class ManageRooms(QWidget): """ Summary: This class will display the manage rooms window """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: Fix table so that it only has entries for how many devices are in each room # TODO: Make add and remove device functions. # TODO: Add function to count devices based on room in db_interface self.path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(self.path) # Connects the application to the database self.db = Database() self.db.connectToDatabase() # Initiates a layout and a tree widget self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.roomTree = QTreeWidget() self.roomTree.setHeaderLabels(["Bedrooms"]) self.populateTable() self.buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.addDevice = QPushButton("Add Device") self.removeButton = QPushButton("Remove Device") self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.addDevice) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.removeButton) self.addDevice.clicked.connect(self.deviceAdd) self.removeButton.clicked.connect(self.deviceRemove) # Adds the dock widget to the main layout for the manage room plane self.layout.addWidget(self.roomTree) self.layout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) def populateTable(self): """ Summary: Since this table will be updated regularly via adding and removing devices, it is given its own function which first destroys the table then rebuilds it from the top """ rooms = self.db.getRooms() self.roomTree.clear() for room in range(0, len(rooms)): roomName = rooms[room][0] root = QTreeWidgetItem(self.roomTree, [roomName]) devices = self.db.getDevices(roomName) # Adds all of the devices to the room specific tree for dev in range(0, len(devices)): deviceName = devices[dev][0] child = QTreeWidgetItem(root, [deviceName]) self.roomTree.expandAll() #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Device add functions def deviceAdd(self): """ """ # Add to Custom Dialog class newAddition = QDialog() dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(newAddition) # Widget for the access combo box self.accessBox = QComboBox() self.accessBox.setEditable(False) # Gets rooms from the database and adds them to the combo box rooms = self.db.getRooms() for room_index in range(0, self.db.countRooms()[0]): self.accessBox.addItem(rooms[room_index][0]) self.deviceName = QLineEdit() self.deviceImportance = QLineEdit() self.devicePurpose = QLineEdit() # Form for the user to enter in new device information formLayout = QFormLayout() formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Device Name"), self.deviceName) formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Device Importance"), self.deviceImportance) formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Device Purpose"), self.devicePurpose) formLayout.addRow(QLabel("Device Location"), self.accessBox) # Adds the okay and cancel button at the bottom QBtn = QDialogButtonBox.Ok buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QBtn) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) dialogLayout.addLayout(formLayout) dialogLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) newAddition.setWindowTitle("Add Device") newAddition.exec_() def accept(self): """ Summary: Loads new device information into the database """ # adds the device to the database self.db.addDevice(self.deviceName.text(), self.devicePurpose.text(), self.deviceImportance.text(), self.accessBox.currentText()) self.db.commitChanges() self.populateTable() # Logs the new addition"Added new device: {}".format(self.deviceName.text())) # Clears the from on the add button dialog self.deviceName.setText("") self.deviceImportance.setText("") self.devicePurpose.setText("") self.accessBox.setCurrentIndex(0) #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Device Remove Functions def deviceRemove(self): """ Summary: Displays a table of ever device for users to remove """ removeDeviceDialog = QDialog() dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(removeDeviceDialog) devices = self.db.getDevices() deviceCount = len(devices) self.removeDeviceTable = QTableWidget(self.db.countDevices()[0], 5, self) self.removeDeviceTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Name", "Purpose", "Importance", "Location", "Remove"]) # Formats the table to fill up all avaliable space self.removeDeviceTable.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.ResizeMode(1)) self.removeDeviceTable.