def register(): """ basic registration page """ if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] error = None if not username: error = 'Username is required.' elif not password: error = 'Password is required.' # ensure the username is not taken else: db = get_mongoDB() result = db.users.find_one({"username": username}) if result is not None: error = 'User {} is already registered.'.format(username) # if error checks pass, insert 'name' and hashed 'password' into database if error is None: addOne = Users(username=username, password=generate_password_hash(password)) return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) flash(error) return render_template('auth/register.html')
def init_db(): """ populate database with admin user and two posts """ try: version = current_app.config["MONGODB_SETTINGS"]["db"] print('using {} database'.format(version)) except: print( "ERROR: $export APP_SETTINGS=flaskr.config.DevelopmentConfig OR $export APP_SETTINGS=flaskr.config.TestingConfig' to configure database" ) if (version is None): print('raise error: dataBase == None') # if the database version is not 'testDB' and not 'devDB' don't proceed elif ((version != 'testDB') & (version != 'devDB')): print('raise error: not testDB or devDB') else: print('\nrefresh database ...') with current_app.app_context(): db = get_mongoDB() # find all collections in current database collections = db.list_collection_names() for item in collections: db.drop_collection(item) # adding administrative user to setup schema adminUser = Users(username="******", password=generate_password_hash("blackOps")) # get the admin user objectId admin = db.users.find_one({"username": '******'}) # add two posts to the database post = Posts(post_id=1, username=admin["username"], author_id=ObjectId(str(admin["_id"])), title='first post', body='a first time posting') post2 = Posts(post_id=2, username=admin["username"], author_id=ObjectId(str(admin["_id"])), title='second post', body='second go at it') print('Added admin user and two posts\n')