    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help="request_no cannot be left blank!")
                            help="image cannot be left blank!")
                            help="uname cannot be left blank!")
        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()
            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            #check if any paper got approved before allowing to perform action
            qstr = f"""
            select count(request_no) from requests
            where request_no = { data['request_no'] } and select_status = 1;

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            approved_count = list(result[0].values())[0]

            if approved_count > 0:
                return {
                    """Cannot perform action. Admin accepted some paper already. 
                    The paper you uploaded is either approved or got deleted."""
                }, 400

            #perform update if any paper did not get approved

            qstr = f"""
            SELECT r_id FROM User.submissions WHERE 
            request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }" AND 
            uname = "{ data['uname'] }" LIMIT 1;

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            insert_rid = list(result[0].values())[0]

            qstr = f""" UPDATE requests
                    SET image = (%s)
                    WHERE request_no = '{ data['request_no'] }' AND  
                    r_id = '{ insert_rid }';"""


            #creating a tuple of values to be inserted because a formatted string is used
            #here its useful to avoid SQL syntax errors while inserting BLOB value into table
            vals_tuple = (convertToBlob(data['image']))
            #convertToBlob is used to convert base64 string to BLOB data
            cursor.execute(qstr, vals_tuple)

            connection.commit()  #commit the changes made

            #close the cursor and connection

        except IndexError:
            this is to handle tuple index error 
            which is raised if no data could be retrieved and stored
            where data is retrieved in this way
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0] 
            return {"message": "Required data not present."}, 400
        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError,
                pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {"message": "MySQL error: " + str(e)}, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting."
                + str(e)
            }, 500

        return {"message": "Succesfully inserted"}, 200
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help="request_no cannot be left blank!")
        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()

            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            # obtain d_id for the provided request_no, so that we can delete
            # an entry in details if no other rows in timetable have have the same d_id
            qstr = f"""SELECT d_id from timetable 
            where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }";"""
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            del_did = list(result[0].values())[0]

            # delete requests entries with the request_no
            qstr = f"""delete from requests
            where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }";"""

            # delete timetable entry with the request_no
            qstr = f"""delete from timetable
            where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }";"""

            # delete an entry in details if no other row in timetable table has d_id
            qstr = f"""delete from details
            where d_id = "{ del_did }"
            AND NOT EXISTS (select d_id from timetable where d_id = "{ del_did }");"""

            # deleting the request_no from active exams is taken care by on delete cascade
            # the bottom commented code is if the deletion by on delete cascade is not working.

            # qstr = f"""
            # DELETE FROM active_exams
            # where request_no = '{ data['request_no'] }'
            # """
            # cursor.execute(qstr)

            connection.commit()  #commit the changes made

            #close the cursor and connection

        except IndexError:
            this is to handle tuple index error 
            which is raised if no data could be retrieved and stored
            where data is retrieved in this way
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0] 
            return {"message": "Required data not present."}, 400

        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError,
                pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {"message": "MySQL error: " + str(e)}, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting."
                + str(e)
            }, 500
        return {"message": "Succesfully deleted."}, 200
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help="b_id cannot be left blank!")
                            help="sem_no cannot be left blank!")
                            help="exam_type cannot be left blank!")
                            help="request_no cannot be left blank!")
                            help="s_code cannot be left blank!")
                            help="year cannot be left blank!")
                            help="image cannot be left blank!")

        #parser.add_argument('select_status', type=int, required=False, default = 0)

        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()

            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            #obtain request_no from the details provided, store in req_no

            qstr = f"""
            select DISTINCT request_no
            from timetable t 
            inner join details d on (t.d_id = d.d_id)
            WHERE b_id = '{data['b_id']}' AND 
            sem_no = '{data['sem_no']}' AND 
            exam_type = '{data['exam_type']}' AND 
            subtype = '{data['subtype']}' AND 
            year = '{data['year']}' AND
            s_code = '{data['s_code']}'
            LIMIT 1;

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0]

            # delete all the other entries in requests table
            # with the same request_no, whether selected or not
            qstr = f"""
            delete from requests
            where request_no = {req_no};


            #creating a tuple of values to be inserted because a formatted string is used
            #here its useful to avoid SQL syntax errors while inserting BLOB value into table
            vals_tuple = (req_no, convertToBlob(data['image']), 1
                          )  #set select status to 1
            #convertToBlob is used to convert base64 string to BLOB data

            qstr = f""" INSERT INTO requests (request_no, image, select_status)
                        values (%s, %s, %s); """

            cursor.execute(qstr, vals_tuple)

            # delete the corresponding entry from active_exams if paper is uploaded.
            qstr = f""" DELETE FROM active_exams
            WHERE request_no = { req_no }; """

