class Register(object):

    DEFAULTFILES = ["_.regfiledefaults", ".regfiledefaults"]
    LOGADD="+  "
    LOGUPDATE="!  "
    LOGUPDATED="!! "
    RULER=" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

    LOG_DBFILE_RE = re.compile(
                r"^DBF(?P<fileId>\d*)\|" +
                r"n:(?P<fileName>.*)\|" +
                r"g:(?P<group>.*)\|" +
                r"c:(?P<comment>.*)\|" +
                r"s:(?P<fileSize>\d*)\|" +
                r"md1:(?P<md1>.*)\|" +
                r"md5:(?P<md5>.*)\|" +

    def __init__(self, args):
        initialize the register, read parsed arguments, set the desired operation (op)
        # setup configuration {{{
        self.configuration  = RegfileConfiguration()
        self.dbFilePath     = self.configuration[RegfileConfiguration.DB]
        self.logfile        = self.configuration[RegfileConfiguration.LOG]
        # }}}

        # arguments
        self.fileId = args.fileId
        self.group = args.group
        self.comment = args.comment
        self.files = args.filenames
        self.queryasmysum = args.queryasmysum
        self.queryverbose = args.queryverbose
        self.queryed2k = args.queryed2k
        self.auto= args.auto
        self.defaults = args.defaults

        # defaults
        self.dbConnection = None # database connection
        self.op = None # operation function
        self.logf = None # log file
        self.pathTemplates = None  # path templates
        self.totalsize = 0 # the size of all the files to register/check in bytes
        self.defaultcache = dict() # cache with default values
        self.cols = 80 # terminal columns (accurate where supported - Linux/Unix)

        if (not self.configuration.fromConfigFile):
            import textwrap as tw
                        The configuration file '{0}' didn't exist, so a default has been created!
                        That also means that a default location for the database '{1}' is being
                        used. Review and change the configuration if necessary! The requested
                        operation has been canceled. (This warning is displayed only once!)
                        """.format(self.configuration.path, self.dbFilePath))
                , initial_indent="!!!   ", subsequent_indent="!!!   "))

        # key: the op code, value: op function, thorough for processfiles
        dd = { \
                "r" : (self.register, True),\
                "c" : (self.check, True),\
                "i": (self.batchimport, True),\
                "s" : (self.setdata, False),\
                "q" : (self.query, False),\
                "l" : (self.resetfromlog, False),\
                "d" : (self.makedefaults, False),\
        if not args.op in dd:
            raise ValueError(
                    "Operation '{}' is not supported!"

        self.op = dd[args.op][0]

        if self.op != self.resetfromlog:
            self.dbConnection = DBConnection(self.dbFilePath)


            self.cols = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])

    def go(self):
        just run the designed doperation
            if self.op:
            if self.logf:
            if self.dbConnection:

    def determineconfirm(self, args):
        """arguments take precedence over configuration"""
        self.confirm = self.confirmproblem = False
        if args.commit: # specified on command line
            cc = args.commit
        else: # get value from config instead
            cc = self.configuration[RegfileConfiguration.COMMIT]

        self.confirm = (cc == "confirm")
        self.confirmproblem = (cc == "problem")

    def docommit(self, problems):
        if self.confirm or (self.confirmproblem and problems):
            while True:
                response = input("Do you wish to commit these changes? [YES/no] ").lower().strip()
                if (response not in ["", "yes", "y", "no", "n"]):
                    print("Only yes or no (or just Enter) is a valid choice.")
                return (response in ["", "yes", "y"])
        return True

    def register(self):
        return self.registercheck(True)

    def check(self):
        return self.registercheck(False)

    def registercheck(self, register):
        register (or check) the given files
        pgr, pcom, pdir, psize = "", "", "", 0 # previous group, comment, directory and size
        tstart = time.time()
        ii = 0
        failfiles = []
        dbFilesToStore = []
        with self.dbConnection.getSessionContext() as session:
            for ff in self.files:
                ii = ii + 1
                fileMightBeRegistered = False
                cdir = os.path.dirname(ff) # directory
                sff = os.path.basename(ff) # short filename
                    if cdir != pdir:
                        print("Directory [{}]".format(cdir))
                        pdir = cdir

                    dbf = DBFile(fileName = sff)

                    if register: # group and comment
                        gr, com = self.getgroupcomment(ff)
                        if gr != pgr or com != pcom:
                            print("Using group:'{}' comment:'{}'".format(gr, com))
                            pgr, pcom = gr, com
                        dbf.group, dbf.comment = gr, com
                    self.printstatus(ii, sff, "Quick")

