def coordConv(lon, lat, altitude, start, end, dateTime=None): """coordConv has been renamed coord_conv and dateTime has been renamed date_time for PEP 8 compliance. Please use those from now on. Also altitude is now optional. """ from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv print "coordConv has been renamed coord_conv and dateTime has" print "been renamed date_time for PEP 8 compliance. Please use" print "those from now on. Also altitude is now optional." return coord_conv(lon, lat, start, end, altitude=altitude, date_time=dateTime)
def coordConv(lon, lat, altitude, start, end, dateTime=None): """deprecated function, please use coord_conv Notes ---- coordConv has been renamed coord_conv and dateTime has been renamed date_time for PEP 8 compliance. Please use those from now on. Also altitude is now optional. """ from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv logging.warning("coordConv has been renamed coord_conv and dateTime has") logging.warning("been renamed date_time for PEP 8 compliance. Please use") logging.warning("those from now on. Also altitude is now optional.") return coord_conv(lon, lat, start, end, altitude=altitude, date_time=dateTime)
15.) ltm = local_dt.time() # convert local time to degrees. e.g. 0 (or 360) degree is midnight, # 180 degrees is noon time. lonc_ltm.append( (ltm.hour + ltm.minute / 60. + ltm.second / 3600.) * 15.) lonc = lonc_ltm else: # convert from geo to mlt degress lonc, latc = coord_conv(lonc, latc, "geo", "mlt", altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) lonc = [(round(x, 2)) % 360 for x in lonc] latc = [round(x, 2) for x in latc] # convert to string latc = json.dumps(latc) lonc = json.dumps(lonc) # update into the db if stay_in_geo: command = "UPDATE {tb} SET geo_ltc='{lonc}', geo_azmc='{azm_txt}'\ WHERE datetime = '{dtm}'"
def plotFan(sTime,rad,interval=60,fileType='fitex',param='velocity',filtered=False ,\ scale=[],channel=None,coords='geo',colors='lasse',gsct=False,fov=True,edgeColors='face',lowGray=False,fill=True,\ velscl=1000.,legend=True,overlayPoes=False,poesparam='ted',poesMin=-3.,poesMax=0.5, \ poesLabel=r"Total Log Energy Flux [ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$]",overlayBnd=False, \ show=True,png=False,pdf=False,dpi=500,tFreqBands=[]): """A function to make a fan plot **Args**: * **sTime** (`datetime <>`_): the start time you want to plot * **rad** (list): a list of 3 letter radar codes, e.g. ['bks'], e.g. ['bks','wal','gbr'] * **[interval]** (int): the the time period to be plotted, in seconds. default = 60 * **[fileType]** (str): the file type to plot, valid inputs are 'fitex','fitacf', 'lmfit'. default = 'fitex' * **[param]** (str): the parameter to be plotted, valid inputs are 'velocity', 'power', 'width', 'elevation', 'phi0'. default = 'velocity' * **[filtered]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether the data should be boxcar filtered. default = False * **[scale]** (list): the min and max values of the color scale, i.e. [min,max]. If this is set to [], then default values will be used * **[channel] (char)**: the channel for which to plot data. default = 'a' * **[coords]** (str): the coordinate system to use; valid inputs are anything handled by coord_conv (see davitpy.utils.get_coord_dict). Default: geo * **[colors]** (str): the color map to use, valid inputs are 'lasse', 'aj'. default = 'lasse' * **[gsct]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to plot ground scatter as gray. default = False * **[fov]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to overplot the radar fields of view. default = True * **[edgeColors]** (str): edge colors of the polygons, default = 'face' * **[lowGray]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to plot low velocities in gray. default = False * **[fill]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to plot filled or point RB cells. default = True * **[velscl]** (float): the velocity to use as baseline for velocity vector length, only applicable if fill = 0. default = 1000 * **[legend]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to plot the legend, only applicable if fill = 0. default = True * **[overlayPoes]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to overlay poes data. default = False * **[poesparam]** (str): the poes parameter to plot. default = 'ted'. available params can be found in :class:`gme.sat.poes.poesRec` * **[poesMin]** (float): the min value for the poes data color scale. default = -3. * **[poesMax]** (float): the max value for the poes data color scale. default = 0.5 * **[poesLabel]** (str): the label for the poes color bar. default = r"Total Log Energy Flux [ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$]" * **[overlayBnd]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to plot an auroral boundary determined from fitting poes data. default = False * **[show]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to display the figure on the screen. This can cause problems over ssh. default = True * **[pdf]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to output to a pdf file. default = False. WARNING: saving as pdf is slow * **[png]** (boolean): a flag indicating whether to output to a png file. default = False * **[dpi]** (int): dots per inch if saving as png. default = 300 * **[tFreqBands]** (list): upper and lower bounds of frequency in kHz to be used. Must be unset (or set to []) or have a pair for each radar, and for any band set to [] the default will be used. default = [[8000,20000]], [[8000,20000],[8000,20000]], etc. **Returns**: * Nothing **Example**: :: import datetime as dt,3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=True),3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=True,tFreqBands=[[10000,11000],[]]) Written by AJ 20121004 Modified by Matt W. 20130717 """ from davitpy import pydarn from davitpy import gme import datetime as dt, pickle from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import davitpy.models.aacgm as aacgm import os, copy from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv tt = #check the inputs assert(isinstance(sTime,dt.datetime)),'error, sTime must be a datetime object' assert(isinstance(rad,list)),"error, rad must be a list, eg ['bks'] or ['bks','fhe']" for r in rad: assert(isinstance(r,str) and len(r) == 3),'error, elements of rad list must be 3 letter strings' assert(param == 'velocity' or param == 'power' or param == 'width' or \ param == 'elevation' or param == 'phi0'), \ "error, allowable params are 'velocity','power','width','elevation','phi0'" assert(scale == [] or len(scale)==2), \ 'error, if present, scales must have 2 elements' assert(colors == 'lasse' or colors == 'aj'),"error, valid inputs for color are 'lasse' and 'aj'" #check freq band and set to default if needed assert(tFreqBands == [] or len(tFreqBands) == len(rad)),'error, if present, tFreqBands must have same number of elements as rad' tbands = [] for i in range(len(rad)): if tFreqBands == [] or tFreqBands[i] == []: tbands.append([8000,20000]) else: tbands.append(tFreqBands[i]) for i in range(len(tbands)): assert(tbands[i][1] > tbands[i][0]),'error, frequency upper bound must be > lower bound' if(scale == []): if(param == 'velocity'): scale=[-200,200] elif(param == 'power'): scale=[0,30] elif(param == 'width'): scale=[0,150] elif(param == 'elevation'): scale=[0,50] elif(param == 'phi0'): scale=[-numpy.pi,numpy.pi] fbase = sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d") cmap,norm,bounds = utils.plotUtils.genCmap(param,scale,colors=colors,lowGray=lowGray) #open the data files myFiles = [] myBands = [] for i in range(len(rad)): f = radDataOpen(sTime,rad[i],sTime+dt.timedelta(seconds=interval),fileType=fileType,filtered=filtered,channel=channel) if(f is not None): myFiles.append(f) myBands.append(tbands[i]) assert(myFiles != []),'error, no data available for this period' xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = 1e16,1e16,-1e16,-1e16 allBeams = [''] * len(myFiles) sites,fovs,oldCpids,lonFull,latFull=[],[],[],[],[] lonC,latC = [],[] #go through all open files for i in range(len(myFiles)): #read until we reach start time allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) while (allBeams[i].time < sTime and allBeams[i] is not None): allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) #check that the file has data in the target interval if(allBeams[i] is None): myFiles[i].close() myFiles[i] = None continue #get to field of view coords in order to determine map limits t=allBeams[i].time site =[i].stid,dt=t) sites.append(site) # Make lists of site lats and lons. latC and lonC are used # for finding the map centre. xlon, xlat = coord_conv(site.geolon, site.geolat, "geo", coords, altitude=0., date_time=t) latFull.append(xlat) lonFull.append(xlon) latC.append(xlat) lonC.append(xlon) myFov = pydarn.radar.radFov.fov(site=site, rsep=allBeams[i].prm.rsep,\ ngates=allBeams[i].prm.nrang+1, nbeams=site.maxbeam, coords=coords, date_time=t) fovs.append(myFov) for b in range(0,site.maxbeam+1): for k in range(0,allBeams[i].prm.nrang+1): lonFull.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) latFull.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) oldCpids.append(allBeams[i].cp) k=allBeams[i].prm.nrang b=0 latC.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) lonC.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) b=site.maxbeam latC.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) lonC.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) #Now that we have 3 points from the FOVs of the radars, calculate the lat,lon pair #to center the map on. We can simply do this by converting from Spherical coords #to Cartesian, taking the mean of each coordinate and then converting back #to get lat_0 and lon_0 lonC,latC = (numpy.array(lonC)+360.)%360.0,numpy.array(latC) xs=numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(latC))*numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lonC)) ys=numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(latC))*numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lonC)) zs=numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(latC)) xc=numpy.mean(xs) yc=numpy.mean(ys) zc=numpy.mean(zs) lon_0=numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(yc,xc)) lat_0=numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(zc,numpy.sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc))) #Now do some stuff in map projection coords to get necessary width and height of map #and also figure out the corners of the map lonFull,latFull = (numpy.array(lonFull)+360.)%360.0,numpy.array(latFull) tmpmap = utils.mapObj(coords=coords,projection='stere', width=10.0**3, height=10.0**3, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, datetime = sTime) x,y = tmpmap(lonFull,latFull) minx = x.min()*1.05 #since we don't want the map to cut off labels or miny = y.min()*1.05 #FOVs of the radars we should alter the extrema a bit. maxx = x.max()*1.05 maxy = y.max()*1.05 width = (maxx-minx) height = (maxy-miny) llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat = tmpmap(minx,miny,inverse=True) urcrnrlon,urcrnrlat = tmpmap(maxx,maxy,inverse=True) dist = width/50. cTime = sTime #Clear temporary figure from memory. fig = plot.gcf() fig.clf() myFig = plot.figure(figsize=(12,8)) #draw the actual map we want myMap = utils.mapObj(coords=coords, projection='stere', lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, coastLineWidth=0.5, coastLineColor='k', fillOceans='w',fillContinents='w', fillLakes='w', datetime = sTime) #overlay fields of view, if desired if(fov == 1): for i,r in enumerate(rad): pydarn.plotting.overlayRadar(myMap, codes=r, dateTime=sTime) #this was missing fovObj! We need to plot the fov for this particular sTime. pydarn.plotting.overlayFov(myMap, codes=r, dateTime=sTime, fovObj=fovs[i]) print #manually draw the legend if((not fill) and legend): #draw the box y = [myMap.urcrnry*.82,myMap.urcrnry*.99] x = [myMap.urcrnrx*.86,myMap.urcrnrx*.99] verts = [x[0],y[0]],[x[0],y[1]],[x[1],y[1]],[x[1],y[0]] poly = patches.Polygon(verts,fc='w',ec='k',zorder=11) myFig.gca().add_patch(poly) labs = ['5 dB','15 dB','25 dB','35 dB','gs','1000 m/s'] pts = [5,15,25,35] #plot the icons and labels for w in range(6): myFig.gca().text(x[0]+.35*(x[1]-x[0]),y[1]*(.98-w*.025),labs[w],zorder=15,color='k',size=8,va='center') xctr = x[0]+.175*(x[1]-x[0]) if(w < 4): myFig.scatter(xctr,y[1]*(.98-w*.025),s=.1*pts[w],zorder=15,marker='o',linewidths=.5,\ edgecolor='face',facecolor='k') elif(w == 4): myFig.scatter(xctr,y[1]*(.98-w*.025),s=.1*35.,zorder=15,marker='o',\ linewidths=.5,edgecolor='k',facecolor='w') elif(w == 5): y=LineCollection(numpy.array([((xctr-dist/2.,y[1]*(.98-w*.025)),(xctr+dist/2.,y[1]*(.98-w*.025)))]),linewidths=.5,zorder=15,color='k') myFig.gca().add_collection(y) bbox = myFig.gca().get_axes().get_position() #now, loop through desired time interval tz = cols = [] bndTime = sTime + dt.timedelta(seconds=interval) ft = 'None' #go though all files pcoll = None for i in range(len(myFiles)): scans = [] #check that we have good data at this time if(myFiles[i] is None or allBeams[i] is None): continue ft = allBeams[i].fType #until we reach the end of the time window while(allBeams[i] is not None and allBeams[i].time < bndTime): #filter on frequency if allBeams[i].prm.tfreq >= myBands[i][0] and allBeams[i].prm.tfreq <= myBands[i][1]: scans.append(allBeams[i]) #read the next record allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) #if there is no data in scans, overlayFan will object if scans == []: continue intensities, pcoll = overlayFan(scans,myMap,myFig,param,coords,gsct=gsct,site=sites[i],fov=fovs[i], fill=fill,velscl=velscl,dist=dist,cmap=cmap,norm=norm) #if no data has been found pcoll will not have been set, and the following code will object if pcoll: cbar = myFig.colorbar(pcoll,orientation='vertical',shrink=.65,fraction=.1,drawedges=True) l = [] #define the colorbar labels for i in range(0,len(bounds)): if(param == 'phi0'): ln = 4 if(bounds[i] == 0): ln = 3 elif(bounds[i] < 0): ln = 5 l.append(str(bounds[i])[:ln]) continue if((i == 0 and param == 'velocity') or i == len(bounds)-1): l.append(' ') continue l.append(str(int(bounds[i])))'y',direction='out') #set colorbar ticklabel size for ti in ti.set_fontsize(12) if(param == 'velocity'): cbar.set_label('Velocity [m/s]',size=14) cbar.extend='max' if(param == 'grid'): cbar.set_label('Velocity [m/s]',size=14) if(param == 'power'): cbar.set_label('Power [dB]',size=14) if(param == 'width'): cbar.set_label('Spec Wid [m/s]',size=14) if(param == 'elevation'): cbar.set_label('Elev [deg]',size=14) if(param == 'phi0'): cbar.set_label('Phi0 [rad]',size=14) #myFig.gca().set_rasterized(True) #label the plot tx1 = myFig.text((bbox.x0+bbox.x1)/2.,bbox.y1+.02,cTime.