    def delete(self, exp_id):
        """ Delete an experiment

        | Example                                                            |
        | http://example.com/exp/EXP_ID                                      |
        :requires: A secure cookie obtained by logging in.
        :param int exp_id: The ID of the experiment to be deleted.
        :returns: A JSON showing the deleted experiment.
        :raises 401: If the experiment does not belong to this user or the exp_id is wrong.
        :raises 401: If user is not logged in or if there is no secure cookie available.
        if self.get_current_user():
            if self.validate_user_experiment(exp_id):
                db = Database()
                mongo_db = MongoLog()
                response = db.delete_experiment(exp_id)
                raise ExceptionHandler(
                    reason="Experiment could not be validated.",
            raise ExceptionHandler(reason="Could not validate user.",
 def __init__(self, exp_id, key="notUsedForLoopBack"):
     self.db = Database()
     self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
     self.exp_id = exp_id  # sets the experimentID
     self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
     self.key = key
     self.valid = False  # should be taken from Redis
def log_theta():
    """ For every experiment, if Theta logging flag is set. Log theta from
    redis to mongodb.

    redis_db = Database()
    mongo_db = MongoLog()
    experiment_ids = redis_db.get_experiment_ids()
    for experiment_id in experiment_ids:
        exp = Experiment(experiment_id)
        if exp.properties["hourly_theta"] == "True":
            theta = exp.get_theta()
            theta["exp_id"] = experiment_id
 def __init__(self, exp_id, key = "notUsedForLoopBack"):
     self.db = Database()
     self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
     self.exp_id = exp_id   # sets the experimentID
     self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
     self.key = key
     self.valid = False     # should be taken from Redis
def log_theta():
    """ For every experiment, if Theta logging flag is set. Log theta from
    redis to mongodb.

    redis_db = Database()
    mongo_db = MongoLog()
    experiment_ids = redis_db.get_experiment_ids()
    for experiment_id in experiment_ids:
        exp = Experiment(experiment_id)
        properties = redis_db.get_one_experiment(experiment_id)
        if properties['hourlyTheta'] == "True":
            theta = exp.get_theta()
            theta['exp_id'] = experiment_id
            print("We did it, we stored some stuff!")
def log_theta():
    """ For every experiment, if Theta logging flag is set. Log theta from
    redis to mongodb.

    redis_db = Database()
    mongo_db = MongoLog()
    experiment_ids = redis_db.get_experiment_ids()
    for experiment_id in experiment_ids:
        exp = Experiment(experiment_id)
        properties = redis_db.get_one_experiment(experiment_id)
        if properties['hourlyTheta'] == "True":
            theta = exp.get_theta()
            theta['exp_id'] = experiment_id
            print("We did it, we stored some stuff!")
 def __init__(self, exp_id, key="notUsedForLoopBack"):
     self.db = Database()
     self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
     self.advice_db = Advice()
     self.exp_id = exp_id  # sets the experimentID
     self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
     self.key = key
     self.valid = False  # should be taken from Redis
     self.safe_builtins = builtins.__dict__.copy()
     del self.safe_builtins["compile"], \
         self.safe_builtins["exec"], \
         self.safe_builtins["eval"], \
     self.safe_builtins.update({'base' : base, 'numpy' : np, \
                           'np' : np, 'scipy' : sp, 'sp' : sp, 'bts': bts, \
                           'lm' : lm, 'lif': lif, 'thompson' : thompson, \
                           'thmp' : thompson, 'tbl' : thompson_bayesian_linear, \
                           'random' : random, 'self' : self, \
                           'Experiment' : Experiment})
class Experiment():
    """ Class that organizes experiments.
    :var int exp_id: The exp_id that is tied to the experiment and the \
    :var string key: The key that is tied to the experiment, to validate \
    the user.
    def __init__(self, exp_id, key="notUsedForLoopBack"):
        self.db = Database()
        self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
        self.advice_db = Advice()
        self.exp_id = exp_id  # sets the experimentID
        self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
        self.key = key
        self.valid = False  # should be taken from Redis
        self.safe_builtins = builtins.__dict__.copy()
        del self.safe_builtins["compile"], \
            self.safe_builtins["exec"], \
            self.safe_builtins["eval"], \
        self.safe_builtins.update({'base' : base, 'numpy' : np, \
                              'np' : np, 'scipy' : sp, 'sp' : sp, 'bts': bts, \
                              'lm' : lm, 'lif': lif, 'thompson' : thompson, \
                              'thmp' : thompson, 'tbl' : thompson_bayesian_linear, \
                              'random' : random, 'self' : self, \
                              'Experiment' : Experiment})

