),

    return output
 def is_weekend(self, datetime):
     """ Returns True if datetime lands on a weekend.
     for weekend in self._weekends:
         if datetime.isoweekday() == weekend:
             return True
     return False
 def is_weekend(self, datetime):
     Returns True if datetime lands on a weekend.
     for weekend in self.weekends:
         if datetime.isoweekday() == weekend:
             return True
     return False
def isRecordingTime(dt, DAY_START = time(8, 30),DAY_END = time(15, 18),NIGHT_START = time(20, 30),NIGHT_END = time(2, 33)):
    currentTime = dt.time()
    recording = False

    # 判断当前处于的时间段
    if ((currentTime >= DAY_START and currentTime <= DAY_END) or
        (currentTime >= NIGHT_START) or
        (currentTime <= NIGHT_END)):
        recording = True
    # 过滤周末时间段
    weekday = dt.isoweekday()
    if ((weekday == 6 and currentTime > NIGHT_END)  or weekday == 7):
        recording = False

    return recording
    def generate_data_frame(self, df, debug=False):
        def convert_to_target_group(value):
            return 1 if str(value) == str(self.target_group) else 0

        def convert_to_light(value):
            light_aware_date_time = LightAwareDatetime(value, self.location)
            if light_aware_date_time.is_light():
                return 1
            elif light_aware_date_time.is_dark():
                return 0
                return -1

        def convert_to_dusk(value):
            light_aware_date_time = LightAwareDatetime(value, self.location)
            return self.location.dusk(date=light_aware_date_time.date)

        import time
        start = time.time()

        def timecheck(note=None):
            if debug:
                print(note, time.time() - start)

        if self.datetime_column != "datetime":
            if "datetime" in df.columns:
                df.drop("datetime", axis=1, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={self.datetime_column: "datetime"}, inplace=True)

        timecheck("Before dropping na rows")
        df.dropna(how="any", subset=["datetime", self.target_column],
        timecheck("After dropping na rows")

        # set index to datetime
        timecheck("Before setting index")
        df.index = df.datetime
        timecheck("After setting index")

        timecheck("Before stripping non-evening hours")
        df = self._strip_non_evening_hours(df)
        timecheck("After stripping non-evening hours")

        if self.dst_restrict:
            timecheck("Before stripping non-seasonal days")
            df = self._strip_non_seasonal_days(df)
            df = self._strip_based_on_min_max_twilight(df)
            timecheck("After stripping non-seasonal days")

        timecheck("Before converting to target group")
        if "original_target" in df.columns:
            df.drop("original_target", axis=1, inplace=True)
        df.rename(columns={self.target_column: "original_target"}, inplace=True)
        if "target" in df.columns:
            df.drop("target", axis=1, inplace=True)
        df["target"] = df["original_target"].apply(convert_to_target_group)
        timecheck("After converting to target group")

        timecheck("Before converting to light")
        df["light"] = df["datetime"].apply(convert_to_light)
        if debug:
            df["dusk"] = df["datetime"].apply(convert_to_dusk)
        timecheck("After converting to light")
        timecheck("Before stripping twilight hours")
        df = self._strip_grey_hours(df)
        timecheck("After stripping twilight hours")

        timecheck("Before creating year column")
        df["year"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.year)
        timecheck("After creating year column")

        df["month"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.month)
        df["day_of_week"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.isoweekday())

        def time_in_seconds(dt):
            start_of_day = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            return int(dt.timestamp() - start_of_day.timestamp())

        df["time_in_seconds"] = df["datetime"].apply(time_in_seconds)

        if self.officer_id_column:
            df.rename(columns={self.officer_id_column: "officerid"},
            df.officerid = df.officerid.apply(str)

        return df
            contador += 1
            fechaactual = fechadesde.strftime(formato)
            print(contador, fechaactual, 'es martes')
        fechadesde = fechadesde + timedelta(days=1)

    print('Fecha incorrecta')
print(input("		continuar?"))
print("Obtener día de la semana por su número")
    "La función isoweekday() devuelve el número de día de la semana a que corresponda la fecha indicada, según los siguientes valores por día:  1-Lunes, 2-Martes, 3-Miércoles, 4-Jueves, 5-Viernes, 6-Sábado y 7-Domingo."

dia_semana = datetime.isoweekday(fecha1)
print(fecha1, "->", dia_semana, "->", tupla_diassem[dia_semana - 1])
print(input("		continuar?"))
print("Dado el ordinal se obtiene la fecha correspondiente")
print("Si la fecha 01-01-0001 tiene el ordinal 1 entonces...")
for num in range(1, 7):
    print("El día", 10**num, "se corresponde con", date.fromordinal(10**num))
print(input("		continuar?"))
print("Dada una fecha se obtiene un ordinal (01-01-0001 -> 1)")

fecha3 = datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
print("La fecha", fecha3, "tiene el ordinal", date.toordinal(fecha3))
def get_weekday(i):
    return weekday[str(datetime.isoweekday(i))]
def OpenAllShutter():
    print( 'Ouverture')

#    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())<=5): # Only Monday to Friday
    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())>10): # Never
#    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())>0): # Always
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x06&entree=0x0E&data0=0x26'  # Volet Salon
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 10 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x0A&entree=0x0B&data0=0x26' # VR Sdb 1
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 3 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x06&entree=0x09&data0=0x52' # VR haut cuisine
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

#    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())<=5): # Only Monday to Friday
    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())>10): # Never
#    if(datetime.isoweekday(datetime.now())>0): # Always