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( 4, QHeaderView.ResizeMode(2)) # Here is where all of the information is unpacked and inserted into the table for deviceIndex in range(0, deviceCount): deviceName = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(devices[deviceIndex][0])) devicePurpose = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format( devices[deviceIndex][1])) deviceImportance = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format( devices[deviceIndex][2])) deviceLocation = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format( devices[deviceIndex][3])) deviceRemove = QPushButton("Kill") self.removeDeviceTable.setItem(deviceIndex, 0, deviceName) self.removeDeviceTable.setItem(deviceIndex, 1, devicePurpose) self.removeDeviceTable.setItem(deviceIndex, 2, deviceImportance) self.removeDeviceTable.setItem(deviceIndex, 3, deviceLocation) self.removeDeviceTable.setCellWidget(deviceIndex, 4, deviceRemove) deviceRemove.clicked.connect(self.killDevice) dialogLayout.addWidget(self.removeDeviceTable) removeDeviceDialog.exec_() def killDevice(self): buttonClicked = self.sender() index = self.removeDeviceTable.indexAt(buttonClicked.pos()) deviceRow = index.row() # User name is extracted from the table then removed item = self.removeDeviceTable.item(deviceRow, 0) deviceName = item.text() self.removeDeviceTable.removeRow(deviceRow) self.db.removeDevice(deviceName) self.db.commitChanges() self.populateTable()
class ManageUsers(QWidget): #TODO: fix file path stuff """ Summary: This is the widget that will be used to manage the users in the database. There are 2 main parts to this view: The add user form and the current user table. The form is made with a form layout out and the over all layout is the grid layout. Input: None Output: None """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manageUsersLayout = QGridLayout(self) addUsersLayout = QGridLayout() self.db = Database() self.db.connectToDatabase() # TODO: Change this from relative to absolute os.chdir(self.path) os.chdir("../Facial_Recognition/dataset") #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Form layout #TODO: add additional options for time frame when guest is selected #TODO: Make the combo box only accept certain characters # Widget for the access combo box self.accessBox = QComboBox() self.accessBox.setEditable(False) # Gets rooms from the database and adds them to the combo box rooms = self.db.getRooms() for room_index in range(0, self.db.countRooms()[0]): self.accessBox.addItem(rooms[room_index][0]) self.firstName = QLineEdit() self.lastName = QLineEdit() self.bluetooth = QLineEdit() self.bluetooth.setMaxLength(12) # Layout which holds all of the user data input fields self.form = QFormLayout() self.form.addRow(QLabel("First Name"), self.firstName) self.form.addRow(QLabel("Last Name"), self.lastName) self.form.addRow(QLabel("BluetoothID"), self.bluetooth) self.form.addRow(QLabel("Access"), self.accessBox) # Connect fields self.firstName.textChanged.connect(self.enableAddUserButton) self.lastName.textChanged.connect(self.enableAddUserButton) self.bluetooth.textChanged.connect(self.enableAddUserButton) # Here is the button section of the grid layout for uploading and submitting submitUserButtonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.add = QPushButton("Add User") self.clear = QPushButton("Clear Form") self.edit = QPushButton("Change") self.add.setDisabled(True) self.add.clicked.connect(self.createUser) self.clear.clicked.connect(self.clearForm) self.edit.setDisabled(True) self.edit.clicked.connect(self.Modify) submitUserButtonLayout.addWidget(self.add) submitUserButtonLayout.addWidget(self.edit) submitUserButtonLayout.addWidget(self.clear) addUsersLayout.addLayout(self.form, 0, 0) addUsersLayout.addLayout(submitUserButtonLayout, 1, 0) #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Progress bar layout SubmitLayout = QVBoxLayout() buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.progress = QProgressBar() self.progress.setValue(0) self.progress.setTextVisible(True) self.progress.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.upload = QPushButton("Upload") self.submit = QPushButton("Submit") self.submit.setDisabled(True) self.submit.clicked.connect(self.encodeFace) self.upload.setDisabled(True) self.upload.clicked.connect(self.uploadPicutes) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.upload) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.submit) SubmitLayout.addWidget(self.progress) SubmitLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout) addUsersLayout.addLayout(SubmitLayout, 0, 1) #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table Layout # Here are all of Database interface functions needed to get the user information #TODO: code unpacking userCount = self.db.countUsers() # Creates empty table widget with headers self.userTable = QTableWidget(userCount[0] + 1, 4, self) self.userTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["User Name", "BluetoothID", "Bedroom", "Remove User"]) self.userTable.