def create_relation(user_1_id, user_2_id, relation_type): remove_relation(user_1_id, user_2_id) remove_relation(user_2_id, user_1_id) timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) cursor.execute("insert into social values (?, ?, ?, ?)", [user_1_id, user_2_id, relation_type, timestamp]) connection.commit()
def modify_tokens(user_id, formatted_token, remove): temp_tokens = valid_tokens(user_id) temp_tokens.remove(formatted_token) if remove else temp_tokens.append( formatted_token) cursor.execute("update users set valid_tokens = ? where user_id = ?", [json.dumps(temp_tokens), user_id]) connection.commit()
def getTracks(): cursor.execute( """SELECT,Faixas.id_faixa_album,Faixas.nome,Faixas.descricao,Faixas.tipo_gravacao,Faixas.album,Faixas.tipo_composicao,Faixas.duracao,Compositor.nome,Interprete.nome,Composicao.nome From Faixas, FaixasCompositorAux,Compositor, FaixasInterpreteAux, Interprete,Composicao WHERE = FaixasCompositorAux.id_faixa AND FaixasCompositorAux.id_compositor = AND FaixasInterpreteAux.id_faixa = AND FaixasInterpreteAux.id_interprete = AND Faixas.tipo_composicao = GROUP BY,Faixas.id_faixa_album,Faixas.nome,Faixas.descricao,Faixas.tipo_gravacao,Faixas.album,Faixas.tipo_composicao,Faixas.duracao,Compositor.nome,Interprete.nome,Composicao.nome ORDER BY""") faixas = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): faixas.append({ 'id': row[0], 'id_faixa_album': row[1], 'nome': row[2], 'descricao': row[3], 'tipo_gravacao': row[4], 'album': row[5], 'tipo_composicao': row[6], 'duracao': (str(row[7])), 'nome_compositor': row[8], 'nome_interprete': row[9], 'nome_composicao': row[10] }) return jsonify(faixas)
def store_commit(repos_id, commit, filename, author_name, author_email, author_date, committer_name, committer_email, committer_date, added, removed, whitespace): # Fix some common issues in git commit logs and store data # Sometimes git is misconfigured and name/email get swapped author_name, author_email = check_swapped_emails(author_name, author_email) committer_name, committer_email = check_swapped_emails( committer_name, committer_email) # Some systems append extra info after a second @ author_email = strip_extra_amp(author_email) committer_email = strip_extra_amp(committer_email) store = ( "INSERT INTO analysis_data (repos_id,commit,filename," "author_name,author_raw_email,author_email,author_date," "committer_name,committer_raw_email,committer_email,committer_date," "added,removed,whitespace) " "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)") cursor.execute(store, (repos_id, commit, filename, author_name, author_email, discover_alias(author_email), author_date, committer_name, committer_email, discover_alias(committer_email), committer_date, added, removed, whitespace)) db.commit() log_activity('Debug', 'Stored commit: %s' % commit)
def update_status(status): # Update the status displayed in the UI query = ("UPDATE settings SET value=%s WHERE setting='utility_status'") cursor.execute(query, (status, )) db.commit()
def shop_menu(callback): message = callback.message if not USER_BASKET_DATA.get( USER_BASKET_DATA[] = {} if [int( ] in cursor.execute('select shop_id from menu').fetchall(): shop_name_description = \ cursor.execute(f"select name, description from shops where id={}").fetchall()[0] bot.send_message(, f'Ресторан "{shop_name_description[0]}"\n{shop_name_description[1]}' ) dishes = cursor.execute(f"select description, name, photo, cost from menu where shop_id = '{}'")\ .fetchall() names = [i[1] for i in dishes] SHOP_MENU_DATA[] = { dish[1]: dish for dish in dishes } bot.send_message(, 'Доступные блюда:', reply_markup=create_menu_keyboard( names, else: bot.send_message(, 'Кажется этот ресторан еще не настроил свое меню')
def get_chats_list(): if not request.json or 'user' not in request.json or not request.json[ 'user'].isdigit(): abort(400) chats_id = cursor.execute( f"select chat_id from user_chat where user_id={request.json['user']}" ).fetchall() last_messages = [] for chat_id in chats_id: if cursor.execute( f"select created_at from message where chat={chat_id[0]}" ).fetchall(): last_messages.append([ chat_id[0], sorted([ i[0] for i in cursor.execute( f"select created_at from message where chat={chat_id[0]}" ).fetchall() ])[-1] ]) result = sorted([ cursor.execute(f"select * from chat where id={i[0]}").fetchall()[0] for i in last_messages ], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return jsonify({'chats': result})