            # for deleting user info from submissions table
            qstr = f""" DELETE FROM User.submissions
            WHERE request_no = { req_no }; 

            connection.commit()  #commit the changes made

            #close the cursor and connection
        except IndexError:
            this is to handle tuple index error 
            which is raised if no data could be retrieved and stored
            where data is retrieved in this way
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0] 
            return {"message": "Required data not present."}, 400
        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError,
                pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {"message": "MySQL error: " + str(e)}, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting."
                + str(e)
            }, 500

        return {"message": "Succesfully inserted"}, 200
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument('request_no', type=int, required=True, help="request_no cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('b_id', type=int, required=True, help="b_id cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('s_code', type=str, required=True, help="s_code cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('exam_type', type=str, required=True, help="exam_type cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('subtype', type=str, required=True, help="subtype cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('start_at', type=str, required=True, help="start_at cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('end_at', type=str, required=True, help="end_at cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('date', type=str, required=True, help="date cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('year', type=int, required=True, help="year cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('sem_no', type=int, required=True, help="sem_no cannot be left blank!")
        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in 
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()
            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            # obtain the d_id so that if the current timings change, d_id for the row which is to
            # be updated should have d_id changed.
            qstr = f"""SELECT d_id from timetable where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }";"""
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            old_did = list(result[0].values())[0]
            # the timings sent in the request are added if not already there in the details table
            qstr = f"""INSERT INTO details (start_at, end_at, date, year, sem_no)
            SELECT * FROM 
            (SELECT "{ data['start_at'] }" as s, 
            "{ data['end_at'] }" as e, 
            "{ data['date'] }" as d, 
            "{ data['year'] }" as y, 
            "{ data['sem_no'] }" as se) AS TEMP

            WHERE NOT EXISTS(
            SELECT d_id from details 
            where start_at = " {data['start_at']} " AND
            end_at = "{ data['end_at'] }" AND
            date = "{ data['date'] }" AND
            sem_no = "{ data['sem_no'] }"
            ) LIMIT 1 ;"""


            # the d_id with the timings is obtained from the table comparing with the timings provided
            # in the json
            qstr = f"""
            SELECT d_id from details 
            where start_at = " {data['start_at']} " AND
            end_at = "{ data['end_at'] }" AND
            date = "{ data['date'] }" AND
            sem_no = "{ data['sem_no'] }" ;
            #lets call the d_id as new_did, it could be the same d_id as before if timings aren't updated.
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            new_did = list(result[0].values())[0]
            #update timetable with the fields provided
            qstr = f"""
            update timetable
            set d_id = "{ new_did }", 
            exam_type = "{ data['exam_type'] }", 
            subtype = "{ data['subtype'] }" , 
            s_code = "{ data['s_code'] }" , 
            b_id = { data['b_id'] }

            where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }"; 

            # if timings are changed, then old_did and new_did will differ. 
            # so delete the old_did if no other row has old_did value in d_id column
            # of timetable table.
            if old_did != new_did:
                qstr = f""" 
                delete from details
                where d_id = "{ old_did }"
                AND NOT EXISTS (select d_id from timetable where d_id = "{ old_did }");

            # for active_exams table
            qstr = f"""
            update active_exams

            set branch_name = (SELECT branch_name from branch where b_id = '{ data['b_id'] }') ,
            subject_name = (SELECT subject_name from subject where s_code = '{ data['s_code'] }') ,
            exam_type = '{ data['exam_type'] }' ,
            subtype = '{ data['subtype'] }' ,
            end_at = '{ data['end_at'] }' ,
            date = '{ data['date'] }' ,
            sem_no = '{ data['sem_no'] }'

            where request_no = "{ data['request_no'] }"

            connection.commit() #commit the changes made
            #close the cursor and connection
        except IndexError:
            this is to handle tuple index error 
            which is raised if no data could be retrieved and stored
            where data is retrieved in this way
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0] 
            return {
                "message" : "Required data not present."
            }, 400
        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError, pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {
                "message" : "MySQL error: " + str(e)
            }, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "message" : "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting." + str(e)
            }, 500
        return {
            "message" : "Succesfully updated."
        }, 200
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument('b_id', type=int, required=True, help="b_id cannot be left blank!")
        #parser.add_argument('d_id', type=int, required=True, help="d_id cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('s_code', type=str, required=True, help="s_code cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('exam_type', type=str, required=True, help="exam_type cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('subtype', type=str, required=True, help="subtype cannot be left blank!")

        parser.add_argument('start_at', type=str, required=True, help="start_at cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('end_at', type=str, required=True, help="end_at cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('date', type=str, required=True, help="date cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('year', type=int, required=True, help="year cannot be left blank!")
        parser.add_argument('sem_no', type=int, required=True, help="sem_no cannot be left blank!")
        # parser.add_argument('subject_name', type=str, required=True, help="subject_name cannot be left blank!")
        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in 
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()
            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            #insert into details if not present already
            qstr = f""" 
            INSERT INTO details (start_at, end_at, date, year, sem_no)
            SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{data['start_at']}' as st, 
            '{data['end_at']}' as en, 
            '{data['date']}' as da, 
            '{data['year']}' as ye , 
            '{data['sem_no']}' as se) as temp
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT d_id FROM details WHERE 
                start_at = '{data['start_at']}' AND
                end_at = '{data['end_at']}' AND
                date = '{data['date']}' AND
                year = '{data['year']}' AND
                sem_no = '{data['sem_no']}'
            ) LIMIT 1;