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),ha='center',size=14,weight=550) tx2 = myFig.text(bbox.x1+.02,bbox.y1+.02,cTime.strftime('%H:%M - ')+\ bndTime.strftime('%H:%M '),ha='right',size=13,weight=550) tx3 = myFig.text(bbox.x0,bbox.y1+.02,'['+ft+']',ha='left',size=13,weight=550) #label with frequency bands tx4 = myFig.text(bbox.x1+.02,bbox.y1,'Frequency filters:',ha='right',size=8,weight=550) for i in range(len(rad)): myFig.text(bbox.x1+.02,bbox.y1-((i+1)*.015),rad[i]+': '+\ str(tbands[i][0]/1e3)+' - '+str(tbands[i][1]/1e3)+\ ' MHz',ha='right',size=8,weight=550) if(overlayPoes): pcols = gme.sat.poes.overlayPoesTed(myMap, myFig.gca(), cTime, param=poesparam, scMin=poesMin, scMax=poesMax) if(pcols is not None): cols.append(pcols) pTicks = numpy.linspace(poesMin,poesMax,8) cbar = myFig.colorbar(pcols,ticks=pTicks,orientation='vertical',shrink=0.65,fraction=.1) cbar.set_label(poesLabel,size=14)'y',direction='out') #set colorbar ticklabel size for ti in ti.set_fontsize(12) if(overlayBnd): gme.sat.poes.overlayPoesBnd(myMap, myFig.gca(), cTime) #handle the outputs if png == True: # if not show: # canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(myFig) myFig.savefig(sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M.")+str(interval)+'.fan.png',dpi=dpi) if pdf: # if not show: # canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(myFig) myFig.savefig(sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M.")+str(interval)+'.fan.pdf') if show:
def __init__(self, frang=180.0, rsep=45.0, site=None, nbeams=None, ngates=None, bmsep=None, recrise=None, siteLat=None, siteLon=None, siteBore=None, siteAlt=None, siteYear=None, elevation=None, altitude=300., hop=None, model='IS', coords='geo', date_time=None, coord_alt=0., fov_dir='front'): # Import neccessary functions and classes from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv # Define class constants rn = 'fov' # Test that we have enough input arguments to work with if (not site and None in [ nbeams, ngates, bmsep, recrise, siteLat, siteLon, siteBore, siteAlt, siteYear ]): estr = '{:s}: must provide either a site object or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}[nbeams, ngates, bmsep, recrise, siteLat,'.format(estr) estr = '{:s} siteLon, siteBore, siteAlt, siteYear].'.format(estr) logging.error(estr) return # date_time checking is handled by coord_conv, and it already # knows all of the possible coord systems, so no need to do it # here. # Then assign variables from the site object if necessary if site: if not nbeams: nbeams = site.maxbeam if not ngates: ngates = site.maxgate if not bmsep: bmsep = site.bmsep if not recrise: recrise = site.recrise if not siteLat: siteLat = site.geolat if not siteLon: siteLon = site.geolon if not siteAlt: siteAlt = site.alt if not siteBore: siteBore = site.boresite if not siteYear: siteYear = site.tval.year # Some type checking is neccessary. If frang, rsep or recrise are # arrays, then they should be of shape (nbeams,). Set a flag if any of # frang, rsep or recrise is an array is_param_array = False if isinstance(frang, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(frang) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: frang must be a scalar or numpy ".format(rn) estr = "{:s}ndarray of size (nbeams). Using first".format(estr) estr = "{:s} element: {}".format(estr, frang[0]) logging.error(estr) frang = frang[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: frang = np.append(frang, frang[-1]) else: frang = np.array([frang]) if isinstance(rsep, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(rsep) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: rsep must be a scalar or numpy ndarray".format( rn) estr = "{:s} of size (nbeams). Using first element".format( estr) estr = "{:s}: {}".format(estr, rsep[0]) logging.error(estr) rsep = rsep[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: rsep = np.append(rsep, rsep[-1]) else: rsep = np.array([rsep]) if isinstance(recrise, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(recrise) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: recrise must be a scalar or numpy ".format(rn) estr = "{:s}ndarray of size (nbeams). Using first ".format( estr) estr = "{:s}element: {}".format(estr, recrise[0]) logging.error(estr) recrise = recrise[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: recrise = np.append(recrise, recrise[-1]) else: recrise = np.array([recrise]) # If altitude, elevation, or hop are arrays, then they should be of # shape (nbeams, ngates) if isinstance(altitude, np.ndarray): if altitude.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if altitude.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: altitude = np.resize(np.append(altitude, altitude[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif altitude.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if altitude.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: altitude = np.append(altitude, altitude[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) altitude = np.append(altitude, altitude[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element: '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}{}'.format(estr, altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) if isinstance(elevation, np.ndarray): if elevation.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if elevation.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: elevation must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: elevation = np.resize(np.append(elevation, elevation[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif elevation.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if elevation.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: elevation must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: elevation = np.append(elevation, elevation[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) elevation = np.append(elevation, elevation[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: elevation must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element'.format(estr) estr = '{:s}: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) if isinstance(hop, np.ndarray): if hop.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if hop.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: hop must be of a scalar or numpy '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: hop = np.resize(np.append(hop, hop[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif hop.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if hop.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: hop must be of a scalar or numpy '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: hop = np.append(hop, hop[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) hop = np.append(hop, hop[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: hop must be a scalar or numpy ndarray'.format(rn) estr = '{:s} of size (ngates) or (nbeams,ngates).'