    def is_valid(self):
        """Checks wheter the exp_id and key match for the current experiment.
        :returns: True if a valid key is provided, False otherwise.
        key = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "key")
        if key == self.key:
            self.valid = True
        return self.valid

    def run_context_code(self, context={}):
        """ Takes get_context code from Redis and executes it.
        :param dict context: Context is pre-created such that the exec(code) \
        function can return an context dict for this function (this is because \
        of the behavior of Python).
        :returns: A dict of context of which the content is \
        determined by the get_context code.
        self.context = context
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "get_context")
        byte_code = compile(code, filename='<inline code>', mode='exec')
        exec(byte_code, {'__builtins__': self.safe_builtins})
        return self.context.copy()

    def run_action_code(self, context, action={}):
        """ Takes get_action code from Redis and executes it.
        :param dict context: Context is a dictionary with the context for the \
        getAction algorithm
        :param dict action: Action is pre-created such that the exec(code) \
        function can return an action dict for this function (this is because \
        of the behavior of Python).

        :returns: A dict of action of which the content is \
        determined by the get_action code.
        self.action = action
        self.context = context
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "get_action")
        byte_code = compile(code, filename='<inline code>', mode='exec')
        exec(byte_code, {'__builtins__': self.safe_builtins})
        return self.action.copy()

    def run_get_reward_code(self, context, action, reward={}):
        """ Takes get_reward code from Redis and executes it.

        :param dict context: The context that may be needed for the algorithm.
        :param string action: The action that is needed for the algorithm. Is \
        actually free of type, but generally a string is used. \
        but must be specified by used algorithm.
        :param dict reward: Reward is pre-created such that the exec(code) \
        function can return an reward dict for this function (this is because \
        of the behavior of Python).
        :returns: True if executed correctly.
        self.action = action
        self.context = context
        self.reward = reward
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "get_reward")
        byte_code = compile(code, filename='<inline code>', mode='exec')
        exec(byte_code, {'__builtins__': self.safe_builtins})
        return self.reward.copy()

    def run_reward_code(self, context, action, reward):
        """ Takes set_reward code from Redis and executes it.

        :param dict context: The context that may be needed for the algorithm.
        :param string action: The action that is needed for the algorithm. Is \
        actually free of type, but generally a string is used.
        :param int reward: Generally an int, in 0 or 1. Can be of other type, \
        but must be specified by used algorithm.
        :returns: True if executed correctly.
        self.context = context
        self.action = action
        self.reward = reward
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "set_reward")
        byte_code = compile(code, filename='<inline code>', mode='exec')
        exec(byte_code, {'__builtins__': self.safe_builtins})
        return True

    def log_data(self, value):
        """ Manual logging that is used in the get_action and set_reward codes.

        :param dict value: The value that needs to be logged. Since MongoDB is \
                used, a dictionary is needed.
        :returns: True if executed correctly.
        value["exp_id"] = self.exp_id
        return True

    def log_simulation_data(self, data):
        """ Log one simulation loop.
        :param dict data: Dict of dicts with all interactions
        :returns: True if executed correctly
        self.mongo_db.log_simulation(self.exp_id, data)
        return True

    def log_getaction_data(self, context, action):
        """ Logging for all the get_action calls.

        :param dict data: Dict that contains action, and context
        :returns: True if executed correctly
        self.mongo_db.log_getaction(self.exp_id, context, action)
        return True

    def log_setreward_data(self, context, action, reward):
        """ Logging for all the set_reward calls.