                    # stage 1 - silent
                    ms = MySum(ff)
                    dbf.fileSize = ms.fileSize
                    dbf.md1 = ms.md1

                    fileMightBeRegistered = self._determineFileMightBeRegistered(
                            session     = session,
                            fileSize    = dbf.fileSize,
                            md1         = dbf.md1,

                    if ((not register) and (not fileMightBeRegistered)):
                        self.printstatus(ii, sff, "FAILED")

                    tt = threading.Thread(target=ms.upgrade,args=[2])
                    while tt.is_alive():
                            self.printstatus(ii, sff, self.msgpgs(ms,psize,tstart,fileMightBeRegistered))
                        except KeyboardInterrupt:


                    psize = psize + ms.fileSize

                    dbf.md5     = ms.md5
                    dbf.ed2k    = ms.ed2k

                    matchingDBFile = self._determineMatchingDBFile(
                            session     = session,
                            fileSize    = dbf.fileSize,
                            md1         = dbf.md1,
                            md5         = dbf.md5,
                            ed2k        = dbf.ed2k,

                    fullMatch = (
                            (matchingDBFile is not None) and
                            (dbf.fileName == matchingDBFile.fileName) and
                            (dbf.group == matchingDBFile.group) and
                            (dbf.comment == matchingDBFile.comment)

                    if register:
                        if (matchingDBFile is None):
                            DBFileRegister.insert(session, dbf, commit=False)
                            self.printstatus(ii, sff, "New entry " + str(dbf.fileId))
                            if (fullMatch):
                                self.printstatus(ii, sff, "Already registered (full match) as " + str(matchingDBFile.fileId))
                                self.printstatus(ii, sff, "Already registered (data match) as " + str(matchingDBFile.fileId))
                        if (matchingDBFile is None):
                            self.printstatus(ii, sff, "FAILED")
                            stat = "OK"
                            if (dbf.fileName != matchingDBFile.fileName):
                                stat = "(as " + matchingDBFile.fileName + ") OK"
                            stat = "id:" + str(matchingDBFile.fileId) + " " + stat
                            self.printstatus(ii, sff, stat)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    self.printstatus(ii, sff, "Interrupted")
                    failfiles.append(ff + "    (Interrupted)")

            if register:
                print("About to register {} files out of {}".format(ii-len(failfiles),ii))
                print("Passed {} files out of {}.{}".format(ii-len(failfiles), ii, "ALL OK" if not len(failfiles) else "" ))
            if len(failfiles) > 0:
                print("A list of files that failed:")
                for ff in failfiles:
                    print("    " + ff)
            if register:
                if len(failfiles) == ii:
                    print("No files were registered!")
                elif self.docommit(failfiles):
                    for storedDBFile in dbFilesToStore:
                        self.log(Register.LOGADD + self._formatDBFileForLog(storedDBFile))

    def _determineFileMightBeRegistered(session, fileSize, md1):
        # DOC {{{
        """Returns True if there is a registered file of the size and the MD5
        sum of the first megabyte specified in the provided DBFile(), False


            session -- an instance of the SQLAlchemy's Session()

            fileSize -- the size of the file to look for in bytes

            md1 -- the MD5 sum of the first megabyte of the file
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        dbfs = DBFileRegister.query(
                session     = session,
                fileSize    = fileSize,
                md1         = md1,

        return (dbfs is not None)
         # }}}

    def _determineMatchingDBFile(session, fileSize, md1, md5, ed2k):
        # DOC {{{
        """Returns the DBFile() that matches the size, the MD5 sum of the first
        megabyte, the MD5 sum of the entire file and the ED2K sum of the
        specified DBFile() and is already registered in the register.