def getFaixaCompositores(): cursor.execute("SELECT * from FaixasCompositorAux") faixacompositores = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): faixacompositores.append({'id_compositor':row[0], 'id_faixa': row[1]}) return jsonify(faixacompositores)
def post(self): data = UserRegistration.parser.parse_args() data['pwd'] = User.generate_hash(data['pwd']) create_users_table() insert_query = """INSERT INTO users (username, pwd, firstname, lastname, othernames, email, registered, isAdmin) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" record_to_insert = list(data.values()) try: cursor.execute(insert_query, record_to_insert) connection.commit() access_token = create_access_token(identity=data['username']) return { 'status': 201, 'data': [{ 'token': access_token, 'user': data['username'] }] }, 201 # TODO: HANDLE ERROR BETTER -- 409 IF CONFLICT, 500 IF OTHER except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: connection.rollback() return { 'status': 500, 'message': json.dumps(error, default=str) }, 500
def git_repo_updates(): # Update existing repos update_status('Updating repos') log_activity('Info', 'Updating existing repos') repo_base_directory = get_setting('repo_directory') query = ("SELECT id,projects_id,git,name,path FROM repos WHERE " "status='Active'") cursor.execute(query) existing_repos = list(cursor) for row in existing_repos: log_activity('Verbose', 'Attempting to update %s' % row['git']) update_repo_log(row['id'], 'Updating') cmd = ("git -C %s%s/%s%s pull" % (repo_base_directory, row['projects_id'], row['path'], row['name'])) return_code = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True).wait() if return_code == 0: update_repo_log(row['id'], 'Up-to-date') log_activity('Verbose', 'Updated %s' % row["git"]) else: update_repo_log(row['id'], 'Failed (%s)' % return_code) log_activity('Error', 'Could not update %s' % row["git"]) log_activity('Info', 'Updating existing repos (complete)')
def move(self, user_id, column): if len(self.board.win_positions) > 0: return if self.board.board_full: return move = self.player_1_id if self.board.player_1 else self.player_2_id if user_id != move: return self.board.drop_fisje(column) io.emit("fieldUpdate", {"field": self.board.board}, now = int(time.time() * 1000) cursor.execute( "update games set last_activity = ?, moves = moves || ? || ',' where game_id = ?", [now, column, self.game_id]) connection.commit() if len(self.board.win_positions) > 0 or self.board.board_full: outcome = "d" if not self.board.board_full: winner = self.board.board[int(self.board.win_positions[0][0])] outcome = "w" if winner == "2" else "l" io.emit("finish", { "winPositions": self.board.win_positions, "boardFull": self.board.board_full }, self.close("finished", outcome) return io.emit("turnUpdate", {"player1": self.board.player_1},
def get_recommendation(): if request.method == "POST": RATINGS_PATH = '/srv/movielens/ratings_matrix.npz' RATINGS_MATRIX = ratings_matrix.ratings_matrix(RATINGS_PATH) user_id = request.json["user_id"] sql_query = "SELECT DISTINCT movie_id FROM user_favorite WHERE user_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql_query, tuple([user_id])) movie_ids = cursor.fetchall() movie_list = [] if len(movie_ids) == 0: result = {"recommended_movies": movie_list} return jsonify(result) liked = {} for movie_id in movie_ids: movie_id = movie_id[0] liked[movie_id] = 50 print(liked) recommendations = get_matches(RATINGS_MATRIX, liked, NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS) print(recommendations) sql_query = "SELECT * FROM movie WHERE id = %s" for index in range(NUM_RECOMMENDATIONS): movie_id = recommendations[index][1] movie_id = RATINGS_MATRIX.imdb_id(movie_id) cursor.execute(sql_query, tuple([int(movie_id)])) movie_row = cursor.fetchone() movie = get_movie_details(movie_row) movie_list.append(movie) result = {"recommended_movies": movie_list} print(movie_list) return jsonify(result)
def index(): data = request.get_json() # get form data email = data.get("email") or "" password = data.get("password") or "" # return malformed request if email or password is missing if not email or not password: return "", 400 # resolve user_id from username or email user_id = None user_id = user_id or cursor.execute( "select user_id from users where email = ?", [email]).fetchone() user_id = user_id or cursor.execute( "select user_id from users where lower(username) = lower(?)", [email]).fetchone() if user_id == None: return "", 401 # check the password valid_password = login_password(user_id[0], password) if not valid_password: return "", 401 # generate a new authentication token and add it to the users valid token list new_token = token.generate_token() token.add_token(user_id[0], token.hash_token(new_token)) # make response with the set_cookie header res = make_response("", 200) res.set_cookie("token", new_token["token"], expires=int(new_token["expirationDate"] / 1000)) return res