        :param dict data: Dict that contains action, context and reward
        :returns: True if executed correctly
        self.mongo_db.log_setreward(self.exp_id, context, action, reward)
        return True

    def set_theta(self, thetas, key=None, value=None, name="_theta"):
        """ Set the new theta (parameters) in the database.

        :param dict thetas: The thetas that will eb stored. Typically a \
        dictionary or a class of base.py. The function will check if it is a \
        class and whether it has a get_dict function. It is okay to give a \
        class with these conditions - it will call the get_dict function and \
        store the dictionary.
        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other.
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameter set.
            check_dict = getattr(thetas, "get_dict")
        except AttributeError:
            check_dict = False
        if check_dict and callable(check_dict):
            thetas = thetas.get_dict()
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        elif key is not None and value is None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s" % (key)
        return self.db.set_theta(thetas, db_key)

    def get_theta(self, key=None, value=None, name="_theta", all_float=False):
        """ Get the theta (parameters) from the database.

        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other. 
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameters. Typically theta is \
        :param bool all_float: If all_float is True, it will try to convert \
        every value within the theta to a float.

        :returns: A dictionary with the parameter set.
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        all_values = False
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        elif key is not None and value is None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s" % (key)
            all_values = True
        elif key is None and value is None:
            all_values = True
        return self.db.get_theta(db_key, all_values, all_float)

    def delete_theta(self, key=None, value=None, name="_theta"):
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        elif key is not None and value is None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s" % (key)
        return self.db.delete_theta(db_key)

    def get_log_data(self, limit):
        """ Get all the logged data from the experiment.

        :param int limit: Limit the amount of logs returned
        :returns: Dict of dict of all the manual logs
        return self.mongo_db.get_log_rows(self.exp_id, limit)

    def get_simulation_log_data(self, limit):
        """ Get all the logged data for the simulations of this experiment.
        :returns: List of dict of dicts of the simulations
        return self.mongo_db.get_simulation_log(self.exp_id, limit)

    def get_getaction_log_data(self, limit):
        """ Get all the automatically logged get_action data from the experiment.

        :param int limit: Limit the amount of logs returned
        :returns: Dict of dict of all the get_action logs
        return self.mongo_db.get_getaction_log(self.exp_id, limit)

    def get_setreward_log_data(self, limit):
        """ Get all the automatically logged set_reward data from the experiment.

        :param int limit: Limit the amount of logs returned
        :returns: Dict of dict of all the set_reward logs
        return self.mongo_db.get_setreward_log(self.exp_id, limit)

    def get_summary(self):
        """ Get a summary, consisting of:
            - The number of get_action calls
            - The date of the last get_action call
            - The number of set_reward calls
            - The date of the last set_reward call
        :returns: A dict of dict with the complete summary.
        summary = {}
        getactioncalls = self.get_getaction_log_data(limit=0)
        seq = [x['date'] for x in getactioncalls]
        if len(seq) > 0:
            summary['last_added_get_action'] = max(seq)
            summary['last_added_get_action'] = "No get_action calls yet."
        summary['get_action_calls'] = len(getactioncalls)
        setrewardcalls = self.get_setreward_log_data(limit=0)
        seq = [x['date'] for x in setrewardcalls]
        if len(seq) > 0:
            summary['last_added_set_reward'] = max(seq)
            summary['last_added_set_reward'] = "No set_reward calls yet."
        summary['set_reward_calls'] = len(setrewardcalls)
        return summary

    def get_hourly_theta(self, limit):
        """ Get all the hourly logged thetas (if flag is set).