            session -- an instance of the SQLAlchemy's Session()

            fileSize -- the size of the file to look for in bytes

            md1 -- the MD5 sum of the first megabyte of the file

            md1 -- the MD5 sum of the entire file

            ed2k -- the ED2K sum of the entire file
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        dbfs = DBFileRegister.query(
                session     = session,
                fileSize    = fileSize,
                md1         = md1,
                md5         = md5,
                ed2k        = ed2k,

        if ((dbfs is None) or (len(dbfs) == 0)):
            return None
            return dbfs[0]
        # }}}

    def batchimport(self):
        store all data stored in the provided files (usually named like sumlog.txt)

        Only [MYSUM...] entries are valid.
        pgr, pcom, pdir = "", "", "" # previous group, comment and directory
        ii = 0 # file no
        jj = 0 # successfully imported entries
        warn = 0 # number of warnings (duplicities)
        failfiles = [] # a list of files that failed to import
        allDBFilesToStore = []

        with self.dbConnection.getSessionContext() as session:
            for ff in self.files:
                ii = ii + 1
                cdir = os.path.dirname(ff) # directory
                if cdir != pdir:
                    print("Directory [{}]".format(cdir))
                    pdir = cdir

                gr, com = self.getgroupcomment(ff, imp=True)
                if gr != pgr or com != pcom:
                    print("Using group:{} comment:{}".format(gr, com))
                    pgr, pcom = gr, com

                self.printstatus(ii, ff, "")

                with open(ff, "r") as fsum:
                    ll = 0
                    fail = False

                    dbFilesToStoreFromImportFile = []
                    for line in fsum:
                        ll = ll + 1
                        self.printstatus(ii, ff, "L" + str(ll))
                            ms = MySum.fromString(line)
                        except ValueError:
                            self.printstatus(ii, ff, "not a MYSUM!")
                            fail = True
                        self.printstatus(ii, ff, ms.fileName + " L" + str(ll))

                        dbf = DBFile(
                                fileName    = ms.fileName,
                                group       = gr,
                                comment     = com,
                                fileSize    = ms.fileSize,
                                md1         = ms.md1,
                                md5         = ms.md5,
                                ed2k        = ms.ed2k,

                        matchingDBFile = self._determineMatchingDBFile(
                                session     = session,
                                fileSize    = dbf.fileSize,
                                md1         = dbf.md1,
                                md5         = dbf.md5,
                                ed2k        = dbf.ed2k,

                        fullMatch = ((matchingDBFile is not None) and
                                     (dbf.fileName == matchingDBFile.fileName) and
                                     (dbf.group == matchingDBFile.group) and
                                     (dbf.comment == matchingDBFile.comment))

                        if (matchingDBFile):
                            warn = warn + 1

                            if (fullMatch):
                                self.printstatus(ii, ff, "Already registered (full match) as {} L{}".format(matchingDBFile.fileId, ll))
                                self.printstatus(ii, ff, "Already registered (data match) as {} L{}".format(matchingDBFile.fileId, ll))
                        jj = jj + 1
                    if fail:
                        if ll == 1:
                            self.printstatus(ii, ff, "FAILED")
                            sll = "after " + str(ll) + " lines"
                            self.printstatus(ii, ff, "FAILED " + sll)
                            failfiles.append(ff + "       (" + sll + ")")
                        for dbf in dbFilesToStoreFromImportFile:
                            DBFileRegister.insert(session, dbf, commit=False)
            print("About to import {} entries ({} warnings) from {} files out of {}".format(jj, warn, len(self.files) - len(failfiles), len(self.files)))
            if len(failfiles) > 0:
                print("A list of files that failed:")
                for ff in failfiles:
                    print("    " + ff)
            if self.docommit(failfiles):
                for storedDBFile in allDBFilesToStore:
                    self.log(Register.LOGADD + self._formatDBFileForLog(storedDBFile))

    def setdata(self):
        Change some details of the entries given by IDs. IDs are required.

        Only filename, comment and group can be changed.
        ff = None
        if (isinstance(self.files, list)):
            if len(self.files) > 1:
                print("Please provide just one name or none at all!")
            elif len(self.files) == 1:
                ff = self.files[0]

        if (self.fileId is None):
            print("Please provide file ID (-i option).")

        self.fileId = int(self.fileId)

        dbf = DBFile(fileId=self.fileId, fileName=ff, group=self.group, comment=self.comment)
        self.log(Register.LOGUPDATE + self._formatDBFileForLog(dbf))
        with self.dbConnection.getSessionContext() as session:
            dbf = DBFileRegister.update(session, dbf)
        if not dbf:
            print("Error updating the entry!")
            self.log(Register.LOGUPDATED + self._formatDBFileForLog(dbf))

    def query(self):
        Query the register for any entry matching the parameters.

