def del_one(self, table, filter={}, fail_on_empty=True): try: collection = self.db[table] rows = collection.delete_one(self._format_filter(filter)) if rows.deleted_count == 0: if fail_on_empty: raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return None return {"deleted": rows.deleted_count} except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def set_one(self, table, filter, update_dict, fail_on_empty=True): try: collection = self.db[table] rows = collection.update_one(self._format_filter(filter), {"$set": update_dict}) if rows.matched_count == 0: if fail_on_empty: raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return None return {"modified": rows.modified_count} except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def replace(self, table, id, indata, fail_on_empty=True): try: _filter = {"_id": id} collection = self.db[table] rows = collection.replace_one(_filter, indata) if rows.matched_count == 0: if fail_on_empty: raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], _filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return None return {"replaced": rows.modified_count} except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def get_one(self, table, filter={}, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True): try: l = None for _, row in self._find(table, self._format_filter(filter)): if not fail_on_more: return deepcopy(row) if l: raise DbException("Found more than one entry with filter='{}'".format(filter), HTTPStatus.CONFLICT.value) l = row if not l and fail_on_empty: raise DbException("Not found entry with filter='{}'".format(filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return deepcopy(l) except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def create(self, table, indata): try: collection = self.db[table] data = collection.insert_one(indata) return data.inserted_id except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def del_list(self, table, filter={}): try: collection = self.db[table] rows = collection.delete_many(self._format_filter(filter)) return {"deleted": rows.deleted_count} except DbException: raise except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def get_list(self, table, filter={}): try: l = [] for _, row in self._find(table, self._format_filter(filter)): l.append(deepcopy(row)) return l except DbException: raise except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def get_one(self, table, filter={}, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True): try: if filter: filter = self._format_filter(filter) collection = self.db[table] if not (fail_on_empty and fail_on_more): return collection.find_one(filter) rows = collection.find(filter) if rows.count() == 0: if fail_on_empty: raise DbException("Not found any {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return None elif rows.count() > 1: if fail_on_more: raise DbException("Found more than one {} with filter='{}'".format(table[:-1], filter), HTTPStatus.CONFLICT) return rows[0] except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def create(self, table, indata): try: id = indata.get("_id") if not id: id = str(uuid4()) indata["_id"] = id if table not in self.db: self.db[table] = [] self.db[table].append(deepcopy(indata)) return id except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def get_list(self, table, filter={}): try: l = [] collection = self.db[table] rows = collection.find(self._format_filter(filter)) for row in rows: l.append(row) return l except DbException: raise except Exception as e: # TODO refine raise DbException(str(e))
def _format_filter(filter): try: db_filter = {} for query_k, query_v in filter.items(): dot_index = query_k.rfind(".") if dot_index > 1 and query_k[dot_index + 1:] in ( "eq", "ne", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "cont", "ncont", "neq"): operator = "$" + query_k[dot_index + 1:] if operator == "$neq": operator = "$nq" k = query_k[:dot_index] else: operator = "$eq" k = query_k v = query_v if isinstance(v, list): if operator in ("$eq", "$cont"): operator = "$in" v = query_v elif operator in ("$ne", "$ncont"): operator = "$nin" v = query_v else: v = query_v.join(",") if operator in ("$eq", "$cont"): # v cannot be a comma separated list, because operator would have been changed to $in db_filter[k] = v elif operator == "$ncount": # v cannot be a comma separated list, because operator would have been changed to $nin db_filter[k] = {"$ne": v} else: # maybe db_filter[k] exist. e.g. in the query string for values between 5 and 8: "" if k not in db_filter: db_filter[k] = {} db_filter[k][operator] = v return db_filter except Exception as e: raise DbException( "Invalid query string filter at {}:{}. Error: {}".format( query_k, v, e), http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
def db_connect(self, config): try: if "logger_name" in config: self.logger = logging.getLogger(config["logger_name"]) self.client = MongoClient(config["host"], config["port"]) self.db = self.client[config["name"]] if "loglevel" in config: self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config['loglevel'])) # get data to try a connection now = time() while True: try: self.db.users.find_one({"username": "******"}) return except errors.ConnectionFailure as e: if time() - now >= self.conn_initial_timout: raise"Waiting to database up {}".format(e)) sleep(2) except errors.PyMongoError as e: raise DbException(str(e))