def update_user_profile(old_username, nickname, username, email): response = { 'error': None, 'data': None } user_with_same_username = None user_with_same_email = None user_info = None with db.get_db_cursor(commit=False) as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%s;', (username)) user_with_same_username = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%s;', (old_username)) user_info = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=%s;', (email)) user_with_same_email = cur.fetchone() if user_with_same_username is not None: response['error'] = "Username Already Exist!" return response if user_info is None: response['error'] = "User Not Found!" return response if user_with_same_email['id'] != user_info['id']: response['error'] = "Email Already Linked!" return response with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute("UPDATE users SET nickname=%s, username=%s, email=%s WHERE username=%s;", (nickname, username, email, old_username,)) response['data'] = True return response
def new_blog_entry(title, content, author_id, slug=None, published=False): response = {'error': None, 'data': None} if slug is None: slug = slugify(title) search_content = generate_search_content(title, content) existing_entry = None with get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM entries WHERE title = %s;', (title, )) existing_entry = cur.fetchone() if existing_entry is not None: response[ 'error'] = "There is an entry with the same title...Please choose a new one" return response # Save to database inserted_entry = None with get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO entries (title, content, author_id, slug, published) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING *;', (title, content, author_id, slug, published)) inserted_entry = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO fts_entries (doc_id, search_content) VALUES (%s, %s);', (inserted_entry['id'], search_content)) response['data'] = inserted_entry return response
def update_blog_entry(doc_id, title, content, published): response = {'error': None, 'data': None} slug = slugify(title) search_content = generate_search_content(title, content) existing_entry = None with get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM entries WHERE title = %s;', (title, )) existing_entry = cur.fetchone() if existing_entry is None: response['error'] = "There is no entries with the given slug" return response # Save to database updated_entry = None with get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute( 'UPDATE entries SET title=%s, content=%s, slug=%s, published=%s WHERE id = %s RETURNING *;', (title, content, slug, published, doc_id)) updated_entry = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( 'UPDATE fts_entries SET search_content=%s WHERE doc_id = %s;', ( search_content, doc_id, )) response['data'] = updated_entry return response
def register_user(nickname, username, email, new_pass, new_pass_again, role='subcriber'): existing_user = None response = {'error': None, 'data': None} if not validate_email(email): response['error'] = "Email is invalid... Please provide a valid email" return response with db.get_db_cursor(commit=False) as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s OR email=%s;', (username,email,)) existing_user = cur.fetchone() if existing_user is not None: response['error'] = "Username or Email already exist!" return response if new_pass and new_pass_again != new_pass: response['error'] = "The retype password do not match...." return response password_hash = generate_password_hash(new_pass) with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute('INSERT INTO users (nickname, username, email, password_hash, role) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);', (nickname, username, email, password_hash, role)) response['data'] = True return response
def people(): if request.method == 'POST': name = request.form['name']"got a name: {name}") with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute("insert into person (name) values (%s)", (name, )) return redirect(url_for("people")) else: with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM person;") names = [record["name"] for record in cur] return render_template("people.html", names=names)