        Only parts of the entry have to match the given parameters (ilike)
        ff = None
        if (isinstance(self.files, list)):
            if len(self.files) > 1:
                print("Please provide just one name or none at all!")
            elif len(self.files) == 1:
                ff = self.files[0]

        # create a new query arguments
        dbFileQueryArguments = DBFileQueryArguments()

        # add a query argument matching the file's ID if it is specified {{{
        if (self.fileId is not None):
            dbFileQueryArguments.fileId = self.fileId
        # }}}

        # add a query argument matching the file's name if it is specified {{{
        if (ff is not None):
            dbFileQueryArguments.fileName = ff
        # }}}

        # add a query argument matching the file's group if it is specified {{{
        if (self.group is not None):
            dbFileQueryArguments.group = self.group
        # }}}

        # add a query argument matching the file's comment if it is specified {{{
        if (self.comment is not None):
            dbFileQueryArguments.comment = self.comment
        # }}}

        with self.dbConnection.getSessionContext() as session:
            ll = DBFileRegister.query(session, dbFileQueryArguments)

        if (ll is None):
            print("No record matches the query!")
            formatDBFileMethod = self._formatDBFile
            if self.queryasmysum:
                formatDBFileMethod = self._formatDBFileAsMysum
            elif self.queryed2k:
                formatDBFileMethod = self._formatDBFileAsED2K
            elif self.queryverbose:
                formatDBFileMethod = functools.partial(self._formatDBFile, verbose = True)

            for dbf in ll:

    def resetfromlog(self):
        drop the db and reinsert (and update) all the entries from log to the empty db
        if not os.path.exists(self.logfile):
            print("The logfile " + self.logfile + " doesn't exist!")
        # backup the old one
        if os.path.exists(self.dbFilePath):
            bak = self.dbFilePath + "~"
            if os.path.exists(bak):
                if input("A backup already exists. Remove it (only Yes is accepted)? ") != "Yes":
            os.rename(self.dbFilePath, bak)
        # read new one
        print("This might take a while depending on the log size. Please wait ...")
        self.dbConnection = DBConnection(self.dbFilePath)
        with self.dbConnection.getSessionContext() as session:
            with open(self.logfile, "r") as self.logf:
                for ll in self.logf:
                    if ll.startswith(Register.LOGADD):
                        dbf = self._dbFileFromLog(ll[len(Register.LOGADD):])
                        DBFileRegister.insert(session, dbf, commit=False)
                    elif ll.startswith(Register.LOGUPDATED):
                        dbf = self._dbFileFromLog(ll[len(Register.LOGUPDATED):])
                        DBFileRegister.update(session,dbf, setall=True)
                    # TODO display progress (line, items, date)

    def log(self, line):
        log the line to log file
        if this is late commit op, store line for later (in self.latelog buffer)
        to write stored lines set op to eg. None and call it again
        if not self.logf:
            self.logfile = os.path.expanduser(self.logfile)
            if not os.path.exists(self.logfile):
                self.logf = open(self.logfile, "w")
                self.logf = open(self.logfile, "a")
        if line:

    def printstatus(self, no, ff, msg, totalItems = None):
        print the provided information so it fits on one line of the terminal

        self.cols holds the maximum line size
        everything will fit to fill the linelike this
        |[no/total] filenamefilename~filenamefilename   message |
        |[no/total] filenamefi~mefilename   veryverylongmessage |

        if (totalItems is None):
            totalItems = len(self.files)

        stat = str(len(self.files))
        stat = "[{}/{}] ".format(str(no).rjust(len(stat)), totalItems)
        # filename has all the space that's left by message and current stat
        lff = self.cols - len(msg) - len(stat) - 5 # 1 (before) + 3 (after) + 1 (end)
        if lff < len(ff):  # not enough space - construct file~name
            hff = int((lff-1)/2)
            ff = ff[:hff]+"~"+ff[-hff:]
        ff = ff.ljust(lff)
        print("\r{} {}   {}".format(stat, ff, msg), end="")