.format(estr) estr = '{:s} Using first element: {}'.format(estr, hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) # Do for coord_alt what we just did for altitude. if isinstance(coord_alt, np.ndarray): if coord_alt.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if coord_alt.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: coord_alt = np.resize(np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif coord_alt.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if coord_alt.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: coord_alt = np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) coord_alt = np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element'.format(estr) estr = '{:s}: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) # Generate beam/gate arrays beams = np.arange(nbeams + 1) gates = np.arange(ngates + 1) # Create output arrays slant_range_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lat_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lon_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') slant_range_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lat_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lon_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') # Calculate deviation from boresight for center of beam boff_center = bmsep * (beams - (nbeams - 1) / 2.0) # Calculate deviation from boresight for edge of beam boff_edge = bmsep * (beams - (nbeams - 1) / 2.0 - 0.5) # Iterates through beams for ib in beams: # if none of frang, rsep or recrise are arrays, then only execute # this for the first loop, otherwise, repeat for every beam if (~is_param_array and ib == 0) or is_param_array: # Calculate center slant range srang_center = slantRange(frang[ib], rsep[ib], recrise[ib], gates, center=True) # Calculate edges slant range srang_edge = slantRange(frang[ib], rsep[ib], recrise[ib], gates, center=False) # Save into output arrays slant_range_center[ib, :-1] = srang_center[:-1] slant_range_full[ib, :] = srang_edge # Calculate coordinates for Edge and Center of the current beam for ig in gates: # Handle array-or-not question. talt = altitude[ib, ig] if isinstance(altitude, np.ndarray) \ else altitude telv = elevation[ib, ig] if isinstance(elevation, np.ndarray) \ else elevation t_c_alt = coord_alt[ib, ig] \ if isinstance(coord_alt, np.ndarray) else coord_alt thop = hop[ib, ig] if isinstance(hop, np.ndarray) else hop if model == 'GS': if (~is_param_array and ib == 0) or is_param_array: slant_range_center[ib, ig] = \ gsMapSlantRange(srang_center[ig], altitude=None, elevation=None) slant_range_full[ib, ig] = \ gsMapSlantRange(srang_edge[ig], altitude=None, elevation=None) srang_center[ig] = slant_range_center[ib, ig] srang_edge[ig] = slant_range_full[ib, ig] if (srang_center[ig] != -1) and (srang_edge[ig] != -1): # Then calculate projections latc, lonc = calcFieldPnt(siteLat, siteLon, siteAlt * 1e-3, siteBore, boff_center[ib], srang_center[ig], elevation=telv, altitude=talt, hop=thop, model=model, fov_dir=fov_dir) late, lone = calcFieldPnt(siteLat, siteLon, siteAlt * 1e-3, siteBore, boff_edge[ib], srang_edge[ig], elevation=telv, altitude=talt, hop=thop, model=model, fov_dir=fov_dir) if (coords != 'geo'): lonc, latc = coord_conv(lonc, latc, "geo", coords, altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) lone, late = coord_conv(lone, late, "geo", coords, altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) else: latc, lonc = np.nan, np.nan late, lone = np.nan, np.nan # Save into output arrays lat_center[ib, ig] = latc lon_center[ib, ig] = lonc lat_full[ib, ig] = late lon_full[ib, ig] = lone # Output is... self.latCenter = lat_center[:-1, :-1] self.lonCenter = lon_center[:-1, :-1] self.slantRCenter = slant_range_center[:-1, :-1] self.latFull = lat_full self.lonFull = lon_full self.slantRFull = slant_range_full self.beams = beams[:-1] self.gates = gates[:-1] self.coords = coords self.fov_dir = fov_dir self.model = model
def __init__(self, frang=180.0, rsep=45.0, site=None, nbeams=None, ngates=None, bmsep=None, recrise=None, siteLat=None, siteLon=None, siteBore=None, siteAlt=None, siteYear=None, elevation=None, altitude=300., hop=None, model='IS', coords='geo', date_time=None, coord_alt=0., fov_dir='front'): # Import neccessary functions and classes from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv # Define class constants rn = 'fov' # Test that we have enough input arguments to work with if(not site and None in [nbeams, ngates, bmsep, recrise, siteLat, siteLon, siteBore, siteAlt, siteYear]): estr = '{:s}: must provide either a site object or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}[nbeams, ngates, bmsep, recrise, siteLat,'.format(estr) estr = '{:s} siteLon, siteBore, siteAlt, siteYear].'.format(estr) logging.error(estr) return # date_time checking is handled by coord_conv, and it already # knows all of the possible coord systems, so no need to do it # here. # Then assign variables from the site object if necessary if site: if not nbeams: nbeams = site.maxbeam if not ngates: ngates = site.maxgate if not bmsep: bmsep = site.bmsep if not recrise: recrise = site.recrise if not siteLat: siteLat = site.geolat if not siteLon: siteLon = site.geolon if not siteAlt: siteAlt = site.alt if not siteBore: siteBore = site.boresite if not siteYear: siteYear = site.tval.year # Some type checking is neccessary. If frang, rsep or recrise are # arrays, then they should be of shape (nbeams,). Set a flag if any of # frang, rsep or recrise is an array is_param_array = False if isinstance(frang, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(frang) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: frang must be a scalar or numpy ".format(rn) estr = "{:s}ndarray of size (nbeams). Using first".format(estr) estr = "{:s} element: {}".format(estr, frang[0]) logging.error(estr) frang = frang[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: frang = np.append(frang, frang[-1]) else: frang = np.array([frang]) if isinstance(rsep, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(rsep) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: rsep must be a scalar or numpy ndarray".format( rn) estr = "{:s} of size (nbeams). Using first element".format( estr) estr = "{:s}: {}".format(estr, rsep[0]) logging.error(estr) rsep = rsep[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: rsep = np.append(rsep, rsep[-1]) else: rsep = np.array([rsep]) if isinstance(recrise, np.ndarray): is_param_array = True # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam edge by copying the last # element if len(recrise) != nbeams: estr = "{:s}: recrise must be a scalar or numpy ".format(rn) estr = "{:s}ndarray of size (nbeams). Using first ".format( estr) estr = "{:s}element: {}".format(estr, recrise[0]) logging.error(estr) recrise = recrise[0] * np.ones(nbeams + 1) else: recrise = np.append(recrise, recrise[-1]) else: recrise = np.array([recrise]) # If altitude, elevation, or hop are arrays, then they should be of # shape (nbeams, ngates) if isinstance(altitude, np.ndarray): if altitude.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if altitude.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: altitude = np.resize(np.append(altitude, altitude[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif altitude.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if altitude.