def page_look_up_post(animal_id): with db.get_db_cursor(True) as cur: users_id = session['profile']['user_id'] users_avatar = session['profile']['picture'] latitude = request.form.get("latitude", None) longitude = request.form.get("longitude", None) description = request.form.get("description", None) latitude = None if latitude == "" else latitude longitude = None if longitude == "" else longitude description = None if description == "" else description if (latitude == None or longitude == None or description == None): return "Latitude, longitude, and/or description cannot be empty!" imageFile = request.files["image"] if imageFile and allowed_file(imageFile.filename): filename = secure_filename(imageFile.filename) cur.execute("insert into Images (image_name, image_data) values (%s, %s) RETURNING id;", (filename, imageID = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("INSERT INTO Posts (users_id, animal_id, post_text, image_id, latitude, longitude) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (users_id, animal_id, description, imageID, latitude, longitude)) else: cur.execute("INSERT INTO Posts (users_id, animal_id, post_text, latitude, longitude) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (users_id, animal_id, description, latitude, longitude)) return redirect(url_for('page_lookup', animal_id=animal_id))
def api_results(): reverse = request.args.get('reverse') with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: query = "SELECT * FROM survey" cur.execute(query) result = cur.fetchall() items = []"Reverse is {reverse}") if (reverse == 'true'):"In the reverse") for row in reversed(result): i = 0 for key in cur.description: items.append({key[0]: row[i]}) i = i + 1 else:"In normal") for row in result: i = 0 for key in cur.description: items.append({key[0]: row[i]}) i = i + 1 return jsonify({'Responses': items})
def callback(): auth0().authorize_access_token() resp = auth0().get('userinfo') userinfo = resp.json() session['jwt_payload'] = userinfo session['profile'] = { 'user_id': userinfo['sub'], 'name': userinfo['name'], 'picture': userinfo['picture'] } with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: users_id = session['profile']['user_id'] users_name = session['profile']['name'] users_avatar = session['profile']['picture'] cur.execute("Select COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE id = '%s';" % users_id) try: for record in cur: if record[0] == 0: if (users_avatar):"users_avatar has a value %s", users_avatar) #cur.execute("insert into Images (image_name, image_data) values (%s, %s) returning id;", (users_id, users_avatar)) #imageID = cur.fetchone()[0]"imageID has a value %s", imageID) cur.execute("insert into Users (id, users_name, profile_picture) values (%s, %s, %s);", (users_id, users_name, users_avatar)) else:"users_avatar has no value") cur.execute("insert into Users (id, users_name) values (%s, %s);", (users_id, users_name)) except: pass return redirect('/test_auth')
def hobby_autocomplete(): query = request.args.get("query") with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT name FROM hobby WHERE name like %s;", ("%" + query + "%", )) results = [x[0] for x in cur] return jsonify(results)
def survey_api_results(): # this method contents are mainly copied from # reverse = request.args.get("reverse", False) # makes sure to check if reverse parameter is actually "true" if (reverse != False): reverse = True if (reverse.lower() == "true") else False with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: if not reverse: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM survey ORDER BY time_stamp ASC;") else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM survey ORDER BY time_stamp DESC;") row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] rv = cur.fetchall() json_data = [] for result in rv: json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers,result))) json_output = json.dumps(json_data, default=datetime_handler) return json_output
def _input_thread_processor(args): nonlocal input_queue nonlocal output_queue nonlocal lines nonlocal eof_token nonlocal file_id t = args with get_db_cursor() as cursor: while True: next_item = input_queue.get() if next_item is eof_token: break i, _a = next_item print("[T{}] Getting Address {} of {}.".format( t, i + 1, lines)) new_triples = None try: new_triples = model.address.Address(_a, focus=True, db_cursor=cursor) \ .export_rdf(view='gnaf').serialize(format='nt').decode('utf-8') except NotFoundError as e1: msg = "address {} not found.".format(a) logging.warning(msg) print(msg) with open('not_found_{}.log'.format(file_id), 'a') as _f: _f.write(a + '\n') except Exception as e: logging.log(logging.DEBUG, 'address ' + a, e) print('address ' + a + '\n') print(e) with open('faulty_{}.log'.format(file_id), 'a') as _f: _f.write(a + '\n') if new_triples is not None: output_queue.put(new_triples) print("[T{}] Thread terminated.".format(t))
