def auth_logout(token: str) -> dict:
    Given an active token, invalidates the token to log the user out.
    If a valid token is given, and the user is successfully logged out,
    it returns true, otherwise false.

    :param token: user's token
    :return: a dictionary with key 'is_success' which contains 'True'
            if user is successfully logged out, 'False' otherwise

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = 'SELECT token from project.user_data WHERE token =%s'
    value = (token,)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        logout_success = False
        sql = "UPDATE project.user_data set token=(%s) where token=(%s)"
        value = (None, token)
        db_connect.execute(sql, value)
        logout_success = True

    # close database connection

    return {
        'is_success': logout_success,
def send_standup_message(channel_id):
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT standup_uid, time_finish, message FROM project.active_data where channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    if ret is not None:
        message = ret[2]
        if message is not None:

            standup_uid = ret[0]
            time_finish = ret[1]

            # send message
            sql = '''
            INSERT INTO project.message_data (channel_id, message, time_created, u_id, is_pinned, react_uid) 
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);
            value = (channel_id, message, time_finish, standup_uid, False, [])
            db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # remove active
    sql = "DELETE FROM project.active_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    if len(name_first) > 50 or len(
            name_first) < 1:  # check length of name_first
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: first name is not between \
                1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')
    if len(name_last) > 50 or len(name_last) < 1:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: last name is not between \
                1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')
    # get user's u_id from token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET name_first=(%s), \
           name_last=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"

    value = (name_first, name_last, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    return {}
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    if len(handle_str) > 20 or len(handle_str) < 3:  # check handle is valid
        raise InputError(
            'error occurred: handle must be between 3 and 20 characters')

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT handle FROM project.user_data WHERE handle=(%s)"
    value = (handle_str, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is not None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: handle is already used by another user'

    # get user's u_id from token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET handle=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s);"
    value = (handle_str, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def standup_active(token, channel_id):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    # check channel_id is valid
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT channel_id FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    # delete finished standup
    curr_time = int(time.time())
    # check if standup is active
    sql = "SELECT time_finish FROM project.active_data WHERE channel_id=(%s);"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is not None:
        time_finish = ret[0]
        if int(time_finish) > curr_time:
            return {'is_active': True, 'time_finish': time_finish}

    # close database connection

    return {'is_active': False, 'time_finish': None}
def channels_listall(token: str) -> dict:
    Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details)

    :param token: user's token
    :return: dictionary of list of dictionary with keys 'channel_id' and 'name'
            which includes all the channels
    #token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    dictionary = {
        'channels': [],

    # get info for all list
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT channel_id, name FROM project.channel_data"
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()

    for channel in ret:
            'channel_id': channel[0],
            'name': channel[1]

    # close database connection

    return dictionary
文件: auth.py 项目: Vik1ang/COMP1531
def auth_passwordreset_request(email: str) -> dict:
    Given an email address, if the user is a registered user,
    send's them an email containing a specific secret code.

    :param email: user's email

    # check if email valid
    if not check(email):
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Email entered is not a valid email')

    # check if entered email belongs to a registered user
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT email from project.user_data WHERE email = (%s)"
    value = (email, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            'error occurred: Email entered does not belong to a user')

    # generate a random reset_code
    reset_code = generate_code()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data set reset_code=(%s) where email=(%s)"
    value = (reset_code, email)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    # send an email contained the reset_code to the user
    # config
    mail_host = 'XXXXXXXX'
    mail_user = '******'
    mail_pass = '******'
    sender = 'XXXXXXXXX'
    receivers = [email]
    # content
    message = MIMEText(reset_code, 'plain', 'utf-8')
    message['Subject'] = 'Flockr Password Reset'
    message['From'] = sender
    message['To'] = receivers[0]
    # connect and log on server
    smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
    smtp.connect(mail_host, 587)  # use 25 if 587 doesn't work
    smtp.login(mail_user, mail_pass)
    # send
    smtp.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())
    # log out server

    return {}
def channel_addowner(token: str, channel_id: int, u_id: int) -> dict:
    Make user with user id u_id an owner of this channel

    :param token: user's token
    :param channel_id: channel's id
    :param u_id: user's id
    :return: an empty dictionary