    def msgpgs(self, ms, psize, tstart, fileMightBeRegistered=False):
        create a progress message from the given info
        pgs = ms.processedSize
        size = ms.fileSize
        tnow = time.time()
        if (pgs is None):
            pgs = 0
        if size == 0:
            percent = 100
            percent = int(pgs * 100 / size)
        tdif = tnow - tstart
        if tdif == 0:
            speed = 0
            speed = (psize + pgs) / (1024*1024*tdif)
        if speed == 0:
            speed = 0
            eta = " --:--"
            eta = int((self.totalsize - psize - pgs) / (1024*1024*speed))
            speed = int(speed)
            if eta != 0:
                eta = " {:02d}:{:02d}".format(int(eta/60), eta % 60)
                eta = " 00:00"
        return "{}{} {:3d}MB/s{}".format("* " if fileMightBeRegistered else "", progressbar(percent,size=21), speed, eta)

    def processfiles(self, thorough=True):
        parse the files from arguments to a useable list

        if thorough is True the list of directories, files and wildcards is turned into a list of real filenames (and total size is computed)
        if (isinstance(self.files, str)):
            self.files = [ self.files ]
        elif self.files is None:
        elif (not isinstance(self.files, list)):
            raise ValueError("The files is not a list nor a string")

        if not thorough:

        rf = [] # real files
        ts = 0 # total size
        if (os.name == 'posix'):
            cwd = os.popen('pwd').read().strip('\n')
            cwd = os.getcwd()

        for ff in self.files:
            # the file could be: a file, a directory (then add everything recursively), or a wildcard
            ff = os.path.expanduser(ff)

            if (not os.path.isabs(ff)):
                ff = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, ff))

            if (os.path.exists(ff) and os.path.isdir(ff)):
                for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(ff):
                    for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*'):
                        fn = os.path.join(root, filename)
                        ts = ts + os.stat(fn)[6]
                for fn in glob.iglob(ff):
                    fn = os.path.join(cwd, fn)
                    ts = ts + os.stat(fn)[6]
        self.totalsize = ts
        self.files = rf

    def makedefaults(self):
        create a defaults file that can be edited to change default group and comment
        the file is created in the current directory
        if os.path.exists(self.DEFAULTFILES[0]):
            print("The file " + self.DEFAULTFILES[1] + " already exists!")
        elif os.path.exists(self.DEFAULTFILES[1]):
            print("Warning the file " + self.DEFAULTFILES[1] + " exists!")
        with open(self.DEFAULTFILES[0], "w"):
        print("File " + self.DEFAULTFILES[0] + " created. You can rename it to "+ self.DEFAULTFILES[1] + " if you want.")

    def getgroupcomment(self, ff, imp=False):
        determine group and comment for the given file
        the sources for both of these values are (in this order, lowest to highest prio):
        - the defaults files (the first of .regfiledefaults or _.regfiledefaults )
            - the first line is the default group (if not empty)
            - the second line is the default comment (if not empty)
        - path templates (group and comment for certain directories)
        - command arguments

        returns (group, comment) tuple
        to be used with register and import only
        set imp to True if importing
        gr = self.group
        com = self.comment
        if gr and com:
            return gr, com

        if self.defaults:
            # first look in the cache
            dirname = os.path.dirname(ff)
            if dirname in self.defaultcache:
                grcom = self.defaultcache[dirname]
                if (grcom is not None): # None means "use arg values"
                    gr, com = grcom
                # not in cache - read the defaults file
                for df in self.DEFAULTFILES:
                    fdf = os.path.join(dirname, df)
                    if not os.path.exists(fdf) or not os.path.isfile(fdf):
                        dd = open(fdf, 'r')
                        print("Error trying to open the file '{}'".format(fdf))
                    ll = dd.readlines()
                    if len(ll) >= 1 and not gr:
                        gr = ll[0].strip()
                    if len(ll) >= 2 and not com:
                        com = ll[1].strip()