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.ResizeMode(1)) self.userTable.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( 3, QHeaderView.ResizeMode(2)) self.populateTable() #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main Layout Configuration widgetTitle = QLabel("Manage Users") widgetTitle.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) manageUsersLayout.addWidget(widgetTitle, 0, 0) manageUsersLayout.addLayout(addUsersLayout, 1, 0) manageUsersLayout.addWidget(self.userTable, 2, 0) def enableAddUserButton(self): """ Summary: This function is used to activated both the add user and upload button only when the form is filled out. """ # Determines if the form fields are empty or not validfirstName = self.firstName.text() != "" validLastName = self.lastName.text() != "" validBluetooth = self.bluetooth.text() != "" # Checks to see if the length for the bluetooth is correct if len(self.bluetooth.text()) != 12: validBluetooth = False # Activates the upload picture and add user button self.add.setEnabled(validBluetooth and validfirstName and validLastName) self.upload.setEnabled(validBluetooth and validfirstName and validLastName) def createUser(self): """ Summary: Here is where the python script will add all of the user info to both the data base and a directory for pictures to be stored. """ # Gets the users information from the database users = self.db.getUsers() # Gets the data from the form. name = self.firstName.text() + "_" + self.lastName.text() bluetooth = self.bluetooth.text() access = self.accessBox.currentText() # Formats the bluetooth ID into its proper form bluetooth = bluetooth.upper() bluetooth = ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(bluetooth[::2], bluetooth[1::2])) # Checks to see if user already exists in the database flag = True for userIndex in range(0, len(users)): if name in users[userIndex]: flag = False # If user does exit, the flag is tripped skipping this and erroring out if flag: os.chdir(self.path) os.chdir("../Facial_Recognition/dataset") # TODO: add path which is not a relative path # Enters data information into the database self.db.addUser(name, bluetooth, access) self.db.commitChanges() # Enters new data into table view self.populateTable() # Clears the form self.clearForm() # Added user documented in log"{} added to application".format(name)) if access != "Guest": try: # Creates a directory for the users pictures if they are not a guest os.mkdir("{}".format(name)) except OSError as error: # An error dialog is brought up telling the user what went wrong logging.warning( "Could not create directory. \n\tError:\n\t{}".format( error)) dlg = CustomDialogs("already_Exists", "{}".format(error)) dlg.exec_() self.clearForm() else: logging.warning( "Could not create directory. \n\tError:\n\tDuplicate Entry") dlg = CustomDialogs("already_Exists", "Duplicate Entry") dlg.exec_() self.clearForm() def clearForm(self): self.firstName.setText("") self.lastName.setText("") self.bluetooth.setText("") self.accessBox.setCurrentIndex(0) self.bluetooth.setMaxLength(12) self.setProgressBar("") self.submit.setDisabled(True) def removeUser(self): #TODO: add function to remove user from face encoding # Finds the exact row of the button pressed. Thank you Sam from StackOverFlow buttonClicked = self.sender() index = self.userTable.indexAt(buttonClicked.pos()) userRow = index.row() # User name is extracted from the table then removed item = self.userTable.item(userRow, 0) userName = item.text() self.userTable.removeRow(userRow) # Users name is removed from the database. self.db.removeUser(userName) self.db.commitChanges() # Logs user removal"{} removed from database".format(userName)) # if user was perminate, their directory is removed os.chdir(self.path) os.chdir("../Facial_Recognition/dataset") path = "./{}".format(userName) try: # removes the directory of the user being removed shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) self.setProgressBar("") self.clearForm() self.encodeFace() #TODO: add re-encoding process here except OSError as error: logging.warning( "Could not remove directory. \n\tError:\n\t{}".format(error)) dlg = CustomDialogs("error", "{}".format(error)) dlg.exec_() def populateTable(self): """ Since this table is recreated every time theres an update, this function will delete the table and rebuild it. """ # Removes all of the rows currently in the table self.userTable.setRowCount(0) #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table rebuild # Gets both the users and the user count from database users = self.db.getUsers() userCount = self.db.countUsers() self.userTable.setRowCount(userCount[0]) # Gets all of the users in the database and puts the in the table for i in range(0, userCount[0]): userName = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(users[i][0])) userBluetooth = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(users[i][1])) userRoom = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(users[i][2])) self.removeButton = QPushButton("Kill") self.userTable.setItem(i, 0, userName) self.userTable.setItem(i, 1, userBluetooth) self.userTable.setItem(i, 2, userRoom) self.userTable.setCellWidget(i, 3, self.removeButton) self.removeButton.clicked.connect(self.removeUser) # Allows double clicking on rows for editing self.userTable.setEditTriggers(QTableWidget.NoEditTriggers) # Connects a double click to an edit menu self.userTable.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.editItem) def setProgressBar(self, userName): """ Summary: This is used to set the state of the progess bar for any given user NOTE: make userName "" to set the bar to neutral (0/20). """ if userName == "": self.progress.setValue(0) self.progress.setFormat("0/20") else: os.chdir(self.path) os.chdir("../Facial_Recognition/dataset/{}".format(userName)) files = len( [name for name in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(name)]) progressValue = 5 * files if progressValue >= 100: self.submit.setEnabled(True) self.progress.setValue(100) self.progress.setFormat("{}: {}/20".format(userName, files)) else: self.progress.setValue(progressValue) self.progress.setFormat("{}: {}/20".format(userName, files)) def uploadPicutes(self): """ Summary: This will have python open a camera module and take a picture of the user. Once the picture is taken, it will be saved in the users designated directory in the facial recognition site. """ userName = self.firstName.text() + "_" + self.lastName.text() os.chdir(self.path) os.chdir("../Facial_Recognition/dataset/{}".format(userName)) # Opens the camera for the user to add pictures of them selves. try: cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cv2.namedWindow("") img_counter = 0 while True: ret, frame = cv2.imshow( "User Picture add - Press ESC to Exit - Press Space to take Picture", frame) if not ret: break k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k % 256 == 27: # ESC pressed print("Escape hit, closing...") break # Takes photo when space bar is pressed. elif k % 256 == 32: # SPACE pressed img_name = "{}{}.png".format(userName, img_counter) cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame) print("{} written!".format(img_name)) img_counter += 1 cam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() self.setProgressBar(userName) except Exception as e: logging.warning("No Camera Found") dlg = CustomDialogs("camera", "{}".format(e)) dlg.exec_() def encodeFace(self): #TODO: add progress bar for this """ Summary: Once enough pictures have been uploaded, this will kick off the script in the facial recognition directory """ os.chdir(self.path)'./') def editItem(self, item): """ Summary: Here is where the form is set up for the user to be edited. NOTE: this function will no update the user in the database directly, but rather by calling another function. """ userRow = item.row() # Splits the users name into first and last name = self.userTable.item(userRow, 0).text().split("_") # Finds the index of the room in the combo box index = self.accessBox.findText(self.userTable.item(userRow, 2).text()) # Allows for the combo box to display the whole modified bluetooth ID self.bluetooth.setMaxLength(17) # Sets the Add user table to all of the self.firstName.setText(name[0]) self.lastName.setText(name[1]) self.bluetooth.setText(self.userTable.item(userRow, 1).text()) self.accessBox.setCurrentIndex(index) self.add.setDisabled(True) self.edit.setDisabled(False) self.upload.setDisabled(False) self.ORIGINAL_FIRST_NAME = name[0] self.ORIGINAL_LAST_NAME = name[1] if self.accessBox.currentText() != "Guest": self.setProgressBar(self.userTable.item(userRow, 0).text()) else: self.upload.setDisabled(True) self.setProgressBar("") def Modify(self): """ Summary: This is the function that will push the changes to the user into the database """ # Gets the current data in the fom bluetooth = self.bluetooth.text() access = self.accessBox.currentText() # gets the name of the user for editing combinedOriginalName = self.ORIGINAL_FIRST_NAME + "_" + self.ORIGINAL_LAST_NAME # removes the user from the database then readds them with the changes self.db.removeUser(combinedOriginalName) self.db.addUser(combinedOriginalName, bluetooth, access) self.db.commitChanges() # the table is re populated self.populateTable() self.clearForm()