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: altitude = np.append(altitude, altitude[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) altitude = np.append(altitude, altitude[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: altitude must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element: '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}{}'.format(estr, altitude[0]) logging.error(estr) altitude = altitude[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) if isinstance(elevation, np.ndarray): if elevation.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if elevation.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: elevation must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: elevation = np.resize(np.append(elevation, elevation[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif elevation.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if elevation.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: elevation must be of a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: elevation = np.append(elevation, elevation[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) elevation = np.append(elevation, elevation[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: elevation must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element'.format(estr) estr = '{:s}: {}'.format(estr, elevation[0]) logging.error(estr) elevation = elevation[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) if isinstance(hop, np.ndarray): if hop.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if hop.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: hop must be of a scalar or numpy '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: hop = np.resize(np.append(hop, hop[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif hop.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if hop.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: hop must be of a scalar or numpy '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: hop = np.append(hop, hop[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) hop = np.append(hop, hop[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: hop must be a scalar or numpy ndarray'.format(rn) estr = '{:s} of size (ngates) or (nbeams,ngates).'.format(estr) estr = '{:s} Using first element: {}'.format(estr, hop[0]) logging.error(estr) hop = hop[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) # Do for coord_alt what we just did for altitude. if isinstance(coord_alt, np.ndarray): if coord_alt.ndim == 1: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last element and replicating the whole array as many # times as beams if coord_alt.size != ngates: estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: coord_alt = np.resize(np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[-1]), (nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) elif coord_alt.ndim == 2: # Array is adjusted to add on extra beam/gate edge by copying # the last row and column if coord_alt.shape != (nbeams, ngates): estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format( estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}element: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * \ np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) else: coord_alt = np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[-1, :].reshape(1, ngates), axis=0) coord_alt = np.append(coord_alt, coord_alt[:, -1].reshape(nbeams, 1), axis=1) else: estr = '{:s}: coord_alt must be a scalar or '.format(rn) estr = '{:s}numpy ndarray of size (ngates) or '.format(estr) estr = '{:s}(nbeans,ngates). Using first element'.format(estr) estr = '{:s}: {}'.format(estr, coord_alt[0]) logging.error(estr) coord_alt = coord_alt[0] * np.ones((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1)) # Generate beam/gate arrays beams = np.arange(nbeams + 1) gates = np.arange(ngates + 1) # Create output arrays slant_range_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lat_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lon_full = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') slant_range_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lat_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') lon_center = np.zeros((nbeams + 1, ngates + 1), dtype='float') # Calculate deviation from boresight for center of beam boff_center = bmsep * (beams - (nbeams - 1) / 2.0) # Calculate deviation from boresight for edge of beam boff_edge = bmsep * (beams - (nbeams - 1) / 2.0 - 0.5) # Iterates through beams for ib in beams: # if none of frang, rsep or recrise are arrays, then only execute # this for the first loop, otherwise, repeat for every beam if (~is_param_array and ib == 0) or is_param_array: # Calculate center slant range srang_center = slantRange(frang[ib], rsep[ib], recrise[ib], gates, center=True) # Calculate edges slant range srang_edge = slantRange(frang[ib], rsep[ib], recrise[ib], gates, center=False) # Save into output arrays slant_range_center[ib, :-1] = srang_center[:-1] slant_range_full[ib, :] = srang_edge # Calculate coordinates for Edge and Center of the current beam for ig in gates: # Handle array-or-not question. talt = altitude[ib, ig] if isinstance(altitude, np.ndarray) \ else altitude telv = elevation[ib, ig] if isinstance(elevation, np.ndarray) \ else elevation t_c_alt = coord_alt[ib, ig] \ if isinstance(coord_alt, np.ndarray) else coord_alt thop = hop[ib, ig] if isinstance(hop, np.ndarray) else hop if model == 'GS': if (~is_param_array and ib == 0) or is_param_array: slant_range_center[ib, ig] = \ gsMapSlantRange(srang_center[ig], altitude=None, elevation=None) slant_range_full[ib, ig] = \ gsMapSlantRange(srang_edge[ig], altitude=None, elevation=None) srang_center[ig] = slant_range_center[ib, ig] srang_edge[ig] = slant_range_full[ib, ig] if (srang_center[ig] != -1) and (srang_edge[ig] != -1): # Then calculate projections latc, lonc = calcFieldPnt(siteLat, siteLon, siteAlt * 1e-3, siteBore, boff_center[ib], srang_center[ig], elevation=telv, altitude=talt, hop=thop, model=model, fov_dir=fov_dir) late, lone = calcFieldPnt(siteLat, siteLon, siteAlt * 1e-3, siteBore, boff_edge[ib], srang_edge[ig], elevation=telv, altitude=talt, hop=thop, model=model, fov_dir=fov_dir) if(coords != 'geo'): lonc, latc = coord_conv(lonc, latc, "geo", coords, altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) lone, late = coord_conv(lone, late, "geo", coords, altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) else: latc, lonc = np.nan, np.nan late, lone = np.nan, np.nan # Save into output arrays lat_center[ib, ig] = latc lon_center[ib, ig] = lonc lat_full[ib, ig] = late lon_full[ib, ig] = lone # Output is... self.latCenter = lat_center[:-1, :-1] self.lonCenter = lon_center[:-1, :-1] self.slantRCenter = slant_range_center[:-1, :-1] self.latFull = lat_full self.lonFull = lon_full self.slantRFull = slant_range_full self.beams = beams[:-1] self.gates = gates[:-1] self.coords = coords self.fov_dir = fov_dir self.model = model