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x02&entree=0x02&data0=0x26' # Chambre 3
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x02&entree=0x07&data0=0x26' # Chambre 4
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x04&entree=0x06&data0=0x26' # VR Fixe Chambre Nord
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x04&entree=0x01&data0=0x26' # VR FChambre Nord
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x0A&entree=0x04&data0=0x26' # VR Fixe Chambre Terrasse
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

       time.sleep( 0.5 )
       url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x0A&entree=0x06&data0=0x26' # VR Chambre Terrasse
       url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
       html = url_response.read()
       url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file

    time.sleep( 0.5 )
    url='http://localhost/domocan/www/php/CmdVR.php?carte=0x02&entree=0x09&data0=0x26' # VR Sdb 2 + Garage
    url_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = url_response.read()
    url_response.close()  # best practice to close the file
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, date, time
import time
import calendar

test_day = datetime.strptime('19901204', '%Y%m%d').date()

today = date.today()

month_ago = date(2018, 4, 15)
plus_one_year = date(2019, 4, 15)

print(test_day)  #for question #3
print(today - month_ago)  #for question #4
print(datetime.isoweekday(plus_one_year))  #4 what day plus one year
    def generate_data_frame(self, df, debug=False):
        def convert_to_target_group(value):
            return 1 if str(value) == str(self.target_group) else 0

        def convert_to_light(value):
            light_aware_date_time = LightAwareDatetime(value, self.location)
            if light_aware_date_time.is_light():
                return 1
            elif light_aware_date_time.is_dark():
                return 0
                return -1

        def cached_location_lookup(location, time_of_day, date, local):
            if time_of_day == "sunset":
                return location.sunset(date=date, local=local)
            elif time_of_day == "sunrise":
                return location.sunrise(date=date, local=local)
            elif time_of_day == "dusk":
                return location.dusk(date=date, local=local)
            elif time_of_day == "dawn":
                return location.dawn(date=date, local=local)

        def convert_to_light_vector(
            df, datetime_column: str, location: astral.Location
            timezone = pytz.timezone(location.timezone)
            df["_local_datetime"] = df[datetime_column].dt.tz_localize(timezone)
            df["_date"] = df["_local_datetime"].dt.date
            dates = df["_date"].tolist()
            df["_sunrise"] = [
                cached_location_lookup(location, "sunrise", date=date, local=True)
                for date in dates
            df["_sunset"] = [
                cached_location_lookup(location, "sunset", date=date, local=True)
                for date in dates
            df["_dawn"] = [
                cached_location_lookup(location, "dawn", date=date, local=True)
                for date in dates
            df["_dusk"] = [
                cached_location_lookup(location, "dusk", date=date, local=True)
                for date in dates
            df["_light"] = (df["_sunrise"] <= df["_local_datetime"]) & (
                df["_local_datetime"] <= df["_sunset"]
            df["_dark"] = (df["_local_datetime"] < df["_dawn"]) | (
                df["_local_datetime"] >= df["_dusk"]
            df["_gray"] = ~(df["_light"] | df["_dark"])
            df["light"] = (df["_light"]).astype(int)
            return df

        def convert_to_dusk(value):
            light_aware_date_time = LightAwareDatetime(value, self.location)
            return self.location.dusk(date=light_aware_date_time.date)

        import time

        start = time.time()

        def timecheck(note=None):
            if debug:
                print(note, time.time() - start)

        if self.datetime_column != "datetime":
            if "datetime" in df.columns:
                df.drop("datetime", axis=1, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={self.datetime_column: "datetime"}, inplace=True)

        timecheck("Before dropping na rows")
        df.dropna(how="any", subset=["datetime", self.target_column], inplace=True)
        timecheck("After dropping na rows")

        # set index to datetime
        timecheck("Before setting index")
        df.index = df.datetime
        timecheck("After setting index")

        timecheck("Before stripping non-evening hours")
        df = self._strip_non_evening_hours(df)
        timecheck("After stripping non-evening hours")

        if self.dst_restrict:
            timecheck("Before stripping non-seasonal days")
            df = self._strip_non_seasonal_days(df)
            df = self._strip_based_on_min_max_twilight(df)
            timecheck("After stripping non-seasonal days")

        timecheck("Before converting to target group")
        if "original_target" in df.columns:
            df.drop("original_target", axis=1, inplace=True)
        df.rename(columns={self.target_column: "original_target"}, inplace=True)
        if "target" in df.columns:
            df.drop("target", axis=1, inplace=True)
        df["target"] = df["original_target"].apply(convert_to_target_group)
        timecheck("After converting to target group")

        timecheck("Before converting to light")
        df = convert_to_light_vector(df, "datetime", self.location.location)
        # df["light"] = df["datetime"].apply(convert_to_light)
        if debug:
            df["dusk"] = df["datetime"].apply(convert_to_dusk)
        timecheck("After converting to light")
        timecheck("Before stripping twilight hours")
        df = self._strip_grey_hours(df)
        timecheck("After stripping twilight hours")

        timecheck("Before creating year column")
        df["year"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.year)
        timecheck("After creating year column")

        df["month"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.month)
        df["day_of_week"] = df["datetime"].apply(lambda dt: dt.isoweekday())

        def time_in_seconds(dt):
            start_of_day = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            return int(dt.timestamp() - start_of_day.timestamp())

        df["time_in_seconds"] = df["datetime"].apply(time_in_seconds)

        if self.officer_id_column:
            df.rename(columns={self.officer_id_column: "officerid"}, inplace=True)
            df.officerid = df.officerid.apply(str)

        return df