	def handleInitiate(torId, displayName):
		'''We have requested contact with another id, so we can set up
		this new contact's name with a status of "requested"'''
		# TODO: If row already exists then get status (and name/displayname) and error with it
		# Add new row in db with id, name and "requested"
		if torId and torId != DbClient.getOwnTorId():
			DbClient.updateContact(torId, {'displayName':displayName, 'name':displayName,
	def servePage(self, view, url, params):
		print("Special function:", url)
		if url == "/selectprofilepic":
			# Get home directory for file dialog
			homedir = os.path.expanduser("~/")
			fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(view, I18nManager.getText("gui.dialogtitle.openimage"),
				homedir, I18nManager.getText("gui.fileselection.filetypes.jpg"))
			if fname:
				view.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript("updateProfilePic('" + fname + "');")
		elif url == "/friendstorm":
			if not DbClient.hasFriends():
				view.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript("window.alert('No friends :(');")
			# Launch a storm
			self.bs = Brainstorm(I18nManager.getText("contacts.storm.title"))
			storm = Storm()
			# Build up Nodes and Edges using our contact list and if possible our friends' contact lists
			myTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
			friends = {}
			friendsOfFriends = {}
			for c in DbClient.getContactList():
				#print("Contact:", c['torid'], "'", c['displayName'], "'")
				nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId()
				torid = c['torid']
				friends[torid] = nodeid
				storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, c['displayName']))
				friendsOfFriends[torid] = c.get('contactlist', "")
			for torid in friends:
				if torid != myTorId:
					storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[myTorId])
			for torid in friendsOfFriends:
				if torid != myTorId:
					ffList = friendsOfFriends[torid]
					if ffList:
						for ff in ffList.split(","):
							if ff and len(ff) > 16:
								ffTorid = ff[:16]
								ffName = ff[16:]
								if ffTorid != myTorId:
									if not friends.get(ffTorid, None):
										# Friend's friend is not in the list yet - add it
										nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId()
										friends[ffTorid] = nodeid
										storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, ffName))
									# Add edge from torid to ffTorid
									storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[ffTorid])

	def generateListPage(self, doEdit=False, userid=None, extraParams=None):
		self.requirePageResources(['avatar-none.jpg', 'status-self.png', 'status-requested.png', 'status-untrusted.png', 'status-trusted.png'])
		# List of contacts, and show details for the selected one (or self if userid=None)
		selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile(userid)
		if selectedprofile is None:
			selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile()
		userid = selectedprofile['torid']
		ownPage = userid == DbClient.getOwnTorId()

		# Build list of contacts
		userboxes = []
		for p in DbClient.getContactList():
			box = Bean()
			box.dispName = p['displayName']
			box.torid = p['torid']
			box.tilestyle = "contacttile" + ("selected" if p['torid'] == userid else "")
			box.status = p['status']
			box.isonline = Contacts.isOnline(box.torid)
		# expand templates using current details
		lefttext = self.listtemplate.getHtml({'webcachedir' : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'contacts' : userboxes})
		pageProps = {"webcachedir" : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'person':selectedprofile}
		# Add extra parameters if necessary
		if extraParams:

		# See which contacts we have in common with this person
		(sharedContactIds, possIdsForThem, possIdsForMe, nameMap) = ContactMaker.getSharedAndPossibleContacts(userid)
		sharedContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(sharedContactIds, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"sharedcontacts" : sharedContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForThem, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforthem" : possibleContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForMe, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforme" : possibleContacts})

		# Which template to use depends on whether we're just showing or also editing
		if doEdit:
			# Use two different details templates, one for self and one for others
			detailstemplate = self.editowndetailstemplate if ownPage else self.editdetailstemplate
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)
			detailstemplate = self.detailstemplate  # just show
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)