                # store result in cache for further use
                if gr == self.group and com == self.comment:
                    self.defaultcache[dirname] = None
                    self.defaultcache[dirname] = (gr, com)

        if self.auto:
            # now the magic
            # ff can be relative to os.getcwd or absolute, absolute path is needed
            if not os.path.isabs(ff):
                ff = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ff)

            if (self.pathTemplates is None):
                self.pathTemplates = PathTemplates.fromConfig(self.configuration[RegfileConfiguration.PATH_TEMPLATES])

            gr, com = self.pathTemplates.apply(ff, self.group, self.comment, gr, com, imp)

        return (gr,com)

    def _formatDBFileAsMysum(dbFile):
        # DOC {{{
        """Returns a string with the specified DBFile()'s properties in
        the MySum format.


            dbFile -- a DBFile() to format
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        return MySum.format(
            fileName    = dbFile.fileName,
            fileSize    = dbFile.fileSize,
            md5         = dbFile.md5,
            md1         = dbFile.md1,
            ed2k        = dbFile.ed2k,
        # }}}

    def _formatDBFileAsED2K(dbFile):
        # DOC {{{
        """Returns a string containing the specified DBFile()'s as an
        ED2K link.


            dbFile -- a DBFile() to format
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        return "ed2k://|file|{fileName}|{fileSize}|{ed2k}|/".format(
            fileName    = dbFile.fileName,
            fileSize    = dbFile.fileSize,
            ed2k        = dbFile.ed2k,
        # }}}

    def _formatDBFile(dbFile, verbose = False):
        # DOC {{{
        """Formats the specified DBFile()'s properties to a string and
        returns it.


            dbFile -- a DBFile() to format

            verbose -- (optional) if True checksums are included
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        # a list of lines of formated DBFile()'s properties
        formatedLines = []

        # print file's ID, name and size {{{
        formatedLines.append("[{fileId:5d}] '{fileName}' s:{fileSize}".format(
            fileId      = dbFile.fileId,
            fileName    = dbFile.fileName,
            fileSize    = dbFile.fileSize,
        # }}}

        # print the file's group if it is not empty {{{
        if (dbFile.group):
            formatedLines.append("        group: {}".format(dbFile.group))
        # }}}

        # print the file's comment if it is not empty {{{
        if (dbFile.comment):
            formatedLines.append("        comment: {}".format(dbFile.comment))
        # }}}

        # print file's checksums if verbosity is set {{{
        if (verbose):
            formatedLines.append("        md1:{md1}  md5:{md5}  ed2k:{ed2k}".format(
                md1     = dbFile.md1,
                md5     = dbFile.md5,
                ed2k    = dbFile.ed2k
        # }}}

        # join all the lines and return the resulting string for formated DBFile()'s properties
        return "\n".join(formatedLines)
        # }}}

    def _formatDBFileForLog(dbFile):
        # DOC {{{
        """Returns a string representation of the specified dbFile for the log.


            dbFile -- a DBFile() to format
        # }}}

        # CODE {{{
        return ("DBF{fileId:06d}|n:{fileName}|" +
                "g:{group}|c:{comment}|s:{fileSize}|" +
                    fileId      = dbFile.fileId if (dbFile.fileId is not None) else 0,
                    fileName    = dbFile.fileName,
                    group       = dbFile.group if (dbFile.group is not None) else "",
                    comment     = dbFile.comment if (dbFile.comment is not None) else "",
                    fileSize    = dbFile.fileSize,
                    md1         = dbFile.md1,
                    md5         = dbFile.md5,
                    ed2k        = dbFile.ed2k,
        # }}}

    def _dbFileFromLog(ls):
        rr = Register.LOG_DBFILE_RE.match(ls)
        if not rr:
            raise ValueError("The string " + ls + " doesnt match the logline!")

        matchGroups = rr.groupdict()

        dbf = DBFile(
                fileId      = int(matchGroups['fileId']),
                fileName    = matchGroups['fileName'],
                fileSize    = int(matchGroups['fileSize']),
                group       = matchGroups['group'],
                comment     = matchGroups['comment'],
                md1         = matchGroups['md1'],
                md5         = matchGroups['md5'],
                ed2k        = matchGroups['ed2k'],

        assert (Register._formatDBFileForLog(dbf).strip() == ls.strip())

        return dbf