def delete_blog_entry(doc_id): response = {'error': None, 'data': None} with get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute("DELETE FROM entries WHERE id = %s;", (doc_id, )) cur.execute("DELETE FROM fts_entries WHERE doc_id = %s;", (doc_id, )) response['data'] = True return response
def new_hobby(): name = request.form.get("name", "noname") desc = request.form.get("description", "no description") with db.get_db_cursor(True) as cur: cur.execute("INSERT INTO hobby (name, description) VALUES (%s, %s);", (name, desc)) return "ok"
def processAddAnimal(): with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: users_id = session['profile']['user_id'] #users_id = 1 #TESTING TESTING TESTING - DON'T DEPLOY THIS species = request.form.get("species") endangerment_level = request.form.get("classification") animal_range = request.form.get("range") imageURL = request.form.get("imageURL") #TODO: fix the image back-end imageFile = request.files["imageFile"] if imageURL != '': resp = requests.get(imageURL) image = BytesIO(resp.content).read() #image = Image.frombytes(imagebytes,'raw',) #print(image) cur.execute('insert into Images (image_name, image_data) values (%s, %s) RETURNING id;', (str(imageURL),image)) imageID = cur.fetchone()[0] elif imageFile and allowed_file(imageFile.filename): filename = secure_filename(imageFile.filename) cur.execute("insert into Images (image_name, image_data) values (%s, %s) RETURNING id;", (filename, imageID = cur.fetchone()[0] else: return redirect(url_for("page_add_animal", status="Image Upload Failed")) animal_description = request.form.get("description") #post_time = str( #Removed-this is not part of animal page right now cur.execute('insert into Animals (species, endangerment_level, animal_range, image_id, animal_description, users_id) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id;', (species, endangerment_level, animal_range, imageID, animal_description, users_id)) tags = request.form.get("tags") tagList = tags.split(', ') addTags(cur, cur.fetchone()[0], tagList) return redirect(url_for("page_feed"))
def new_person(): with db.get_db_cursor(True) as cur: name = request.form.get("name", "unnamed friend")"Adding person %s", name) cur.execute("INSERT INTO person (name) values (%s)", (name,)) return redirect(url_for('people'))
def page_profile(): with db.get_db_cursor(commit=False) as cur: users_id = session['profile']['user_id'] # Animal Postings cur.execute(""" SELECT, Animals.species, Animals.animal_description, FROM Animals, Images WHERE Animals.users_id = %s AND Animals.image_id = ORDER BY DESC; """, [users_id]) animal_postings = [record for record in cur] cur.execute(""" SELECT, Animals.species, Posts.post_text FROM Animals, Posts WHERE Posts.users_id = %s AND Posts.animal_id = ORDER BY DESC; """, [users_id]) postings_on_existing_animals = [record for record in cur] cur.execute(""" SELECT, Animals.species, Comments.comm_text FROM Animals, Comments WHERE Comments.users_id = %s AND = Comments.animal_id ORDER BY DESC; """, [users_id]) comments_on_existing_animals = [record for record in cur] return render_template("profile.html", animal_postings=animal_postings, postings_on_existing_animals=postings_on_existing_animals, comments_on_existing_animals=comments_on_existing_animals)
def get_person(id): with db.get_db_cursor(False) as cur: cur.execute("SELECT name, description from person where person_id = %s;", (id,)) people = [record for record in cur]; if(len(people) == 0): return abort(404) else: return render_template("person.html", name=people[0][0], desc=people[0][1], id=id)
def reply_comment(animal_id): with db.get_db_cursor(True) as cur: users_id = session['profile']['user_id'] description = request.form.get("description", None) cur.execute("INSERT INTO Comments (users_id, animal_id, comm_text) values (%s, %s, %s)", (users_id, animal_id, description)) return redirect(url_for('page_lookup', animal_id=animal_id))