    # check
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    # get authorised user's u_id from token
    authorised_uid = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT member, owner FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # check channel is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Channel ID is not valid')

    member_list = ret[0]
    owner_list = ret[1]

    # user is already owner
    if u_id in owner_list:
        raise InputError(
            'error occurred: user is already an owner of the channel')

    # check authorised_uid is valid
    if authorised_uid not in owner_list:
        raise AccessError(
            'error occurred: the authorised user is not an owner of the flockr, '
            'or an owner of this channel')

    # update database
    sql = "UPDATE project.channel_data SET member=(%s), owner=(%s) WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    if u_id not in member_list:
    value = (member_list, owner_list, channel_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def user_profile_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: \
                         img_url returns an HTTP status other than 200.')

    # check img is jpg
    if not img_url.lower().endswith('.jpg'):
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Image uploaded is not a JPG')

    if not os.path.exists('./image'):
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    image_address = './image/' + str(u_id) + '.jpg'
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, image_address)
    image_object = Image.open(image_address)
    width, height = image_object.size

    if (int(x_start) < 0 or int(x_start) > width or int(x_end) < 0
            or int(x_end) > width or int(y_start) < 0 or int(y_start) > height
            or int(y_end) < 0 or int(y_end) > height):
        raise InputError(description="x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end are not \
                         within the dimensions of the image at the URL")

    if int(x_start) >= int(x_end) or int(y_start) >= int(y_end):
        raise InputError(description="start value can't exceed end value")

    cropped = image_object.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
    base_url = flask.request.host_url

    image_url = base_url + 'image/' + str(u_id) + '.jpg'

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET profile_img_url=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"
    value = (image_url, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def channel_join(token: str, channel_id: int) -> dict:

    :param token:
    :param channel_id:

    # check token is valid
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occured: token is not valid')
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    if not isinstance(channel_id, int):
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: channel ID is not valid')
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT is_public FROM project.channel_data  WHERE channel_id = (%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # check channel is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: channel ID is not valid')

    if ret[0] is False and not user_is_flockr_owner(u_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description='error occurred: channel ID refers to a private channel'

    sql = "SELECT member, owner FROM project.channel_data  WHERE channel_id = (%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    member_list = ret[0]
    owner_list = ret[1]

    # update database
    sql = "UPDATE project.channel_data SET member=(%s), owner=(%s) WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    # if user is flockr then become onwer
    if user_is_flockr_owner(u_id):

    value = (member_list, owner_list, channel_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def channel_leave(token: str, channel_id: int):
    Given a channel ID, the user removed as a member of this channel

    :param token: user's token
    :param channel_id: channel's id
    :return: if user leave the channel successfully, it will return an empty dictionary

    # check token if valid
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT member, owner FROM project.channel_data  WHERE channel_id = (%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # check if the channel is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: the channel ID is not a valid channel'
    member_list = ret[0]
    owner_list = ret[1]
    # check if the user is valid
    if u_id not in member_list:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: the authorised user '
                          'is not a member of channel with this channel_id')

    # remove user from member_list

    # if owner, remove from owner_list
    if u_id in owner_list:

    # UPDATE database
    sql = "UPDATE project.channel_data SET member=(%s),owner=(%s) WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (member_list, owner_list, channel_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def auth_login(email: str, password: str) -> dict:
    Given a registered users' email and password and generates a valid token
    for the user to remain authenticated

    :param email: the user's email
    :param password: the user's password
    :return: dictionary with keys "u_id" and "token"
    # check if email invalid
    if not check(email):
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Email entered is not a valid email')

    # get user details from database
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT u_id, password FROM project.user_data WHERE email = (%s)"
    value = (email,)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    # check if email do not belong to any user
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Email entered does not belong to a user')

    user_uid = ret[0]
    user_pwd = ret[1]

    # password if correct
    hash_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()
    # if user_pwd != password:
    if user_pwd != hash_password:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Password is not correct')

    # generate token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    user_token = token_operation.encode_token({'u_id': user_uid})

