def generate_piechart(): pie_colors = [] i = 0 labels = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['currency_name_short'], False, None) values_crypto_qty = [] values_price_per_coin = [] for label in labels: values_crypto_qty.append( db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['quantity_of_currency_acquired'], False, label)[0]) # quantity of crypto values_price_per_coin.append( db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['CAD_price_latest'], False, label)[0]) #latest price pie_colors.append(graph_colors[i]) i = i + 1 if i >= len(graph_colors): i = 0 values = [] values = [c * d for c, d in zip(values_crypto_qty, values_price_per_coin)] if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GENERATE_PIECHART [ values ] :", values) return dcc.Graph( id="piechart", figure={ "data": [{ "labels": labels, "values": values, "type": "pie", "marker": { "colors": pie_colors, "line": { "color": "white", "width": 4 } }, "hoverinfo": "label", "textinfo": "label", }], "layout": { "margin": dict(l=20, r=20, t=20, b=20), "uirevision": True, "showlegend": True, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "font": { "color": colors['black'] }, "autosize": True, }, }, )
def display_output(value, variation_time_period): if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] DISPLAY_OUTPUT [picker]: ", value) if value is not None: # get price since value from historical_data_table db_operations.get_price_variation(value) # save return value to purchase_history_table # get values from wanted column (hard coded sqlite function) columns = [] columns = db_operations.get_columns('purchase_history_table') # find and replace column names with readable values for id, column in enumerate(columns): if column == 'currency_name_long': columns[id] = 'Currency' elif column == 'CAD_price_at_purchase': columns[id] = 'Price at purchase' elif column == 'CAD_price_latest': columns[id] = 'Latest Price' elif column == 'quantity_of_currency_acquired': columns[id] = 'Quantity of coins owned' elif column == 'acquisition_date': columns[id] = 'Date acquired' elif column == 'price_variation': columns[id] = 'Price variation since {selection}'.format( selection=value) # remove element containing '_' from column list columns = [x for x in columns if "_" not in x] data = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', [ 'currency_name_long', 'CAD_price_at_purchase', 'CAD_price_latest', 'quantity_of_currency_acquired', 'acquisition_date', 'price_variation' ], True, None) return ({"selected_rows": data}, {"selected_columns": columns})
def render_content(tab): labels = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['currency_name_short'], False, None) if tab == 'tab-1-example': y_values = [] label_list = [] i = 0 bars_colors = [] for label in labels: if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] render_content [label] : ", label) quantity_of_currency = db_operations.query_database( 'purchase_history_table', ['quantity_of_currency_acquired'], False, label) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] render_content [quantity_of_currency] : ", quantity_of_currency) CAD_price_latest = db_operations.query_database( 'purchase_history_table', ['CAD_price_latest'], False, label) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] render_content [CAD_price_latest] : ", CAD_price_latest) y_value = quantity_of_currency[0] * CAD_price_latest[0] y_values.append("{0:.2f}".format(y_value)) label_list.append(label) bars_colors.append(graph_colors[i]) i = i + 1 if i >= len(graph_colors): i = 0 fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Bar(x=label_list, y=y_values, name=label, marker={'color': bars_colors})) fig.update_layout(graph_bar_style) return html.Div([ html.H3( 'Assets', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['yellow'], 'backgroundColor': colors['background_element'] }, ), dcc.Graph(id='graph-1-tabs', figure=fig) ]) elif tab == 'tab-2-example': x_dates = [] y_values = [] label_list = [] bar_colors = [] times = ['7 day', '1 month', '6 months', 'All'] for label in labels: results = db_operations.query_database('historical_data_table', ['timestamp_strftime'], False, label) for result in results: label_list.append(label) x_dates.append(result) results = db_operations.query_database('historical_data_table', ['CAD_price'], False, label) qty_acq = db_operations.query_database( 'purchase_history_table', ['quantity_of_currency_acquired'], False, label) date_acq = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['acquisition_date'], False, label) temp_date_acq = [] for date in date_acq: temp_date_acq.append(datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d %Y')) i = 0 sum = 0 if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [Quantity acquired]: ", qty_acq) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [Date acquired]: ", date_acq) for result in results: print(x_dates[i]) if datetime.strptime(x_dates[i], '%Y-%m-%d') in temp_date_acq: if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [Date specified]: ", datetime.strptime(x_dates[i], '%Y-%m-%d')) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [indexes]: ", temp_date_acq) indexes = [ i2 for i2, v in enumerate(temp_date_acq) if v <= datetime.strptime(x_dates[i], '%Y-%m-%d') ] # get indexes of date_acq where date of list is larger (past) date qty_acquired if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [indexes]: ", indexes) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [quantity