		contents = self.buildTwoColumnPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"),
			'leftColumn' : lefttext,
			'rightColumn' : righttext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
		return contents
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Use the stored fields to pack the payload contents together'''
		if self.senderKey is None: self.senderKey = self.getOwnPublicKey()
		# Get own torid and name
		if not self.senderId: self.senderId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		if not self.senderName:
			self.senderName = DbClient.getProfile(None).get('name', self.senderId)
		if not self.introMessage: self.introMessage = ""
		nameAsBytes = self.senderName.encode('utf-8')
		messageAsBytes = self.introMessage.encode('utf-8')
		print("Packing contact request with senderId", self.senderId)
		return self.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(nameAsBytes), 4),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(messageAsBytes), 4),
	def getSharedAndPossibleContacts(torid):
		'''Check which contacts we share with the given torid and which ones we could recommend to each other'''
		nameMap = {}
		ourContactIds = set()
		trustedContactIds = set()
		theirContactIds = set()
		# Get our id so we can exclude it from the sets
		myTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		if torid == myTorId:
			return (None, None, None, None)
		# Find the contacts of the specified person
		selectedProfile = DbClient.getProfile(torid, False)
		selectedContacts = selectedProfile.get('contactlist', None) if selectedProfile else None
		if selectedContacts:
			for s in selectedContacts.split(","):
				if s and len(s) >= 16:
					foundid = s[0:16]
					if foundid != myTorId:
						foundName = s[16:]
						nameMap[foundid] = foundName
		foundTheirContacts = len(theirContactIds) > 0
		# Now get information about our contacts
		for c in DbClient.getMessageableContacts():
			foundid = c['torid']
			if c['status'] == 'trusted' and foundid != torid:
			nameMap[foundid] = c.get('displayName', c.get('name', None))
			# Should we check the contact information too?
			if not foundTheirContacts:
				foundContacts = c.get('contactlist', None)
				if foundContacts:
					for s in foundContacts.split(","):
						if s[0:16] == torid:
		# Now we have three sets of torids: our contacts, our trusted contacts, and their contacts.
		sharedContactIds = ourContactIds.intersection(theirContactIds) # might be empty
		suggestionsForThem = trustedContactIds.difference(theirContactIds)
		possibleForMe = theirContactIds.difference(ourContactIds)

		# Some or all of these sets may be empty, but we still return the map so we can look up names
		return (sharedContactIds, suggestionsForThem, possibleForMe, nameMap)
	def servePage(self, view, url, params):
		print("Compose: %s, params %s" % (url, ",".join(params)))
		if url == "/start":
			parentHash = params.get("reply", None)
			recpts = params.get("sendto", None)
			# Build list of contacts to whom we can send
			userboxes = []
			for p in DbClient.getMessageableContacts():
				box = Bean()
				box.dispName = p['displayName']
				box.torid = p['torid']
			pageParams = {"contactlist":userboxes, "parenthash" : parentHash if parentHash else "",
						 "webcachedir":Config.getWebCacheDir(), "recipientids":recpts}
			contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("composemessage.title"),
				'pageBody' : self.composetemplate.getHtml(pageParams),
				'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
			# If we've got no friends, then warn, can't send to anyone
			if not DbClient.hasFriends():
				view.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript("window.alert('No friends :(');")

		elif url == "/send":
			print("Submit new message with params:", params)
			msgBody = params['messagebody']  # TODO: check body isn't empty, throw an exception?
			parentHash = params.get("parenthash", None)
			recpts = params['sendto']
			# Make a corresponding message object and pass it on
			msg = message.RegularMessage(sendTo=recpts, messageBody=msgBody, replyToHash=parentHash)
			msg.recipients = recpts.split(",")
			# Save a copy of the sent message
			sentMessage = {"messageType":"normal", "fromId":DbClient.getOwnTorId(),
				"messageBody":msgBody, "timestamp":msg.timestamp, "messageRead":True,
				"messageReplied":False, "recipients":recpts, "parentHash":parentHash}
			# Close window after successful send
			contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("messages.title"),
				'pageBody' : self.closingtemplate.getHtml(),
				'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
	def getOwnTorId():
		if not MessageShuffler.ownTorId:
			MessageShuffler.ownTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		return MessageShuffler.ownTorId
	def _createUnencryptedPayload(self):
		if self.senderId is None:
			self.senderId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		return self.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(self.messageType, 1),
			self.senderId, self._createSubpayload()])
	def handleDeleteContact(torId):
		'''For whatever reason, we don't trust this contact any more, so status is set to "deleted"'''
		if torId and torId != DbClient.getOwnTorId():
			DbClient.updateContact(torId, {"status" : "deleted"})
	def handleReceiveDeny(torId):
		'''We have requested contact with another id, but this has been denied.
		So we need to update their status accordingly'''
		if torId and torId != DbClient.getOwnTorId():
			DbClient.updateContact(torId, {"status" : "deleted"})
	def generateAddPage(self):
		'''Build the form page for adding a new user, using the template'''
		bodytext = self.addtemplate.getHtml({"owntorid" : DbClient.getOwnTorId()})
		return self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"),
			'pageBody' : bodytext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})