    def runCloud(self, data):
        service = backendservices(self.user_data)
        if not service.isOneOrMoreComputeNodesRunning():
            raise Exception(
                'No cloud computing resources found. (Have they been started?)'

        # If the seed is negative, this means choose a seed >= 0 randomly
        if int(data['seed']) < 0:
            data['seed'] = random.randint(0, 2147483647)

        pymodel = self.construct_pyurdme_model(data)
        #logging.info('DATA: {0}'.format(data))
        cloud_params = {
            "job_type": "spatial",
            "simulation_algorithm": data['algorithm'],
            "simulation_realizations": data['realizations'],
            "simulation_seed": data['seed'],
            #            "bucketname" : self.user_data.getBucketName(),  #implys EC2, should be in backendservices
            "paramstring": '',

        logging.debug('cloud_params = {}'.format(pprint.pformat(cloud_params)))

        cloud_params['document'] = pickle.dumps(pymodel)
        #logging.debug('PYURDME: {0}'.format(cloud_params['document']))

        # Send the task to the backend
        cloud_result = service.submit_cloud_task(params=cloud_params)

        if not cloud_result["success"]:
            e = cloud_result["exception"]
            raise Exception("Cloud execution failed: {0}".format(e))

        celery_task_id = cloud_result["celery_pid"]
        taskid = cloud_result["db_id"]

        job = SpatialJobWrapper()
        job.type = 'PyURDME Ensemble'
        job.user_id = self.user.user_id()
        job.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
        job.name = data["jobName"]
        job.indata = json.dumps(data)
        job.outData = None  # This is where the data should be locally, when we get data from cloud, it must be put here
        job.modelName = pymodel.name
        job.resource = cloud_result['resource']
        job.cloudDatabaseID = taskid
        job.celeryPID = celery_task_id
        job.status = "Running"
        job.output_stored = "True"

        return job
    def runCloud(self, data):
        service = backendservices(self.user_data)
        if not service.isOneOrMoreComputeNodesRunning():
            raise Exception('No cloud computing resources found. (Have they been started?)')

        # If the seed is negative, this means choose a seed >= 0 randomly
        if int(data['seed']) < 0:
            data['seed'] = random.randint(0, 2147483647)

        pymodel = self.construct_pyurdme_model(data)
        #logging.info('DATA: {0}'.format(data))
        cloud_params = {
            "job_type": "spatial",
            "simulation_algorithm" : data['algorithm'],
            "simulation_realizations" : data['realizations'],
            "simulation_seed" : data['seed'],
#            "bucketname" : self.user_data.getBucketName(),  #implys EC2, should be in backendservices
            "paramstring" : '',

        logging.debug('cloud_params = {}'.format(pprint.pformat(cloud_params)))

        cloud_params['document'] = pickle.dumps(pymodel)
        #logging.debug('PYURDME: {0}'.format(cloud_params['document']))

        # Send the task to the backend
        cloud_result = service.submit_cloud_task(params=cloud_params)

        if not cloud_result["success"]:
            e = cloud_result["exception"]
            raise Exception("Cloud execution failed: {0}".format(e))
        celery_task_id = cloud_result["celery_pid"]
        taskid = cloud_result["db_id"]

        job = SpatialJobWrapper()
        job.type = 'PyURDME Ensemble'
        job.user_id = self.user.user_id()
        job.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
        job.name = data["jobName"]
        job.indata = json.dumps(data)
        job.outData = None  # This is where the data should be locally, when we get data from cloud, it must be put here
        job.modelName = pymodel.name
        job.resource = cloud_result['resource']
        job.cloudDatabaseID = taskid
        job.celeryPID = celery_task_id
        job.status = "Running"
        job.output_stored = "True"

        return job