def test_insert_map_datum(self): """An `uiapi.hazard_map_data` record is inserted correctly.""" self.output = self.setup_output() session = Session.get() hmw = HazardMapDBWriter( session, self.output.path, hmw.output = self.output # This output has no map data before calling the function under test. self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.hazardmapdata_set)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.lossmapdata_set)) # Call the function under test. data = HAZARD_MAP_DATA[-1] hmw.insert_map_datum(*data) # After calling the function under test we see the expected map data. self.assertEqual(1, len(self.output.hazardmapdata_set)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.lossmapdata_set)) # Make sure the inserted map data is correct. [hmd] = self.output.hazardmapdata_set point = data[0].point self.assertEqual([point.x, point.y], hmd.location.coords(session)) self.assertEqual(round_float(data[1].get("IML")), round_float(hmd.value))
def setup_output(self, job_to_use=None, output_type="hazard_map", db_backed=True): """Create an output object of the given type. :param job_to_use: if set use the passed :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance as opposed to creating a new one. :param str output_type: map type, one of "hazard_map", "loss_map" :param bool db_backed: initialize the property of the newly created :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Output` instance with this value. :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Output` instance """ job = job_to_use if job_to_use else self.setup_classic_job() output = Output(owner=job.owner, oq_job=job, output_type=output_type, db_backed=db_backed) output.path = self.touch( dir=os.path.join(job.path, "computed_output"), suffix=".xml", prefix="hzrd." if output_type == "hazard_map" else "loss.") session = Session.get() session.add(output) session.commit() return output
def test_insert_map_datum(self): """An `uiapi.hazard_map_data` record is inserted correctly.""" self.output = self.setup_output() session = Session.get() hmw = HazardMapDBWriter(session, self.output.path, hmw.output = self.output # This output has no map data before calling the function under test. self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.hazardmapdata_set)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.lossmapdata_set)) # Call the function under test. data = HAZARD_MAP_DATA[-1] hmw.insert_map_datum(*data) # After calling the function under test we see the expected map data. self.assertEqual(1, len(self.output.hazardmapdata_set)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.output.lossmapdata_set)) # Make sure the inserted map data is correct. [hmd] = self.output.hazardmapdata_set point = data[0].point self.assertEqual([point.x, point.y], hmd.location.coords(session)) self.assertEqual(round_float(data[1].get("IML")), round_float(hmd.value))
def setup_classic_job(self, create_job_path=True, upload_id=None): """Create a classic job with associated upload and inputs. :param integer upload_id: if set use upload record with given db key. :param bool create_job_path: if set the path for the job will be created and captured in the job record :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance """ session = Session.get() upload = self.setup_upload(upload_id) oqp = OqParams() oqp.job_type = "classical" oqp.upload = upload oqp.region_grid_spacing = 0.01 oqp.min_magnitude = 5.0 oqp.investigation_time = 50.0 oqp.component = "gmroti50" oqp.imt = "pga" oqp.truncation_type = "twosided" oqp.truncation_level = 3 oqp.reference_vs30_value = 760 oqp.imls = [ 0.005, 0.007, 0.0098, 0.0137, 0.0192, 0.0269, 0.0376, 0.0527, 0.0738, 0.103, 0.145, 0.203, 0.284, 0.397, 0.556, 0.778, ] oqp.poes = [0.01, 0.10] oqp.realizations = 1 oqp.region = "POLYGON((-81.3 37.2, -80.63 38.04, -80.02 37.49, -81.3 37.2))" session.add(oqp) job = OqJob(oq_params=oqp, owner=upload.owner, job_type="classical") session.add(job) session.commit() if create_job_path: job.path = os.path.join(upload.path, str( session.add(job) session.commit() os.mkdir(job.path) os.chmod(job.path, 0777) return job
def setup_upload(self, dbkey=None): """Create an upload with associated inputs. :param integer dbkey: if set use the upload record with given db key. :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Upload` instance """ session = Session.get() if dbkey: upload = session.query(Upload).filter( == dbkey).one() return upload user = session.query(OqUser).filter(OqUser.user_name == "openquake").one() upload = Upload(owner=user, path=tempfile.mkdtemp()) session.add(upload) session.commit() return upload
def setup_upload(self, dbkey=None): """Create an upload with associated inputs. :param integer dbkey: if set use the upload record with given db key. :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Upload` instance """ session = Session.get() if dbkey: upload = session.query(Upload).filter( == dbkey).one() return upload user = session.query(OqUser).filter( OqUser.user_name == "openquake").one() upload = Upload(owner=user, path=tempfile.mkdtemp()) session.add(upload) session.commit() return upload
def teardown_upload(self, upload, filesystem_only=True): """ Tear down the file system (and potentially db) artefacts for the given upload. :param upload: the :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Upload` instance in question :param bool filesystem_only: if set the upload/input database records will be left intact. This saves time and the test db will be dropped/recreated prior to the next db test suite run anyway. """ # This is like "rm -rf path" shutil.rmtree(upload.path, ignore_errors=True) if filesystem_only: return session = Session.get() session.delete(upload) session.commit()
def test_serialize_sets_min_max_values(self): """ serialize() sets the minimum and maximum values on the output record. """ self.job = self.setup_classic_job() session = Session.get() output_path = self.generate_output_path(self.job) hmw = HazardMapDBWriter(session, output_path, # Call the function under test. hmw.serialize(HAZARD_MAP_DATA) minimum = min(data[1].get("IML") for data in HAZARD_MAP_DATA) maximum = max(data[1].get("IML") for data in HAZARD_MAP_DATA) # After calling the function under test we see the expected map data. [output] = self.job.output_set self.assertEqual(round_float(minimum), round_float(output.min_value)) self.assertEqual(round_float(maximum), round_float(output.max_value))