def viewcalls(self): """ Returns an HTML table containing all telephone records. """ cursor = db.get_db_cursor() cursor.execute(db.normalize_sql('select * from calls order by datetime desc')) headings = ['service','callee','datetime','duration','seg','cost', 'call_group'] return self.result_set_to_html_table(cursor, headings = headings)
def movie(movie_id): with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM movie where movie_id=%s", (movie_id, )) movie = cur.fetchone() if not movie: return abort(404) return render_template("movie.html", movie=movie)
def view_avatar(users_id): with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: users_id.replace('%7C', '|') cur.execute("SELECT profile_picture FROM Users where id=%s", (users_id,)) users_avatar = cur.fetchone()[0] # just another way to interact with cursors"users_avatar has a value %s", users_avatar) return redirect(users_avatar)
def api_results(): with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: reverse = request.args.get('reverse') if reverse is None: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM survey_data") else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM survey_data ORDER BY ts DESC") rec = cur.fetchall() return json.dumps(rec, indent=2)
def thanks(): if request.method == 'POST': try: q1 = request.form['q1']"q1: {q1}") except: #TODO q1 = None try: q2 = request.form['q2']"q2: {q2}") except: q2 = None try: q3 = request.form['q3']"q3: {q3}") except: q3 = None try: q4 = request.form['q4']"q4: {q4}") except: q4 = None try: q5 = request.form['q5']"q5: {q5}") except: q5 = None try: q6 = request.form['q6']"q6: {q6}") except: q6 = None day ='%Y-%m-%d') with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute( "insert into survey (q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, day) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, day, )) return redirect(url_for("thanks")) else: return render_template("thanks.html")
def serve_img(img_id): with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images where img_id=%s", (img_id, )) image_row = cur.fetchone() # in memory binary stream stream = io.BytesIO(image_row["img"]) return send_file(stream, attachment_filename=image_row["filename"])
def api_results(json=True): with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("select * from results") rows = cur.fetchall() if 'reverse' in request.args and request.args['reverse'] == 'true': rows = list(reversed(rows)) results = [] for item in rows: results.append(dict(item)) return jsonify(results) if json else results
def __init__(self, identifier, db_cursor=None): = identifier self.uri = config.URI_ADDRESS_SITE_INSTANCE_BASE + identifier self.address_site_geocode_ids = dict() if db_cursor is not None: self.cursor = db_cursor self._cursor_context_manager = None else: self._cursor_context_manager = get_db_cursor() self.cursor = self._cursor_context_manager.__enter__()
def view_image(img_id): with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images where image_id=%s", (img_id, )) image_row = cur.fetchone() # just another way to interact with cursors # in memory pyhton IO stream stream = io.BytesIO(image_row["data"]) # use special "send_file" function return send_file(stream, attachment_filename=image_row["filename"])
def set_result(self, res): self.state = res.state = db, c = get_db_cursor() c.execute('update submission set state=?, info=? where rowid=?', (res.state,, self.sid)) if res.state == 'accepted': c.execute( 'update problem set n_acceptions=n_acceptions + 1 ' + 'where rowid = ?', (, )) db.commit()
def survey_form_post(): with db.get_db_cursor(True) as cur: major = request.form.get("major", "---") year = request.form.get("year", None) reason = request.form.get("optionsRadios", None) suggestion = request.form.get("suggestion", None) suggestion = None if suggestion == '' else suggestion cur.execute("INSERT INTO survey (student_major, student_year, student_reason, student_suggestion) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (major, year, reason, suggestion)) return redirect(url_for('survey_thanks'))
def update_password(username, old_pass, new_pass, new_pass_again): response = {'error': None, 'data': None} user_current_password = None with db.get_db_cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT password_hash FROM users WHERE username=%s;', (username,)) user_current_password = cur.fetchone() if user_current_password is None: response['error'] = "Username is not regconized!" return response if not validate_password(user_current_password['password_hash'], old_pass): response['error'] = "Incorrect Old Password!!!" return response if new_pass != new_pass_again: response['error'] = "Retype New Password Mismatch..." return response new_pass_hash = generate_password_hash(new_pass) with db.get_db_cursor(commit=True) as cur: cur.execute("UPDATE users SET password_hash=%s WHERE username=%s;", (new_pass_hash, username)) response['data'] = True return response