def plotFan(sTime, rad, interval=60, fileType='fitex', param='velocity', filtered=False, scale=[], channel=None, coords='geo', colors='lasse', gsct=False, fov=True, edgeColors='face', lowGray=False, fill=True, velscl=1000., legend=True, overlayPoes=False, poesparam='ted', poesMin=-3., poesMax=0.5, poesLabel=r"Total Log Energy Flux [ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$]", overlayBnd=False, show=True, png=False, pdf=False, dpi=500, tFreqBands=[]): """A function to make a fan plot Parameters ---------- sTime : datetime The start time you want to plot rad A list of 3 letter radar codes, e.g. ['bks'], e.g. ['bks','wal','gbr'] interval : Optional[int] The the time period to be plotted, in seconds. default = 60 fileType : Optional[str] The file type to plot, valid inputs are 'fitex','fitacf', 'lmfit', 'fitacf3'. default = 'fitex' param : Optional[str] The parameter to be plotted, valid inputs are 'velocity', 'power', 'width', 'elevation', 'phi0'. default = 'velocity' filtered : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether the data should be boxcar filtered. default = False scale : Optional[list] The min and max values of the color scale, i.e. [min,max]. If this is set to [], then default values will be used channel : Optional[char] The channel for which to plot data. default = 'a' coords : Optional[str] The coordinate system to use; valid inputs are anything handled by coord_conv (see davitpy.utils.get_coord_dict). Default: geo colors : Optional[str] The color map to use, valid inputs are 'lasse', 'aj'. default = 'lasse' gsct : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to plot ground scatter as gray. default = False fov : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to overplot the radar fields of view. default = True edgeColors : Optional[str] Edge colors of the polygons, default = 'face' lowGray : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to plot low velocities in gray. default = False fill : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to plot filled or point RB cells. default = True velscl : Optional[float] The velocity to use as baseline for velocity vector length, only applicable if fill = 0. default = 1000 legend : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to plot the legend, only applicable if fill = 0. default = True overlayPoes : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to overlay poes data. default = False poesparam : Optional[str] The poes parameter to plot. default = 'ted'. available params can be found in :class:`gme.sat.poes.poesRec` poesMin : Optional[float] The min value for the poes data color scale. default = -3. poesMax : Optional[float] The max value for the poes data color scale. default = 0.5 poesLabel : Optional[str] The label for the poes color bar. default = r"Total Log Energy Flux [ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$]" overlayBnd : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to plot an auroral boundary determined from fitting poes data. default = False show : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to display the figure on the screen. This can cause problems over ssh. default = True pdf : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to output to a pdf file. default = False. WARNING: saving as pdf is slow png : Optional[boolean] A flag indicating whether to output to a png file. default = False dpi : Optional[int] Dots per inch if saving as png. default = 300 tFreqBands : optional Upper and lower bounds of frequency in kHz to be used. Must be unset (or set to []) or have a pair for each radar, and for any band set to [] the default will be used. default = [[8000,20000]], [[8000,20000],[8000,20000]], etc. Returns ------- Nothing Examples -------- import datetime as dt,3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=True),3,16,16,30),['fhe','fhw'],param='power',gsct=True,tFreqBands=[[10000,11000],[]]) """ from davitpy import pydarn from davitpy import gme import datetime as dt import pickle from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv tt = # check the inputs assert(isinstance(sTime, dt.datetime)), 'error, sTime must be a datetime \ object' assert(isinstance(rad, list)), "error, rad must be a list, eg ['bks'] or \ ['bks','fhe']" for r in rad: assert(isinstance(r, str) and len(r) == 3), 'error, elements of rad \ list must be 3 letter strings' assert(param == 'velocity' or param == 'power' or param == 'width' or param == 'elevation' or param == 'phi0'), ("error, allowable params \ are 'velocity','power','width','elevation','phi0'") assert(scale == [] or len(scale) == 2), ( 'error, if present, scales must have 2 elements') assert(colors == 'lasse' or colors == 'aj'), "error, valid inputs for color \ are 'lasse' and 'aj'" # check freq band and set to default if needed assert(tFreqBands == [] or len(tFreqBands) == len(rad)), 'error, if \ present, tFreqBands must have same number of elements as rad' tbands = [] for i in range(len(rad)): if tFreqBands == [] or tFreqBands[i] == []: tbands.append([8000, 20000]) else: tbands.append(tFreqBands[i]) for i in range(len(tbands)): assert(tbands[i][1] > tbands[i][0]), 'error, frequency upper bound must \ be > lower bound' if(scale == []): if(param == 'velocity'): scale = [-200, 200] elif(param == 'power'): scale = [0, 30] elif(param == 'width'): scale = [0, 150] elif(param == 'elevation'): scale = [0, 50] elif(param == 'phi0'): scale = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] fbase = sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d") cmap, norm, bounds = utils.plotUtils.genCmap(param, scale, colors=colors, lowGray=lowGray) # open the data files myFiles = [] myBands = [] for i in range(len(rad)): f = radDataOpen(sTime, rad[i], sTime + dt.timedelta(seconds=interval), fileType=fileType, filtered=filtered, channel=channel) if(f is not None): myFiles.append(f) myBands.append(tbands[i]) assert(myFiles != []), 'error, no data available for this period' xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = 1e16, 1e16, -1e16, -1e16 allBeams = [''] * len(myFiles) sites, fovs, oldCpids, lonFull, latFull = [], [], [], [], [] lonC, latC = [], [] # go through all open files for i in range(len(myFiles)): # read until we reach start time allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) while (allBeams[i].time < sTime and allBeams[i] is not None): allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) # check that the file has data in the target interval if(allBeams[i] is None): myFiles[i].close() myFiles[i] = None continue # get to field of view coords in order to determine map limits t = allBeams[i].time site =[i].stid, dt=t) sites.append(site) # Make lists of site lats and lons. latC and lonC are used # for finding the map centre. xlon, xlat = coord_conv(site.geolon, site.geolat, "geo", coords, altitude=0., date_time=t) latFull.append(xlat) lonFull.append(xlon) latC.append(xlat) lonC.append(xlon) myFov = pydarn.radar.radFov.fov(site=site, rsep=allBeams[i].prm.rsep, ngates=allBeams[i].prm.nrang + 1, nbeams=site.maxbeam, coords=coords, date_time=t) fovs.append(myFov) for b in range(0, site.maxbeam + 1): for k in range(0, allBeams[i].prm.nrang + 1): lonFull.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) latFull.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) oldCpids.append(allBeams[i].cp) k = allBeams[i].prm.nrang b = 0 latC.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) lonC.