def createComb(baseSkuId,combProdId,fee,price,count=1): """根据单件的skuid和多盒的prodid创建 ,多盒的sku""" prodsql = f"select * from pm_prod_info where prod_id = {combProdId}" prodres = selectOneBy(prodsql) prename = f'{count}件装' # prodres.get('pre_prod_name') prodname = prodres.get('prod_name') spec = prodres.get('prod_spec') specjson = f'{{"prod_spec":"{spec}"}}' sql = f""" INSERT INTO `medstore`.`pm_prod_sku` ( `prod_id`, `sku_status`, `sku_price`, `sku_fee` , `drugstore_id`, `brand_id`, `sku_update_time`, `sku_create_time`, `sku_remark`, `sku_logistics` , `prod_name`, `pharmacy_huohao`, `source_id`, `sku_json`, `sku_attr`, `sku_img`, `sku_sum` , `sku_activate`, `sales_info`, `sku_sum_flag`, `sku_hot_order`, `sku_sort`, `sku_rank`, `sku_type` , `is_set`, `set_num`, `dis_before_price`, `dis_after_price`, `discount_price`, `pre_prod_name`) select '{combProdId}', `sku_status`, {price}, {fee} , `drugstore_id`, `brand_id`, now(), now(), `sku_remark`, `sku_logistics` , concat('{prename}',prod_name) ,concat('{prename}',pharmacy_huohao) , `source_id` ,'{specjson}', `sku_attr`, `sku_img`, `sku_sum` , `sku_activate`, `sales_info`, `sku_sum_flag`, `sku_hot_order`, `sku_sort`, `sku_rank`, 'comb' ,1 `is_set`,{count} `set_num` ,sku_price `dis_before_price`,{price/count} `dis_after_price`,sku_price-{price/count} `discount_price`,'{prename}' `pre_prod_name` from pm_prod_sku where sku_id = {baseSkuId} ; """ # try: res = insertSQL(sql) combSkuId= res['lastId'] skusql = f"select * from pm_prod_sku where sku_id = {combSkuId}" skures = selectOneBy(skusql) name = skures['prod_name'] huohao = skures['pharmacy_huohao'] drugstoreId = skures['drugstore_id'] fee = skures['sku_fee'] price = skures['sku_price'] beforeprice = skures['dis_before_price'] disprice = skures['dis_after_price'] packetId= addPmPacketInfo(combSkuId, name,prename,huohao,drugstoreId,fee,price) addPmPacketSku(packetId,baseSkuId,combSkuId, prodname,huohao,drugstoreId,disprice,beforeprice,count,price) db.commit() except: db.rollback()
def queryTableLastOne(tableName,field='*',where =''): '''基础查询表内容 返回数组结构 []''' if where !='': where = ' where '+where sql = f'''select {field} from {tableName} {where} order by {field} desc limit 1''' res =selectOneBy(sql) return res[field]
def querySkuId(huohao,drugstoreId): sql = ''' SELECT sku_id FROM `pm_prod_sku` WHERE `pharmacy_huohao` = '{0}' and `drugstore_id` ={1}; '''.format(huohao,drugstoreId) dic = selectOneBy(sql) return dic.get('sku_id')
def queryBaseDirCode(drugstoreId): '''查询药店的基础dircode, 相应药店下的子级目录需要 以此code开头 ''' # for drugstoreId in self.drugstoreIdList: sql = ''' SELECT * from pm_dir_info WHERE dir_name = '功能主目录' and pharmacy_id ={}; '''.format(drugstoreId) dic = selectOneBy(sql) return dic.get('dir_code')
def addAmStatInfo(skuId,actId,itemId,itemName,itemDesc,itemType,startTime,endTime,quotaId='',itemPriority='100',itemAttr='multi',otherStr1=''): configSql = '''SELECT config_value from sm_config WHERE config_key = 'act_batch';''' configDic = selectOneBy(configSql) configValue =configDic.get('config_value') sql = f"""INSERT INTO am_stat_info ( `batch_num`, `sku_id`, `act_id`, `item_id`, `item_remark` , `item_name` , `item_attr`, `stat_update_time`, `stat_create_time`, `item_effect_time`, `item_expire_time` , `item_type`, `other_str1`, `quota_id`, `item_flag`, `item_priority`) VALUES ( '{configValue}', '{skuId}', '{actId}', '{itemId}', '{itemDesc}', '{itemName}' , '{itemAttr}', now(), now(), '{startTime}', '{endTime}' , '{itemType}', '{otherStr1}', '{quotaId}', NULL, '{itemPriority}'); """ res = insertSQL(sql) return res['lastId']