def get_movie_details(row): id = row[0] sql_query = "SELECT FROM person, person_junction " +\ "WHERE = person_junction.person_id" +\ " AND person_junction.role = 'cast'" +\ " AND person_junction.movie_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql_query, tuple([id])) casts = cursor.fetchmany(size=4) actors = [] for cast in casts: actors.append(cast[0]) sql_query = "SELECT rating FROM ratings WHERE movie_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql_query, tuple([id])) rating = cursor.fetchone()[0] movie = { "id": row[0], "title": row[1], "year": row[2], "url": row[3], "plot": row[5][:200] + " ...", "genre": row[6], "language": row[7], "casts": actors, "rating": rating } return movie
def index(): cursor.execute('select name from Sequences;') response = Response() response.set_data(f'Welcome to the Integer Sequence Database.\r\n</br>Sequences: {str([*cursor])[1:-1]}') return response
def collection(): sql = "select * from tbl_sp where id_sp = 33" cursor.execute(sql) record1 = cursor.fetchall() sql = "select * from tbl_sp where id_sp = 34" cursor.execute(sql) record2 = cursor.fetchall() return render_template("collection.html", r1=record1, r2=record2)
def get_setting(setting): # Get a setting from the database query = ("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE setting=%s ORDER BY " "last_modified DESC LIMIT 1") cursor.execute(query, (setting, )) return cursor.fetchone()["value"]
def get_setting(setting): # Get a setting from the database query = ("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE setting='%s' ORDER BY " "last_modified DESC LIMIT 1" % setting) cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchone()["value"]
def cleanup(): now = int(time.time() * 1000) old_games = cursor.execute( "select game_id from games where (status = \"wait_for_opponent\" or status = \"in_progress\") and last_activity < ?", [now - 5 * 60 * 1e3]).fetchall() for game_id in old_games: cursor.execute("delete from games where game_id = ?", [game_id[0]]) connection.commit()
def getInterpretes(): cursor.execute("SELECT * from Interprete") interpretes = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): interpretes.append({'id':row[0], 'nome': row[1], 'tipo':row[2]}) return jsonify(interpretes)
def viewSeq(): name = request.args.get("name") # get query string response = Response() cursor.execute(f'select seq from Sequences where name=\'{name}\';') response.set_data(str([str(i) for i in cursor])) # write to response return response
def add_favorite(): if request.method == "POST": user_id = request.json["user_id"] movie_id = request.json["movie_id"] sql_query = "INSERT INTO user_favorite(user_id, movie_id) VALUES(%s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql_query, tuple([user_id, movie_id])) database.commit() return "SUCCESS" return "FAILED"
def added_user(): us = request.form.get("us") pa = request.form.get("pa") pq = request.form.get("pq") sql = f"insert into tbl_user(user_name, pass_word, phan_quyen) values(N'{us}', N'{pa}', {pq})" cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() return redirect("/user")
def update_repo_log(repos_id, status): # Log a repo's fetch status log_message = ("INSERT INTO repos_fetch_log (repos_id,status) " "VALUES (%s,%s)") cursor.execute(log_message, (repos_id, status)) db.commit()
def update_analysis_log(repos_id, status): # Log a repo's analysis status log_message = ("INSERT INTO analysis_log (repos_id,status) " "VALUES (%s,%s)") cursor.execute(log_message, (repos_id, status)) db.commit()
def rename_shop_final(message): new_name = message.text old_name = cursor.execute( f"select name from shops where user_id = '{}'" ).fetchall()[0][0] cursor.execute( f"update shops set name = '{new_name}' where name = '{old_name}'") update_state(RENAME_STATE, message, RENAME_CLOSE) connection.commit() bot.send_message(, 'Имя успешно изменено')