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) b = site.maxbeam latC.append(myFov.latFull[b][k]) lonC.append(myFov.lonFull[b][k]) # Now that we have 3 points from the FOVs of the radars, calculate the # lat,lon pair to center the map on. We can simply do this by converting # from Spherical coords to Cartesian, taking the mean of each coordinate # and then converting back to get lat_0 and lon_0 lonC, latC = (numpy.array(lonC) + 360.) % 360.0, numpy.array(latC) xs = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(latC)) * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lonC)) ys = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(latC)) * numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lonC)) zs = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(latC)) xc = numpy.mean(xs) yc = numpy.mean(ys) zc = numpy.mean(zs) lon_0 = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(yc, xc)) lat_0 = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(zc, numpy.sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc))) # Now do some stuff in map projection coords to get necessary width and # height of map and also figure out the corners of the map t1 = lonFull, latFull = (numpy.array(lonFull) + 360.) % 360.0, \ numpy.array(latFull) tmpmap = utils.mapObj(coords=coords, projection='stere', width=10.0**3, height=10.0**3, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, datetime=sTime) x, y = tmpmap(lonFull, latFull) minx = x.min() * 1.05 # since we don't want the map to cut off labels miny = y.min() * 1.05 # or FOVs of the radars we should alter the maxx = x.max() * 1.05 # extrema a bit. maxy = y.max() * 1.05 width = (maxx - minx) height = (maxy - miny) llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat = tmpmap(minx, miny, inverse=True) urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat = tmpmap(maxx, maxy, inverse=True) dist = width / 50. cTime = sTime # Clear temporary figure from memory. fig = plot.gcf() fig.clf() myFig = plot.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) # draw the actual map we want myMap = utils.mapObj(coords=coords, projection='stere', lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, coastLineWidth=0.5, coastLineColor='k', fillOceans='w', fillContinents='w', fillLakes='w', datetime=sTime) # overlay fields of view, if desired if(fov == 1): for i, r in enumerate(rad): pydarn.plotting.overlayRadar(myMap, codes=r, dateTime=sTime) # this was missing fovObj! We need to plot the fov for this # particular sTime. pydarn.plotting.overlayFov(myMap, codes=r, dateTime=sTime, fovObj=fovs[i]) logging.debug( - t1) # manually draw the legend if((not fill) and legend): # draw the box y = [myMap.urcrnry * .82, myMap.urcrnry * .99] x = [myMap.urcrnrx * .86, myMap.urcrnrx * .99] verts = [x[0], y[0]], [x[0], y[1]], [x[1], y[1]], [x[1], y[0]] poly = patches.Polygon(verts, fc='w', ec='k', zorder=11) myFig.gca().add_patch(poly) labs = ['5 dB', '15 dB', '25 dB', '35 dB', 'gs', '1000 m/s'] pts = [5, 15, 25, 35] # plot the icons and labels for w in range(6): myFig.gca().text(x[0] + .35 * (x[1] - x[0]), y[1] * (.98 - w * .025), labs[w], zorder=15, color='k', size=8, va='center') xctr = x[0] + .175 * (x[1] - x[0]) if(w < 4): myFig.gca().scatter(xctr, y[1] * (.98 - w * .025), s=.1 * pts[w], zorder=15, marker='o', linewidths=.5, edgecolor='face', facecolor='k') elif(w == 4): myFig.gca().scatter(xctr, y[1] * (.98 - w * .025), s=.1 * 35., zorder=15, marker='o', linewidths=.5, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w') elif(w == 5): y = LineCollection(numpy.array([((xctr - dist / 2., y[1] * (.98 - w * .025)), (xctr + dist / 2., y[1] * (.98 - w * .025)))]), linewidths=.5, zorder=15, color='k') myFig.gca().add_collection(y) bbox = myFig.gca().get_axes().get_position() # now, loop through desired time interval tz = cols = [] bndTime = sTime + dt.timedelta(seconds=interval) ft = 'None' # go though all files pcoll = None for i in range(len(myFiles)): scans = [] # check that we have good data at this time if(myFiles[i] is None or allBeams[i] is None): continue ft = allBeams[i].fType # until we reach the end of the time window while(allBeams[i] is not None and allBeams[i].time < bndTime): # filter on frequency if (allBeams[i].prm.tfreq >= myBands[i][0] and allBeams[i].prm.tfreq <= myBands[i][1]): scans.append(allBeams[i]) # read the next record allBeams[i] = radDataReadRec(myFiles[i]) # if there is no data in scans, overlayFan will object if scans == []: continue intensities, pcoll = overlayFan(scans, myMap, myFig, param, coords, gsct=gsct, site=sites[i], fov=fovs[i], fill=fill, velscl=velscl, dist=dist, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) # if no data has been found pcoll will not have been set, and the following # code will object if pcoll: cbar = myFig.colorbar(pcoll, orientation='vertical', shrink=.65, fraction=.1, drawedges=True) l = [] # define the colorbar labels for i in range(0, len(bounds)): if(param == 'phi0'): ln = 4 if(bounds[i] == 0): ln = 3 elif(bounds[i] < 0): ln = 5 l.append(str(bounds[i])[:ln]) continue if((i == 0 and param == 'velocity') or i == len(bounds) - 1): l.append(' ') continue l.append(str(int(bounds[i])))'y', direction='out') # set colorbar ticklabel size for ti in ti.set_fontsize(12) if(param == 'velocity'): cbar.set_label('Velocity [m/s]', size=14) cbar.extend = 'max' if(param == 'grid'): cbar.set_label('Velocity [m/s]', size=14) if(param == 'power'): cbar.set_label('Power [dB]', size=14) if(param == 'width'): cbar.set_label('Spec Wid [m/s]', size=14) if(param == 'elevation'): cbar.set_label('Elev [deg]', size=14) if(param == 'phi0'): cbar.set_label('Phi0 [rad]', size=14) # myFig.gca().set_rasterized(True) # label the plot tx1 = myFig.text((bbox.x0 + bbox.x1) / 2., bbox.y1 + .02, cTime.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'), ha='center', size=14, weight=550) tx2 = myFig.text(bbox.x1 + .02, bbox.y1 + .02, cTime.strftime('%H:%M - ') + bndTime.strftime('%H:%M '), ha='right', size=13, weight=550) tx3 = myFig.text(bbox.x0, bbox.y1 + .02, '[' + ft + ']', ha='left', size=13, weight=550) # label with frequency bands tx4 = myFig.text(bbox.x1 + .02, bbox.y1, 'Frequency filters:', ha='right', size=8, weight=550) for i in range(len(rad)): myFig.text(bbox.x1 + .02, bbox.y1 - ((i + 1) * .015), rad[i] + ': ' + str(tbands[i][0] / 1e3) + ' - ' + str(tbands[i][1] / 1e3) + ' MHz', ha='right', size=8, weight=550) if(overlayPoes): pcols = gme.sat.poes.overlayPoesTed(myMap, myFig.gca(), cTime, param=poesparam, scMin=poesMin, scMax=poesMax) if(pcols is not None): cols.append(pcols) pTicks = numpy.linspace(poesMin, poesMax, 8) cbar = myFig.colorbar(pcols, ticks=pTicks, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.65, fraction=.1) cbar.set_label(poesLabel, size=14)'y', direction='out') # set colorbar ticklabel size for ti in ti.set_fontsize(12) if(overlayBnd): gme.sat.poes.overlayPoesBnd(myMap, myFig.gca(), cTime) # handle the outputs if png is True: # if not show: # canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(myFig) myFig.savefig(sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M.") + str(interval) + '.fan.png', dpi=dpi) if pdf: # if not show: # canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(myFig)'Saving as pdf...this may take a moment...') myFig.savefig(sTime.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M.") + str(interval) + '.fan.pdf') if show:
def plot_tec(ax, dtm, mag_latc_range=[53, 62], mltc_range=[-6, 6], t_c_alt=0., cmap="gist_gray_r", scatter_plot=False, norm=None, db_name=None, dbdir="../data/sqlite3/"): """ Makes a TEC plot for a given dtm Parameters ---------- """ # Set the minutes a factor of 5 dtm = dtm.replace(minute=5 * int(dtm.minute / 5)) if db_name is None: db_name = "med_filt_tec.sqlite" # make a connection conn = sqlite3.connect(dbdir + db_name, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) # load data to a dataframe table_name = "med_filt_tec" command = "SELECT mlat, mlon, med_tec FROM {tb} " +\ "WHERE datetime = '{dtm}'" command = command.format(tb=table_name, dtm=dtm) df = pd.read_sql(command, conn) # Filter the data by MLAT df = df.loc[(df.mlat >= mag_latc_range[0]) & (df.mlat <= mag_latc_range[1]), :] # Plot the data ccoll = None if not df.empty: # convert from mag to mlt coords lats = df.mlat.as_matrix() lons = df.mlon.as_matrix() lts, lats = coord_conv(lons, lats, "mag", "mlt", altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=dtm) lts = [(round(x, 1)) % 360 for x in lts] lats = [round(x, 1) for x in lats] # Make MLT between -180 to 180 lts = [x if x <= 180 else x - 360 for x in lts] df["mlt"] = lts df["mlat"] = lats # Filter the data by MLT df = df.loc[(df.mlt >= mltc_range[0] * 15.) & (df.mlt <= mltc_range[1] * 15.), :] df = df.sort_values("mlt") # Construct arrays if scatter_plot: xs = df.mlt.as_matrix() ys = df.mlat.as_matrix() cs = df.med_tec.as_matrix() else: xs = np.arange(df.mlt.min(), df.mlt.max() + 2, 2) # in degrees ys = np.arange(mag_latc_range[0], mag_latc_range[1] + 1) cs = np.ones((len(xs), len(ys))) * np.nan for i, x in enumerate(xs): for j, y in enumerate(ys): df_tmp = df.loc[(np.isclose(df.mlt, x)) & (np.isclose(df.mlat, y))] if not df_tmp.empty: cs[i, j] = df_tmp.med_tec.as_matrix()[0] # Convert MLT from degrees to hours xs = xs / 15. # Plot the data if scatter_plot: ccoll = ax.scatter(xs, ys, s=30.0, zorder=1, marker="s", c=cs, linewidths=.5, edgecolors='face', cmap=cmap, norm=norm) else: X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) Z =, cs.T) ccoll = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, edgecolor=None, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) # Annotate the starting MLT location of the radar # rad_mlt_loc = round(df.rad_mlt.as_matrix()[0]/15.,1) # lbl = rad + ",b" + str(bmnum) + "\nMLT=" + str(rad_mlt_loc) # ax.annotate(lbl, xy=(0.90, 0.1), xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel("MLAT", fontsize=10) ax.set_ylim([mag_latc_range[0], mag_latc_range[1]]) ax.set_xlim([mltc_range[0], mltc_range[1]]) ax.axhline(y=65., color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.) # Close conn conn.close() return ccoll
try: cur.execute(command) except Exception, e: logging.error(e, exc_info=True) rows = cur.fetchall() # do the conversion row by row if rows: for row in rows: if row: lat, lon, date_time = row # convert from mag to mlt coords lt, lat = coord_conv(lon, lat, "mag", "mlt", altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) lt = (round(lt, 1)) % 360 lat = round(lat, 1) # Add to db command = "UPDATE {tb} SET mlt={lt} " +\ "WHERE mlat={lat} AND mlon={lon} AND datetime = '{dtm}'" command = command.format(tb=table_name, lat=lat, lon=lon, lt=lt, dtm=date_time) print command # do the update
def read_point_sdvel(stime, etime, hemi="north", ftype="grdex", coord="mlt", lon_range=[11, 13], lat_point=80.5, lon_del = 0.5): from davitpy.pydarn.sdio.sdDataRead import sdDataOpen, sdDataReadAll from davitpy.utils.coordUtils import coord_conv my_ptr = sdDataOpen(stime, hemi=hemi, eTime=etime, fileType=ftype) my_list = sdDataReadAll(my_ptr) # convert mlt_lon to mlon lon_range_tmp =np.arange(15*lon_range[0], 180, lon_del) np.append(lon_range_tmp, np.arange(-180, (15*lon_range[1] - 360), lon_del)) lon_range = lon_range_tmp tms = [] df_vel_mag = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(my_list)), columns=lon_range) df_vel_angle = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(my_list)), columns=lon_range) for k, sdrec in enumerate(my_list): # convert mag to mlt if ftype in ["grd", "grdex"]: xlon, xlat = coord_conv(sdrec.vector.mlon, sdrec.vector.mlat, "mag", coord, altitude=100., date_time=sdrec.eTime) elif ftype in ["map", "mapex"]: xlon, xlat = coord_conv(sdrec.grid.vector.mlon, sdrec.grid.vector.mlat, "mag", coord, altitude=100., date_time=sdrec.eTime) #lons_tmp = [] vel_mag, vel_angle = [], [] for i in range(len(lon_range)): diffs = np.array(xlon) - lon_range[i] if np.min(abs(diffs)) <= lon_del: min_indx = np.argmin(abs(diffs)) if (xlat[min_indx] - lat_point) == 0: #lons_tmp.append(xlon[min_indx]) if ftype in ["grd", "grdex"]: vel_mag.append(sdrec.vector.velmedian[min_indx]) kvect = sdrec.vector.kvect[min_indx] elif ftype in ["map", "mapex"]: vel_mag.append(sdrec.grid.vector.velmedian[min_indx]) kvect = sdrec.grid.vector.kvect[min_indx] # set the velocity direction parametr, kvect, such that 0 deg is sunward, 90 is dawnward, # 180 is antisunward and -90 is duskward if kvect < 0: kvect = kvect + 180 else: kvect = kvect - 180 vel_angle.append(kvect) else: vel_mag.append(np.nan) vel_angle.append(np.nan) else: vel_mag.append(np.nan) vel_angle.append(np.nan) # populate the empty dataframe vel_mag_dict = dict(zip(lon_range, vel_mag)) vel_angle_dict = dict(zip(lon_range, vel_angle)) df_vel_mag.loc[k] = vel_mag_dict df_vel_angle.loc[k] = vel_angle_dict tms.append(sdrec.sTime) # change the dataframe index into datetime index df_vel_mag.index = tms df_vel_angle.index = tms return df_vel_mag, df_vel_angle
print print "All of these results may have varying sigfigs." print "The expected values were found on a 32-bit system." print print "Test of redirection function coordConv" print coordConv(50.7, 34.5, 300., "geo", "geo", dateTime=datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 2)) print print "Single coord pair tests" print print "Test of list -> list" print "Expected for 32-bit system: ([50.700000000000003], [34.5])" print "Expected for 64-bit system: ([50.700000000000003], [34.5])" print "Result: " + \ str(coord_conv([50.7], [34.5], 'geo', 'geo')) print print "Test of float -> float" print "Expected for 32-bit system: (50.700000000000003, 34.5)" print "Expected for 64-bit system: (50.700000000000003, 34.5)" print "Result: " + \ str(coord_conv(50.7, 34.5, 'geo', 'geo')) print print "Test of int -> float" print "Expected for 32-bit system: (50.0, 34.0)" print "Expected for 64-bit system: (50.0, 34.0)" print "Result: " + \ str(coord_conv(50, 34, 'geo', 'geo')) print print "Tests of numpy array -> numpy array" print "Expected for 32-bit system: (array([ 50.7]), array([ 34.5]))"
logging.error(e, exc_info=True) rows = cur.fetchall() # do the conversion row by row if rows: for row in rows: latc, lonc, date_time = row if latc: # Load json string latc = json.loads(latc) lonc = json.loads(lonc) # convert from geo to mag coords lonc, latc = coord_conv(lonc, latc, "geo", "mag", altitude=t_c_alt, date_time=date_time) lonc = [(round(x, 1)) % 360 for x in lonc] latc = [round(x, 1) for x in latc] # convert to string latc = json.dumps(latc) lonc = json.dumps(lonc) # Add to db command = "UPDATE {tb} SET " +\ "mag_latc='{latc}', mag_lonc='{lonc}' " +\ "WHERE datetime = '{dtm}'" command = command.format(tb=table_name,