def create_hazardmap_writer(params, nrml_path): """Create a hazard map writer observing the settings in the config file. :param dict params: the settings from the OpenQuake engine configuration file. :param str nrml_path: the full path of the XML/NRML representation of the hazard map. :returns: an :py:class:`output.hazard.HazardMapXMLWriter` or an :py:class:`output.hazard.HazardMapDBWriter` instance. """ db_flag = params.get("SERIALIZE_MAPS_TO_DB") if not db_flag or db_flag.lower() == "false": return hazard_output.HazardMapXMLWriter(nrml_path) else: job_db_key = params.get("OPENQUAKE_JOB_ID") assert job_db_key, "No job db key in the configuration parameters" job_db_key = int(job_db_key) session = Session.get() return hazard_output.HazardMapDBWriter(session, nrml_path, job_db_key)
def test_serialize(self): """serialize() inserts the output and the hazard_map_data records.""" self.job = self.setup_classic_job() session = Session.get() output_path = self.generate_output_path(self.job) hmw = HazardMapDBWriter(session, output_path, # This job has no outputs before calling the function under test. self.assertEqual(0, len(self.job.output_set)) # Call the function under test. hmw.serialize(HAZARD_MAP_DATA) # After calling the function under test we see the expected output. self.assertEqual(1, len(self.job.output_set)) # After calling the function under test we see the expected map data. [output] = self.job.output_set self.assertEqual(len(HAZARD_MAP_DATA), len(output.hazardmapdata_set)) self.assertEqual(0, len(output.lossmapdata_set))
def teardown_output(self, output, teardown_job=True, filesystem_only=True): """ Tear down the file system (and potentially db) artefacts for the given output. :param output: the :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Output` instance in question :param bool teardown_job: the associated job and its related artefacts shall be torn down as well. :param bool filesystem_only: if set the various database records will be left intact. This saves time and the test db will be dropped/recreated prior to the next db test suite run anyway. """ job = output.oq_job if not filesystem_only: session = Session.get() session.delete(output) session.commit() if teardown_job: self.teardown_job(job, filesystem_only=filesystem_only)
def teardown_job(self, job, filesystem_only=True): """ Tear down the file system (and potentially db) artefacts for the given job. :param job: the :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance in question :param bool filesystem_only: if set the oq_job/oq_param/upload/input database records will be left intact. This saves time and the test db will be dropped/recreated prior to the next db test suite run anyway. """ oqp = job.oq_params self.teardown_upload(oqp.upload, filesystem_only=filesystem_only) if filesystem_only: return session = Session.get() session.delete(job) session.delete(oqp) session.commit()
def setup_classic_job(self, create_job_path=True, upload_id=None): """Create a classic job with associated upload and inputs. :param integer upload_id: if set use upload record with given db key. :param bool create_job_path: if set the path for the job will be created and captured in the job record :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance """ session = Session.get() upload = self.setup_upload(upload_id) oqp = OqParams() oqp.job_type = "classical" oqp.upload = upload oqp.region_grid_spacing = 0.01 oqp.min_magnitude = 5.0 oqp.investigation_time = 50.0 oqp.component = "gmroti50" oqp.imt = "pga" oqp.truncation_type = "twosided" oqp.truncation_level = 3 oqp.reference_vs30_value = 760 oqp.imls = [ 0.005, 0.007, 0.0098, 0.0137, 0.0192, 0.0269, 0.0376, 0.0527, 0.0738, 0.103, 0.145, 0.203, 0.284, 0.397, 0.556, 0.778 ] oqp.poes = [0.01, 0.10] oqp.realizations = 1 oqp.region = ( "POLYGON((-81.3 37.2, -80.63 38.04, -80.02 37.49, -81.3 37.2))") session.add(oqp) job = OqJob(oq_params=oqp, owner=upload.owner, job_type="classical") session.add(job) session.commit() if create_job_path: job.path = os.path.join(upload.path, str( session.add(job) session.commit() os.mkdir(job.path) os.chmod(job.path, 0777) return job
def test_insert_output(self): """An `uiapi.output` record is inserted correctly.""" self.job = self.setup_classic_job() session = Session.get() output_path = self.generate_output_path(self.job) hmw = HazardMapDBWriter(session, output_path, # This job has no outputs before calling the function under test. self.assertEqual(0, len(self.job.output_set)) # Call the function under test. hmw.insert_output() # After calling the function under test we see the expected output. self.assertEqual(1, len(self.job.output_set)) # Make sure the inserted output record has the right data. [output] = self.job.output_set self.assertTrue(output.db_backed) self.assertEqual(output_path, output.path) self.assertEqual("hazard_map", output.output_type) self.assertIs(self.job, output.oq_job)
def setup_output(self, job_to_use=None, output_type="hazard_map", db_backed=True): """Create an output object of the given type. :param job_to_use: if set use the passed :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance as opposed to creating a new one. :param str output_type: map type, one of "hazard_map", "loss_map" :param bool db_backed: initialize the property of the newly created :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Output` instance with this value. :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.Output` instance """ job = job_to_use if job_to_use else self.setup_classic_job() output = Output(owner=job.owner, oq_job=job, output_type=output_type, db_backed=db_backed) output.path = self.touch( dir=os.path.join(job.path, "computed_output"), suffix=".xml", prefix="hzrd." if output_type == "hazard_map" else "loss.", ) session = Session.get() session.add(output) session.commit() return output