    # if not login before, store the token
    # add token
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data set token=(%s) where email=(%s)"
    value = (user_token, email)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {
        'u_id': user_uid,
        'token': user_token
def check_valid(token):
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT token FROM project.user_data WHERE token=(%s)"
    value = (token, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    if ret is None:
        return False
        return True
def channels_list(token: str) -> dict:
    Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details)
    that the authorised user is part of

    :param token: user's token
    :return: dictionary of list of dictionary with keys 'channel_id' and 'name'
            which includes the channels that the user is a part of
    dictionary = {
        'channels': [],

    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    # get info in database
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = '''
    SELECT channel_id, name 
    FROM project.channel_data c 
            INNER JOIN project.user_data u ON u.u_id = ANY (c.member) 
    WHERE u.u_id = (%s);
    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()

    for channel in ret:
            'channel_id': channel[0],
            'name': channel[1]


    return dictionary
文件: auth.py 项目: Vik1ang/COMP1531
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code: str, new_password: str) -> dict:
    Given a reset code for a user,
    set that user's new password to the password provided.

    :param reset_code: generated random code sent to user
    :param new_password: user's new password to be reset
    # check if new password is valid
    if len(new_password) < 6:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Password entered is less '
            'than 6 characters long')
    # check if reset code match
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT u_id FROM project.user_data WHERE reset_code=(%s)"
    value = (reset_code, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: Reset code entered does not match')

    # use for sql query
    u_id = ret[0]

    # UPDATE new password and remove the reset code from database
    password = hashlib.sha256(new_password.encode()).hexdigest()
    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data set password=(%s), reset_code = (%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"
    value = (password, None, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    exist_change = False
    regex = r'^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$'

    if re.search(regex, email):  # check Email entered is valid
        exist_change = True
    if exist_change is False:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: email entered is not valid')

    # check email address is independent
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT email FROM project.user_data WHERE email=(%s);"
    value = (email, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is not None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: email is already used by another user'

    # get user's u_id from token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    sql = "UPDATE project.user_data SET email=(%s) WHERE u_id=(%s)"
    value = (email, u_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)


    return {}
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT email, name_first, name_last, handle, \
           profile_img_url FROM project.user_data WHERE u_id=(%s);"

    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    # check uid is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: User with u_id is not a valid user')

    user_dict = {}  # for return
    email = ret[0]
    name_first = ret[1]
    name_last = ret[2]
    handle_str = ret[3]
    profile_img_url = ret[4]

    user_dict['u_id'] = u_id
    user_dict['email'] = email
    user_dict['name_first'] = name_first
    user_dict['name_last'] = name_last
    user_dict['handle_str'] = handle_str
    user_dict['profile_img_url'] = profile_img_url

    # close database connection

    return {'user': user_dict}
class JobManager(object):
    def __init__(self):
        with open('jobs/job_specs.yaml', 'r') as f:
            self.job_types = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)['type']
        dbFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                  "../db", "job_manager.sqlite")
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dbFilePath), exist_ok=True)
        self.db = DbConnector(dbFilePath, read_only=False)

    def register_job(self, job_info):
        status = STATUS_OK
        msg = ''
        job_id = None

            # Generate unique identifier for this job for JobManager
            job_id = str(uuid4()).replace("-", "")
            # Error and return if job type is not defined
            job_type = job_info['type']
            if job_type in self.job_types:
                status = STATUS_OK
                status = STATUS_ERROR
                msg = 'Invalid job type'
                return status, msg
            job_spec = {
                "executable": self.job_types[job_type]
                ['script'],  # the program to run on the execute node
                "output": "{}/{}.out".format(
                    job_info['log_dir'], job_id
                ),  # anything the job prints to standard output will end up in this file
                "error": "{}/{}.err".format(
                    job_info['log_dir'], job_id
                ),  # anything the job prints to standard error will end up in this file
                "log": "{}/{}.log".format(
                    job_info['log_dir'], job_id
                ),  # this file will contain a record of what happened to the job
                "env": job_info['env'],
                "getenv": "True",
            # Add new record to job table
            # TODO: Ensure that the job_id is not already present in the table
            sql = '''
            INSERT INTO `job` (
            VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
            self.db.db_cursor.execute(sql, (
        except Exception as e:
            status = STATUS_ERROR
            msg = str(e).strip()
        return status, msg, job_id

    def init(self, job_id):
        status = STATUS_OK
        msg = ''
        # Get the job info from the database
        job_info = self.db.get_job_info(job_id)
        # Launch a subprocess that will monitor the data repo for the input data required for the pipeline job.
        # When the data arrives, launch the job using the JobManager API
        api_url = '{}://{}:{}{}/monitor/complete'.format(
            envvars.API_PROTOCOL, envvars.API_DOMAIN, envvars.API_PORT,
            'python', 'monitor.py', '--id', job_id, '--type', job_info['type'],
            '--api_url', api_url
        return status, msg

    def launch(self, job_id):
        status = STATUS_OK
        msg = ''
        cluster_id = ''
        # Get the job info from the database
        job_info = self.db.get_job_info(job_id)
        # Load environment variables required for the job
        env = job_info['spec']['env']
        executable = job_info['spec']['executable']
        log_path = job_info['spec']['log']
        out_path = job_info['spec']['output']
        err_path = job_info['spec']['error']
        for envvar in self.job_types[job_info['type']]['env']:
            os.environ[envvar] = '{}'.format(env[envvar])
        # Create the output log directory if it does not exist
        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
        job_spec = {
            "executable": executable,  # the program to run on the execute node
            out_path,  # anything the job prints to standard output will end up in this file
            err_path,  # anything the job prints to standard error will end up in this file
            log_path,  # this file will contain a record of what happened to the job
            "getenv": "True",
        # Submit the HTCondor job
        htcondor_job = htcondor.Submit(job_spec)
        htcondor_schedd = htcondor.Schedd(
        )  # get the Python representation of the scheduler
        with htcondor_schedd.transaction(
        ) as txn:  # open a transaction, represented by `txn`
            cluster_id = htcondor_job.queue(
            )  # queues one job in the current transaction; returns job's ClusterID
        if not isinstance(cluster_id, int):
            msg = 'Error submitting Condor job'
            status = STATUS_ERROR
            self.update_job(job_id, updates={
                'msg': msg,
                                'cluster_id': cluster_id,
                                'status': 'submitted',
        return status, msg, cluster_id

    def status(self, job_id):
        cluster_id = self.get_cluster_id(job_id)
        schedd = htcondor.Schedd()
        # First search the jobs currently in queue (condor_q)
        attr_list = [
        query_results = schedd.query(
            constraint='ClusterId =?= {}'.format(cluster_id),
        # Assume only a single result
        job_status = {}
        for classad in query_results:
            job_status = {
                'active': True,
            for field in attr_list:
                job_status[field] = classad[field]
                print('Update for active job:')
        # Next search job history (condor_history)
        if not job_status:
            print('Job is no longer active.')
            projection = [
            query_results = schedd.history(
                requirements='ClusterId =?= {}'.format(cluster_id),
                # projection=["ClusterId", "JobStatus"],
            for classad in query_results:
                print('Finished job: {}'.format(classad))
                job_status = {
                    'active': False,
                for field in projection:
                    job_status[field] = classad[field]
                print('Update for completed job:')
        return job_status

    def update_job(self, job_id, updates={}):
        for column in updates:
            if column != 'uuid':
                sql = '''
                UPDATE `job` SET `{}` = ? WHERE `uuid` = ?
                self.db.db_cursor.execute(sql, (updates[column], job_id))
                print('Updated column "{}" with value "{}"'.format(
                    column, updates[column]))

    def get_cluster_id(self, job_id):
        sql = '''
        SELECT `cluster_id` FROM `job` WHERE `uuid` = ?
        results = self.db.db_cursor.execute(sql, (job_id, ))
        for row in results:
            cluster_id = row[0]
        return cluster_id

    async def monitor(self, filename, duration=5):
        status = STATUS_OK
        msg = ''
        print('Monitoring file "{}" for {} seconds...'.format(
            filename, duration))
        await asyncio.sleep(duration)
        print('Monitoring complete for file "{}".'.format(filename))
        return status, msg
def channel_invite(token: str, channel_id: int, u_id: int) -> dict:
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id.
    Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately

    :param token: token of user who try to invite user
    :param channel_id: the id of channel which the user will be invited in
    :param u_id: uid of user who has been invited to join the channel
    :return: if it can successfully invite somebody to this channel,
             it will return an empty dictionary

    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    # check if channel id is valid
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT channel_id FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id = (%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            'error occurred: channel_id does not refer to a valid channel')

    # check if uid is valid
    sql = "SELECT u_id FROM project.user_data WHERE u_id = (%s)"
    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: u_id does not refer to a valid user')

    # check if the authorised user( is a member of the channel)
    authorised_uid = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    sql = "SELECT member, owner  FROM project.channel_data  WHERE channel_id =(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    member_list = ret[0]
    owner_list = ret[1]
    if authorised_uid not in member_list:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: the authorised user '
                          'is not a member of the channel')

    # get flockr owner list
    sql = "SELECT owner FROM project.flockr_data;"
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    flockr_list = ret[0]

    # if no error, add the user to the channel
    if u_id not in member_list:
        sql = "UPDATE project.channel_data SET member=(%s), owner=(%s) WHERE channel_id=(%s);"
        # if invite flockr, flockr will be owner
        if u_id in flockr_list:
            value = (member_list, owner_list, channel_id)
            value = (member_list, owner_list, channel_id)
        db_connect.execute(sql, value)


    return {}
def channel_details(token: str, channel_id: int) -> dict:
    Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    provide basic details about the channel

    :param token: user's token
    :param channel_id: channel's id
    :return: a dictionary with keys 'name', 'owner_members' and 'all_members'
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    # get the user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)

    # get info for the channel
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT * FROM project.channel_data  WHERE channel_id = (%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()
    # check if channel id invalid
    if len(ret) == 0:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: the channel ID is not a valid channel'

    channel_name = ret[0][1]
    member_list = ret[0][2]
    owner_list = ret[0][3]
    # check if the authorised user is member of this channel
    if u_id not in member_list:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: the authorised user '
                          'is not a member of channel with this channel_id')

    # get channel member basic information
    sql = '''
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS project.detail_data;
    CREATE TABLE project.detail_data
        id   serial NOT NULL,
        u_id int
    INSERT INTO project.detail_data(u_id)
    select unnest((
        SELECT member
        FROM project.channel_data
        WHERE channel_id = (%s)));
    SELECT u.u_id, name_last, name_first, profile_img_url
    FROM project.user_data u
    INNER JOIN project.detail_data d ON u.u_id = d.u_id
    ORDER BY d.id;
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()
    all_members = []
    # get member details
    for detail in ret:
            'u_id': detail[0],
            'name_last': detail[1],
            'name_first': detail[2],
            'profile_img_url': detail[3]

    # get owner details
    owner_members = []
    for member in all_members:
        if member['u_id'] in owner_list:

    # close database connection

    details = {
        'name': channel_name,
        'owner_members': owner_members,
        'all_members': all_members

    return details
def channel_messages(token: str, channel_id: int, start: int):
    Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    return up to 50 messages between index "start" and "start + 50"
    :param token: the authorised user's token
    :param channel_id: the channel ID
    :param start: the start number
    :return: dictionary of messages as required
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')

    # start = int(start)
    # channel_id = int(channel_id)
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT member FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # check channel_id is valid
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: channel id is not valid')
    member_list = ret[0]
    # get user's u_id from token
    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    # check u_id is a member for the channel
    if u_id not in member_list:
        raise AccessError(
            description='Authorised user is not a member of channel')

    # check start valid
    sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project.message_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    total_message = ret[0]
    # start is greater than the total number of messages
    if start > total_message:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: start is greater than '
                         'the total number of messages')

    # determine end
    retuen_end = -1
    if total_message > start + 50:
        end = start + 50
        retuen_end = end
        end = total_message

    # store all the required messages
    msg = []
    sql = "SELECT * FROM project.message_data WHERE channel_id=(%s) ORDER BY time_created DESC"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchall()
    for detail in ret:
        react_uid = detail[6]
        if u_id in react_uid:
            react_cond = True
            react_cond = False
            'reacts': [{
                'is_this_user_reacted': react_cond,
                'react_id': 1,
                'u_ids': react_uid

    # close database connection

    return {'messages': msg, 'start': start, 'end': retuen_end}
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    # check if the token is valid
    if check_valid(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='error occurred: token is not valid')
    # check channel id is valid
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    sql = "SELECT member FROM project.channel_data WHERE channel_id=(%s);"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: channel is not valid')

    # get member list
    member_list = ret[0]

    # check if the message longer than 1000
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(description='Message is more than 1000 characters')
    exist_active = standup_active(token, channel_id)["is_active"]
    if not exist_active:
        raise InputError(
            description='error occurred: no standup is running in this channel'

    u_id = token_operation.get_uid(token)
    # check user is valid
    if u_id not in member_list:
        raise AccessError(
            description='error occurred: user is not a member of this channel')

    # get handle
    sql = "SELECT handle FROM project.user_data WHERE u_id=(%s)"
    value = (u_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    handle = ret[0]

    # get msg from active buffer
    sql = "SELECT message FROM project.active_data WHERE channel_id=(%s)"
    value = (channel_id, )
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()

    if ret[0] is not None:
        message_stand = ret[0]
        message_stand += "\n" + handle + ": " + message
        message_stand = handle + ": " + message

    # add to active data
    sql = "UPDATE project.active_data SET message=(%s) WHERE channel_id=(%s);"
    value = (message_stand, channel_id)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    # close database connection

    return {}
def auth_register(email: str, password: str, name_first: str, name_last: str) -> dict:
    Given a user's first and last name, email address, and password,
    create a new account for them and return a new token for authentication in their session.

    :param email: user's email
    :param password: user's password
    :param name_first: user's first name
    :param name_last: user's last name
    :return: dictionary with keys "u_id" and "token"
    # check if email invalid
    if not check(email):
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Email entered is not a valid email')

    # check if email has already been used
    db_connect = DbConnector()
    db_connect.cursor()  # connect to database and get cursor
    sql = "SELECT email from project.user_data WHERE email = %s"
    value = (email,)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    if ret is not None:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Email address is already '
                                     'being used by another user')

    # check the length of password
    if len(password) < 6:
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: Password entered is less '
                                     'than 6 characters long')

    if len(name_first) not in range(1, 51):
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: first name is not '
                                     'between 1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')

    if len(name_last) not in range(1, 51):
        raise InputError(description='error occurred: last name is not '
                                     'between 1 and 50 characters inclusively in length')

    # generate u_id for the new user
    sql = "INSERT INTO project.user_data (email) VALUES (%s)"
    value = (email,)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    sql = "SELECT u_id FROM project.user_data WHERE email=(%s)"
    value = (email,)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    user_uid = ret[0]
    # sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project.user_data"
    # db_connect.execute(sql)
    # ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # user_uid = ret[0] + 1
    # print(user_uid)

    # generate a handle for the new user
    # which contains the first letter of the name_first by default
    # cut off the part where exceeds 20

    handle = (name_first[0] + name_last).lower()

    if len(handle) > 20:
        handle = handle[0:20]

    # check if it is unique otherwise
    sql = "SELECT handle from project.user_data WHERE handle=%s"
    value = (handle,)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)
    ret = db_connect.fetchone()
    # if it exceeds 20, cutoff the extra part from the original handle and remain user_uid
    # add user_uid at the end of the handle
    if ret is not None:
        if len(handle + str(user_uid)) > 20:
            handle = handle[0:(20 - len(str(user_uid)))] + str(user_uid)
            handle = handle + str(user_uid)

    # generate the token
    token_operation = TokenJwt()
    token = token_operation.encode_token({'u_id': user_uid})
    # hashing the password
    hash_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()

    # add user in database
    sql = '''
    UPDATE project.user_data
    set password=(%s), name_first=(%s), name_last=(%s), token=(%s), handle=(%s)
    WHERE email=(%s)
    value = (hash_password, name_first, name_last, token, handle, email)
    db_connect.execute(sql, value)

    if user_uid == 1:
        sql = "INSERT INTO project.flockr_data (owner) VALUES ('{%s}')"
        value = [user_uid]
        db_connect.execute(sql, value)


    return {
        'u_id': user_uid,
        'token': token