        :param int limit: Limit the amount of logs returned
        :returns: A dict of dict with all the hourly logged thetas (or limited).
        return self.mongo_db.get_hourly_theta(self.exp_id, limit)

    def gen_advice_id(self, action, context):
        return self.advice_db.log_advice(action, context)

    def get_by_advice_id(self, _id):
        return self.advice_db.get_advice(_id)

    def debug(self, obj):
        self.context['_debug'] = obj
class Experiment():
    """ Class that organizes experiments.
    :var int exp_id: The exp_id that is tied to the experiment and the \
    def __init__(self, exp_id, key="notUsedForLoopBack"):
        self.db = Database()
        self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
        self.exp_id = exp_id  # sets the experimentID
        self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
        self.key = key
        self.valid = False  # should be taken from Redis

    def is_valid(self):
        """Checks wheter the exp_id and key match for the current experiment.
        :returns: A boolean: true if a valid key is provided, false otherwise.
        key = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "key")
        if key == self.key:
            self.valid = True
        return self.valid

    def run_action_code(self, context, action={}):
        """ Takes getAction code from Redis and executes it
        :param dict context: Context is a dictionary with the context for the \
        getAction algorithm
        :param dict action: Action is pre-created such that the exec(code) \
        function can return an action dict for this function (This is because \
        of the behavior of Python.).

        :returns: A dict of action of which the content is \
        determined by the getAction code.
        self.action = action
        self.context = context
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "getAction")
        return self.action

    def run_reward_code(self, context, action, reward):
        """ Takes setReward code from Redis and executes it

        :param dict context: The context that may be needed for the algorithm.
        :param string action: The action that is needed for the algorith. Is \
        actually free of type, but generally a string is used.
        :param int reward: Generally an int, in 0 or 1. Can be of other type, \
        but must be specified by used algorithm.
        :returns: Boolean True if executed correctly.
        self.context = context
        self.action = action
        self.reward = reward
        code = self.db.experiment_properties(
            "exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "setReward")
        return True

    def log_data(self, value):
        """ Raw logging that is used in the getAction and setReward codes.
        .. note:: Needs less ambiguity when it comes to the use of the \
                specific database. As we will use MongoDB for multiple \
                different logging purposes.

        :param dict value: The value that needs to be logged. Since MongoDB is \
                used, a dictionary is needed.
        :returns: True if executed correctly.
        value["exp_id"] = self.exp_id
        return True

    def set_theta(self, thetas, key=None, value=None, name="_theta"):
        """ Set the new theta (parameters) in the database.

        :param dict thetas: The thetas that will eb stored. Typically a \
        dictionary or a class of base.py. The function will check if it is a \
        class and whether it has a get_dict function. It is okay to give a \
        class with these conditions - it will call the get_dict function and \
        store the dictionary.
        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other.
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameter set.
            check_dict = getattr(thetas, "get_dict")
        except AttributeError:
            check_dict = False
        if check_dict and callable(check_dict):
            thetas = thetas.get_dict()
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        return self.db.set_theta(thetas, db_key)

    def get_theta(self, key=None, value=None, name="_theta", all_float=False):
        """ Get the theta (parameters) from the database.

        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other. \
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameters. Typically theta is \
        :param bool all_float: If all_float is True, it will try to convert \
        every value within the theta to a float.

        :returns: A dictionary with the parameter set.
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        all_values = False
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        if key is not None and value is None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s" % (key)
            all_values = True
        return self.db.get_theta(db_key, all_values, all_float)

    def get_log_data(self):
        """ Get all the logged data from the experiment

        :returns dict logs: Dict of dict of all the manual logs
        return self.mongo_db.get_log_rows(self.exp_id)

    def get_hourly_theta(self):
        """ Get all the hourly logged thetas (if flag is set)

