async def addRoleReaction(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, reaction: typing.Union[discord.PartialEmoji, str]): if type(reaction) == str and reaction not in UNICODE_EMOJI: return await ctx.send(f'Invalid Emote') server = getServerById(str( if server.role_reaction_channel_id is None: return await ctx.send(f""" This dc server doesnt have roleReaction channel setup, type `{self._prefix()}roleReactionChannel #channel` """) if len(list(filter(lambda x: x == role, ctx.message.guild.roles))) == 0: return await ctx.send('Invalid Role') res = createRoleReaction(serverId=str(, role=str(, reaction=str(reaction)) if not res: return await ctx.send( f'Reaction {reaction} is already set for @{role} role') print(f'role reaction {role}/{reaction} id in {ctx.message.guild}') return await ctx.send(f'Reaction {reaction} was set for @{role} role')
def createRoleReaction(serverId: str, reaction: str, role: str, ses=Session()): server = getServerById(serverId, ses) if server is None: raise EntityNotFound dbRR = ses.query(RoleReaction).filter(serverId == RoleReaction.server_id, RoleReaction.reaction == reaction, RoleReaction.role == role).first() if dbRR is not None: return False roleReaction = RoleReaction( reaction=reaction, server_id=serverId, role=role) ses.add(roleReaction) ses.commit()
async def onReactionAdd(self, payload: discord.RawReactionActionEvent): serverId = str(payload.guild_id) serverDb = getServerById(serverId) if serverDb is not None and str( payload.channel_id) == serverDb.role_reaction_channel_id: serverRoleReaction = getRoleReactionByServerAndReaction( serverId, str(payload.emoji)) if serverRoleReaction is not None: server = user = server.get_member(payload.user_id) role = server.get_role(int(serverRoleReaction.role)) if role not in user.roles: await user.add_roles(role, atomic=True)
async def printRoleReactions(self, ctx): serverId = str( server = getServerById(serverId) if server.role_reaction_channel_id is None: return await ctx.send( f'RoleReaction is not configured on this server.') chn = roles = ctx.message.guild.roles roleReactions = getRoleReactionByServer(serverId) rString = [] for rr in roleReactions: role = next(filter(lambda x: == int(rr.role), roles)) rString.append( f' Reaction {extractEmoteText(rr.reaction)} is set for @{} role' ) nl = '\n' return await ctx.send(f"""``` The roleReaction channel is set to `#{chn}`\n {nl.join(rString) if len(roleReactions)>0 else 'This server doesnt have any roleReactions'}\ ```""")