            # obtain d_id of the timings given, the query returns the old value of d_id if timings and sem no
            # didnt change and returns new value of d_id if timings are updated
            qstr = f"""
            SELECT d_id FROM details WHERE 
                        start_at = '{data['start_at']}' AND
                        end_at = '{data['end_at']}' AND
                        date = '{data['date']}' AND
                        year = '{data['year']}' AND
                        sem_no = '{data['sem_no']}';

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            did = list(result[0].values())[0]
            # insert the timetable into the timetable table if its not already present.
            qstr = f""" 
            INSERT INTO timetable (b_id, d_id, s_code, exam_type, subtype) 
            SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT '{data['b_id']}' as b, 
            '{did}' as d, 
            '{data['s_code']}' as s, 
            '{data['exam_type']}' as ex, 
            '{data['subtype']}' as su) AS TEMP
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT request_no FROM timetable WHERE 
                b_id = '{data['b_id']}' AND 
                d_id = '{did}' AND
                s_code = '{data['s_code']}' AND
                exam_type = '{data['exam_type']}' AND
                subtype = '{data['subtype']}'
            ) LIMIT 1;


            #for active_exams table
            qstr = f"""SELECT subject_name FROM subject 
            WHERE s_code = '{ data['s_code'] }';"""

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            sname = list(result[0].values())[0]

            qstr = f"""SELECT branch_name FROM branch 
            WHERE b_id = '{ data['b_id'] }';"""

            result = cursor.fetchall()
            bname = list(result[0].values())[0]
            qstr = f"""SELECT request_no FROM timetable WHERE 
            b_id = '{ data['b_id'] }' AND 
            s_code = '{ data['s_code'] }' AND 
            exam_type = '{ data['exam_type'] }' AND 
            subtype = '{ data['subtype'] }' AND 
            d_id = '{ did }' ;"""
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            reqno = list(result[0].values())[0]
            qstr = f"""
            INSERT INTO active_exams
            SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT '{ reqno }' as r, 
            '{ bname }' as b, 
            '{ sname }' as s, 
            '{ data['exam_type'] }' as e, 
            '{ data['subtype'] }' as su, 
            '{ data['end_at'] }' as en, 
            '{ data['date'] }' as d, 
            '{ data['sem_no'] }' as se) AS TEMP
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT request_no FROM active_exams WHERE 
                branch_name = '{ bname }' AND 
                subject_name = '{ sname }' AND 
                exam_type = '{ data['exam_type'] }' AND 
                subtype = '{ data['subtype'] }' AND 
                end_at = '{ data['end_at'] }' AND 
                date = '{ data['date'] }' AND 
                sem_no = '{ data['sem_no'] }'
            ) LIMIT 1;

            connection.commit() #commit the changes made
            #close the cursor and connection

        except IndexError:
            this is to handle tuple index error 
            which is raised if no data could be retrieved and stored
            where data is retrieved in this way
            result = cursor.fetchall()
            req_no = list(result[0].values())[0] 
            return {
                "message" : "Required data not present."
            }, 400

        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError, pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {
                "message" : "MySQL error: " + str(e)
            }, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "message" : "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting." + str(e)
            }, 500
        return {
            "message" : "Succesfully inserted"
        }, 200
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help="request_no cannot be left blank!")
                            help="r_id cannot be left blank!")
        data = parser.parse_args()

        # a transaction is made, so not using query function from db module
        # we use connectToHost function from db module and commit explicitly
        # the query function from db module commits for each query which is not desirable in
        # a transaction sequence as follows.
        # here we execute several queries then commit.
            connection = connectToHost()

            #start connection, create cursor and execute query from cursor
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            qstr = f""" DELETE FROM requests
            WHERE request_no = { data['request_no'] } AND 
            r_id <> { data['r_id'] } AND 
            select_status = 0; """

            qstr = f""" UPDATE requests
            SET select_status = 1
            WHERE r_id = { data['r_id'] };

            # delete the corresponding entry from active_exams if paper is accepted.
            qstr = f""" DELETE FROM active_exams
            WHERE request_no = { data['request_no'] }; """

            # for deleting user info from submissions table
            qstr = f""" DELETE FROM User.submissions
            WHERE request_no = { data['request_no'] }; 

            connection.commit()  #commit the changes made
            #close the cursor and connection

        except (pymysql.err.InternalError, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError,
                pymysql.err.IntegrityError) as e:
            return {"message": "MySQL error: " + str(e)}, 500
        except Exception as e:
            return {
                "There was an error connecting to the requests table while inserting."
                + str(e)
            }, 500

        return {"message": "Succesfully deleted."}, 200