def start_command(message): clear_all_state(message) bot.send_message(, 'Привет, ты на универсальной платформе по доставке еды.\n' 'Достпуный список команд - /help') user_id = str( if [user_id] not in cursor.execute('select user_id from users').fetchall(): cursor.execute(f"insert into users (user_id) values ('{user_id}')") connection.commit()
def product(): if "username" in session: id_sp = request.args.get("id_sp", type=int) sql = "select * from tbl_sp" cursor.execute(sql) record = cursor.fetchall() print(record) return render_template("ad_product.html", r=record, id_sp=id_sp) else: return redirect("/login")
def createPlaylist(): data = request.form.to_dict() if not (data and data['nome'] and data['descricao']): return "Json vazio", 400 playlist = {'nome': data['nome'], 'descricao': data['descricao']} query = "INSERT INTO Playlist (nome, descricao, data_criacao) VALUES (?, ?, SYSDATETIME())" cursor.execute(query, playlist['nome'], playlist['descricao']) cnxn.commit() return playlist, 201
def route(user_1_id, user_2_id): cursor.execute( "update social set type = \"friendship\" where user_1_id = ? and user_2_id = ?", [user_2_id, user_1_id]) connection.commit() io.emit("changedRelation", {"id": user_2_id}, room="user-" + user_1_id) io.emit("changedRelation", {"id": user_1_id}, room="user-" + user_2_id) return "", 200
def store_working_commit(repo_id, commit): # Store the working commit. store_commit = ("UPDATE repos " "SET working_commit = %s " "WHERE id = %s") cursor.execute(store_commit, (commit, repo_id)) db.commit() log_activity('Debug', 'Stored working commit: %s' % commit)
import config from db import cursor from markovify import markovify userlist = {} for row in cursor.execute('SELECT usercode, username FROM user'): userlist[row[0]] = row[1] markov_chains = {} print(userlist) class Markov(object): def __init__(self, usercode): messages = [row[0] for row in cursor.execute('SELECT body FROM message WHERE usercode=?', (usercode,))] self.text_model = markovify.Text('. '.join(messages)) def generate_markov_text(self): output = '' for r in range(config.markov_sentences): attempts = 0 sentence = ' '.join(self.text_model.chain.walk(None)) while attempts < 100 and len(sentence.split()) < config.markov_sentence_length: sentence = ' '.join(self.text_model.chain.walk(None)) attempts += 1 sentence = sentence.replace('.', '').strip() output += sentence + '. ' return output[:-1]
filename = 'facade_summary-projects_by_LoC_and_number_contributors_by_year.xlsx' #--> Set the description of the data detail = 'LoC added (Unique emails)' #--> Change this to modify the names of each worksheet sheets = reversed(list(range(int(get_setting('start_date')[:4]), + 1))) #--> Change this to modify the x axis get_x_axis = "SELECT name,id FROM projects" cursor.execute(get_x_axis) x_axis = list(cursor) facade_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(filepath))) outfile = os.path.join(facade_dir,'files',filename) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(outfile) bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) italic = workbook.add_format({'italic': True}) bold_italic = workbook.add_format({'bold': True, 'italic': True}) numformat = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0'}) for sheet in sheets: worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(str(sheet))
def __init__(self, usercode): messages = [row[0] for row in cursor.execute('SELECT body FROM message WHERE usercode=?', (usercode,))] self.text_model = markovify.Text('. '.join(messages))
checker = enchant.Dict('en_US') DEBUG = False base_directory = raw_input('Dir name: ') # Import users first for root, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(base_directory): for filename in filenames: if filename in ('channels.json', 'integration_logs.json', '.DS_Store'): continue with open(os.path.join(root, filename)) as f: data = json.loads( if filename == 'users.json': for user in data: try: print('Loading ' + user['name']) if not DEBUG: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO user VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', (user['id'], user['name'], permissions.USER, config.starting_beers)) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) else: for message in data: try: if not message.get('subtype'): # assume anything without a subtype is a regular message text = message['text'] # Ignore messages that are ! commands if text.startswith('!'): continue for emoji in re.findall(r'(:[a-z0-9_]+:)', text): if not DEBUG: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO emoji VALUES (?)', (emoji,))