        :returns dict of dict hourly: All the hourly logged thetas
        return self.mongo_db.get_hourly_theta(self.exp_id)

    def debug(self, obj):
        self.context['_debug'] = obj
class Experiment():
    """ Class that organizes experiments.
    :var int exp_id: The exp_id that is tied to the experiment and the \
    def __init__(self, exp_id, key = "notUsedForLoopBack"):
        self.db = Database()
        self.mongo_db = MongoLog()
        self.exp_id = exp_id   # sets the experimentID
        self.properties = self.db.get_one_experiment(self.exp_id)
        self.key = key
        self.valid = False     # should be taken from Redis
    def is_valid(self):
        """Checks wheter the exp_id and key match for the current experiment.
        :returns: A boolean: true if a valid key is provided, false otherwise.
        key = self.db.experiment_properties("exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "key")
        if key == self.key:
            self.valid = True
        return self.valid
    def run_action_code(self, context, action={}):    
        """ Takes getAction code from Redis and executes it
        :param dict context: Context is a dictionary with the context for the \
        getAction algorithm
        :param dict action: Action is pre-created such that the exec(code) \
        function can return an action dict for this function (This is because \
        of the behavior of Python.).

        :returns: A dict of action of which the content is \
        determined by the getAction code.
        self.action = action
        self.context = context
        code = self.db.experiment_properties("exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "getAction")
        return self.action
    def run_reward_code(self, context, action, reward):
        """ Takes setReward code from Redis and executes it

        :param dict context: The context that may be needed for the algorithm.
        :param string action: The action that is needed for the algorith. Is \
        actually free of type, but generally a string is used.
        :param int reward: Generally an int, in 0 or 1. Can be of other type, \
        but must be specified by used algorithm.
        :returns: Boolean True if executed correctly.
        self.context = context
        self.action = action
        self.reward = reward
        code = self.db.experiment_properties("exp:%s:properties" % (self.exp_id), "setReward")
        return True
    def log_data(self, value):
        """ Raw logging that is used in the getAction and setReward codes.
        .. note:: Needs less ambiguity when it comes to the use of the \
                specific database. As we will use MongoDB for multiple \
                different logging purposes.

        :param dict value: The value that needs to be logged. Since MongoDB is \
                used, a dictionary is needed.
        :returns: True if executed correctly.
        value["exp_id"] = self.exp_id
        return True
    def set_theta(self, thetas, key = None, value = None, name = "_theta"):
        """ Set the new theta (parameters) in the database.

        :param dict thetas: The thetas that will eb stored. Typically a \
        dictionary or a class of base.py. The function will check if it is a \
        class and whether it has a get_dict function. It is okay to give a \
        class with these conditions - it will call the get_dict function and \
        store the dictionary.
        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other.
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameter set.
           check_dict = getattr(thetas, "get_dict")
        except AttributeError:
           check_dict = False
        if check_dict and callable(check_dict):
            thetas = thetas.get_dict()
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        return self.db.set_theta(thetas, db_key)
    def get_theta(self, key = None, value = None, name = "_theta", all_float = False):
        """ Get the theta (parameters) from the database.

        :param string key: The key with which the theta will be associated. If \
        only a key is given, all the thetas that belong to that key will be \
        returned. Typically a key distinguishes experiments from each other. \
        :param string value: The value with which the theta will be assiocated. \
        Typically the value distinguishes the different versions within an \
        experiment. If no value is given, all thetas belonging to the \
        key/experiment will be returned.
        :param string name: The name of the parameters. Typically theta is \
        :param bool all_float: If all_float is True, it will try to convert \
        every value within the theta to a float.

        :returns: A dictionary with the parameter set.
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        all_values = False
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        if key is not None and value is None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s" % (key)
            all_values = True
        return self.db.get_theta(db_key, all_values, all_float)

    def delete_theta(self, key = None, value = None, name = "_theta"):
        db_key = "exp:%s:" % (self.exp_id) + name
        if key is not None and value is not None:
            db_key = db_key + ":%s:%s" % (key, value)
        return self.db.delete_theta(db_key)

    def get_log_data(self):
        """ Get all the logged data from the experiment

        :returns dict logs: Dict of dict of all the manual logs
        return self.mongo_db.get_log_rows(self.exp_id)
    def get_hourly_theta(self):
        """ Get all the hourly logged thetas (if flag is set)

        :returns dict of dict hourly: All the hourly logged thetas
        return self.mongo_db.get_hourly_theta(self.exp_id)
    def debug(self, obj):
        self.context['_debug'] = obj