def page_feed(): with db.get_db_cursor(False) as cur: query = request.args.get("query", None) if query: records = getActivityFeedByQuery(cur, query) else: records = getActivityFeed(cur) return render_template("feed.html", dataList=records)
def get_calls_from_db(self, min, max): """ Retrieves calls from the database. """ cursor = db.get_db_cursor() sql = '''select callee,'''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' datetime, duration, cost, call_category from calls where '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' >= ? and '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' < ?''' sql = db.normalize_sql(sql) cursor.execute(sql, (str(min),str(max))) rows = [row for row in cursor] return rows
def gettops(self,min=None,max=None): """ Returns the top 4 most expensive call groups for a specified period of time. """ cursor = db.get_db_cursor() (min,max)=self.get_default_min_max_time(cursor,min,max) params = (min,max) cursor.execute(db.normalize_sql('''select call_category from calls where '''+ db.datetime('datetime')+'''>= ? and '''+ db.datetime('datetime')+''' <= ? group by call_category order by sum(cost) desc limit 4'''), params) tops = [row[0] for row in cursor] return json.dumps(tops)
def getcalls(self,min,max): """ Returns a detailed listing of the calls made between the specified timestamps. """ cursor = db.get_db_cursor() params = (min,max) sql = '''select callee,round(sum(cost),2),call_category,`desc` from calls left outer join telbook on callee=number where ''' sql += db.datetime('datetime')+'''>= ? and '''+db.datetime('datetime') sql += ''' <= ? group by callee order by sum(cost) desc''' cursor.execute(db.normalize_sql(sql), params) data = [[row[0], float(row[1]), self.call_category[row[2]]['color'], row[3]] for row in cursor] return json.dumps(data)
def main_out(team1, team2): def key_for_sort(x): if x[0] != None and x[1] != None: return len(x[0] + x[1]) print('#----------------------------------------- {0} - {1} ---------------------------#'.format(team1.encode('utf-8'), team2.encode('utf-8'))) for y in match_history(team1, team2): for x in y: print(x, end=' | ') print() db = get_db_cursor() teams = db.teams print('-*-'*20) tm1 = teams.find_one({'name': team1}) if not tm1: print('Команды с названием {0} нет :('.format(team1.encode('utf-8'))) else: print(team1) print("-"*40) for name, data in iter(sorted(grab_team_static(tm1['uri'] + '?type=champ').items(), key=key_for_sort)): try: print(name + ': ' + data) except TypeError: continue print('-*-'*20) tm2 = teams.find_one({'name': team2}) if not tm2: print('Команды с названием {0} нет :('.format(team2.encode('utf-8'))) else: print(team2) print("-"*40) for name, data in iter(sorted(grab_team_static(tm2['uri'] + '?type=champ').items(), key=key_for_sort)): try: print(name + ': ' + data) except TypeError: continue print('-*-'*20)
def cost_per_unit_of_time(self,min,max,unit,tops): """ Returns a JSON response containing plot data of telephone calls between "min" and "max" timestamps, aggregating over "unit" periods of time (e.g. days or months) and highlighting specified "tops" call groups. """ cursor = db.get_db_cursor() if tops is None: tops = [] elif isinstance(tops,str): tops = [tops] (min,max)=self.get_default_min_max_time(cursor,min,max) def get_data_for_top(top,top_condition): params = (min,max) sql = '''select '''+db.datetime_start_of('datetime',unit)+''' as day, sum(cost) from calls where call_category '''+top_condition+''' and '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' >= ? and ''' sql += db.datetime('datetime')+''' <= ? group by day order by day''' sql = db.normalize_sql(sql) cursor.execute(sql, params) return { 'label':self.call_category[top]['desc'], 'color':self.call_category[top]['color'], 'data':[[1000*int(row[0]),float(row[1])] for row in cursor], } data = [] for top in tops: data.append(get_data_for_top(top,'= "' + top + '"')) tops_list = ','.join(['"'+top+'"' for top in tops]) data.append(get_data_for_top('REST','not in ('+tops_list+')')) return json.dumps(data)