def copyMsStat(day, addDays, ydId): sql = f'''SELECT * from am_stat_info stat,pm_prod_sku s WHERE stat.sku_id = s.sku_id and s.drugstore_id={ydId} and item_effect_time >= '{day} 00:00:00' and item_expire_time <= '{day} 23:59:59' ;''' statList = selectBy(sql) configSql = '''SELECT config_value from sm_config WHERE config_key = 'act_batch';''' configDic = selectOneBy(configSql) configValue = configDic.get('config_value') for dic in statList: lineSql = '' skuId = dic.get('sku_id') actId = dic.get('act_id') itemId = dic.get('item_id') itemName = dic.get('item_name') itemRemark = dic.get('item_remark') itemType = dic.get('item_type') quotaId = dic.get('quota_id') if dic.get('quota_id') != None else '' # logging.error('quotaId-------%s---%s--',dic.get('quota_id'),dic.get('quota_id') if dic.get('quota_id')!=None else '') # dirId = dic.get('dir_id') # dirCode = dic.get('dir_code') itemAttr = dic.get('item_attr') otherStr1 = dic.get('other_str1', '') if dic.get('other_str1') != None else '' itemPriority = dic.get('item_priority') start = dic['item_effect_time'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end = dic['item_expire_time'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for i in range(addDays): today = (datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y-%m-%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=i + 1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sd = start.replace(day, today) nd = end.replace(day, today) lineSql += f"""( '{configValue}', '{skuId}', '{actId}', '{itemId}', '{itemRemark}', '{itemName}' , '{itemAttr}', now(), now(), '{sd}', '{nd}' , '{itemType}', '{otherStr1}', '{quotaId}', NULL, '{itemPriority}'),""" # lineSql += f"""('{sku_id}','{sale_fee}','{sale_price}','{sd}','{nd}','{sale_status}',now(),now(),'{sale_remark}'),""" lineSql = lineSql[:-1] sql = f"""INSERT INTO am_stat_info ( `batch_num`, `sku_id`, `act_id`, `item_id`, `item_remark` , `item_name` , `item_attr`, `stat_update_time`, `stat_create_time`, `item_effect_time`, `item_expire_time` , `item_type`, `other_str1`, `quota_id`, `item_flag`, `item_priority`) VALUES {lineSql} ; """ res = insertSQL(sql)
def selectActInfo(itemId): """根据itemid查询活动信息""" sql = f"""SELECT a.act_start_time, a.act_end_time,a.act_id, b.item_id,b.item_name,b.item_desc,b.item_type,b.item_attr ,b.item_remark,b.item_img,b.item_num,b.item_priority ,dd.dir_id,dd.dir_code,dd.dir_name,dd.pharmacy_id ,e.details_id,e.details_type,e.details_val_type,e.details_value,e.details_remark,e.details_content ,g.rule_id,g.rule_value ,h.quota_remark,h.quota_content,h.quota_id,h.quota_rule,h.qutoa_group from am_act_item b LEFT JOIN am_item_range c on b.item_id = c.item_id LEFT JOIN am_act_range d on c.range_id = d.range_id LEFT JOIN pm_dir_info dd on d.range_value = dd.dir_id LEFT JOIN am_item_details e on b.item_id = e.item_id LEFT JOIN am_details_rule f on e.details_id = f.details_id LEFT JOIN am_act_rule g on f.rule_id = g.rule_id LEFT JOIN am_quota_info h on b.item_id = h.item_id LEFT JOIN am_act_info a on a.act_id = b.act_id WHERE b.item_id = {itemId}""" list = selectOneBy(sql) return list
def createCombByHuohao(huohao,drugstoreId,combProdId,fee,price,count=1): skusql = f"select * from pm_prod_sku where pharmacy_huohao = {huohao} and drugstore_id= {drugstoreId}" skures = selectOneBy(skusql) baseSkuId = skures['sku_id'] createComb(baseSkuId,combProdId,fee,price,count=count)