def main(): # Reads user configuration user_config = getPreprocDBParams() pollutants = user_config[DBToCSVParams.tables] output_folder = user_config[DBToCSVParams.output_folder] start_date = user_config[DBToCSVParams.start_date] end_date = user_config[DBToCSVParams.end_date] stations = user_config[DBToCSVParams.stations] if not (os.path.exists(output_folder)): os.makedirs(output_folder) # Connect to db conn = getPostgresConn() for cur_station in stations: print(F" ====================== {cur_station} ====================== ") for cur_pollutant in pollutants: print( F"\t ---------------------- {cur_pollutant} ---------------------- " ) cur_data = np.array( getPollutantFromDateRange(conn, cur_pollutant, start_date, end_date, [cur_station])) if len(cur_data) > 0: dates = np.array([x[0] for x in cur_data]) print( F"\tTotal number of rows obtained for {cur_station}-{cur_pollutant}: {len(dates)}" ) # Finding 'clean' dates (those dates with continuous 'num_hours' number of hours # clean_dates = [] # for idx, cur_date in enumerate(dates): # desired_date = cur_date + timedelta(hours=num_hours) # if len(dates) > (idx + num_hours): # if desired_date == dates[idx + num_hours]: # clean_dates.append(idx) # print(F"\tTotal CLEANED # of rows for {cur_station}-{cur_pollutant}: {len(clean_dates)}") # Selects the dates of this 'file' df = DataFrame({cur_pollutant: cur_data[:, 1]}, index=dates) file_name = F"{cur_pollutant}_{cur_station}.csv" df.to_csv(join(output_folder, file_name), index_label=constants.index_label.value) else: print("\t\t Warning!!! NO DATA") conn.close()
from db.queries import getAllStations, getCountValidData, getMaxDailySQL from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from db.names import findTable from viz.layout import get_layout_db # # COLORS = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y'] date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' date_format_ext = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' styles = {'pre': {'border': 'thin lightgrey solid', 'overflowX': 'scroll'}} conn = getPostgresConn() stations_geodf = getAllStations(conn) stations_ids = stations_geodf.index.values pollutant = "O3" table = findTable(pollutant) app = get_layout_db() @app.callback([ Output('nandata-plot', 'figure'), Output('nandata-plotall', 'figure'), Output('max_otres_plot', 'figure') ], [Input('drop-years', 'value')]) def display_figure(cur_year): print(cur_year) if cur_year is None: