def update_collection(name: str, tickers: list): try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM collections WHERE collection = %s """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (name, )) conn.commit() insert_sql = """ INSERT INTO collections (ticker, collection, last_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW()) """ cur.executemany(insert_sql, tuple( (ticker, name) for ticker in tickers)) conn.commit() except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) finally: cur.close() conn.close()
def write_ticker_collections(tickers, view_name): try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() # delete the existing collection delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM collections WHERE collection = %s """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (view_name, )) conn.commit() data = [(ticker, view_name) for ticker in tickers] insert_sql = """ INSERT INTO collections (ticker, collection, last_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW()) """ cur.executemany(insert_sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) finally: conn.close()
def add_to_collections(): """Add any stocks in stock_info to collections""" conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ INSERT INTO collections ( ticker, collection, last_updated ) SELECT DISTINCT si.ticker, 'Manually Requested' as collection, NOW() as last_updated FROM stock_info as si WHERE si.ticker not in ( SELECT DISTINCT ticker FROM collections ); """ cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_requests(): """Get all actionable requests""" conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ SELECT DISTINCT sr.ticker FROM stock_requests as sr LEFT JOIN stock_info as si ON sr.ticker = si.ticker WHERE si.ticker is NULL; """ cur.execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() tickers = [] for row in res: tickers.append(row[0]) cur.close() conn.close() return tickers
def write_to_db(tickers, collection): failed_tickers = [] conn = get_ps_conn() for ticker in tickers: cur = conn.cursor() print(ticker) try: stock = yfinance.Ticker(ticker) # print( info = # data = {} # data["sector"] = info.get("sector", None) # data["longBusinessSummary"] = info.get("longBusinessSummary", None) # data["previousClose"] = info.get("previousClose", None) # data["marketCap"] = info.get("marketCap", None) # data["fiveYearAvgDividendYield?"] = info.get("fiveYearAvgDividendYield?", None) # data["shortName"] = info.get("shortName", None) # data["52WeekChange"] = info.get("52WeekChange", None) # data["shortPercentOfFloat"] = info.get("shortPercentOfFloat", None) # data["SandP52WeekChange"] = info.get("SandP52WeekChange", None) # data["fiftyTwoWeekLow"] = info.get("fiftyTwoWeekLow", None) # data["fiftyTwoWeekHigh"] = info.get("fiftyTwoWeekHigh", None) # data["beta"] = info.get("beta", None) # data["dividendRate"] = info.get("dividendRate", None) # data["trailingPE"] = info.get("trailingPE", None) # data["forwardPE"] = info.get("forwardPE", None) # data["enterpriseToRevenue"] = info.get("enterpriseToRevenue", None) # data["profitMargins"] = info.get("profitMargins", None) # data["enterpriseToEbitda"] = info.get("enterpriseToEbitda", None) # data["bookValue"] = info.get("bookValue", None) # data["trailingEps"] = info.get("trailingEps", None) # data["forwardEps"] = info.get("forwardEps", None) # data["heldPercentInstitutions"] = info.get("heldPercentInstitutions", None) # data["pegRatio"] = info.get("pegRatio", None) sql = f""" INSERT INTO public.stocks (ticker, "date", collection, info) VALUES(%s, NOW(), %s, %s); """ # currently dumping all data to the db cur.execute(sql, (ticker, collection, json.dumps(info))) conn.commit() cur.close() except Exception as e: print(f"FAILED TO FETCH DATA: {ticker}") print(e) failed_tickers.append(ticker) time.sleep(1) conn.close() return failed_tickers
def find_bad_updates(): ticker = '' try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() find_bad_updates_sql = """ select sp.ticker, case when sp.price > (si."fiftyTwoWeekHigh" * 1.5) then 1 when sp.price < (si."fiftyTwoWeekLow" * .5) then 1 else 0 end high_price_variance from stock_prices sp inner join stock_info si on sp.ticker = si.ticker where (sp.price > (si."fiftyTwoWeekHigh" * 1.5)) or (sp.price < (si."fiftyTwoWeekLow" * .5)) """ cur.execute(find_bad_updates_sql) res = cur.fetchall() for row in res: ticker = row[0] yticker = yfinance.Ticker(ticker) info = yticker.get_info() price = info.get('previousClose') volume = info.get('volume') print(ticker) delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM stock_prices WHERE ticker = %s; """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (ticker, )) conn.commit() sql = """ INSERT INTO stock_prices (ticker, last_updated, price, volume) VALUES(%s, NOW(), %s, %s); """ cur.execute(sql, (ticker, price, volume)) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) log_failure(ticker, 'stock_prices', 'Fix bad price', e) finally: conn.commit() conn.close()
def create_view(sql): try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(sql) print(e) finally: conn.close()
def delete_request(ticker): """Delete the request from request table""" conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ DELETE FROM stock_requests sr WHERE sr.ticker = %s """ cur.execute(sql, (ticker, )) conn.commit() conn.close()
def clear_bad_requests(): """Clear bad requests""" conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ DELETE FROM stock_requests WHERE ticker in ( SELECT DISTINCT ticker FROM stock_info ) """ cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_price(ticker): """Get price for ticker for previous close""" try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() yticker = yfinance.Ticker(ticker) price_df = yticker.history(period='1d') price_df.reset_index(inplace=True) price_close = float(price_df.iloc[0]['Close']) volume = int(price_df.iloc[0]['Volume']) sql = """ INSERT INTO stock_prices (ticker, last_updated, price, volume) VALUES(%s, NOW(), %s, %s); """ cur.execute(sql, (ticker, price_close, volume)) conn.commit() # delete where last_updated != max last_updated delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM stock_prices WHERE ticker = %s AND last_updated != ( SELECT max(last_updated) FROM stock_prices WHERE ticker = %s ) """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (ticker, ticker)) except Exception as e: print(e) log_failure(ticker, 'stock_prices', 'Update Prices', e) finally: conn.commit() conn.close()
def write_changes(added, removed, view_name): """Write collection changes to DB""" try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() # write added added_sql = f""" INSERT INTO collection_changes (ticker, collection, change, date) VALUES ( %s, '{view_name}', 'Added', NOW() ) """ added_data = [(ticker, ) for ticker in added] cur.executemany(added_sql, added_data) conn.commit() removed_sql = f""" INSERT INTO collection_changes (ticker, collection, change, date) VALUES ( %s, '{view_name}', 'Removed', NOW() ) """ removed_data = [(ticker, ) for ticker in removed] cur.executemany(removed_sql, removed_data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) finally: conn.close()
def populate_tickers(): """Populate index_tickers table""" sql = """INSERT INTO index_tickers (ticker, "name", active, last_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, 1, NOW()) """ conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() # delete all records from table cur.execute("DELETE FROM index_tickers WHERE 1=1") indices = [("^DJI", "Dow Jones Industrial Average"), ("^IXIC", "NASDAQ Composite"), ("^GSPC", "S&P 500"), ("^VIX", "CBOE Volatility Index")] cur.executemany(sql, indices) cur.close() conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_existing_tickers(view_name): try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = f""" SELECT ticker FROM collections WHERE collection = '{view_name}' """ cur.execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() tickers = {row[0] for row in res} except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) tickers = set() # empty set finally: conn.close() return tickers
def get_view_tickers(view_name, limit): try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = f""" SELECT ticker FROM {view_name} LIMIT {limit} """ cur.execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() tickers = {row[0] for row in res} except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) tickers = set() # empty set finally: conn.close() return tickers
def get_all_tickers(): """Get all tickers from database""" try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ select distinct ticker from collections; """ cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() tickers = [res[0] for res in results] except Exception as e: print(e) tickers = [] finally: cur.close() conn.close() return tickers
def get_index_prices(): """Get daily price and change""" # get database conn and cursor conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() # get the tickers get_tickers_sql = """ SELECT ticker, name FROM index_tickers """ cur.execute(get_tickers_sql) ticker_results = cur.fetchall() print(ticker_results) for res in ticker_results: ticker = res[0] name = res[1] try: yticker = yfinance.Ticker(ticker) info = yticker.get_info() # previous_close = info["regularMarketPreviousClose"] closes = yticker.history(period="2d") closes.reset_index(inplace=True) previous_close = closes.iloc[0]['Close'] most_recent_close = closes.iloc[1]['Close'] dollar_change = most_recent_close - previous_close decimal_change = (most_recent_close - previous_close) / previous_close delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM index_prices WHERE ticker = %s """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (ticker, )) conn.commit() sql = """ INSERT INTO index_prices ( ticker, name, date, previous_close, close, dollar_change, decimal_change ) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW(), %s, %s, %s, %s) """ cur.execute(sql, (ticker, name, previous_close, most_recent_close, dollar_change, decimal_change)) print(f"Successfully inserted data for {ticker}") conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) print(f"Processing {ticker} failed") print("Moving to next ticker") cur.close() conn.close()
def get_info(ticker): """Get info for a ticker and write to db""" try: conn = get_ps_conn() cur = conn.cursor() yticker = yfinance.Ticker(ticker) # get all the info info = yticker.get_info() # get all relevant info shortName = info.get("shortName") longName = info.get("longName") sector = info.get("sector") industry = info.get("industry") longBusinessSummary = info.get("longBusinessSummary") state = info.get("state") country = info.get("country") website = info.get("website") logo_url = info.get("logo_url") marketCap = info.get("marketCap") beta = info.get("beta") enterpriseValue = info.get("enterpriseValue") netIncomeToCommon = info.get("netIncomeToCommon") fiftyTwoWeekLow = info.get("fiftyTwoWeekLow") fiftyTwoWeekHigh = info.get("fiftyTwoWeekHigh") fiftyTwoWeekChange = info.get("52WeekChange") fiftyDayAverage = info.get("fiftyDayAverage") twoHundredDayAverage = info.get("twoHundredDayAverage") dividendRate = info.get("dividendRate") dividendYield = info.get("dividendYield") lastDividendDate = info.get("lastDividendDate") lastDividendValue = info.get("lastDividendValue") floatShares = info.get("floatShares") sharesOutstanding = info.get("sharesOutstanding") sharesShort = info.get("sharesShort") sharesShortPriorMonth = info.get("sharesShortPriorMonth") shortPercentOfFloat = info.get("shortPercentOfFloat") shortRatio = info.get("shortRatio") trailingPE = info.get("trailingPE") forwardPE = info.get("forwardPE") trailingEps = info.get("trailingEps") forwardEps = info.get("forwardEps") bookValue = info.get("bookValue") enterpriseToEbitda = info.get("enterpriseToEbitda") enterpriseToRevenue = info.get("enterpriseToRevenue") payoutRatio = info.get("payoutRatio") priceToSalesTrailing12Months = info.get("priceToSalesTrailing12Months") profitMargins = info.get("profitMargins") priceToBook = info.get("priceToBook") pegRatio = info.get("pegRatio") earningsQuarterlyGrowth = info.get("earningsQuarterlyGrowth") # additional dividend info trailingAnnualDividendYield = info.get("trailingAnnualDividendYield") trailingAnnualDividendRate = info.get("trailingAnnualDividendRate") exDividendDate = info.get("exDividendDate") # handle last lastDividendDate if lastDividendDate: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(lastDividendDate) lastDividendDate = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # handle exDividendDate if exDividendDate: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(exDividendDate) exDividendDate = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sql = """ INSERT INTO stock_info ( last_updated, ticker, "shortName", "longName", sector, industry, "longBusinessSummary", state, country, website, logo_url, "marketCap", beta, "enterpriseValue", "netIncomeToCommon", "fiftyTwoWeekLow", "fiftyTwoWeekHigh", "fiftyTwoWeekChange", "fiftyDayAverage", "twoHundredDayAverage", "dividendRate", "dividendYield", "lastDividendDate", "lastDividendValue", "floatShares", "sharesOutstanding", "sharesShort", "sharesShortPriorMonth", "shortPercentOfFloat", "shortRatio", "trailingPE", "forwardPE", "trailingEps", "forwardEps", "bookValue", "enterpriseToEbitda", "enterpriseToRevenue", "payoutRatio", "priceToSalesTrailing12Months", "profitMargins", "priceToBook", "pegRatio", "earningsQuarterlyGrowth", "trailingAnnualDividendYield", "trailingAnnualDividendRate", "exDividendDate" ) VALUES(NOW(), %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); """ cur.execute( sql, (ticker, shortName, longName, sector, industry, longBusinessSummary, state, country, website, logo_url, marketCap, beta, enterpriseValue, netIncomeToCommon, fiftyTwoWeekLow, fiftyTwoWeekHigh, fiftyTwoWeekChange, fiftyDayAverage, twoHundredDayAverage, dividendRate, dividendYield, lastDividendDate, lastDividendValue, floatShares, sharesOutstanding, sharesShort, sharesShortPriorMonth, shortPercentOfFloat, shortRatio, trailingPE, forwardPE, trailingEps, forwardEps, bookValue, enterpriseToEbitda, enterpriseToRevenue, payoutRatio, priceToSalesTrailing12Months, profitMargins, priceToBook, pegRatio, earningsQuarterlyGrowth, trailingAnnualDividendYield, trailingAnnualDividendRate, exDividendDate)) conn.commit() delete_sql = """ DELETE FROM stock_info WHERE ticker = %s AND last_updated != ( SELECT max(last_updated) FROM stock_info WHERE ticker = %s ) """ cur.execute(delete_sql, (ticker, ticker)) except Exception as e: print(e) log_failure(ticker, 'stock_info', 'Update Info', e) finally: conn.commit() conn.close()