list]: ", qty_acq) sum = 0 for temp_indexes in indexes: sum = sum + qty_acq[temp_indexes] if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [Sum]: ", sum) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] GET_PRICE_VARIATION [Final Sum --> ]: ", sum) if sum == 0: sum = qty_acq[0] y_value = result * sum #y_value=result*qty_acq[0] y_values.append("{0:.2f}".format(y_value)) i = i + 1 print(label) print(len(y_values)) print(len(x_dates)) for y, x in zip(y_values, x_dates): print("Y: " + str(y) + "| Date: " + str(x)) fig = px.line(dict(Currency=label_list, Value=y_values, time=x_dates), x='time', y='Value', color='Currency') fig.update_traces(mode='markers+lines') fig.update_layout(graph_style) return html.Div([ html.H3( 'Historical data', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['yellow'], 'backgroundColor': colors['background_element'], }, ), dcc.Graph(id='graph-2-tabs', figure=fig) ])
def update_output(submit_to_db_button, currency_picker, date, acquisition_price_input, amount_acquired_input): global write_to_database_list if submit_to_db_button: if date is not None: #YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS #yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' from : #2019-12-20T23:28:06.190Z if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] update_output [date is] : ", date) try: date = datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d") except: date = datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") date_string = date.strftime('%Y-#-#T') date_string = date.strftime('%B %d %Y') if submit_to_db_button is not None: columns = [ 'currency_name_long', 'currency_name_short', 'CAD_price_at_purchase', 'CAD_price_latest', 'quantity_of_currency_acquired', 'acquisition_date', 'price_variation' ] data = [ 'str', 'str', 0.0, 0.0, 'str' ] #init the list with elements as they might get modified not orderly id = short_name_crypto_name_list.index(currency_picker) currency_long_name = long_name_crypto_name_list[id] data = [ currency_long_name, currency_picker, float(acquisition_price_input), 0.0, float(amount_acquired_input), date_string, 0.0 ] #Get current currency in list before adding the new one current_currency_list = db_operations.query_database( 'purchase_history_table', ['currency_name_short'], False, None) db_operations.write_to_database('purchase_history_table', columns, data) #ADD IF CURRENCY_NAME_LONG NOT IN purchase_history_table, THEN GET HISTORICAL DATA SINCE ACQUISITION DATE #current_currency_list=db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['currency_name_short'], False, None) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] UPDATA_OUTPUT [ CURRENCY LIST ] :", current_currency_list) if currency_picker not in current_currency_list: #get historical data ticker = currency_picker + '-' + db_operations.parameters[ 'convert'] #today = #end_date = date(today.year, today.month, end_date = if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] UPDATA_OUTPUT [ CURRENCY LIST ] :", ticker) db_operations.Get_Historical_data(ticker, currency_picker, currency_long_name, date_string, end_date) return [ 'The purchase of {} {} for {} $ on {} has successfully been added to the database. Please reload the page.' .format(amount_acquired_input, currency_picker, acquisition_price_input, date_string) ] else: return ['']
def total_folio_value(): total_asset_list = [] total_profit_list = [] value_latest = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['CAD_price_latest'], False, None) print("Value latest: ", value_latest) value_purchase = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['CAD_price_at_purchase'], False, None) print("Value value_purchase: ", value_purchase) total_coin = db_operations.query_database( 'purchase_history_table', ['quantity_of_currency_acquired'], False, None) print("Value latest: ", total_coin) test = db_operations.query_database('purchase_history_table', ['price_variation'], False, None) profit = [ value_latest_i - value_purchase_i for value_latest_i, value_purchase_i in zip(value_latest, value_purchase) ] print("Value profits: ", profit) for id, column in enumerate(value_latest): if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] total_folio_value []: ID: ", id, " value: ", column, " latest value ", value_latest[id], " value fluctuation ", profit[id], " portfolio value: ", value_latest[id] * total_coin[id], " folio Gain: ", profit[id] * total_coin[id]) total_asset_list.append(value_latest[id] * total_coin[id]) total_profit_list.append(profit[id] * total_coin[id]) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] total_folio_value []: Total profits: ", sum(total_profit_list)) if db_operations.DEBUG_FLAG is True: print("[", db_operations.lineno(), "] total_folio_value []: Total value : ", sum(total_asset_list)) total_asset = "{0:.2f}".format(sum(total_asset_list)) total_profit = "{0:.2f}".format(sum(total_profit_list)) secondline = "You have " + str(total_asset) if sum(total_profit_list) > 0: finalline = "Up " + str(sum(test)) else: total_profit = "{0:.2f}".format(-1 * sum(total_profit_list)) finalline = "Down " + str(total_profit) return html.Div(children=[ html.H1( 'Welcome', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['yellow'], }, ), html.H2( secondline, style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['yellow'], }, ), html.H2( finalline, style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['yellow'], }, ) ])